Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 462 A Promise Worth a Thousand Pieces

Wang Luo's problems have actually been brewing for a long time.

As early as when he fell into the dream of the saint, he had already vaguely guessed a possibility from Lu Zhiyao's actions in those few years. A possibility that seemed absurd at first glance, but upon closer inspection could almost answer most of the questions. .

He was never a junior fellow student from Lingshan who was born in the old immortal calendar era, and there was never Wang Luo who practiced the Wonderful Golden Pill on Lingshan.

The name Wang Luo was an original work created by Lu Zhiyao from scratch, bit by bit, after establishing the Immortal Alliance and setting up the Eight Directions Desolation Formation.

That's why the records about Wang Luo are unclear in various historical materials, so even Lu Youyou can't remember seeing him on Lingshan Mountain before, so... in the Dream of the Saint, Lu Zhiyao spent so long Time to practice and practice some seemingly inexplicable techniques. so……

However, although this guess can explain many things, it also cannot explain many things. Therefore, Wang Luo has always regarded it as a guess and buried it in his heart. Until there is more evidence, the guess will remain just a guess. .

But now, the opportunity to prove it is close at hand.

A Lingshan person who had personally experienced the old immortal calendar era, and obviously did not have the same heart as Lu Zhiyao, could not cooperate with her to fulfill her lies. However, he was saved by his own life and witnessed such a dream together. So, the best time to expose Lu Zhiyao's lies is now.

Of course, Wang Lu's question was not answered immediately. Wang Luo didn't rush him, he just waited patiently.

Unfortunately, after waiting for a long time, he did not get a response from Bai Cheng, so he could only regret in his heart. It seemed that for a person who had endured hundreds of years of torture that was worse than death, life-saving grace was actually not very valuable. What's more, without Wang Luo, Bai Cheng's revenge plan would almost be completed. From this perspective, Wang Luo and Bai Cheng also have a deep hatred.

In a short period of time, Wang Luo didn't expect to be able to turn enemies into friends with Bai Cheng, so he didn't expect to get the answer from Bai Cheng in one go.

Take your time, he's in no rush now.

"Senior sister... It's strange to say that although the occasion when we meet again is not very pleasant, you are always my senior sister in my heart. And you have never called me junior brother, but called me by my name. Because in your opinion Come on, the friendship between the same disciples in Lingshan in the past has all turned into a joke? But even Lu Zhiyao, who has a deep hatred with you, is still willing to call her senior sister. So, what have I done that makes you resentful to this day? Something?"

This is a stupid question, because Bai Cheng doesn't actually hate Wang Luo. At least before Wang Luo sent Qin Yu around to raid his house, Bai Cheng's attitude towards Wang Luo was extremely generous.

However, it is stupid questions like this that stimulate the possibility of dialogue. Most people actually just verbally refuse to talk to idiots, but if the idiot is just a little bit stupider than him, then the mentality of being a teacher will prevail.

Wang Luo asked a stupid question, expecting to be corrected by Bai Cheng. However, in the conscious world, Bai Cheng's face showed no reaction at all, and there was not even a mocking twitch at the corner of his mouth.

It was as if his calculations were not hidden from those beautiful eyes that he personally rendered.

This... is also unsurprising. The reason why Bai Cheng missed a move in the crucial decisive battle and was successfully bypassed by Qin Yu, the strange soldier, was that she never regarded Wang Luo as Lu Zhiyao. An opponent who can be extremely ruthless at critical moments.

Therefore, she was not wary of Wang Luo's cruel methods at all.

But after learning a lesson, it was clear that she would not make the same mistake again. At this time, she probably regarded Wang Luo as the most cunning opponent, and she was extremely vigilant. Then just selling stupid strategies is too childish.

Therefore, Wang Luo was not discouraged when his plan failed, but continued to ask questions.

"Senior sister, you know me and know who I am. There should be some special fate between you and me. Therefore, you know that I am the creation of your biggest enemy Lu Zhiyao, but you still want to give me a choice. opportunity. Because you don’t want me to get involved in this fairy law dispute that should have nothing to do with me. Unfortunately, it seems that your kindness has not been rewarded, or that your kindness has come too late. You have chosen your position and there is no need to change it.”

Wang Luo said with a little more emotion in his voice.

