Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 492 Red and Green Interweaving

The Qingqi Army of the Duke of Weiguo in the Northern Border is accustomed to sending letters by flying sword.

Since the founding of the Xinheng Dynasty, even though the Xiandao civilization has made great progress under the wave of imitating the Xianmeng, there are countless more effective means of communication. However, whenever important information needs to be transmitted, people from the Qingqi Army will still use this most traditional and retro method.

The flying sword sends letters, and the letters are divided into three colors: blue, white and red. The blue letter symbolizes good news, and the red letter symbolizes bad news - the white letter is between the two. And considering that the flying sword has become more and more symbolic, like a cultural tradition. Therefore, people generally do not entrust the really important but difficult to speak bad news to the flying sword.

Otherwise, the sword carries red light and breaks through the air, which is equivalent to making the world terrified? Usually only those news that are worth making a big fuss and publicizing will be written on the blue letter, and then carried by the flying sword, across thousands of miles, passing the eyes of countless people, and finally arriving in the hands of the recipient.

In short, in recent decades, Xinheng people have rarely seen flying swords carrying red.

Therefore, in the past few days, whenever Yang Jiuzhong saw the red letter, his mood would become very bad. Because unless it was absolutely necessary, the front line would never send such a dazzling thing.

And the general was never known for his good temper. Whenever he was angry, someone would inevitably suffer-such as the personal soldiers who had been killed in the past few days.

But in fact, Yang Jiuzhong treated his subordinates, especially the soldiers around him, relatively well. The recent deaths and injuries of his personal soldiers were just uncontrollable and unprovoked disasters, and they all received generous pensions after their deaths. However, Yang Jiuzhong was often subjectively extremely cunning and mean to those dignitaries who came from wealthy families.

Such a temperament of arrogance and pity for the subordinates, combined with the bad habit of not taking the subordinates seriously, is usually a taboo in the officialdom-unless you have a top-notch backer in the officialdom.

Yang Jiuzhong, who was born in the same clan as the current queen mother, naturally had a strong backer. Moreover, Yang Jiuzhong himself knew very well that the queen mother favored him not because they both came from the family of the Duke of Weiguo in the northern border and had the same surname.

It was because he, Yang Jiuzhong, could handle those dirty jobs that the queen mother could not handle personally.

For example, the death of the military rebellion in the court and the suppression of the national teacher this time was far more than the mere 17 immortal envoys. The network of people that the national teacher had been operating in the court for two hundred years was almost uprooted, and there were not a few who lost their heads.

Later, because they failed to achieve their goal in one battle, more and more people in the court were skeptical about the military rebellion. In this regard, the queen mother naturally had to comfort them personally and constantly win over and stabilize those who were hesitant.

But there are also a few who are stubborn or too gambling, and want to take advantage of the downfall of the national teacher to bet on his ability to turn the tables... These people are not something that a good person like the queen mother, who is highly respected, can deal with. At this time, it is the turn of the general and his Qingqi Army to take action.

These days, whenever a red letter from the Qingqi Army comes with a flying sword, it almost inevitably means that a high-ranking official in the court will lose his head.

The situation that is forcibly suppressed by killing is naturally unstable. From top to bottom, including the general himself, they naturally know that every time a person is killed, the foundation of the tower under their feet will loosen a little. And every day, there will be hundreds or thousands more people to be killed!

Time is not on their side. But to this day, Yang Jiuzhong has exhausted all means, and all the resources belonging to the general have been exhausted or even overdrawn by him, but he still can't find the seal star gem... The situation is getting more and more desperate.

The army under Yang Jiuzhong's command can only maintain the current cold and high pressure by relying on the absolute trust in the general. As for Yang Jiuzhong himself, he could only rely on his blind faith in the Queen Mother... and his occasional anger to block out all distractions that might shake people's hearts.

At this time, a red letter flying from the northeast naturally aroused his anger.


Without opening the letter, Yang Jiuzhong could naturally imagine all the bad news that might be seen next.

It was nothing more than that the officials in charge of a certain place were unwilling to cooperate with the mobilization order for the whole territory and shirked their responsibilities; or they were dissatisfied with the Queen Mother's strong suppression of the National Master's party; or some local officials wanted to fish in troubled waters and take advantage of the chaos to do whatever they wanted under the banner of the Queen Mother's party...

In the past few days, he had seen too many red letters like this.

But even so, seeing the red letter again still made him angry. As the great general, whose cultivation was close to Mahayana, became furious, the soldiers behind him were once again in dire straits. Even with the protective gear on his body, his forehead turned black in an instant, his eyes bulged, and his flesh and blood were about to burst.

