Xinheng's border troubles came so quickly.

Since the day when the flying sword from the northeast ignited half of the sky, the people of Xinheng east of Fancheng have never seen a clear blue sky again. People's heads are always covered with a layer of hideous and changing blood color. Even in the middle of the night, the rich blood color cannot be removed, dyeing the stars and the crescent moon into ghostly colors.

For a whole half month, the emergency flying swords from the direction of Liuyan City were almost continuous. There was new bad news every day, and every bad news seemed to be a mockery of the high hall of the Temple of Heaven in Fancheng.

On this day, another urgent flying sword came from Liuyan City. The sword light went straight over the multiple protective magic arrays of Fancheng and the Temple of Heaven, and unceremoniously inserted into a table full of holes.

It almost cut off the red tassel on the head of a general in white armor at the table.

The general was stunned for a moment, and then saw that the eyes of all the civil and military officials in the hall were focused on him at this time. He was immediately a little angry, but he didn't dare to get angry because he was next to the general Yang Jiuzhong.

Yang Jiuzhong didn't care about his colleague's embarrassment. He just took the flying sword off the table and removed the letter sealed on the hilt. After asking Wang Luo next to the golden candle with his eyes, he opened it himself and read it in a low voice.

"... As of yesterday, the border beasts are still gathering at an accelerated pace, and the number has reached nearly 20 million. The surprise attack three days ago was not completed because the Western Xiang army did not obey the order, and the beast king escaped with his life. It is recommended... Ha, it is recommended to prepare for a long-term war, and it is recommended to eliminate the hidden dangers in the army as soon as possible, such as the remnants of Dashengguan, so as not to repeat the same mistakes."

Yang Jiuzhong's voice was very light, but now even the young clerks who served as assistants in the high hall have at least Jindan cultivation, so they can naturally hear it clearly. People have different opinions on this, and the most radical one is Yu Hong, the commander of the Xiang Army wearing white armor.

As the real remnants of Dasheng Temple, Yu Hong and Yu Gong, the Mahayana True Lord, have no blood relationship. They are just orphans adopted by Dasheng Temple. They have been selected by the temple's specialists since childhood and carefully trained to achieve great achievements when they grow up. Among them, Yu Gong is gifted and took over Dasheng Temple early, broke through Mahayana, and became the top of the world. Although Yu Hong cannot be compared with Yu Gong, he also took the position of the commander of the Xiang Army with the full support of Dasheng Temple.

As a traditional strong army with jurisdiction covering the three counties in the west, the Xiang Army has always been inseparable from the Dasheng Temple, and at least half of the backbone officers in the army are believers of Dasheng Temple. The word "Xiang" in the Xiang Army is said to be taken from the word "incense". When the Xiang Army fights, with the blessing of faith, soldiers at all levels are often fearless and fearless, so the Xiang Army has always been a traditional strong army of Xinheng.

However, with the change of the Eastern Capital, the master of Dasheng Temple, Yu Gong, fell sadly, and the political structure of Xinheng suddenly changed overnight, making this traditional strong army particularly embarrassed.

Over the past hundreds of years, the reason why the Xiang Army and Dasheng Temple have been able to develop deeply in the three western counties and even spread their tentacles throughout the territory is that the master of the temple can always stand firm and win the trust of the royal family-in fact, Yu Gong did stand on the side of the queen mother until the end. But as the ruler of Xinheng became a special envoy from the Immortal Alliance, all the old political rules became invalid. Yu Gong's loyalty has buried huge hidden dangers for the entire Dasheng Temple and the Xiang Army.

The current commander Yu Hong is a sharp and decisive person. He immediately made up his mind to acknowledge his master and pledge allegiance to the high palace of Fancheng, and completely cut off from the former master Yu Gong. Later, as wild beasts gradually became chaotic on the border of Xinheng, Yu Hong decisively invited a battle, striving to regain the soil for the survival of the Xiang Army in the war. During this process, Yu Gong, who was born in Dasheng Temple and had his current status thanks to Yu Gong's appreciation, naturally suffered from the criticism and even scorn of countless believers. However, he did not expect that after such a sacrifice, he was still accused by Gan Fengxian in the letter!

In this regard, he naturally could not spit in his face. Even though he was a little panicked, he still put on an extremely frightened and angry look, and slapped the table with both hands, stirring up a strong wind.

"This Li Fengxian is simply shameless! When the war is not going well, he will frame the friendly army. If the front line continues to use this person as a general, it will definitely lead to disaster!"

As soon as Yu Hong finished speaking, he saw Yang Jiuzhong frowning slightly, and an invisible hand strangled Yu Hong's throat.

"Don't be presumptuous in the palace."

