After Yang Qijian finished speaking, there was a long and awkward silence in the camp. The two Mahayana Lords had different expressions, but neither spoke. Yang Qijian also watched with his ears, nose and heart. He did not add any explanations and just waited quietly for the explanation.

It wasn't until a burst of laughter came from the tent that the almost eerie silence was finally broken.

Wang Luo couldn't help laughing for a while, and then asked: "Do you believe what Yang Qijian just said?"

Yang Qijian said solemnly: "In front of the two true kings and the envoy, I dare not tell a lie."

Wang Luo couldn't help but laugh twice and said, "I'm not questioning whether you lied, but I'm asking you, do you believe what you just said?"

Yang Qijian had a slight cold sweat on his forehead, but he still insisted: "If the envoy doesn't believe it, Yang is willing to do a dissection and take out the heart to prove his innocence!"

Wang Luo then looked at Nan Yingying: "Feng Guogong, what do you think?"

Nan Yingying sighed softly: "Honestly, I don't see any problem, but at least I know that even if Yang Jiasilang is really disemboweled, there won't be even a drop of cold sweat on his head."

As soon as he said this, Yang Qijian was sweating profusely, and his face could not help but turn pale. After a moment, a trace of blood even overflowed from the corner of his mouth, as if he was clenching his teeth so hard that his gums burst.

Of course, this was not just because the flaw was seen through, which made him nervous, but also because the pressure from the other Mahayana Lord in the tent had become substantial.

Yu Gong completely restrained his kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and his expression was so cold that it seemed to make the flesh and blood of a living person coagulate. Ordinary creatures, faced with the wrath of a Mahayana True Monarch, would almost certainly lose their souls.

It was Wang Luo who raised his hand in time, blocked the wrath of the True Lord with a gentle but firm True Yuan barrier, and signaled Yu Gong not to overcoerce him.

"Yang Qijian, please be careful when you say some words. I will only tolerate tricks of words once. You may not be lying, but the illusion may not only exist in lies."

Yang Qijian nodded feebly, and managed to return to his original state with his relatively superb cultivation. After treating his physical and mental injuries, he said: "I am really doubtful of what I said just now. Only the eldest sister has seen the situation in the high hall. No matter how others guarded the high hall, they never saw the golden candle swaying. Moreover, the situation in Xinheng was so corrupted that even the rotating immortal officials were instigated by the national master, and there was really no reason for Heaven to ignore it. "

After a pause, Yang Qijian also showed a trace of confusion in his brows.

"However, the eldest sister stated this matter to us in front of Eunuch Chen and His Majesty. The facts she said cannot be falsified."

Wang Luo frowned slightly, but Yu Gong had already explained in time: "Eunuch Chen is the general manager of the imperial city. He shared part of the royal family's luck to achieve Mahayana, and then silently guarded the imperial city for more than a hundred years. He is like a part of the royal family, serving the royal members. A loyal servant and a virtuous senior member of the royal family... No one can lie in front of him, let alone endanger the existence of the entire royal family."

Nan Yingying spoke concisely and to the point: "Just like Yang Qijian can't lie in front of, is what Yang Shijun said true?"

Yang Qijian sighed: "Feng Guogong's question is exactly the same as what you just said to judge me. Sister, she may not be lying, but she is only honestly telling her what she saw with her own eyes, and whether what she saw and heard is not correct. If no one interferes, then... no one can say for sure. However, the High Hall of the Temple of Heaven is one of the most important halls in the entire Temple of Heaven. It is even more heavily guarded than the Star Hall where the Seal Star Baoyu is enshrined, even for Zhang Jincheng’s tourist. It is absolutely impossible to sneak in, let alone tamper with the golden candle. In theory, even an ordinary rotating immortal official cannot easily shake the candlelight of the golden candle. With Eunuch Chen always under her protection, it is equally difficult to mess with her mind. In addition, the matter of Jinzhu is more difficult to believe, so the Yang family actually has no choice in this matter. "

Later, for fear that Wang Luo and others would still be dissatisfied, Yang Qijian added: "In fact, even if the golden candle had been swayed one day earlier, things would definitely not have been so irreversible... But the eldest sister saw the golden candle At the time of the vision, the Imperial Master had already left Xinheng, and the immortal officials from the Heavenly Court had also decided to defect to the Immortal Alliance. Therefore, the swaying of the golden candle at that time was more like a hint from the Heavenly Court that everything was done by the immortals to lure the snake out of the cave. The... strategy."

When Nan Yingying heard this, she immediately let out a scornful laugh: "Ha! The golden immortals in heaven used a trick to lure snakes out of their holes on a group of mortals? Do you deliberately change your steps when stepping on ants?"

