Seeing Bai Wuhou again, his appearance was very surprising.

It was obvious that they had just separated not long ago, and the protracted wheel battle should have left tens of thousands of scars on his body... However, that messy appearance with disheveled hair and ragged clothes seemed to have become a phantom that never existed.

Today's Bai Wuhou has a meticulous gray robe, a crystal-clear red jade crown, a face as smooth as jade, and an even taller and taller figure. In this small cave, he seems to stand tall and tall, making people unconsciously bow and kneel in shame.

Seeing Bai Wuhou looking like this, Lu Zhiyao couldn't help but smile.

"It's full of ritual, Ming Zong. It's just a matter of using the few remaining mysteries of the old immortal law to make a momentary [rebirth]. Even the outfit has been changed into a brand new one... How much do you still have of that gray robe?" Exactly the same?"

Bai Wuhou ignored Lu Zhiyao's teasing, but relied on his tall figure to look down at his opponent, using every ounce of caution to scrutinize him to ensure that there was no possibility of surprise.

However, just when he had roughly come to a conclusion in his mind, he heard Lu Zhiyao change the subject.

"Speaking of it, I came from the three great real immortal families who secretly colluded to form a private immortal law. Almost everything your Bai family did was not what I expected, but...fourth uncle Bai Jingya, haha, your Bai family surprised me. Contributed a great joke. Seriously, before today, did Bai Cheng know his fourth uncle who was sympathetic to his adoptive father? He also said that he was estranged from his parents and was cared for by his fourth uncle... You can really bully someone into silence. Bai Cheng has always respected her biological parents the most and would go to their graves every year to pay homage to them. For hundreds of years, even if she didn't want to ascend to the immortal world, she still had this consideration. But now, her parents' graves should be buried. Have you already settled it? It’s a trick of forcibly distorting cognition. It’s very taboo for the person involved to get caught up in the situation and reveal flaws..."

Ming Zong remained silent, but frowned slightly, as if he was confused.

Lu Zhiyao asked with a smile: "Do you want to ask me, since you already knew all this, why didn't you expose it on the spot? Because, since you dare to expose such an obvious flaw, you must have compiled a full set of background settings, etc. Let me argue. Your surname is Bai, but my surname is Lu. How can I compete with you for the right to say that Bai Jingya is her fourth uncle? You can make up as much evidence as you want. The evidence in my hand is just the memories of countless night conversations between the sisters during the Lingshan period, and they are just empty words, so why should I rely on them?"

After a pause, Lu Zhiyao shook her head and said with a smile: "Besides, there is no need to expose this matter at all. I asked myself, even if Bai Jingya was really Bai Cheng's fourth uncle, wouldn't I have killed him that day? Haha, Of course I want to kill him. Based on what he did in Yanwu, it is really cheap to kill him with a sword. And I am just a mortal in Yanwu, killing a member of the real immortal family - although strictly speaking, Bai Jingya is just an ordinary person. Senior - it is tantamount to violating Bai Cheng's big taboo. As for whether the Bai family is her distant relatives or close neighbors, there is actually no essential difference. In the final analysis, the root of the conflict between me and Bai Cheng is not human rights and wrongs, but the stance of immortals. Since she finally made up her mind to stand on the side of Desolation, my break with her is inevitable. But... Ming Zong, I have a question. Since you can distort Bai Cheng's cognition, let her. If she recognizes her thief as her father, why not simply delete everything about me in her memory and treat me directly as the family's number one enemy? Wouldn't it be better if she doesn't fight to death? You are willing to completely break up with me, and you are still dreaming about persuading me to surrender... If I really surrender, I'm afraid you will have a headache. That's why Ming Zong, you, took advantage of Bai Cheng's departure and dressed up like a groom to block me. The intentions here are evil, because you can’t bear my surrender.”

Lu Zhiyao's question did not receive a response.

Bai Wuhou remained silent, but his right hand hanging by his waist trembled slightly, as if he was surprised by Lu Zhiyao's keenness, and also seemed uneasy about the accident that was about to happen.

