Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 468 As if walking on flat ground

After Guan Tiejun's funeral, Rongcheng's westward pace began to gradually speed up. From a period of stagnation and slow acceleration, from bumpy progress to smooth progress... On the seventh day after Guan Tiejun's "burial", Rongcheng had already reached a highway that could travel dozens of miles a day.

For a city, a land covering hundreds of miles around, every move would involve two north-south Dinghuang border lines, and every step forward could expand a large area of ​​territory for the Immortal Alliance... Traveling dozens of miles a day is almost an incredible speed.

And within seven days, the once unreachable Crazy Lake could finally be seen from the top of Lingshan.

It was a bloody and extremely evil land, with mist on the lake, covering the lake. And as the mist rolled, the lake sometimes showed the outline of an indescribable evil creature... A single glimpse was enough to make a person with insufficient cultivation uneasy and unable to sleep.

This was the result of the filtering of the Dinghuang barrier, which completely eliminated the shape poison of the evil creature. If you are outside the barrier and look directly at the Crazy Lake with your naked eyes, even if you have the perfected Jindan cultivation, you may lose your rationality in an instant and become distorted and desolate.

The name of Crazy Lake does not actually come from the homonym of Fenghu, but from the countless sacrifices in the early years of the new immortal calendar.

For thousands of years, the Immortal Alliance has conquered the wilderness in all directions and taken all the land of the five states on the right side of the sky, but has never advanced half a step to the west, and has firmly controlled the border of the territory at the end of the battle of conquering the wilderness... This is also partly because of fear of the power of Crazy Lake.

In fact, in the past thousand years, the Immortal Alliance has rarely sent scouts to the west, let alone advancing to the west. Even the Immortal Alliance soldier king who is fully armed and has reached the late stage of Yuanying has never been able to go deeper than two hundred miles along the blood river. Once you get close to Crazy Lake to a certain extent, you will definitely go crazy.

Therefore, over the past thousand years, Crazy Lake has always been the nightmare of the Immortal Alliance. Before the Immortal Alliance officially started to explore the wilderness, some people even made it sound a hundred times more terrifying than it actually was, and asserted that the Immortal Alliance would not be able to overcome the difficulty of Crazy Lake even after hundreds of years.

But now, no one regards Crazy Lake as something insurmountable. Instead of being afraid, people hope that Rongcheng can move forward faster so that they can get closer to Crazy Lake.

Only when they get closer can they completely eliminate the nightmare of the Immortal Alliance for thousands of years and establish an eternal and immortal achievement.

The thin paper man standing at the border of Dinghuang is like a monument that can give people endless courage. Whenever people see the silent figure moving forward, it seems that all difficulties can be solved.

In addition, with the fall of Bai Cheng, Rongcheng's westward advance has finally reaped real rich fruits. The Blood River Plain plowed by the Dinghuang barrier turned into extremely fertile soil, and under the fertile soil there were surging spiritual veins that had been deposited for thousands of years, as well as various rare mineral deposits that had never been seen before.

These minerals, after being filtered by the Dinghuang barrier, did not contain the wilderness poison, but they were essentially infected by the wilderness poison for more than a thousand years, and had long since given birth to many strange spiritualities. As these mineral veins were excavated, half of the Immortal Alliance's weapon-making professors fell into madness.

In addition, some of the wilderness-transforming exotic beasts that were crushed by the Dinghuang barrier also showed various rare magical powers, greatly expanding the research boundaries of related fields, and making half of the Immortal Alliance's beast-controlling enthusiasts climax.

There were so many benefits, and in seven days, Taixu Zhaotang was almost filled with various good news from the front line every day. Even those Taixu nitpickers who exaggerated the theory of failure every day before and during the early stages of the development of the wilderness were huddled and speechless by the overwhelming good news, and no longer dared to speak loudly.

On the eighth day, the west of Rongcheng finally ushered in a wave of direct resistance from the wilderness.

Thousands of wild beasts suddenly emerged from all corners of the Blood River Plain, gathered together, and then swept like a tide... Overnight, it was as if the Ziwu Nether Sea had a routine tsunami in the severe winter, as if it was going to swallow up everything that stood in its way.

The mountain fortress of Lingshan immediately sounded a shrill alarm, making the soldiers on the front line nervous.

Looking down from the Gangfeng layer, the plains for hundreds of miles to the west of Lingshan were filled with dense beasts, as if woven into a thick layer of creeping fungus...

In the beast tide, most of the beasts were just cannon fodder that was temporarily recruited. Their strength was about the same as that of ordinary practitioners from the Qi Refining Stage to the Foundation Establishment Stage, but their physical qualities might be slightly better. Although these beasts were large in scale and had some special magical powers, they lost their specificity under the sweep of the rolling beast tide and became a part of the simple beast tide. Facing the various large-scale killing magic weapons that the Immortal Alliance has been preparing for, they cannot pose any threat... Even the invisible barrier supported by the Eight Directions Dinghuang alone is enough to intercept them all outside the civilized territory.

