Seeing the city lord Xia Houying kneeling like an old servant in his hall, Wang Luo secretly nodded with satisfaction.

There is naturally a reason to choose this small border town as the first stop when entering Xinheng.

According to the information of the immortal officials, even today, the New Heng Dynasty is still not a prosperous and developed country. This underdevelopment is mainly reflected in the polarization of the country. The capital Fancheng, located in the heartland plain, has a magnificent scene that is no less than that of the Immortal League. There are pavilions and buildings hanging high in the sky, and there are thousands of people who can guard the city. A practitioner of Qi flying. A translucent invisible glazed net over the city gives this place the power of endless prosperity as if it were blessed by heaven.

As long as anyone is within the capital area, they can enjoy the blessings of Liuliwang. Whether it is daily breathing practice or simple business operations, it will always be smoother than elsewhere.

But on the other hand, Xinheng's six-hundred-year reign could only condense prosperity into one place. Leaving the capital, the civilized scene declined rapidly. When arriving at the border, except for a few aristocratic families who had guarded the border for hundreds of years and were still able to maintain the prosperity of their main cities, the rest of the rural areas were almost the same as they were hundreds of years ago. No difference.

And no distinction means occlusion.

Although the specific details are unknown to the immortal officials, Wang Luo is willing to take a gamble. This small town seems to be stuck hundreds of years ago and has no channels for frequent communication with the outside world.

Therefore, they probably do not know that a coup has taken place in the DPRK, let alone that the entire New Heng Dynasty will speed towards death at full speed under the insistence of the Queen Mother and the General.

Therefore, the impostor identity of Immortal Fushi is still useful in the border land.

Wang Luo didn't even show any identity certificate. He only released a trace of the mixed immortal essence in front of Xia Houying, and called himself the Immortal Envoy, and then suppressed the other party crawling on the ground.

For a small city like Liuyan City that has long been forgotten by people, the word "immortal messenger" is too heavy. From today to three hundred years ago when the city was founded, there has never been an immortal messenger here. A first-class big shot. What's more, even if the identity of the Immortal Envoy is not taken into account, Wang Luo's cultivation of the twin Nascent Soul Transformation Gods alone can be said to be unique in this place.

The city lord Xia Houying, as the person with the highest cultivation level in the city, is only half-step Nascent Soul. And the core guards in his house are just a dozen or so miscellaneous golden elixirs.

For a small city with a population of several thousand, such a configuration is luxurious enough. In fact, more than half of these golden elixirs are for the purpose of gaining some practice experience with Xia Houying. The meager salary offered by the city lord's palace alone is enough to support the family. Can't afford them.

In the New Heng Dynasty, the probability of mortals embarking on the path to immortality was much lower than that of the Immortal Alliance. The situation near the capital area was better, but in the border areas, the situation was almost worse than in the old Immortal Calendar era before the catastrophe. Therefore, even with Wang Luo's mediocre cultivation, he can be said to be unrivaled in Liuyan City. Xia Houying didn't even have the guts to fall out with him.

This situation is for the best.

Wang Luo smiled, lifted up Xiahou Ying who was kneeling on the ground, and then sat on the main seat in the hall. He waved his hand to the guests: "Lord Xiahou, sit down."

After Xia Houying sat down tremblingly, he asked: "I wonder what the reason for the visit of the Immortal Envoy is?"

Wang Luo didn't answer and asked instead: "City Lord Xiahou, do you know about the major events in Fancheng recently?"

Xia Houying was stunned for a moment and said honestly: "I don't know, but Liuyan City has not connected to the "Fengwen Immortal Road", and the last monthly report sent by the county governor's office did not mention any major events..."

Wang Luo's heart suddenly moved when he heard this: Heard about the Immortal Road? This is a concept that the immortal officials have never mentioned. Judging from the words, it may be the product of the Xinheng people imitating Taixu Illusion. This immortal road can quickly transmit messages. Unfortunately, the coverage is limited, and Liuyan City happens to be outside the range. Inside.

Out of curiosity, Wang Luo asked: "Why haven't you connected to the Immortal Road yet?"

Xia Houying was even more surprised: "This... Lord Immortal Fushi should know that the Immortal Road only goes to the first floor of the Sheriff's Mansion. How can we, small border towns, be qualified to connect to the Immortal Road?"

Wang Luo smiled when he heard this: The old guy is quite cunning, deliberately using common sense to test himself.

But this kind of temptation was already expected for him. Wang Luo just asked lightly: "Why should I know? Are you teaching me how to do things?" Xia Houying was sweating again and didn't dare Random thoughts.