Afterwards, Lu Zhiyao seemed to have expected Bai Wuhou's silence, and asked and answered: "Because you can't do it. Using the Immortal Law to forcibly distort the cognition of a true immortal is a power that can only be possessed after the Immortal Law is perfected. And you three aristocratic families have searched through the heavenly inheritance, but you have never been able to make the new Immortal Law in your hands inherit the orthodoxy and complete the merits. Therefore, you can only try your best to use folk remedies to supplement the Immortal Law and make up for it with thousands of good and supreme pure things. There are so many holes that people who are under the Immortal Law can't bear it, and their body and mind become deformed, and even their body explodes and they die tragically! The aura of the majestic palace is also polluted by evil poison, and Bai Cheng is your most cherished tonic of the Immortal Law. Her innate magical power is best at moving people's hearts through cause and effect. If combined with the fairy law in your hands that emphasizes the relationship between king and minister, father and son, and superior and subordinate, you can create a ruler who will never be easy, all living beings will be willing to be dogs and horses, and the world will be eternally peaceful. The prosperous age of the Immortal Family."

“Unfortunately, Bai Cheng has always had doubts about this magnificent scenery and is unwilling to fully accept the grace of the immortal law, let alone integrate his own magical powers into the immortal law. As for this person who is so good, you originally planned to take it slowly, but now the situation on the front line is changing rapidly, and you can't wait for Bai Cheng to be convinced, so even if it will damage the integrity of the immortal law in the future, you are still eager to force Bai Cheng to submit. Unfortunately, a forced melon is never sweet. Although Bai Cheng has always been unwilling to ascend, she has always respected the rules set by the immortal ancestor Chicheng. Forcing such a rebellious child to integrate into your twisted new immortal law will inevitably be twice as effective and half as hard. Therefore, not only did the immortal law become more broken and deviate from the old law, but even Bai Cheng could not control it freely. You could only rely on some tricks of recognizing the thief as the father, and forced her to come to me with deceptions and tricks, and let her kill the girl I cherished, making the conflict between us irreversible. In fact, it should be said that you did a good job. Bai Cheng and I did break up, and Bai Cheng did help you fill in a key link of the immortal law. But your weakness and incompetence were also exposed. The so-called heavenly immortal law is nothing but a wasteland, pathetic and ridiculous. "Hearing this, Bai Wuhou finally couldn't hold back and spoke for the first time. "You are the pathetic and ridiculous person! What do you know about the Heavenly Court? What immortal laws have you seen?! A young man who has only been immortal for a hundred days dares to speak so arrogantly and discuss the immortal laws. How ridiculous!? Do you know that this great catastrophe of heaven and earth is precisely because the old immortal laws of the Immortal Ancestor are no longer sustainable. No matter how hard the immortals try to maintain them, they will eventually collapse!? The immortal laws dissipated, the Heavenly Court fell, and most of the immortals died. The people of the Nine Provinces suffered. The survivors either held on to the remaining laws in their arms and struggled to survive, hoping that everything could return to the time before the catastrophe. Or they acted recklessly and used their magical powers, just like the prehistoric witch beasts who only follow their own way... Only the three major families are willing to join forces to re-establish the Heavenly Court, re-establish order, and lay the foundation for the great cause of the future generations! Although this process is full of difficulties and obstacles, there is no lack of helpless compromises, and even the immortal laws are indeed riddled with holes as you said. But it is at least the only feasible way at the moment! It's fine that you are unwilling to help and are sarcastic everywhere, but now you are even standing in front of the immortal law and want to destroy this hard-won order. The so-called extraterritorial demon is just like this! "Lu Zhiyao heard this and raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Wow, Mingzong, you actually spoke? I thought you would be a silent master throughout. After the previous battle in Fenghu, you forced yourself to be reborn without careful recuperation, rushed thousands of miles to Songjiabao, and followed behind Bai Cheng, blocking me in this crack... Mingzong, your intention is written directly on your face, and you want to kill me when I am seriously injured and weak, and it is best to do it quickly. Wasting a minute more time may cause more trouble. So, what made you change your mind and suddenly start arguing with me? Is it Do you think that a man as gifted as me should know his death clearly? Or do you suddenly lose the confidence to kill and need to talk to me more to find out the truth before you have the confidence to kill? "

Bai Wuhou ignored this and continued to question: "You are extremely arrogant towards the immortal laws of the Heavenly Court, and you often call it desolate and polluted, but the laws you uphold are still castles in the air! You accuse the immortal laws of building their foundations on the flesh and blood of mortals. And isn't your ideal prosperous world based on the corpses of immortals like us? ! "

Lu Zhiyao shook her head and said: "Although I don't want to talk nonsense... but regarding the concept, I must clarify: my ideal new era never needs the corpses of immortals, but only a piece of soil that can allow all living beings to practice equally. Thousands of years later, perhaps everyone will become an immortal The real grand and beautiful scenery of the world. "