Yu Hong's eyes were red, and his cervical vertebrae were creaking. It seemed that he was about to be strangled to death on the spot!

Finally, Wang Luo spoke up and rescued Yu Hong.

"Alright, there's no need to be so bitter in front of me. Yu Hong is your great general's trusted and beloved general. If he occasionally behaves insolently, it's not a crime punishable by death."

After Wang Luo said these slightly sarcastic words, even Yang Jiuzhong was sweating on his forehead, and he didn't know how to respond for a moment.

Fortunately, Wang Luo did not mean to make things difficult, and quickly changed the subject, asking: "In short, Prince Ling attributed the unfavorable situation on the front line to the Xiang army's disobedience to discipline. So, did the Xiang army obey orders during the battles in the past few days?"

As he spoke, Wang Luo's eyes became more and more sharp, while Yang Jiuzhong lowered his head more and more, and finally responded helplessly: "When Prince Ling gave orders to the Xiang army, the military orders were often contrary to common sense, and he was reluctant to explain, which had repeatedly caused... unnecessary casualties. There were many complaints from the officers and soldiers on the front line, and the commander Yu Qi was also for..."

Wang Luo interrupted impatiently: "So, did the Xiang army obey orders?"

Yang Jiuzhong had to answer frankly: "No."

Wang Luo asked again: "What did Prince Ling say when he sent the first flying sword half a month ago?"

Yang Jiuzhong was silent for a moment and whispered: "Prince Ling said that although no large-scale war has broken out on the front line at this moment, the beast herd is coming with extraordinary force. Xinheng needs to work together to treat this battle as a battle to destroy the country in order to have enough chance of winning." …”

"Tell the important point."

"...Prince Ling emphasized that with the current border situation, the rear would probably miscalculate the pressure, thinking that as long as they quickly mobilize the garrison troops from various counties to Liuyan City, so that the frontline troops are relatively sufficient, they can quickly defeat the herd. But now in the country The chaos has not yet been settled, and armies from all over the country have different ideas, especially the Qingqi Army in the North and the Xiang Army in Xijun. They must be eager to fight in order to gain military exploits as political capital. However, they are limited by old prejudices. They have been idle in Sang County for many years, but suddenly The new prince who recognizes his ancestors is convinced but not convinced. Under such a situation, the front line will be defeated..."

Wang Luoyi clapped his hands: "Yes, that's it. Remember when he said that, what did you think? Alarmist, right? Apart from you, even the civil servants in the palace were disdainful, thinking that Prince Ling was Making a fuss out of a molehill and rashly using the Burning Sky Sword was just to create an atmosphere of a building that was about to collapse, to highlight his achievements in turning the tide on his own... Now it seems that Prince Ling is indeed very foresighted, and he did not predict your reactions at all. Oh, for the next half month, Prince Ling sent the Burning Sky Sword every day, and every time he made a fuss and made alarmist remarks, so that many people in the high palace thought it was a wolf's trick, even the Qing Banner Army on the front line. The Xiang Army did not obey orders as predicted, but you still did not take it seriously. You just thought it was an ordinary discord in the army. You just thought that Prince Ling was deliberately creating discord to suppress dissidents. Now, the crucial surprise attack has not yet been completed. All thanks, the Beast King escaped by chance - and every time they escaped, they became stronger in a short period of time - the beast herd accelerated its gathering, and its strength was almost ten times that of the frontline coalition forces. The overall situation has worsened, and you. What’s your reaction? Accusing Prince Ling of being shameless will lead to a big defeat?”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a muffled sound of kneeling down in the high hall.

The commander of the Xiang Army, Yu Hong, was trembling all over, and he bowed his head in front of Wang Luo and begged for mercy: "Your Majesty, please forgive me..."

Wang Luo ignored it at all and only said: "So far, Prince Ling has sent fifteen Burning Sky Swords from the front line, and each sword has a very clear request. I don't understand military affairs, so I have to go to the palace every time. The civil servants and military generals have brainstormed, but the result of each brainstorming is to implement Prince Ling's demands at a discount. To this day, although the situation is not corrupt, it is not optimistic, so I don't plan to waste time and money anymore. You bargained. This time, Prince Ling's demands must be fully implemented. He wants us to prepare for a long-term war, and everyone from the general onwards must prepare for a long-term war. , then starting from tomorrow, the frontline generals of the Hong Kong Army will no longer be named Yu. If someone really disobeys the control and even has extreme thoughts of rebellion, I don’t need to say more about the consequences. So, everyone understands. If you understand it, follow it immediately."