After a while, Wang Luo took back the control of the topic and said again: "Since you still don't know the major events in the capital, let me just ask you one question. Have there been any suspicious people here recently?"

Seeing Xia Houying hesitate to speak, Wang Luo smiled and said, "Except me."

Xia Houying said quickly: "Don't dare, it's just that Liuyan City is located on the border and has been peaceful for decades. I really haven't seen any suspicious people. And even if there are any suspicious people, considering our small town, I'm afraid there will be no suspicious people." Can’t find it.”

"Well, I'm pretty good at deflecting blame. If a suspicious person is found near Liuyan City in the future, it has nothing to do with you as the city lord, right?"

Xia Houying was even more panicked when he heard this and couldn't even speak.

After several times of suppression, Wang Luo did not press too hard. He nodded, stopped talking and said: "It seems that you really know nothing about recent events, so I won't embarrass you... I will tell you the inside story later. You can read it yourself when the governor's office sends you the monthly report, but I do have important matters here, so before I leave, I would like to ask Lord Xiahou to introduce this Liuyan City to me. "

Hearing this, Xia Houying thanked him repeatedly as if he had been granted amnesty. Then he cleared his throat and began to tell Wang Luo about this small border town seriously.

Liuyan City is located in the northeast corner of the New Heng Dynasty and is under the jurisdiction of Sang County. Before the city was established, there were only a dozen or so scattered villages in the local area, which were isolated both internally and externally. In the eyes of most Xinheng people, the people here were nothing more than barbarians. In the more than three hundred years since its founding, the city has experienced multiplication. Although it has never been able to enter the sight of the core circle of the New Heng Dynasty, it has never suffered from war - whether it is internal strife or foreign war - it feels like a paradise.

The history of Xanadu is just a day-to-day routine. But Xia Houying's daily life of more than three hundred years seemed to come easily at his fingertips. When did this city have an amazingly talented "Zhen Yuanying" who made the whole city proud? Which restaurant flourished for decades in which period, and even welcomed the governor of Sang County? Waiting for the arrival of the powerful personage; when there was a flood outside the city, it was only thanks to the unity of people inside and outside the city that we could withstand the power of God...

The story of Xia Houying took an entire afternoon to tell. I was still a little worried at first, fearing that if I told it unsatisfactorily, I would get caught. But after talking about it later, the old city lord gradually became interested, like a hospitable old man who couldn't wait to introduce his hometown to outsiders.

It wasn't until the sun set that he shook his head with unsatisfied thoughts, picked up the tea cup to moisten his throat, and asked: "Master Xianfu Shi, it's getting late, why don't you let me serve you a feast first? Although Liuyan City can talk about it, It’s not as prosperous and prosperous, but the local cuisine here is still quite good.”

Wang Luo pondered for a moment, then prepared to nod.

This afternoon's story really benefited him a lot.

Although Xia Houying was just a local official from a borderland, he was very talented. In this resource-poor Liuyan City, he relied on great perseverance and opportunity to cultivate half-step Nascent Soul, and thus participated in the Sang Dynasty. Selection of county officials. After that, he passed all the way and won the favor of the county governor at that time. Later, he was even lucky enough to go to the capital Fancheng to face the saint. After that, he returned to his hometown in rich clothes and served as the Lord of Taiping City for decades.

Such a person, even in a place with limited information, actually has his own channels to understand the outside world. More importantly, he has a set of effective cognitive methodology. He has very profound insights into the history of Liuyan City, the history of Sang County and even the situation in the world. Of course, he would not tell Wang Luo these insights directly, but a lot of information would be revealed in the words about the history of his hometown.

And these things are extremely precious to Wang Luo, who has just arrived and plays the role of the immortal messenger.

It can be said that when he first entered Liuyan City, Wang Luo had to be frightened in order to barely restrain Xia Houying, a fearful and cautious person by nature. But after hearing the story this afternoon, Wang Luo was quite confident in showing the role of Immortal Messenger to others.

Therefore, this story will not be in vain. At the reception banquet, he also prepared some stories for Xia Houying.

However, just when he was about to nod, he heard the sound of a gong sounding suddenly beside Xia Houying.

Xia Houying was stunned for a moment and apologized to Wang Luo: "I seem to have urgent business..."

Wang Luo nodded and said: "It's easy to say, the Lord of Xiahou City can just go and handle the official business. I'll just wait for you here. If things are delayed too late, then you will owe the feast to your account first, and I will find it when I come back in the future." You ask for it.”

Xia Houying was overjoyed: "Thank you for your understanding!"