What's more, Rongcheng is actively moving westward at this time. The city and the surrounding land together form an unrivaled giant, which is far superior to all the strange beasts in size and strength. Those cannon fodders that fill the beast tide will only be crushed into powder the moment they collide with Rongcheng, and then filtered into fertilizer for the earth.

What is worth paying attention to is the few powerful individuals hidden in the beast tide... As early as before the heavenly tribulation, when humans unified the nine states and drove all birds and beasts as servants, there were actually many powerful spirit beasts with magical powers comparable to those of the Mahayana True Lord. During the thousand years of reproduction in the wilderness, the power of the strange beasts seemed to be several times stronger than before the heavenly tribulation. In the rolling beast tide, the strength of those who reached the Mahayana realm easily reached double digits.

Even some large individuals can easily break through the natural chasm with the strength of their bodies, fly to the Gangfeng layer like a dragon flying in the Gangfeng, and destroy the observation magic weapon arranged here by the Immortal Alliance.

Faced with such a powerful enemy, it is difficult for the Bafang Dinghuang Barrier to block them out with the barrier's own shield. Therefore, when the formations in the fortress locked onto the existence of these powerful individuals, the Star Destroyer Divine Swords located in the south of Lingshan Mountain unsheathed their cold light and cut out the destructive sword light that covered the sky and the sun.

Zhu Wang's Star Destroyer Divine Sword was designed with the goal of killing the Mahayana Lord from the beginning. When it is fully charged, its power is even greater than that of Guan Tiejun's self-sacrifice Ning Yuan Holy Sword.

Theoretically, with the Star Destroyer Sword unsheathed, only the True Immortal could barely resist it head-on. As for those below the True Immortal level, even Song Yijing, the once flawless real person, could only find ways to temporarily avoid the edge.

As a large-scale military magic weapon based on a fortress and requiring hundreds of professional practitioners to co-operate, although the Star Destroyer Divine Sword is powerful, it is ultimately lacking in agility. Compared with the real Immortal Sword, it is inferior to the real Sword of the Immortal - Lu Youyou didn't dare to put his hope in the Star Destroyer Divine Sword before when he surrounded and killed Bai Cheng. Instead, he needed Guan Tiejun to fight with the sword single-handedly.

Therefore, the Star Destroyer Divine Sword has always been a strategic deterrent, and the results obtained in actual combat are not very fruitful... Until this time when Rongcheng was opened up, the Immortal Alliance took pictures of more than a dozen Star Destroyer Divine Swords south of Lingshan. Fortress, and the earth's spiritual veins gave it sufficient support, the sword light continued one after another as soon as it came out. In an instant, the sword light on the Blood River was like a net, cutting off all directions up, down, left, and right. Whether it was a giant beast on the Gangfeng layer or a gloomy thing dormant at the bottom of the Blood River, all of them were shattered into pieces under the vertical and horizontal sword light. , and then there were no corpses left!

This army of alien beasts, which had been brewing for countless years and were capable of wiping out an entire state, had their backs cut off and their souls extinguished almost as soon as the Star Destroyer Divine Sword was unsheathed. The remaining mediocre beasts crawling on the earth are no longer worthy of fear.

And the Star Destroyer Sword's results don't stop there. After the first round of sword light killed the Mahayana-level desolate beasts, the real desolate core dormant in the beast tide was helplessly exposed.

There are three people in total, all of whom are immortals. The three of them formed a formation, silently controlling the minds of billions of strange beasts, causing them to all go forward and bravely die. He also possesses the magical power of a true immortal to control beasts, and uses the strange beasts of Mahayana level as pawns in the first round of testing.

The Immortal Alliance has been in existence for nearly 500 years and has never been a direct enemy of several true immortals. Since the Battle of Dinghuang, Tianzun used his bow to shoot down the Taiqing Gate, demoting several of the great immortals in heaven to ancient demons of the wilderness... The immortals in the depths of the wasteland almost no longer appear in the front view of the Immortal Alliance.

But there has always been a consensus among the left and right: for nearly a hundred true immortals, the immortal alliance established by mortals is always weak, and only the bow of the Heavenly Lord can serve as a deterrent.

If it weren't for the internal strife in the wasteland, and the surviving true immortals still couldn't work together to resist Tianzun's bow... it would be difficult for the Immortal Alliance to develop.

However, today, after thousands of years of reproduction, the Immortal Alliance is no longer the Immortal Alliance of the past, and the means of fighting against the true immortals are no longer limited to Taixu Tianzun on the moon.