Yu Gong said in a deep voice: "Perhaps there is not peace within the Heavenly Court, so there is no time to estimate the situation in Mingzhou and Mozhou in a short period of time, so we can only use golden candles to send messages, asking the current royal family to try their best to control the situation."

Yang Qijian said: "What the temple master said is also what I think now. But when it comes to heaven, this kind of personal assumption cannot be used as evidence for decision-making. After all... the naughty boy who has to deliberately change his steps when stepping on ants, I Not that I haven’t seen it before.”

This sentence is somewhat rebellious, but also somewhat irrefutable. So Yu Gong and Nan Yingying were speechless for a while, and finally turned their attention to Wang Luo.

Believe it or not, it is up to the people of the Immortal Alliance to make the decision.

Wang Luo also quickly gave a reply: "I will not completely accept everything you just said. No matter how reasonable and self-consistent you construct the logic, in essence you are whitewashing the perverse party. , and it’s when the situation is completely out of control and the failure is irreversible. In this case, to put it bluntly, I don’t have to care whether what you say is true or false.”

Yang Qijian clenched his teeth subconsciously, but it was more of a feeling of despair and helpless dejection.

At this moment, Wang Luo changed the subject: "However, the Immortal Alliance has always been reasonable in doing things. Therefore, if what the Yang family did was indeed a matter of helplessness, then I am willing to give the Yang family a chance." . But I don’t believe what you Yang family said.”

Yang Qijian was stunned for a moment: "Then I can ask Eunuch Chen to talk to the envoy. He..."

"I am not familiar with Eunuch Chen, so his words may not be more trustworthy than yours. I have told Duke Feng and Yu Guanzhu before that I only trust one person in Xinheng territory."

Yang Qijian couldn't help but murmured: "One person... the envoy refers to the national master?"

"Yes, release Zhang Jincheng and send him to see me. If he feels that the Yang family is innocent and everything is done out of public motives, then I can make the decision here. Not only will the lives of the Yang family be safe afterwards, but I can even protect them. Their power and wealth.”

Yang Qijian's face turned bitter when he heard this: "However, the Imperial Master is now sealed in Qianxingtai of Dongdu. It must be the Seal Star Baoyu..."

Wang Luo took out the Seal Star Baoyu and threw it directly back to Yang Qijian.

"The property returns to its original owner."

Yang Qijian subconsciously took the jade. He was stunned at first, and then horrified: "Come on, your lord!?"

The two Mahayana Lords beside him were also trembling with shock. Nan Yingying stood up first: "Wait a minute, this is too childish. How could Baoyu just be given to the Yang family?!"

Yu Gong also opened his mouth to stop him, but his eyes flickered and he lowered his head and said nothing.

Wang Luo smiled, looked at Yang Qijian, and asked: "Let me ask you, now that you are holding the precious jade and taking the rainbow-wing shuttle back to the Eastern Capital, how long will it take to catch Zhang Jincheng to see me?"

Yang Qijian's lips moved several times, but he didn't speak.

Wang Luo asked: "Why, isn't this question difficult to answer? You don't need to be particularly precise, just give a rough estimate of the time. Half a day, a day?"

Yang Qijian still couldn't answer.

Wang Luo's face gradually darkened: "So, the answer is that we can't bring it with us, right? If you take this jade back to the Eastern Capital, your Yang family will immediately activate the star-pulling platform to pull the stars to knock on the door of heaven?" "

At this moment, Nan Yingying suddenly realized that Wang Luo threw the jade to Yang Qijian for the purpose of detecting lies here!

Hearing this, Yang Qijian quickly argued with all his strength: "That's absolutely not the case, that's absolutely not the case! The envoy has really misunderstood! The Yang family never thinks that way!"

Nan Yingying exclaimed: "Is this the truth?"

Yu Gong also nodded and said: "Your Majesty, what the Prime Minister said is indeed from the heart. Obviously, even if the Queen Mother has other plans for Baoyu, at least at the level of the Prime Minister, she has no other plans. And with the current structure of the court, Your Majesty the Queen Mother It is impossible to bypass the prime minister to arrange such a big event."

Yang Qijian nodded vigorously and said: "That's it. Although the eldest sister has both prestige and means, her will must be executed through the people below. Regarding Dongdu Qianxingtai, whatever she wants to do, no matter what Maybe I don't know anything about it. So... Sir, the difficulty I had just now was not because of any conspiracy of the Yang family, but because it was an extremely ridiculous difficulty. I'm afraid it would be even more misleading. …He has committed suicide.”

"Oh?" Even Wang Luo was a little surprised now, "Zhang Jincheng is dead?!"

