Chicken feathers everywhere.

Liuyan City in the early morning is a perfect reflection of these four words.

After a whole night of meaningless panic, the people of Flowing Rock City finally found their rationality. After realizing that the Star Army outside the city had only set up birdcages to surround the city, but had not entered the city, people finally suppressed the fear in their hearts and went back to their homes, falling into a deep sleep from exhaustion.

Xia Houying was busy all night, sometimes comforting the frightened people, sometimes organizing people to rescue and provide disaster relief. He was busy until dawn, and finally completed the urgent matters at hand... Tangtang Banbu Yuanying, who had been busy most of the night. As time passed, he seemed to have aged a lot, and when he met Wang Luo again, he looked haggard.

In response, Li Fengxian just sarcastically said: "It's a group of clowns who match the city lord like you. This kind of farce is indeed rare."

Xia Houying had long since lost the energy to argue with Li Fengxian, so he just sighed and said: "From now on, as long as the general can restrain his men from entering the city at will..."

Li Fengxian interrupted ruthlessly: "I have already sent my elite men to sneak into the city...Why, you don't think that the fire in Cangshi Tower was saved by a bunch of ignorant ants fetching water like clowns there, right? No." My corps commanders secretly spread the clouds and rain, and that broken stone building has been burned down long ago! "

Speaking of this, Li Fengxian couldn't hold himself back and said sarcastically: "You have been the master of Taiping City for decades, it is really ridiculous! There are many condensed stones in the Cangshi Tower, which are the most flammable. If there are strong emotional fluctuations around you, strong light and heat will be released. Without the corresponding formation to suppress it, the crystal stone will easily ignite the stone fire. To extinguish the stone fire, you need Muxiang Qingyu... But you are only trying to get close. , just taking water from an ordinary well to put out the fire is simply adding fuel to the fire!”

Xia Houying felt ashamed and had no excuses, so he could only bow his head and admit defeat.

Of course he also knew what Li Fengxian said. When the Cangshi Tower was built, he was invited to attend the first banquet in the building. He had already seen the safety risks at that time... But the Taiping City Lord's peaceful temperament made him unwilling to do anything for it. All these waste words are thinking: Unless the Liuyan City, which has been peaceful for hundreds of years, falls into panic overnight, even if there are safety risks, it will not really cause trouble. But unexpectedly, a night of panic could actually come true!

So now, even if Li Fengxian mocks this matter, Xia Houying can only accept it obediently... As the parent officer of Liuyan City, he has indeed neglected his duty. He couldn't even prove that he could control the overall situation in the city well.

Under such circumstances, why should he stop the Star Army from entering the city? Without the support of the elite star army, he, the city lord, really has no confidence that he can control the nearly ten thousand people in the city obediently!

If it is just a temporary control for a day and a half, that's all. What if the military control lasts for ten days and a half, or even two months, three months or even longer... He, a city lord who has never shown his majesty to the people, really has no confidence that he can persuade the people. People stay at home obediently.

Military management, military management, with the word "military" in front of "guan", it is a perfect way to clearly understand the relationship between him and Li Fengxian at this time.

Fortunately, Li Fengxian actually had no interest in beating up Xia Houying, the lost dog. The ridicule just now was actually just following the trend. He had more important things to report to Wang Luo.

"Your Majesty the Envoy..." Li Fengxian said solemnly, "After last night's 'little test', we have confirmed that we have dug out three people who were the eyes and ears of the imperial court, and fifteen people in the city who accidentally escaped to report... In addition, a total of seventeen cases of flying swords have been intercepted. Excuse me, do you need to...severely interrogate this group of people?"

Wang Luo said: "There is no need. Those few court eyes and ears should have been under your key surveillance for a long time. It is also human nature for people in the city to flee to report, and it does not explain any problems. What's more, even if there is a real interrogation, it can What did the interrogation reveal? What do you want to know from them? On the contrary, purposeless interrogation and even punishment will increase the risk of alerting the enemy. So, we just need to organize and supervise this group of people. Besides, we are here to fish. If you really do everything perfectly without even a single flaw, why should you attract fish to take the bait?"

Li Fengxian laughed when he heard this and said, "Your Majesty is wise, so I will act accordingly."

Wang Luo said: "You are a smart man, I won't tell you anything more. You have to think about the scale of each matter... As long as you can do things normally, then my promise to you will be normal and effective."