"Actually, I'm not sure how much of the fable contained in the gold leaf that my senior sister gave me was her emotion towards Qin Muzhou, and how much of it was a warning to me. But I admit that what she said is right. In troubled times, Don't change your stance, even if you really want to change it, don't hesitate. So although I just took sick leave and drove away the leader, I don't mean to betray the Immortal Alliance, let alone follow you. , into the wilderness.”

At this point, Wang Luo finally saw a subtle change in expression on Bai Cheng's face.

It was really undetectable, because even with his Nascent Soul level cultivation at this time, even if this was his own conscious world, he still couldn't find Bai Cheng's flaws through pure "vision".

However, the body that Bai Cheng is attached to now was drawn and rendered by him himself, so no matter how subtle the changes are, they cannot be hidden from his master.

I don't know if this is because Bai Cheng is not familiar with some subtle ways of playing the world of consciousness, or for some other reason, but in short, Bai Cheng finally exposed a flaw, and Wang Luo realized that he had indeed guessed something.

Bai Cheng did initially want to recruit him, persuade him to surrender, or, to put it worse, pollute him with desolate poison.

However, the verification of this conjecture has instead created more questions.

That is, why?

What reason did Bai Cheng have to recruit him? Was it really because he and she had some special fate? What fate could a little guy who had been lying in the Dingling Palace until the year 1202 of the New Immortal Calendar and a former war criminal who had been suppressed in the Nether Earth for hundreds of years have?

Moreover, even if he really wanted to recruit her, he could have done so after the revenge plan was completed. Bai Cheng's statement at the time was a bit impatient, as if persuading Wang Luo to surrender was a higher priority than revenge for her.

This is of course a somewhat reckless and subjective judgment, but if this judgment is true, it means...

"Sister, you have a superior, right? The immortal law established by the new heaven emphasizes strict rule with clear distinctions between superiors and subordinates, and the will of the superior can even easily wash away the personal rationality of the inferior. Since I have used the wild poison to enter the elixir, I have also been well versed in the way of transforming the wild, so this principle has been clear after hearing it explained in the dream. Whether you admit it or not, I will be so sure. Then, you suddenly set up obstacles on the road to the west of Rongcheng, which was also ordered by your superior, right?"

Bai Cheng remained silent, and the few flaws that were just revealed were also perfectly hidden by her.

Wang Luo said: "I thought you agreed, because if it was just for revenge, you didn't need to attack directly when the Immortal Alliance officially launched the pioneering, the front line was the most alert, and the most elite troops gathered. No matter how confident you are in your innate magical powers, you will rationally choose a means with a higher chance of winning. Revenge is to make the enemy pay the price of blood, not to vent your momentary emotions."

This remark was actually another forced subjective and arbitrary stupid argument, and as expected, it did not cause Bai Cheng's reaction.

But this was just a small foreshadowing by Wang Luo.

Just when Bai Cheng was calm, Wang Luo added the following sentence.

"So you blocked Rongcheng from advancing westward with your own strength, but you were actually treated as a consumable by those old guys in the depths of the wasteland, just like in the past."

This remark finally hit Bai Cheng's pain, causing her figure to struggle violently in an instant.

The strength of the struggle was even beyond Wang Luo's expectations. Bai Cheng's entire figure became blurred in the violent shaking. It was not until her face showed a very unnatural blood color, as if she was vomiting blood, that she finally stabilized.

"Wang Luo, you can't get anything from me." Bai Cheng declared in a calm tone, which was undoubtedly contradictory to the weakness that was clearly visible on her face.

Wang Luo smiled: "Okay, let's talk about the next topic. Combining the content of the golden leaf of the senior sister and what you said before, I think there are a few things that can be confirmed. Master Song Yijing is dead, killed by his brother Song Yiming, and the two died together... and the master himself carries the new immortal law established by the three major families. His death means the death of the new immortal law. But obviously things are not so simple. Now is the 1205th year of the new immortal calendar. Nearly half of Jiuzhou is still occupied by wild poison, and you are still trapped by the immortal law. So, who is the person who took over the immortal law later? Is it an acquaintance of you and me?"

The next moment, Bai Cheng's body shook strongly again, and the lines that maintained the outline even collapsed directly, and blood flowed out of the seven orifices!

So Wang Luo understood: "It turns out that it is really an acquaintance. Who is it specifically? A person from Lingshan, a person from a famous sect that has close ties with Lingshan? Is it related to Taiqingmen?"

Wang Luo did not ask a series of questions to the end.

