Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 479 Impersonation

The decision to wait and see was not because Wang Luo was radical and arrogant, but a very rational decision.

At this time and place, his perception of the outside world was only a hundred meters, so he had no idea what was happening in the center of the lake. In this situation, choosing to leave blindly would far outweigh the benefits.

On the one hand, he had no way of deciding where to go. If he returned to the Immortal Alliance along the same route, how could he know that there were no ambushes on the road? If he continued to go deeper into the southwest, what would be the benefit compared to staying where he was?

In the final analysis, the center of the storm was not here, and rash actions might get him into trouble.

On the other hand, it was too arbitrary to determine whether there were true immortals present based solely on energy levels.

Not to mention that this place was close to the Xinheng Dynasty, and Xinheng, as a test site that the Heavenly Court had personally kept for a thousand years, might have some explosive means comparable to those of true immortals, just like the Immortal Alliance. The storm in the center of the lake might be because they were just tuning their new weapons...

This Crazy Lake itself actually contains unimaginable power of heaven and earth. If it is detonated in the right way, it can also roll up a true immortal-level spiritual storm.

So, it may not be a true immortal in heaven, let alone a panic.

After making a decision in his heart, Wang Luo silently sacrificed his protective magic weapon and stood still, letting time pass by bit by bit.

Around the second half of the night, the storm gradually subsided. Wang Luo stood by the lake and could clearly feel the tranquility of the entire lake. Those strange beasts that were obviously frightened and restless in the storm either moved away or hibernated, making the huge lake as silent as death.

However, the more it is at this time, the more you can't let down your guard. Standing still, Wang Luo carefully expanded his perception bit by bit, gradually expanding the perception range from 100 meters to 200, 300... Then he was surprised to hear the sound of water.

It was as if someone was swimming in the thick lake, and the sound of weak limbs hitting the water waves, from far to near, was clearly approaching him!

Wang Luo's heart trembled, and he immediately stopped the expansion of his perception, and then slowly used his spiritual sense to explore the treasure bag, and sacrificed the talismans and magic weapons that were powerful enough to withstand the true immortals. And the priceless Mo Lin candle was ignited early, and the fragrant mist was dense.

But all this could not stop the sound of water getting closer and closer. On the contrary, the person in the water seemed to be encouraged and began to speed up.

The distance of several hundred meters was soon reached, and when half of the candle beside him was left, Wang Luo saw the person swimming in the lake.

That... It was hard to call him a person. He was like a charred corpse dug out from the ruins of a fire. Most of his body below the waist was incomplete, and only two black arms of different lengths were still swinging hard to stir the lake water. And with every movement, there would be tiny fragments that fell off his arms and dissolved into the lake water.

However, before he turned into a charred corpse, he should have been a very powerful master. Even though his meridians were burned and his true essence was almost completely dissipated, the remaining part still showed an extremely solid foundation for cultivation.

This is a young genius who would be enough to make most of the old men of the famous and upright sects nod their heads in approval in the old immortal calendar era. What Wang Luo cares more about than his cultivation talent is his seemingly broken foundation.

There are some shadows of the old immortal calendar era, but not many. Instead, it reveals the characteristics of the Immortal Alliance everywhere. Although it is not completely certain just by looking at the remains from a distance, these characteristics are too distinct, so it is almost certain that this is a cultivator from the Xinheng Dynasty in Mingzhou.

And the shore of Crazy Lake is obviously not within the borders of the Xinheng Dynasty.

A Xinheng person who has walked out of the border? Why did he go to swim in the blood lake? What was he so seriously injured by? What does the storm just now have to do with him?

With full vigilance and increasing curiosity, Wang Luo quietly waited for the man to swim ashore, while trying to trace the source from the remaining poison and spiritual charm on him, and soon came to a ridiculous conclusion.

This man... I'm afraid he was indirectly harmed by Wang Luo.

Just now, he used the Mo Lin Qixiang to drive away a beast of at least the combined level, and the direction in which the beast left was just on the walking track of the man in the lake. In the encounter between the two, the latter's strength was far inferior to the beast, and he should have died without a doubt, but he had a magic weapon that could destroy the world. Under the stimulation, the beast was reduced to ashes, and the man in the lake was exhausted.

As the distance between the two people continued to close, the man in the water became slower and slower.

He had obviously seen Wang Luo a long time ago, and saw the candlelight lit beside him. His perception was broader than Wang Luo, so he had been intentionally approaching Wang Luo from a long time ago. However, when the distance between the two sides was finally less than 50 meters, he stopped.

