Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 5 The laws of nature change, everything changes, only the senior sister is eternal

Known conditions: The Lingshan Forbidden Zone, which was banned by the founding fathers, is now flattened by Wang Luo;

Now we know the conditions: if an ordinary person like Shi Yue imitates Wang Luo, it will cause the heaven and earth to change color, as if the devil has descended;

Another known condition: the restriction that changed the color of heaven and earth was broken by Wang Luo with one word, allowing Shi Yue to set foot on the forbidden land that no one had set foot on for thousands of years.

So based on the above conditions, what should be the most reasonable inference?

"No way……"

After a long period of muttering to herself, the confusion in Shi Yue's eyes gradually faded. After she calmed down, she made her own rational judgment based on the known conditions.

She turned to look at Wang Luo and said warily: "You are Agent Mo Lin!"

Wang Luo was curious: "What is Agent Mo Lin?"

Shi Yue did not answer, but continued to deduce: "Since the establishment of the famine, the Molin people have always been obsessed with the legacy of the old immortal calendar. For thousands of years, they have continued to infiltrate other countries and trespass into the restricted areas of the old sites. And you are obviously the one sent by Molin to us [Blessings] [Wang] agent! You knew that the Lingshan Restriction was in disrepair, so you hid nearby and used secret methods to crack it when the power of the Restriction weakened. However, you were accidentally broken by me, the manager, and you pretended to be an ancient being in an attempt to mislead me. You treat yourself like a common liar and get away with it!”

After a long speech, Shi Yue looked at Wang Luo with eyes that were 90% scrutinizing and 10% expectant, as if he was a detective waiting for the captured criminal to confess his crime.

Wang Luo nodded after a moment of silence and said with approval: "Not bad, at least he has a broad idea."

Shi Yue sneered: "There's no point in pretending to be stupid. I've just activated the magic talisman and reported the case to the nearest Qingping Division. No matter which country you are an agent from, it's unavoidable to break into the restricted area of ​​​​Lingshan in front of me, the mountain protector." It’s so disrespectful!”

Wang Luo raised his hand and held a piece of nephrite like a leaf. The jade piece seemed to be alive, like an unyielding trapped beast, moving and struggling in his hand, but he couldn't break free.

"Is this the magic talisman you are talking about?"

After catching this talisman, it was only after Shi Yue activated the restriction that the talisman suddenly soared into the sky and almost crashed into the black clouds, ending everything in one fell swoop. Wang Luo saw that the format and appearance of this talisman was unique, so he thought of preserving it.

But this scene of bravery for justice fell into Shi Yue's eyes, but her expression changed. The purple evil lock in her hand immediately shimmered, and the fire in the stone burned a little brighter, as if she was about to start a fight if they disagreed. .

Wang Luo smiled, casually threw the talisman back to Shi Yue, then turned to face the mountain road from where he came, and asked: "As a mountain protector, do you want to see the true face of Lingshan, which you regard as a forbidden place?"

Shi Yue hurriedly took the spirit leaf, and as soon as the green jade piece was wrapped around her fingertips, it sank directly into her body and refused to move out.

Seeing that Wang Luo's posture was calm and without any malice, the girl looked at the Lingshan mountain road in the distance, which was hidden in the mist and had not been explored for thousands of years. She couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Aren't you trying to trick me into a forbidden place? Kill and silence?"

"Well, it does have a broad mind."

Wang Luo didn't care. No matter what Shi Yue said, the loyalty column on the Ascension Record actually increased from 28 points to 35 points.

So he took the lead and opened the way. Under his progress, the light clouds and mist covering the mountain road split to both sides like water waves, opening a path for those who came after him.

Shi Yue gritted her teeth and turned around to look behind her. She saw that the sunset was like blood and was gradually sinking into the night, as if the familiar world had left a way out for her to return to normal life.

But in front of him was a fog of confusion.

She thought about going back, but she moved forward.


The road up the mountain is rugged and long.

Just like the old days.

Wang Luo still remembered that he was brought back to Lingshan Mountain from the flames of war by his master Song Yijing. When he arrived, the clouds were flying in the mist, and he was thousands of miles away almost in an instant. But when they arrived at Lingshan Mountain, it was Song Yijing who put down Wang Luo's hand and asked him to walk up step by step from the foot of the mountain.