Because he found that although it was a feasible way to reverse the truth through Bai Cheng's reaction, it was not a sustainable way. After several shakes, Bai Cheng's presence in his conscious world became half thin!

And Bai Cheng was originally a remnant soul that Wang Luo rescued from Guan Tiejun's fatal sword. It was all thanks to her true immortal cultivation and the torture she had experienced in the nether soil for hundreds of years that she had an extraordinary resistance to death, which allowed her to survive by chance. If it were anyone else, with such a broken soul, let alone maintaining the ability to think and communicate, I'm afraid that even the best doctor would not be able to repair the outline of the whole body.

Therefore, Bai Cheng in this state really couldn't withstand the slightest consumption.

Wang Luo stopped talking with some regret and apologized: "I was a little impatient, not to deliberately embarrass you."

But Bai Cheng sneered: "Just based on you, you are not qualified to embarrass me."

"Yes, yes, after all... um?" Halfway through the words, Wang Luo suddenly woke up.

Bai Cheng was not really mocking him, but hinting at one thing. The violent shaking just now was not caused by Wang Luo, but by Bai Cheng!

Without violating the constraints of the immortal law, she was trying her best to reveal useful information to Wang Luo.

In other words, Bai Cheng was indeed just following orders, and she did have a superior!

This also means that even though the wasteland has been on the defensive under the development of the immortal alliance, it still has a very strict ruling order, and even a powerful true immortal like Bai Cheng cannot resist it.

Of course, this is not too unexpected. Although Lu Zhiyao won the battle of Dinghuang and saved the five states of Tianzhiyou, she obviously did not destroy the three major families in one fell swoop... Even from the tragic situation of the immortal alliance in the early years of Dinghuang, after destroying the Bai family, she may have suffered a great defeat. As a result, many links in the plan could not be implemented. It was not until a thousand years later that she allowed the immortal alliance to accumulate strength again to complete the great cause of unifying the nine continents.

And the person who blocked her was indeed an old acquaintance of Lingshan.

Who was it?

Wang Luo was curious, and felt a little shaken in his heart. Because he didn't really want to know the answer to this question.

However, before chewing on these questions in depth, there are still some things to do.

In return for Bai Cheng's initiative to reveal information, he will make a promise.

"Sister, you can put your worries aside."

Bai Cheng was stunned for a moment, staring at him with bloodshot eyes.

Wang Luo looked at her calmly: "I didn't let anyone hurt your child. I will take her back to the Immortal Alliance and raise her myself."

Bai Cheng was stunned for a long time this time, and the blood in his eyes gradually faded with the passage of time, and his eyes seemed a little softer.

She can put her life and death aside, but obviously some people and things are more important than her life and death.

However, a promise alone is far from enough, she needs more practical guarantees.

"How are you going to raise a dead child?"

Wang Luo said, "She is not dead, but was born as a creature of the Netherworld, and cannot be tolerated in the mortal world."

Bai Cheng whispered, "You can actually understand..."

Wang Luo hummed and said nothing more.

In fact, his understanding is far more than that.

When Qin Yu was in the Netherworld, he was rescued by Huang Long and Han Guming soon after he used all his strength to cast the talisman.

He reported his detailed experience to Wang Luo, and what he was most impressed and emphasized the most was that in that small home, a large number of books of the Immortal Alliance were collected. When the little child curiously asked what they were, Bai Cheng said with a struggle that they were civilization.

Bai Cheng's hatred for Lu Zhiyao and the Immortal Alliance is self-evident, but even after thousands of years of hatred, she still recognized the value of the Immortal Alliance and did not hesitate to brand her most precious child with the "civilization" mark.

However, these words should be known to each other, and there is no need to appeal to others.

He gave a direct answer to the question that Bai Cheng really wanted to ask.

"The evil creatures in the Nether Soil cannot live normally in the land of Jiuzhou - no matter which side of the Immortal Wasteland. But outside the Jiuzhou Continent, there is a piece of soil that can perfectly support evil creatures."

Looking at Bai Cheng's increasingly bright eyes, Wang Luo made a serious promise.

"I will send her to the Great Void Illusionary Realm and ensure her safety in the Great Void... As for the way to ensure it, if anyone tries to hurt her, I will immediately turn to the wasteland without hesitation or regret."

After a pause, Wang Luo said, "So now, Senior Sister, can you tell me who I am?"

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