Bai Wuhou sneered: "Oh, a good one only needs! A good one thousand years later, maybe! After the catastrophe, the immortal world no longer exists, the old immortal law dissipates, the immortal way is like water without a source, a tree without a root, and even the immortal essence in the bodies of the immortals is used up a little bit... The top soul-returning array in the mortal world can only replenish the spiritual energy of the mortal world. If you use too much, you will gradually decline like you. You have only been immortal for a hundred days, and you can still endure the turbid air of the mortal world, but what about those senior immortals who have long been inseparable from the immortal spirit? ! Their only way to survive is to nourish the immortal essence with the imperial court's aura! You have dealt with the wasteland in the Jiuzhou Continent, and you have cut off the immortals' way of life! No matter how magnificent your beautiful scenery is, we can't wait for you for a thousand years! "

Lu Zhiyao nodded and said: "So I said it was an ideal, of course it is different from reality. But there is a way to overcome difficulties. You can't do without the immortal spirit and can't endure the turbid air of the mortal world... You can find a way to hibernate, you can refine preservatives for yourself, you can dehydrate yourself and then roll yourself up for preservation. Even if the immortal world does not exist and the Nine Provinces are broken, it is not impossible for the immortals to find a beautiful cold storage room to live in for a thousand years. It's just that you don't want to. Of course, I understand your reluctance, but the people of the Nine Provinces don't want to be used as food for your survival. "Bai Wuhou said angrily: "And what kind of people in the Nine Provinces are you? You have been living on the sacred mountain since you started practicing in the mortal world, inheriting the supreme Taoism left by the immortal ancestors, and you don't accept the turbid air of the world. Although you have only been immortal for a hundred days, you can openly slander the immortal law without being held accountable, and you have been favored by the immortal ancestors! You have been enjoying the benefits of immortals all your life, but now you stand on the side of the so-called sentient beings. Isn't it shameless! ? "

Lu Zhiyao's face showed surprise: "It's rare to hear you speak in such a sonorous and powerful tone... You are right, I do not actually represent all sentient beings in Jiuzhou, and now I use the banner of sentient beings to oppose you and dig up your foundation... ...Partly because I disdain to associate with you, a bunch of losers who are doomed to achieve nothing. My ideal is certainly out of reach, but your so-called ideal is about to collapse. If Tianting falls again, there is no way that Jiuzhou Continent will be able to survive again!"

Bai Wuhou said: "If the immortal is destined to perish, then there is nothing wrong with being buried with Jiuzhou Continent. Even if there is only a glimmer of life, you should try your best to fight for it. This is the benefit of the immortal! You enjoy the benefits of the immortal and you should fulfill the responsibilities of the immortal. !”

Lu Zhiyao said: "Yes, I have benefited from the immortals all my life, and there is really no reason to betray the immortals. However, I have never felt that what I did betrayed the immortals. The question is, when did you become qualified to represent the immortals? ?”

Bai Wuhou asked in a deep voice: "What qualifications do you have to question our qualifications?"

Lu Zhiyao smiled and said: "What qualifications do I have? It's a good question, but before I reveal the answer, you might as well think about it for yourself. In fact, you have already made some assumptions, so you will continue to be with me. The conversation here is ridiculous, isn't it? I can give you some tips: think about it carefully, why did the Heavenly Court accept thousands of ascended people for thousands of years before me when I spoke nonsense and openly rejected the Immortal Law? Is there an exception like me? I interrupted the Bai family's strategy of occupying Fenghu, and it was almost a mortal enemy of the Bai family. Why are you the only one among the five elders to charge forward? Did a loose immortal really involve so much of your energy? Or, except for you, the other four old guys had a tacit understanding and deliberately sent the most unsociable Bai family member to physically detect mines? Going back to the original question, what qualifications do I have to question the qualifications of you seniors?”

"You..." Although Bai Wuhou looked calm and his posture was as usual, the wavering inside was obvious!

At the same time, Lu Zhiyao's smile became more and more weird in front of him.

"Ming Zong, you have exposed your flaws."

In an instant, the Yao sword was unsheathed.

It was a dazzling sword light that did not belong to Lu Zhiyao at all. The power of the sword was like creating a new world, and it could overturn mountains and seas in an instant. However, the power of the sword was perfectly controlled, and not a single trace of the aftermath was leaked.

The light was extinguished the moment it bloomed, the Yao sword was unsheathed and returned to its sheath, and the gap in the Taoyuan was as silent as before.

In the cramped cave, only Lu Zhiyao's figure gradually transformed into the shape of another person as the glazed lamp above her head swayed.

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