The entry of the Immortal Alliance Alliance is certainly not a secret to Gan Fengxian, who is in charge of the frontline war. Long before he personally went on the expedition, he had had a secret conversation with Wang Luo in the high hall. At that time, the two of them roughly determined what to do at the critical moment. The drama of "the immortal alliance's magic soldiers descend from the sky to turn the tide".

It’s just that this scene will not and should not be staged in the early and middle stages.

On the one hand, the environment in the two states of Ming and Mo was far more dangerous than expected, causing the Immortal Alliance's progress on the Tongming Road to be slow. Every time a Dinghuang fortress was built, the pioneer warriors spent several times more energy than expected to overcome obstacles and open a way out. As of today, the progress of Tongming Road has not yet passed halfway, and Xianmeng and Xinhengyuan are not bordering each other. Under such circumstances, if the Immortal Alliance forces forcefully cross the wasteland and reach the Xinheng border front, they will suffer huge risks.

On the other hand, Xinheng's Wild Beast Rebellion is an excellent opportunity for Gan Fengxian to express himself. As an airborne member of the royal family and the next emperor, he must take this opportunity to lay a solid political foundation and win enough support. Basic market, and this process always takes time.

However, no one expected that the Immortal Alliance forces would arrive faster than expected.

Then Gan Fengxian suddenly looked solemn and sat up from the lotus platform, as if the bruises under his armor had been healed in an instant.

"Your Majesty, the Immortal Alliance has changed?"

Wang Luo said: "It's because of the change in Tongming Road. The intensity of this beast tide not only exceeded your expectations, but also exceeded the expectations of the Immortal Alliance. The day after your surprise attack on the Beast King failed, a herd of beasts came from The Brood was branched out and attacked an Immortal Alliance engineering unit laying a tree-eye network, causing very serious casualties."

Gan Fengxian was shocked at first, and then said gloomily: "A diversion attack, could it be..."

"Yes, that's the problem. The tactics you designed to surprise the Beast King have been learned by the opponent and used to deal with the Immortal Alliance. And the effect is better than the previous one."

"...Ashamed." Gan Fengxian almost gritted his teeth when he spoke. Because of the surprise attack three days ago, he was actually eighty-nine percent sure of killing the Beast King in one fell swoop - if he tried his best to win. It's a pity that based on political considerations, he left loopholes in the overall strategy, tempting General Qi of the Hong Kong Army to hesitate before the battle, leaving room for the beast king to break out, so that he failed in his efforts. The backlash of the beasts caused heavy casualties to the Xinheng army. Many generals who had a bad relationship with Gan Fengxian died from the backlash. However, Gan Fengxian won the respect of the entire army by virtue of his heroic feat of going to the front line and fighting bravely.

At that time, Gan Fengxian thought he had a plan - although the cost was indeed high, it was negligible compared to the gains. What's more, although the beast tide temporarily gained momentum and established a frontline nest, in his opinion, it was just a futile struggle. Compared to human civilization, the temporarily united wild beasts are nothing more than a mob.

But looking back now, he really underestimated this group of rabble, and even underestimated the intelligence of the beast king... It only needed to experience the tactics of the regular human army once to imitate them, and it even severely damaged the Immortal Alliance. Coalition forces! Obviously, he really learned the essence and used it.

In comparison, the powerful but inactive human army is more like a rabble!

Wang Luo said: "There is no point in regretting the past. The focus is on the next... This is the first time that the Immortal Alliance has suffered such heavy casualties in the wasteland. The voices of internal radicals have naturally taken the initiative. At present, they have decided to send a team of more than three people. The field troops of ten thousand people went deep into the wilderness along the well-paved roads to destroy the nests of the beasts..."

Gan Fengxian immediately said: "It's too dangerous! If we use brute force to attack from the front where the wild beasts have already occupied, even the Immortal Alliance will be unable to break through the endless sea of ​​beasts..."

Wang Luo said: "So, this is also your opportunity to leave a good impression on the Immortal Alliance. When the field army is in crisis, you will personally take the wounded out of the battle and lead the crowd to kill the beast... I can guarantee that you will be the best in half a year. Mirage will be a hit in all the countries of the Immortal Alliance.”

Gan Fengxian was silent for a while and gritted his teeth: "I understand, this is indeed a rare opportunity. If we can join forces with the Immortal Alliance to defeat the beast tide mother nest and drive them completely out of the Fenghu area, it will be a great opportunity for both parties. It should all be the best outcome... There have been many unexpected surprises in the desolate beasts' rebellion so far, and past experience cannot be applied. Their evolution speed is too fast! , the consequences are really unpredictable!”