Fortunately, a cool breeze suddenly came down from the sky, blowing out Yang Jiuzhong's anger and saving his soldiers.

"Why is the second brother so angry?"

A young man wearing short armor and a green robe brought a gentle greeting.

Yang Jiuzhong, who was originally furious, saw this person, and his anger dissipated by eight or nine points in an instant, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Sixth Brother, you are here."

The person who came was Yang Jiuzhong's sixth brother, Yang Wuyi. He is also the chief of staff of the Qingqi Army in Fancheng.

At this time and place, the only one who could make Yang Jiuzhong restrain his anger, besides the queen mother herself, was Yang Wuyi, the sixth brother of the Yang family who grew up with Yang Jiuzhong. He and his second brother never avoided small talk.

"Second brother, if you don't control your temper, I really won't be able to recruit more soldiers for you."

Yang Jiuzhong laughed, shook his head, and glanced at the soldier who had just escaped death, with a stern look in his eyes.

"You can't even bear my overflowing anger, and you are not worthy of being my personal soldier... If you encounter any danger, I don't know who is protecting whom. Okay, go down, I will talk to my brother, you have nothing to do here. ”

The soldiers nodded and retreated as if they had been granted amnesty.

After the soldier walked away, Yang Wuyi shook his head: "A serious soldier should not leave his post without permission even if he is killed on the spot by my second brother. But now I can't be so demanding. I can really use it." All our talents have been dispersed throughout the eighteen counties.”

Yang Jiuzhong asked: "Why is Liulang looking for me for something important?"

Yang Wuyi smiled and said: "I'm afraid it's the same thing as this red letter."

As he spoke, he reached out his hand to the side, casually opened the letter that only the general could open, and then showed an expected expression.

"Haha, as expected, this letter was sent by Commander Yun Banner of the Star Army stationed in Sang County. He warned that Li Fengxian used the pretext of searching for key criminals for the court to randomly mobilize thousands of elites from two battalions of the Star Army to go to a border town named Liu. The small town of Yanyan was so poor that it was not worthy of him calling in two battalions of elites. He thought that Li Fengxian must be using his name to plot something nefarious. But I just heard from the Northwestern Inspector in court that there are already many governors in Sang County. I have never guarded the county according to the rules. Although the reports are correct, with Tuoba Tiancheng's temper, how could he have the courage to break the court rules casually? He must have been coerced by Li Fengxian..."

Before he finished speaking, there was another flying sword with a red letter tied in it in the distance, but its flight path was a little shaky, as if the sword's spiritual power was insufficient and it was difficult to continue.

With a glance, Yang Jiuzhong used the power of his spiritual consciousness to gently bring the flying sword in front of him from a distance of dozens of miles. Then, he showed a slightly surprised smile.

When Yang Liulang saw the sword and the letter, he immediately recognized its origin from the style and couldn't help laughing.

"It's another letter from the Star Army. What a coincidence. Second brother, how many people have you arranged around Li Fengxian?"

Yang Jiuchong was not annoyed by being teased by his brothers. Instead, he asked: "If it were you, how many people would you arrange?"

Yang Wuyi said seriously: "It's twice as much as second brother."

After a moment, the two of them laughed out loud in unison.

After the laughter, Yang Wuyi sighed: "Although Li Fengxian's cultivation talent is not excellent, his ruthless and tenacious temperament is really unforgettable. With the realm of Yuanying, sitting in the star army formation, ordinary people are afraid He was about to fall into madness on the first day, but he has endured it until now.”

Yang Jiuzhong said: "So, he has been crazy from the beginning. When he tried to get involved in the position of commander of the Dongdu Forbidden Army, on the surface he was competing for power with my confidant and favorite general, but in fact he was trying to secretly ascend the Qianxing Platform to show his face. Immortal Lord, he didn't even bother to hide such a bold idea. I actually planned to find a reason to eliminate it completely and avoid future troubles, but my eldest sister asked me to cherish his talent, save his life, and use my shrewdness. Baitong's Mr. Mingli is in charge of Sang County, using both soft and hard tactics to temper his energy and madness, and using a long period of cold treatment to weaken his will... he will eventually be able to recover the vicious blade he has at his disposal."

Yang Wuyi laughed and said: "It's a pity that the second brother has been killing him for decades and still hasn't been able to completely recover it. I'm afraid the eldest sister is planning a century-old plan."