Wang Luo walked on the long mountain road for a whole day. As a child with no cultivation at that time, he could not make any progress, but he never stopped. With his natural Taoism and persistence, he crossed countless dangerous mountain roads and came here. Arriving at the Qiling Hall, under the witness of all Lingshan practitioners, he became the closed disciple of Song Yijing, the master of the mountain.

Unfortunately, except for the mountain road at our feet, everything else has been changed beyond recognition.

"Looking to the left, Cloud Queen can vaguely see the Golden Dome. It is the Chongjin Palace where we raise spiritual pets. It was first used as a place for the elders of the mountain gate to recuperate and relax. Later, one year, a spiritual bird in the mountain suddenly became enlightened and actually gave the Chongjin Palace The elder in the temple was kicked out, and he even took over the palace as the king. Later, instead of turning the spiritual bird into a roasted bird, the mountain owner accepted him as his disciple, and even rewarded it with a lot of gold in the palace. This was also the first time in the history of Lingshan. There are not many predecessors who are recorded in the Ascension Record with inhuman bodies. Unfortunately, the descendants of the Bird King of Lingshan have no chance of immortality, and the Chongjin Hall has gradually degenerated into an exhibition area for viewing spiritual pets. This hall has little relevance to us. , I won’t take you to take a closer look.”

Wang Luo said as he walked, while Shi Yue behind him looked confused, looking at the golden dome that disappeared and appeared in the clouds and mist, and was already confused.

As a mountain protector, she has a good understanding of the history of Lingshan in the old immortal calendar. She vaguely remembers that there is indeed such a story in the history of Lingshan. Although the image records of Chongjin Palace in ancient books are blurry and difficult to distinguish, the outline is indeed the same as what she sees before her. Exactly the same...

She wanted to ask in detail, but she couldn't.

Unknowingly, the two of them had walked a long way along the mountain road. Although there were no traps during this period, Lingshan Mountain was steep and strange, and the mountain road was not only rugged but also dangerous. But with Wang Luo leading the way, the journey was uneventful.

On the way to ascension, Shi Yue's loyalty almost increased step by step.

Not long after, the two came to the door of a magnificent hall. Wang Luo sighed and said: "This is the Hall of Health. It was first used as a medicine hall for refining elixirs and preparing medicines. However, later an elder from Lingshan became addicted to medicinal foods, and the Hall of Health was It was gradually transformed into a canteen. Unfortunately, the door is now closed and I can’t open it, so I can’t take you in to taste Lingshan’s special delicacies.”

Shi Yue nodded, but hesitated to speak.

The two of them walked and talked all the way. When the twilight set in the west and night fell completely, Wang Luo finally took Shi Yue to see the Qiling Hall in Lingshan.

"This is the Qiling Palace. Although it seems a little dilapidated now, it is still the center of Lingshan, and I..."

While Wang Luo was talking, he walked to the middle of the empty hall.

In an instant, he became one with the Qiling Palace, and then with the Lingshan Mountain.

Although the Hundred Palaces of Lingshan are still closed to him, although the sea of ​​clouds is lingering in the mountains, hiding endless secrets, and although he has failed to condense the elixir and is now only building a foundation, but...

"I am the only cultivator in the world who is qualified to stand here, the 84th generation master of Lingshan, Wang Luo."

On the other side, Shi Yue slowly leaned over and knelt on the ground with one knee.

"Shi Yue, a disciple from the Outer Mountain Sect, has met the Lord of the Mountain!"


If Wang Luo's ability to easily lift the restriction and set foot in the restricted area was considered to be insufficient in the beginning, his persuasiveness was still a bit weak, and he was no match for Shi Yue's broad-minded Mo Lin agent hypothesis.

So later, when he led Shi Yue to visit Lingshan, explaining to her the history of Lingshan behind the clouds one by one, he also allowed her to see the legendary Qiling Hall, which became one with Lingshan in front of her... No matter how incredible some things are, , and had to believe it.

However, after rationally accepting the reality, the doubts in Shi Yue's heart only increased a hundred times.

"So, are you really the Lord of Lingshan Mountain!? But according to legend, the Lord of Lingshan Mountain has the power to kill and seize the disciples of the outside mountain sect, and has the power to calm the souls and seize the souls..."