After sending Queen Li Fengxian away, Wang Luocai nodded slowly towards his back.

This evil general spent the whole night showing off his abilities in front of Wang Luo, especially when he was surrounded by a control group who was in a state of embarrassment when he mobilized people's power in his own home court. Li Fengxian's rule The ability to control soldiers is simply demonstrated vividly!

In the night, he dispatched nearly a hundred elites to the city... and the elites of the Star Army were definitely different from the iron armies with strict military disciplines and prohibitions in the general sense. Just like the Ziguang Colonel who was transformed into a wasteland by Wang Luo, Li Fengxian's soldiers only deserve the words "like wolves and tigers"!

However, this group of tigers and wolves, faced with the chaos in the city, strictly followed the orders and prohibitions. Not only did they not do any harm to the people in the city, they even tried their best to participate in disaster relief.

Of course, this is not because their morals have improved overnight, but simply because they had to curb all their greed and selfishness under the military orders of coach Li Fengxian.

Of course, this was just one night. If the Star Army had been stationed in Liuyan City for a long time, it would be difficult for even Li Fengxian to completely control the greed of his men. But even so, the contrast this night was beautiful enough.

Therefore, in this first confrontation between the future emperor and prime minister of the New Heng Dynasty, Li Fengxian simply won a magnificent victory.

Xia Houying was ashamed of this. After Li Fengxian left the temporary main camp that was transformed into a star boat, he wanted to kneel down and worship Wang Luo on the spot to express his guilt.

Wang Luo's attitude was very indifferent: "Don't feel so guilty and blame yourself. From the beginning, I never expected you to do everything better than Li Fengxian... In other words, it is only natural that you can't do things as well as him. That person Although your character is bad, your ability is rare. In comparison, you are just a middle-class person, so why should you compete with him head-on? For example, would you compete with the legitimate son of Duke Wei for promotion speed? ? It’s enough to carefully consider your strengths and use your strengths to avoid weaknesses. ”

Xia Houying suddenly understood, nodded, and then looked at Wang Luo with gratitude. He didn't know what kind of gift he should give to be worthy of the respect of the Immortal Alliance envoy.

Wang Luo sighed and said: "It's better to save some false etiquette and do something practical. Now is the time to take advantage of the chaos in the city to subside and the people to be frightened, to establish military control rules and eliminate all problems that may be encountered in the future." Listing it out gives people a mental preparation in advance. In addition, how to supply materials in the city and how to maintain the usual business contacts with the outside world... We must make arrangements in a hurry and surround Liuyan City overnight. You haven’t done it yet, now it’s time for you to work overtime and make up for it.”

Hearing this, Xia Houying nodded solemnly: "Yes, I will definitely do this well."

"If you can't do it well, then let Li Fengxian do it. I'm afraid he has already been thinking about how to maintain military control in Liuyan City from the moment he proposed it. He deployed troops and generals to the city last night in a very systematic way..."

Before Wang Luo finished speaking, Xia Houying was already frightened by what he heard and hurriedly handed over his hand and left: "I will design the charter right now, and then I will contact Li Fengxian..."

After sending away the Taiping City Lord, Wang Luo was the only one left in the Xingzhou camp.

Wang Luo was not polite and sat directly on Li Fengxian's coaching seat. Then he felt as if he was standing on the crater of a volcano. The seemingly ordinary coaching chair was actually the center of a star-studded military array. Formation eye. Thousands of elites near Liuyan City, as well as tens of thousands of soldiers further away outside the county, were all included in this net. And the person who is in charge of the command can easily use this formation to penetrate his spiritual consciousness to every person in the army.

This is undoubtedly a very remarkable formation, and many of the design ideas are so exquisite that they even surpass the theory of the Immortal Alliance... People have to suspect that there is an immortal guiding the way.

Unfortunately, the conditions at this time are limited, and Wang Luo is not a master who specializes in formations, so he cannot make further analysis... Even just sitting here is a lot of pressure.

The position of commander of the Star Army is not prepared for practitioners at the Nascent Soul level at all. Without the skillful distraction ability of the God Transformation stage, he rashly used this Star Army formation to divide his spiritual consciousness and penetrate it into tens of millions of soldiers. , which is no more than putting your own soul on the chopping board and carefully cutting it to make jelly...