But Yang Jiuzhong said: "If we can really recover Li Fengxian, it will be worth it even if it takes hundreds of years. With his Nascent Soul cultivation, supplemented by the elixir given by heaven, he can be used by me for at least another two hundred years. What's more, after spending the past few decades, He has long lost his former vigor. Do you still remember the scholar who was sent to Sang County by the imperial court seven years ago? "

Yang Wuyi nodded and said: "Of course, at that time, I was still talking about you, second brother, with Qi Lang and Ba Lang at home, saying how you got into the bad taste of meat buns and beating dogs. I'm afraid I won't be able to save San Wu if I send that weak academic to Li Fengxian. The court will receive news of the sudden death of the county governor on the 2nd, but it seems that the old scholar knows how to save his life."

Yang Jiuchong laughed: "Ha, a sour scholar who can't even keep his position in the academy and has been pushed out without knowing it, knows how to save his life? He can survive purely because of Li Fengxian's softness. He was ignored by Mingli Mr. Sang has been oppressed in Sang County for decades. If he were still the same, he would have to kill someone to retaliate and vent his anger. As long as he could kill Tuoba Tiancheng who had no foundation, the court would not even bother him. He would pursue him too much. But after all, he was afraid that after Tuoba Tiancheng died, another Mr. Mingli would come, so he insisted on leaving Tuoba Tiancheng without killing him. He is afraid that he will no longer be the Li Fengxian he was back then."

Hearing this, Yang Wuyi nodded slowly: "It is indeed true... Nowadays, there is a mutiny in the court, and it is in the midst of a major change that has not happened in six hundred years. The undercurrents in the court are turbulent, and the counties are in a state of flux. However, he has the Star Army in his hand, but he can only Dare to mobilize two battalions of elites and run to the border town to do something unknown..."

Speaking of the latter part, Yang Wuyi frowned slightly.

"I don't know what to do... What can he do if he mobilizes thousands of people to go to Liuyan City at this time? It can't be for the purpose of expropriating and exploiting the people, right?"

With that said, Yang Wuyi reached out to open the red letter and read the text at a glance. Then he handed the letter to Yang Jiuchong with a bit of laughter and sighed: "This is... too disappointing."

According to the letter, Li Fengxian has now led two battalions of elite soldiers to strictly control Liuyan City. The reason for the control is that two lieutenants who were previously sent to Liuyan City to collect money and grain had a conflict with local civilians and were seriously injured.

Although the two lieutenants who were killed were usually of bad character and were not Li Fengxian's confidants... they were still star army lieutenants after all. Their inexplicable loss in a small border town would naturally alarm the main force.

According to the spy lurking in the camp beside Li Fengxian in the letter, Xiahou Ying, the lord of Liuyan City, made friends with a fierce northern ranger from nowhere. It was difficult for ordinary soldiers to compete with him. Li Fengxian was furious for a while, so he simply mobilized a thousand-man army to kill people and establish his authority to ensure that the star army would be completely eliminated in Sang County.

Comparing this letter with the previous news, it can be said that all the plots have become reasonable. However, this logical deduction inevitably leads to a disappointing conclusion: Li Fengxian has completely lost his spirit and has become a mediocre person who only looks at the present and dares to bully the weak.

Of course, this mediocrity is caused by the suppression of the Yang family, but when the truth is revealed, it is still disappointing.

"So, second brother, how should we deal with this matter? Give him a little warning? Or punish him severely?"

Yang Jiuzhong pondered for a while, shook his head and said, "Let's put it aside for now and see what he will do next. I still find it hard to believe that Li Fengxian can be so depressed."

Yang Wuyi also agreed, "Indeed, he may just be pretending to be mediocre. Decades of grinding may only make him more cunning and forbearing... Let's wait and see what happens and leave it alone for a while. By the way, second brother, I have something else to discuss with you."

However, before he could speak, another flying sword came from afar.

This time, the sword was tied with a green letter.

So Yang Wuyi stopped talking for a while and bowed his hands to congratulate: "Congratulations, second brother, today finally has a good thing."

Yang Jiuzhong still frowned for a while, and whispered: "The sword of the ancestor."

"The ancestor?" Yang Wuyi was surprised, and then he was happy, "Doesn't that mean that the whereabouts of Baoyu have been found?!"

But after the surprise, he also frowned with Yang Jiuzhong.

"No, with the character of the ancestor, if he really found Baoyu, there is no reason to send a letter with a flying sword. He must have returned with Baoyu in person. This letter..."

Yang Jiuzhong sighed: "So, it's better to read it as a red letter."

However, when the two really unfolded the letter from their uncle, they couldn't help but feel doubly subtle.

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