Wang Luo nodded: "Okay, as long as you have an idea. I can help you sort out the affairs in Xinheng, but no one can help you with the matters on the front line. You must take charge of it yourself."

Gan Fengxian solemnly said: "Xinheng is my country, and I will do my best!"


Gan Fengxian's so-called "trying his best" soon bore tangible results.

On the tenth day after the Xinheng surprise attack, the Immortal Alliance forces assembled at the third Dinghuang Fortress. More than 30,000 troops directly crossed the boundary established by the Dinghuang Fortress and went deep into the wasteland.

On the twelfth day, the army caught up with the herd of beasts that had previously attacked the engineering troops. It took half a day to complete the strangulation, and no bones of the beasts were left. However, half a day later, on the way back, more than a million wild beasts suddenly emerged from the ground, directly cutting off the path of the Immortal Alliance forces and trapping them in a deserted valley. The strength of the beast herd far exceeded expectations. Even with the heavy fire support from the distant Dinghuang Fortress, the battle situation was only a stalemate, and it became increasingly unfavorable to the Immortal Alliance.

At this time, Gan Fengxian, despite his unhealed injuries, once again led the main forces of the Star Army and the Xiang Army to fight from west to east in the beast tide, creating a nearly straight path paved with the bones of strange beasts.

The end of the road is a steep and abrupt mountain, which stands out from the large hilly area west of Liuyan City. And because of its conspicuousness, although it is not located within the borders of Xinheng, it is well-known in the border areas.

Hundreds of years ago, the border people said that there was a fairy living in seclusion on the "Xianyang Peak", because whenever the celestial phenomena in the border areas were abnormal, people could see the figure of a fairy on the top of Xianyang Peak through the clouds. However, Xinheng has always been isolated from the world, so people only have the leisure to imagine the legend, but no opportunity to explore it in reality.

And the Xinheng army led by Gan Fengxian is the first group of mortals who have personally climbed Xianyang Peak since the founding of Xinheng.

On Xianyang Peak, people really found traces of the immortals' past lives, a thatched hut that was abandoned but still contained rich immortal essence, and a medicinal garden full of immortal grass. There were immortal notes in the thatched hut, but unfortunately no one could recognize the words written on it.

The soldiers were quite excited about the discovery on Xianyang Peak - not because of the cultural and historical value of Xianyang Peak, but because when the immortals lived here in the past, they spent a hundred years to open up the passage between the entire mountain and the underground spiritual veins. This high mountain that stands out from the crowd is like a deep well. As long as you are on the top of the mountain, you can easily mobilize the power of the deep spiritual veins of the earth.

And this is also the reason why Gan Fengxian went beyond the opposition and led the army deep into the country.

Others don't know what is on Xianyang Peak, but he knows it - because long before he personally led the expedition, Zhang Jincheng, the national teacher on the Qianxingtai of Dongdu, clearly told him that there is a mountain with a high reputation on the border a hundred miles east of Liuyan City, named Xianyang Peak. And that mountain... is essentially a place for the immortal officials of the heaven to rest and relax when they are on duty in the mortal world.

In theory, the immortal officials on duty should be high in the sky when on duty, and keep a close eye on the changes in the test field. But the reality is that no immortal is willing to watch a group of ants in the mortal world so devotedly. When they are assigned to take turns in the mortal world, the immortal officials are more inclined to be completely hands-off shopkeepers, and find a place with rich spiritual energy to concentrate on practicing to make up for the loss of leaving the heaven.

Although the practice environment in Ming and Mo states is far from comparable to Jingzhou where the heaven is located, as long as you are willing to work hard to cultivate, even relatively poor soil can bear fruit. And Xianyang Peak is the fruit cultivated by the immortal officials for hundreds of years. It is located in an ordinary hilly area, but the mountain is tall and straight, reaching the clouds. The top of the mountain is also supplied by the intersection of spiritual veins from deep in the earth, and the spiritual energy is as rich as that of the immortal world. Although it has not been enlightened by immortal spirits and has not become immortal essence, it is much better than the turbid air in the mortal world.

Although this unique pattern cannot help mortals become immortals, it is enough for Gan Fengxian to lead the army to set up a lightning array here. The array uses the underground spiritual veins as its source. With the help of the towering mountain of Xianyang Peak, it can drop immortal thunder from the clouds to any point within hundreds of miles around, and its power is comparable to that of a heavenly calamity.