Because he no longer had arms to paddle, the last half of his limb left his body with a slight wave. Almost at the same time, the chaotically beating heart in his chest also shrank unwillingly. Obviously, no matter how solid his body-building foundation was, it could not withstand such a fatal injury. Without the support of his body, his remaining soul would be even more difficult to sustain.

The man in the lake raised his head and tried to ask Wang Luo for help with his eyes. There was only a distance of fifty meters between them. Even in the night wilderness full of dangers, Wang Luo had enough ways and enough confidence to pull him out of the water.

But Wang Luo did not move, but just stood quietly on the shore, as if he didn't care about the life and death of the man in the lake.

So, the eyes wrapped in the charred face gradually dimmed and lost their luster bit by bit... until finally, as if it was a last ray of light, he tried to open his eyes and summoned up the last bit of strength to open his mouth.

It was at this time that Wang Luo noticed with some surprise that his oral condition was very intact, his teeth, gums, tongue, upper and lower jaws, almost pink and intact! In sharp contrast, the skin of the man's whole body was almost burned, and his limbs and even half of his internal organs were lost in the lake water.

This was obviously intentional.

Unfortunately, Wang Luo could not wait for the next prompt. The man in the lake opened his mouth and then died, leaving only a pink mouth, as if he was flirting with people and throwing out temptation.

Wang Luo was indeed very curious, but he was not tempted at all. He just stood silently by the lake, letting the corpse in the lake float up and down with the waves, and every time it floated, the corpse in the water was obviously missing part, as if there was an invisible scavenger in the water feasting. Or maybe the Crazy Lake itself is this scavenger. But Wang Luo didn't mind at all. Even though a clue that was undoubtedly quite important was about to be cut off before his eyes, he didn't take it to heart.

Wang Luo waited until dawn, until the whole world turned from yin to yang, and finally took a step and walked towards the lake.

The Crazy Lake in the early morning seemed to be purified by the morning light from the Lingshan Mountain and became a little clearer, but the overly calm lake surface was undoubtedly an undisguised disguise. A storm of the true fairy level just broke out in the center of the lake last night, and now there is no trace left.

Except for half of the head floating quietly on the lake.

That was the only part left of the person who swam in the lake last night... The upper part of the head had dissolved in the water, leaving only the part related to the mouth, and this part was still pink.

It was not until this time that Wang Luo finally put away the many talismans and magic arrays around him with confidence, stepped onto the lake, walked to the head calmly, reached into the open mouth, and took out an invisible gem from it.

The jade was flawless and cold to the touch. The moment it fell into Wang Luo's palm, the floating head on the lake melted away, leaving no residue or color behind, becoming part of the blood in the lake.

And a young voice was faintly heard from the jade.

"Dear Immortal Envoy, I'm sorry that I can only talk to you in such an undignified way. I understand your caution at night, but I also beg you to realize the seriousness of the situation as soon as possible when you get this jade in the morning... The Queen Mother and the General are stubborn and stubborn. They set a trap in the court while the National Master was away, and imprisoned and sealed him after his return, in an attempt to usurp the position of the Star-pulling Master. Now that the Xinheng Dynasty is in danger, please take this seal jade as soon as possible and return to the East Capital to restore order!"

At the end, the voice in the jade had become inaudible. Obviously, this was just the last words left by the person in the lake in the jade when he was dying, and it did not contain any power.

However, the information content of the will itself is the greatest power.

Immortal Envoy, Queen Mother, General, Seal Star Jade... For a moment, many words were linked together in Wang Luo's mind, making the truth come out.

This is also thanks to the Hunyuan Immortal who surrendered to the Immortal Alliance. Although he lost most of his memories about the Heavenly Court when he crossed the Dinghuang Boundary, his memories of the Xinheng Dynasty were still intact.

As immortal officials of Ming and Mo states, the seven people usually have many contacts with the Xinheng Dynasty - if not, Zhang Jincheng would hardly have the opportunity to persuade them to abandon the Heavenly Court and surrender to the Immortal Alliance.

These immortal officials of the Heavenly Court are limited by the constraints of the immortal law and cannot interfere too deeply in the affairs of the mortal world. But on the other hand, as the managers of this huge test field, they will at least have a general understanding of the Xinheng Dynasty, and these understandings have become a compulsory course for Wang Luo before he sets off.