Yang Qijian shook his head and said: "No, he is not dead, but...refined himself into a seal and blocked Qianxing Platform. This happened just one day ago. For some reason, he seemed to have concluded that Qianxing Baoyu had already After being recovered by us, the seal of Dongdu Qianxingtai was about to be released, and then in desperation, he cast a secret technique to sink himself into the center of the platform. Now he is like the spirit of Qianxingtai, tightly imprisoned. We have stayed at the entrance of the high platform. Now even if we hold the Qianxing Baoyu, it is difficult for us to get on the stage, let alone bring the national master out. "

After saying that, Yang Qijian sighed again and gave up his struggle completely.

Yu Gong and Nan Yingying looked at each other and said to Wang Luo in unison: "It's all the truth."

Wang Luo then fell into deep thought and asked after a moment: "You said that Zhang Jincheng is now like a weapon spirit. Do you mean that he is not dead or even losing his mind?"

Yang Qijian quickly raised his head and replied: "Yes, although I couldn't communicate directly with him, he placed his soul behind the high platform, and the practitioners around him could feel his decisive will, and even felt faintly affected by it. It feels repressive and repulsive. However, his form of existence is so strange that we have never seen it before and it is difficult to explain it to others.”

Wang Luo pondered for a while longer: "Using one's own flesh and blood consciousness as material to seal, this technique looks like this..."

As he spoke, a golden light suddenly bloomed from the palm of his left hand. The light was not dazzling, but it instantly captured the attention of the other three people in the tent.

Because the golden light seems to contain an infinitely vast world... and an incredibly firm will to protect the world.

Nan Yingying couldn't help but murmur: "This is..."

Wang Luo replied: "This is the light of civilization used by the Immortal Alliance to 'fix the desolation'... At the same time, it is also the basic weaving method of the Ning Yuan Diagram. The Ning Yuan Diagram was first used by the mortal practitioners of the Immortal Alliance to sacrifice themselves. He used his life to 'seal' and 'suppress' those invincible true immortals, but it suited Zhang Jincheng's situation. Hey, Master Guoshi is indeed not simple. With this move alone, no matter how the situation in Xinheng develops in the future. , Zhang Jincheng is enough to be canonized in the Immortal League."

These words made the two Mahayana and a prime minister somewhat dumbfounded.

Wang Luo further explained: "The principle of the Immortal Alliance's determination of desolation is very simple in nature: the absolute identification with the civilization of the Immortal Alliance, the absolute rejection of desolation, and the determination and courage of self-sacrifice...many other spells are nothing more than It's just a little trick of weaving and processing these three things. The core of the Immortal Alliance's Bafang Dinghuang Diagram is not about the specific immortal techniques, but the will of the heroes who sacrificed in the battle. "

At this time, Yang Qijian whispered: "Yes, the seal at the entrance of Qianxingtai has the same rhythm as the golden light released by the Lord Envoy just now. Therefore, the Imperial Master... has become the symbol on the Ningyuan Diagram. Heroic spirit?"

Wang Luo said: "We haven't reached that point yet. If he can really transform into a heroic spirit and bring the serious Ning Yuan Diagram to the world, then there should be no golden candle in the high palace in Fan City adjacent to Dongdu at this time. For him Sacrificing oneself to block the high platform is probably just a temporary measure. However, precisely because it is a temporary measure, there is still room for redemption.”

After a pause, Wang Luo continued: "So, there is no way to wait here for Zhang Jincheng to come to see him. I can only take the initiative to see him."

Nan Yingying immediately reminded: "You want to go to Dongdu to save people in person? Isn't it too dangerous!?"

Yu Gong also admonished: "The central counties have been run by the Yang family for decades. There are countless traps and ambushes hidden there. They are like dragons and tigers' dens to anyone. If you go there rashly, the consequences will be unpredictable."

Wang Luo said: "So I didn't say I would go alone. With your escort, it should be enough, right?"

Nan Yingying said: "Thank you in advance for your trust, Sir, but to be honest, even with the protection of the two of us, we can at most protect your life, and the rest cannot be guaranteed. After all... Although Xinheng Mahayana has a number, but There are also combined gods and various immortal magic formations under Mahayana. If Yang sets up a trap and ambush in Dongdu at all costs, the worst case scenario may be that the three of us will be wiped out together. "

Wang Luo then asked Yang Qijian: "So, do you have such a trap and ambush?"

Yang Qijian sighed: "If it was before the turmoil of Xinheng, there would indeed be. But now... I'm afraid no one can persuade those traps and ambush to openly confront the two true kings."

Wang Luo then nodded: "That's no problem, let's set off now."

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