There was no need for Tianzun to draw his bow. The hundreds of thousands of coalition soldiers who had been waiting on the front line almost impatiently shouted war cries at the distant enemy, gathering their strong fighting spirit into the huge military formation. Under the guidance of the fighting spirit, the true essence, soul, and blood of hundreds of thousands of people gathered together to form a rushing torrent.

This torrent seems weak compared to the tide of billions of strange beasts rushing on the blood plain, but it is like a delicate and pocket-sized key. As the key turned, the entire Lingshan Mountain rumbled and trembled like a mechanism being opened. Then, east of Lingshan, Rongcheng, with a population of tens of millions, also began to tremble silently.

Along the passage of Rongcheng Ningyuan Pavilion, the other seven Ningyuan Diagrams located in the five powerful countries of the Immortal Alliance also resonated, beating like hearts, guiding the wishes of all living beings around them, echoing the Ningyuan Diagrams on the front line.

As a result, the behemoth with tens of billions of practitioners, the behemoth named Immortal Alliance, was pried by the small key, and turned into a giant that covered the sky and the sun. The giant opened his mouth, opened his eyes, and shouted a stern order to his tiny opponent in the wilderness.

In an instant, the three true immortals holding the formation felt as if they were struck by lightning, their respective orifices overflowed with blood, and their immortal essence collapsed. The person in the middle was even more distraught on the spot, with no body left! The remaining two people had countless broken souls escaping from their bodies, and they obviously managed to hang on to their lives at a great price.

After that, they did not dare to stay any longer and simply turned into light and dispersed, trying to escape from the invincible giant.

However, just a moment later, two dazzling fireworks exploded from both sides of the Blood River. More innocent souls roared from the center of the fireworks and scattered in all directions... And most of them would nod far away to the east. To express gratitude.

The three true immortals of the wasteland were instantly wiped out by the full blow of the Immortal Alliance's pioneering effort!

Without the leadership of true immortals, and without the backbone of Mahayana-level alien beasts, the remaining beast tides, although terrifying in scale, were nothing more than a mob. They soon melted and disappeared silently under the footsteps of Rong City heading west. It is then converted into fertilizer that can be used by the Immortal Alliance.

This conquest of giant beasts trampling on ants lost its suspense from the first moment, but it continued for another day and night before it came to an end.

There were only occasional twists and turns during the period - the wild demons lurking in the beast tide were not only the three true immortals, but also several wild demons at the realm of Mahayana fusion. They were all vassal followers of the three true immortals. They were the elites in their respective regions, but they had no time to show their magical powers and lost their leaders and backbones. At the same time, they were bound by the immortal laws of the heavenly court, and they could not even think of escaping. They could only be swept up by the beast tide and launched a desperate charge against the Immortal Alliance.

These desperate criminals, with the lessons of the fall of the true immortals, became cunning and changeable, but in the end they were just a mantis trying to stop a chariot. After using all kinds of means, they still became the military exploits of the Immortal Alliance soldiers.

And this whole day of conquest did not even slow down the pace of Rongcheng's westward advance.

Guan Tiejun was still at the forefront of the pioneering, carrying a rope on his shoulder, stepping towards the Crazy Lake step by step, and the thin paper was not even stained with a drop of the blood of the strange beasts. All the beasts were digested and their bodies were left a hundred meters in front of him.

When the time came to the second day, looking down from Gangfeng again, I saw that the two sides of the blood river were calm, and even the thick blood river flowing from Crazy Lake seemed to be a little clearer.

Obviously, the power of the wasteland on the blood plain of Mozhou has been almost trampled.

Everything seems to be on the right track, and it can even be said that it is on the fast track to victory... The facts prove that the deduction of the Immortal Alliance for decades before was not wrong. If there was no unexpected strong enemy like Bai Cheng to disrupt the situation... The power of the wasteland would not be a threat to the Immortal Alliance.

The head-on collision between the immortals and the wasteland was a one-sided crushing situation!

Therefore, an unprecedented glorious achievement seemed to be just around the corner.

Then, at this time, a person who blocked the road unexpectedly appeared in everyone's sight.

It was an old man in white clothes with an immortal style, white hair and a childlike face. He stood barefoot on the blood river in the early morning of this day. Facing the morning light from the Lingshan Mountain, he bowed his head and bowed his hands, and then spoke loudly, and his voice spread to the foot of the Lingshan Mountain in an instant.

"I am Zhang Jincheng, a cultivator from Mingzhou. On behalf of the remnants of the Mingzhou and Mozhou Heavenly Court, I unconditionally surrender to the Immortal Alliance!"

At first, this sentence was regarded as an illusion, and then as a joke of the Wilderness Demons who were at their wit's end.

However, when the soldiers on the front line carefully saw through the tree eyes the old man who called himself Zhang Jincheng, no one could laugh anymore.

Because, the old man was not a Wilderness Demon.

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