After saying that, Wang Luo stood up on his own initiative, not caring about the complicated looks thrown around him, and quickly walked out of the high hall. The moment his figure left the high hall, a rainbow light lit up under his feet, and then he seemed to have passed through an invisible shuttle door and disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.

However, even after Wang Luo left for a long time, there was still silence in the palace... It was not until General Yang Jiuzhong took the lead in sighing that the others confirmed that Wang Luo had indeed left, and a burst of noisy discussion suddenly sounded in the palace. Most of these comments were cautious and even courteous to Wang Luo - even though Wang Luo was not here, people continued to sing praises to Wang Luo as if they were deceiving themselves.

Yang Jiuzhong sneered in his heart after hearing this, and then became irritated. Especially after Yu Honglang got up in embarrassment and acted like an abandoned beast next to him, it made Yang Jiuchong even more irritated.

Why are there so many rubbish around?

But the person who could always make him turn from irritation to anger, the sixth brother Yang Wuyi who was particularly cherished by him, has been...

Fortunately, although Yang Wuyi was not there, another brother, Yang Qijian, appeared in time.

"Second brother, can you lend me a moment to talk?"

Yang Jiudian nodded, and then left the Gaodian with Yang Qijian - after he left, the Gaodian became quiet.

Before they had taken two steps, the two of them were still under the bloody sunlight. Yang Jiuzhong stopped and said, "Okay, this is fine. What can I do?"

Yang Qijian said: "Second brother, cut it off when it's time to cut it off. There are some people you can't take care of."

Yang Jiuzhong nodded dullly: "Well, I know, it's just... After all, Yu Hong has been with me for so many years. If he really died on the battlefield to protect his family and country, I have nothing to say, but it happened that Li Fengxian was Intentionally misleading..."

"Second brother!" Yang Qijian suddenly straightened up and patted his brother's shoulder seriously, making his brother, who was much higher in cultivation than him, feel heavy. "First, never forget that Prince Ling has recognized his ancestor. Zong, no longer named Li; secondly, there was no intentional misleading, let alone conspiracy. It was the Xiangjun who made the mistake themselves, and what we have to do is to prevent the Qingqi Army from making the same mistakes again, let alone for the sake of this moment. Selfish distractions have delayed the overall situation!”

Yang Jiuzhong was a little amused: "You...really think so?"

Yang Qijian said: "If Sixth Brother were here, he would definitely think so! Second Brother, in the past half month, even I have not fully figured out many things. At the same time, I also know that my words are far less convincing than Sixth Brother, so I have been waiting for you to wake up on your own, but today it seems..."

"Okay, I know. Prince Ling...has been an open conspiracy from the beginning."

"This is not an open conspiracy!" Yang Qijian refuted seriously, "Second Brother, how about trying to look at the problem from a different angle? Suppose Prince Ling is really devoted to the country? Is the situation he faces any different from what was written on the first Burning Heaven Sword? Whether it is the Xiang Army, the Qingqi Army, or even the Star Army under his command, we have planted many spies, and it is not so easy to use. In this case, he warned in advance and asked us to provide support from the rear. What's wrong? ? The subsequent changes in the situation further proved his foresight. The arrival of this beast tide is a real crisis of national destruction. We must use all our strength to deal with it! As the commander of the Star Army, his military talent is not inferior to yours, and now that yours cannot leave Fancheng, even if it is only for the sake of the country, you should fully trust Prince Ling! "

"Is this what you have figured out in the past half month?" Yang Jiuzhong sighed again, "No wonder my eldest sister insisted on you becoming the prime minister. Among the brothers, you are indeed the most qualified to be the prime minister...Okay, I understand what you said. I will do my best to cooperate with Prince Ling in the future. No matter what he wants, I can give it. I just hope...he can really resolve this crisis and protect his own country. "


At the same time, Liuyan City, thousands of miles away.

Accompanied by a burst of rainbow light blooming in the empty city lord's mansion in the city, several birds on the eaves were startled and flew up, dropping a few feathers.

Since Xiahou Ying was promoted to the position of prime minister of the court, the position of the city lord of this border town has been vacant, and the locals do not seem to have any difficulty adapting. Whether there is a city lord or not, people still have to live their lives...

Even now, not far from the city, the roar of the wild beasts is clearly audible, and hundreds of thousands of troops are stationed outside the city. In comparison, the thousands of natives in the city are like a drop in the ocean, insignificant. But precisely because of their insignificance, many people's pace of life still maintains the leisurely pace of the past.

For example, in front of the city lord's mansion, the little girl who was playing with a two-headed snake, Wu Qing.

Seeing Wu Qing again, Wang Luo couldn't help but smile. He walked out of the city lord's mansion and greeted her easily.

"Long time no see, this immortal master."

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