Wang Luo nodded, holding Feishenglu in his hand: "Oh, you mean the mountain master is powerful? It is true, Outer Mountain Sect disciple Shi Yue! Get down!"

Before he finished speaking, Shi Yue felt that the other knee was weak, as if being crushed by an invisible force, and he knelt down on both knees without any resistance. His back was also weak and soft, and he couldn't help but lie on the ground!

For a moment, Shi Yue couldn't help being shocked and angry.

She knelt on one knee before. It was because of the shock accumulated in her heart from what she heard and saw along the way. It was also a judgment driven by her rationality and recognition of Wang Luo's identity.

But even so, kneeling down on one knee is the limit. The new era emphasizes equality of personality and no distinction between high and low. Even if Immortal Ancestor Chicheng is resurrected, there is no reason for people to kneel down and kowtow to him.

So this time Shi Yue fell to the ground, she really couldn't help it. For a moment, she subconsciously felt a little frightened and angry, and wanted to get up, but her limbs seemed to have lost control, and she refused to exert any force, no matter what she had in her hands. Shu Xie Suo, or the fire in the stone in Dantian, had no reaction at all to what happened to his master!

Fortunately, this softness only lasted for a moment. The next moment, Shi Yue felt that all his strength had returned, so he immediately jumped up, took a few steps back, and looked at Wang Luo in surprise.

"What are you..."

Wang Luo said: "This is the power of life and death that you want to see. Although I am not in a good condition now, as long as the identity of the mountain master is correct, I will follow the instructions and take life and death for the practitioners of the outer mountain gate."

Shi Yue found it difficult to accept it, and asked again: "Then why didn't you..."

"Because this method is very despicable." Wang Luo said, "Senior sister often said that another way of saying that power is overwhelming is tyranny. Although this was probably used by her to silence Master after she got into trouble, I still It makes sense.”

Shi Yue said in a daze: "But it is often said in books that practitioners of the old immortal calendar like the strict class system the most. Those with higher realms never regard those with lower realms as human beings, and all living creatures in the world are more like ants."

Wang Luo said: "That's right. Neither I nor my senior sister like the oppression of power, nor do we pay attention to institutional etiquette, but essentially we live on the top of Kyushu, and naturally enjoy the transcendent status of Lingshan. With all the conveniences, in the words of my senior sister, the rich second generation should stop telling inspirational stories of self-struggle in front of the poor.”

"Well... your senior sister's choice of words and sentences is quite unconventional."

Wang Luo didn't take it seriously and said: "She traveled through time. In addition, the Lingshan people have a unique cultivation environment, and each of them has amazing qualifications. Their practice is not fake. Therefore, except for a few who are active and dislike quiet, most people rarely We have no contact with other sects of cultivation, let alone frequent contact with the mortal world. No matter how we think about it, we are right to regard the mortal world as an ant. However, a land sage in the Mahayana stage, He can easily move mountains and reclaim seas, transform the terrain of mountains and rivers, and can affect the lives and deaths of millions of people in a certain place with a single thought... It is ridiculous to say that such a person is the same as a mortal. "

Then, Wang Luo changed the topic: "I heard what you mean, isn't it like this now?"

Shi Yue was stunned for a moment when he was asked, as if he didn't know where to start. He just nodded and said yes, and at the same time, his eyes towards Wang Luo became more and more curious.

Clearly, there are countless problems on both sides.

This is also the reason why Wang Luo led Shi Yue all the way to Dingling Hall. He knew nothing about the new world, and the only person he could rely on was this mountain protector whose loyalty was barely 52.

Wang Luo said: "How about this, you and I each have a question, you go first."

Shi Yue was not polite: "You said before that you were the 84th generation mountain master Wang Luo, but the history books clearly record that the last disciple of Lingshan, Wang Luo, died in the heavenly calamity. Although there were many scammers who claimed to be Wang Luo and came to our Shi family to cheat money, there were also historians who liked to be unconventional and claimed that the people of Lingshan were not extinct. But the views of the orthodox academic community have never wavered."

Wang Luo asked back: "Who wrote such a convincing history book?"

Shi Yue took a deep breath and said: "Your senior sister, the 83rd generation mountain master of Lingshan, Lu Zhiyao."

"Hiss..." Wang Luo took a breath, "It's worthy of her!"

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