Of course, although Wang Luo is only at the realm of Nascent Soul at this time, both the thickness of his true essence and the toughness of his soul are far beyond the realm of convention. Therefore, even if he activates this formation as a novice, he can still withstand it. Withstand its heavy pressure, you can even quickly take control of this formation, your skills are astonishing.

If it had been a conventional story, there would have been a burst of exclamations from the onlookers.

However, here and now, there is really no need to go out of your way to do anything close to showing off.

It is indeed amazing to control the formation of gods with the body of Nascent Soul... But Li Fengxian has only been doing the same thing for more than ten years or even decades.

He is only at the level of Nascent Soul, and due to his talent, he may not be able to break through to become a god in his lifetime. This level of cultivation is enough to be considered a top master in the Immortal League. However, in the New Heng Dynasty where there is no ceiling for deity transformation and there are often immortals to guide the way, it seems a bit subtle.

Of course Nascent Soul is very powerful, and their number is by no means numerous. But the New Heng Dynasty eventually had a population of 200 million, and it followed the Immortal Alliance's path of popularizing the Immortal Way for six hundred years. A large enough cultivating population base will naturally breed enough monsters... Transformation into gods, fusion, and even Mahayana, from the perspective of the dynasty, there is no shortage. Whether a Nascent Soul-level Li Fengxian is superior or inferior depends on the thought of the master of the court.

When General Yang Jiuchong kicked Li Fengxian out of Fancheng and even appointed him as the head coach of the Star Army, it was obvious that he was not just "valuing his talent", but was also deliberately making things difficult and even humiliating. Putting a Nascent Soul person in the position of becoming a god, people in the court naturally wanted to see it as a joke. But Li Fengxian insisted on persisting for decades, and with the power of Nascent Soul, he became more and more skillful in controlling the star army formation.

Therefore, such a person does have a reason, and is more qualified to make a triumphant return to the Eastern Capital and look down on Yang Jiuchong on the Qianxing Platform.

At this moment, Li Fengxian's voice sounded in Wang Luo's ears.

"Your Majesty, is this seat satisfactory?"

It turned out that just when Xia Houying hurried back to the city lord's palace to handle official duties, Li Fengxian had already completed the deployment and returned to the camp quietly.

Wang Luo did not exchange greetings with him: "If you have something serious to say, just tell him, and then test him again after you have said it."

Li Fengxian then laughed at himself a few times, and then said seriously: "Those imperial agents are elites trained by Yang Jiuchong himself. Their minds and consciousness are locked, and they are even more dead than ordinary dead soldiers. There is absolutely no possibility of rebellion. . I just went over and tried it myself, and I can only say that Wei Guogong’s secret skills are indeed well-deserved.”

Wang Luo nodded and continued the topic: "And those imperial spies, after noticing your unusual movements, will report to Fancheng regardless of their lives... and if they do not report back as usual within a period of time, Fancheng will be alarmed."

Li Fengxian nodded and said: "That's right, so I have to ask the envoy to use the magic of transformation to cover the spiritual locks of those imperial spies."

Wang Luo asked: "Will Fancheng not notice anything unusual if the spiritual locks are covered?"

Li Fengxian replied: "Not sure, but it's worth a try. After all, what we want to do is not to hide the news perfectly."

"Okay, then bring the people up, and by the way, clear up your doubts and confirm whether I am a fairy envoy worth following at the risk of your life."

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from the envoy, so please let me open my eyes again."

After speaking, Li Fengxian clapped his hands, and then there were two more radiant light cocoons in the tent, more than one person long, and they began to wriggle and struggle non-stop since they appeared, revealing a vague human outline.

"After the two men confirmed that they could not escape, they struggled like crazy. If they were not suppressed by this glass cocoon, they would explode and die immediately... But this light cocoon can't last too long."

"It doesn't matter." Wang Luo waved his hand, and a light cocoon flew straight to his hand. Then, with the surge of wild poison, the glass cocoon showed a clear resistance luster, but in a flash, the cocoon shell was shattered, as if it had no resistance at all.

The transformation was very fast, as if the moment the wild poison reached the body, the people in the cocoon gave up struggling and were thoroughly eroded by the wild poison.

In just a blink of an eye, the elite star army who was struggling heartbreakingly became obedient.

This time, there was no deformation of the flesh, as if it was not wild poison injected into the flesh, but just water. However, the loyal warrior to the court had already knelt down to Wang Luo.

"My Lord, I already know what I should do. I will seriously consider what happened here and report back to Fancheng."

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