Before he could finish saying this word of consideration, two sword lights, one red and one purple, flashed outside the city lord's palace, followed by an arrogant voice.

"Xia Houying! You, a little shabby city lord, really have such great authority. Our brother came here with the governor's order, but you actually hid and disappeared?!"

Hearing this voice, Xia Houying's face suddenly felt bitter. He turned around and gave Wang Luo a long bow, and said in a low voice: "My lord... I'm laughing at you. I'm afraid this feast can only be recorded in the account." ”

After saying that, he hurriedly stood up and flew out of the house.

Wang Luo frowned as he watched.

He could clearly sense the two people outside the door even though they were far apart. They were just two mid-stage golden elixir warriors, but each had a faint layer of glazed light around them, which was the "official aura" of the New Heng Dynasty, indicating their official status.

But the official spirit of those two people was actually far less than that of Xia Houying. Although Xia Houying is only a border city lord, he is also a city lord who has passed the various screening tests and been conferred by the Holy Emperor. The entire New Heng Dynasty only has more than 600 cities. The gold content of a city lord is actually not simple. It's just that Xia Houying has no official airs at all, so he doesn't show off his glazed light at all when walking in the market. It only blossomed briefly when I introduced the local customs to Wang Luo, and the gesture was even a little jerky...

On the other hand, the two people outside the door had a thin layer of light. It was hard to tell whether they were officials or officials. However, they showed extremely solid basic skills in their publicity and proficiency... and their tone and posture were even more condescending, not treating Xia Hou at all. The city lord Ying takes it seriously.

Obviously, there are high-ranking officials backing these two people, which means they rely on the power of others.

And their yelling and cursing outside the door was even more unreasonable. The transition from the two people's arrival in Liuyan City, to the hurried notification to the city lord's servants, to the time they couldn't wait to yell at each other outside the door, was almost seamless. Not to mention that Xia Houying, the dignified city master, had no reason to cater to those two people. Even if he wanted to cater to them, he would not have time to meet them outside the door.

To put it bluntly, the other party is just looking for quarrels and causing trouble.

But Xiahou Ying was really a little scared. The moment the shouting sounded, Wang Luo clearly felt that the old city lord was panicking.

This panic was even more than when he faced his own fairy envoy.

When he knelt down and confessed to Wang Luo before, at least 90% of Xiahou Ying's cold sweat was acting. He didn't really believe in the words of the "fairy envoy" and was not really scared. But he didn't want to cause trouble, so he simply followed Wang Luo's words and put on a posture of full belief, fear and obedience... And this really saved him a lot of trouble. The two strangers chatted and laughed in the city lord's mansion for an afternoon, and it seemed that a storm was about to be fooled by Xiahou Ying.

Being able to be the Taiping City Lord for decades, Xiahou Ying certainly has a scheming and skill.

But facing the red and purple outside the mansion, the scheming and skill of the Taiping City Lord were somewhat under pressure.

Of course, this pressure also came partly from Wang Luo... Xiahou Ying's long bow before leaving was actually a plea to Wang Luo to leave quickly. He probably knew that Wang Luo was not a real fairy envoy, and he was willing to be confused, but the two people outside the mansion would definitely not be happy. Once the two sides met, it would be a big trouble. So, just treat it as a help to him, and ask Wang Luo not to meet those two people.

After sorting out all this, Wang Luo didn't mind helping Xiahou Ying to avoid some trouble, and immediately prepared to get up and leave.

However, at this moment, Xiahou Ying's almost horrified voice was heard from outside the mansion.

"So many!? You two, what's the misunderstanding?"

Then the red-glowing man sneered, "What misunderstanding? Are you trying to say that you disagree with our General Li's judgment? Look carefully, there is the county magistrate's signature on it. If you don't cooperate, the consequences will not be as simple as dereliction of duty!"

Another purple-glowing man said, "Now, let alone Sang County, the surrounding areas are all trying their best to hunt down this wanted criminal. The meaning above is very clear, but we want results, not prices! Most of the people in Lecheng, northwest of Cheshire, have been arrested. Conscripted labor to build the formation. Here, oh, the higher-ups also know that the people of Liuyan City can't do anything big, so they don't want you to contribute manpower, just some supplies are enough, Xiahou Ying, you won't even shirk this little thing, right? "

Xiahou Ying was so bitter: "But if you have to spend so much money and food, I'm afraid the people in the city can't even make a living."

The red light man laughed and said, "Isn't that simple? You can also learn from Lecheng and mobilize half of the people in the city to do labor service, and you can live well, right?"

Amidst the laughter, Xiahou Ying kept lowering his head, showing his dejection.

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