This is a safety measure arranged by the national teacher long before the expedition. If the battle on the front line is not favorable, then the Xinheng army only needs to find a way to climb Xianyang Peak and set up a lightning array, and there will be a chance to turn defeat into victory. Since Xianyang Peak has the aura of immortals left, ordinary wilderness beasts are unwilling to approach it at all. Therefore, as long as the Xinheng people can take out the courage to fight all the way, there should always be a way to climb to the top of the peak. However, according to the plan before the expedition, this insurance measure will not be activated until at least the middle of the war.

Now the plan is advanced, and fortunately it is advanced.

Gan Fengxian clearly felt the resistance far beyond his expectations while leading the army to raid. He gathered the main forces of the Xiang Army and the Xing Army, ignored the mother nest in front of him, and rushed to Xianyang Peak. He should have taken the lead by surprise. At this time, a considerable number of the main forces of the beast herd were besieging the Xianmeng coalition army... and according to the national teacher, the beast herd should be sparse at the foot of Xianyang Peak, and the resistance should be lighter. But in fact, the closer to Xianyang Peak, the denser the beast herd, and the easier it is to hide powerful individuals in the beast herd. Although no wild beast dared to cross the border of Xianyang Peak, let alone climb to the top, it is obvious that the beast tide is very clear about the specialness of Xianyang Peak. So much so that when Gan Fengxian's army rushed to the last few thousand meters, it was almost blocked by several wild beasts with almost fusion cultivation.

And according to the evolution speed of wild beasts, it may not take long before they can completely wash away their fear of the remaining power of the immortals, rush up the mountain, and occupy this crucial position. At that time, it will be the turn of the Xinheng army to become a living target when the wild beasts are high above.

Fortunately, his decisiveness gave Xinheng the upper hand.

Soon, Li Fengxian deployed his army around Xianyang Peak. After ensuring the protection, he used the Thunder Formation to roll up the dark clouds in the sky and sent down the immortal thunder to the beast tide mother nest that was towering like a mountain in the distance.

The immortal thunder formed by the will of thousands of troops and the spiritual veins of the earth is still not as powerful as the immortal officials themselves, but for the creatures in the mortal world, it can be said to be devastating.

After a thunderbolt fell, the purple-black meat mountain that almost covered the sky and the sun collapsed in a corner... But it was only a corner that collapsed, and after the mother nest was damaged, thousands of wild beasts immediately rushed out from inside and outside the nest, using their own flesh and blood to glue the wounds of the nest and resist the next immortal thunder.

Obviously, for the beast tide today, even the means of the immortals can hardly play a decisive role.

However, fortunately, Gan Fengxian no longer expected to have a final say. The purpose of bombarding the mother nest with the Thunder Array was not to directly destroy the mother nest itself, but to force the beasts that were besieging the Immortal Alliance to return to the mother nest as soon as possible.

Gan Fengxian's decision was accompanied by great risks. Not to mention whether the beasts that besieged the Immortal Alliance had a subordinate relationship with the beast king of the mother nest, and whether they were willing to give up the prey in front of them and return to their hometown... If the beast king who was recuperating in the nest also chose to besiege Wei to save Zhao, mobilized the beasts, and broke into Liuyan City while the main force of Xinheng was far away from the border, and went deep into Liuyan City, then even if Gan Fengxian really destroyed the mother nest of the beast tide and even killed the beast king afterwards, it would be of no use. The heavy casualties in the country would make him lose all his political capital, let alone accept the throne, and he would be ruined on the spot...

Fortunately, this risk was a good bet. After the second immortal thunder fell from the Thunder Array and hit the mother nest again, the Beast King made a decisive decision. The wild beasts of Ming and Mo states received a unified order and gathered from all directions to jointly guard the defense line of the mother nest. And tens of millions of wild beasts worked together to support a flesh-and-blood shield around the mother nest, which was difficult to penetrate even with the power of immortal thunder. But at the same time, the siege of the Immortal Alliance was also lifted.

However, the 30,000 field troops did not return to the fortress for rest, but continued to maintain a high fighting spirit and move forward, all the way to the foot of Xianyang Peak, and officially joined the army of Xinheng.

This decision to merge was completely unreasonable and somewhat beyond Gan Fengxian's expectations, but the results were undoubtedly good. As the Immortal Alliance brought a large number of Immortal Alliance weapons with strange effects to Xianyang Peak, the efficiency of the Thunder-pulling Array doubled immediately. The defense line built by the Beast King with all his strength was broken in an instant, and the mother nest was gradually turned into dust with the falling lightning. At the same time, civil strife broke out within the beast tide... In desperation, the Beast King had to order the beasts to retreat, and retreated to the outside of the attack range of the Thunder-pulling Array, almost completely withdrawing from the Fenghu area, before stopping. As the civil strife of the beast tide intensified, it was obvious that it would no longer pose a threat in the short term.

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