It is known that the Xinheng Dynasty is a fairly standard feudal monarchy. The royal family rules the most fertile and rich heartland plains in Mingzhou, and many princes and lords guard the surroundings... For hundreds of years, wars have been continuous and peace is rare.

As a test site specially selected by the Heavenly Court, the Xinheng Dynasty should have no external enemies in the wilderness. But precisely for the purpose of the experiment, in order to imitate the situation of the Immortal Alliance, the Heavenly Court deliberately set up a large number of external enemies for the Xinheng Dynasty - those roaring and gathering wilderness beasts, almost all the time want to destroy Xinheng, and the Xinheng people do not have the Immortal Alliance's Dinghuang barrier to ensure the overall peace of the border. Therefore, if they want to survive for a long time, the Xinheng people have to become full of martial virtues.

For hundreds of years, although the imperial power of Xinheng is supreme, the royal family has actively promoted centralization. However, there are still many families that control powerful military forces on the border. In this regard, the royal family must cherish their power and guard against their ambitions, and often use various means to win them over. Among them, marriage is one of the most common means.

It is also one of the most common means of playing.

The current Empress Dowager of the Xinheng Dynasty was born in the northern border of Xinheng. She was the descendant of the famous Duke of Weiguo, and her reputation spread far and wide. The general in charge of the royal military power in the court was also her relative, and regarded her as his mother... Such an unreasonable combination of strong forces created an almost abnormal monopoly of power in the court by the Empress Dowager. At least at the time when Zhang Jincheng persuaded them to surrender, two of the seven immortal officials could not say the name of the Emperor of Xinheng, but everyone knew that Xinheng had a very difficult Empress Dowager...

Therefore, according to what the man in the lake said, now the Queen Mother and the General in the Xinheng Dynasty have joined forces to oppose the surrender plan of the National Master, and even imprisoned and sealed him in a way that is close to a mutiny. Then, according to common sense, Zhang Jincheng's surrender plan can be declared aborted.

The two most powerful people in the country are against you, how can you win?

The answer is: because he is the National Master.

The National Master of Xinheng is different from the National Master in the general sense. The power and reputation of a national master do not come from how much political power he has, how much trust he is entrusted by the royal family, or how superb wisdom he has, but from his monopoly of the communication channel with the Heavenly Court.

The National Master of Xinheng is the only mortal who can directly communicate with the immortal officials of the Heavenly Court. Or conversely, the Heavenly Court will select one person in the Xinheng Dynasty as the only communication bridge between the immortals and mortals, and the scientific name of this bridge is the National Master.

The influence of the National Master in the court is unparalleled, because even a combination as powerful as the Queen Mother and the General must be reasonable, politically and militarily reasonable. You cannot kill meritorious officials indiscriminately, and you must be humble to wise men and wise teachers... But the national teacher does not need to do that. All human principles are meaningless to him. He only needs to be responsible to the immortal officials in the heavenly court, and the immortal officials will crush all principles. In the more than 600 years of history of the Xinheng Dynasty, there are not a few powerful ministers and generals who fell out with the national teacher and were eventually turned into dust by a thunderbolt from the heavenly court. There are even examples of physically abolishing the emperor.

As long as you can make friends with the immortal officials in the heavenly court, then the huge Xinheng will be nothing more than a plaything in the hands of the national teacher. In a sense, the national teacher almost holds the power of the immortal level.

The only check and balance of the court on the national teacher is that the national teacher must report to the superiors with actual results... If he abuses the power of immortals, he will eventually make the Xinheng Dynasty restless and it will be difficult to achieve the purpose of the experiment of the heavenly court... Then once he is liquidated by the immortal officials, the means of the immortals are enough to make people want to live or die.

The reason why Zhang Jincheng dared to represent Xinheng and submit a letter of surrender to the Immortal Alliance on his own was that when the national teacher really insisted on his own way, no one could stop him except the immortal officials.

From this point of view, Zhang Jincheng's radicalism was not wrong, but the problem was that in the actual implementation process, there was a flaw in the cooperation between the national teacher and the immortal officials.

Before Zhang Jincheng had time to fully control the government and suppress the powerful combination of the queen mother and the general, the immortal officials had already merged into one, and left first to become rich in Zhou and Guo!

This put Zhang Jincheng in a passive position. What kind of national teacher is a national teacher without the support of the immortal officials?

"... There is no way. The immortal officials can't be invited. It seems that only I, the immortal envoy, can support you."

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