Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 550: Straight to the point

When Wang Luo got the Ascension Record, his eyes were firmly attracted by the golden book, and the emotion in his heart was simply indescribable.

The true identity of the 83rd generation mountain master was finally revealed at this moment... In fact, when he realized the true identity of the Lord of the Heavenly Court and his own true identity, the mystery that had troubled him for years had already been answered, but it was not until this time that the power transfer of the Lingshan Mountain Master was finally officially completed.

Obviously, when Wang Luo woke up in the Dingling Palace, the Ascension Record he picked up was a copy by Lu Zhiyao. Perhaps it was with the help of the authority left by Taixu Tianzun, or with the geographical advantages of Lingshan. In short, compared with the original version, it looks 80% similar, and most of the core functions have been restored. But in the end, it is just specious and mixed with a lot of Lu Zhiyao's personal preferences.

And the Ascension Record in front of him is undoubtedly the original version in Wang Luo's memory, symbolizing the supreme authority of Lingshan, and contains many secrets that have never been known to people.

The moment he reached out to touch the Ascension Record, Wang Luo had a glimmer of enlightenment in his mind: by opening the Ascension Record, he could learn the deepest secrets of Jiuzhou and even the fairy world. And many times, secrets themselves contain great power.

However, when he tried to open the Ascension Record with a hint of curiosity, he found that the pages seemed to be completely stuck and could not be turned at all, and the touch was slightly hot, as if someone was warning him not to easily explore the secrets in the book.

Wang Luo couldn't help but raise his head and look at the Lord of Heaven with an inquiring look...but he found that the room in front of him was no longer the almost empty shabby room.

Instead, it was the high hall of the Temple of Heaven in the capital of Xinheng. The dim candlelight of the golden candle cast Wang Luo's tall figure on the wall.

It turned out that in the moment of trance just now, the Lord of Heaven had silently sent him away from Jingzhou, leaving many questions unanswered.

However, after spending several days with the Lord of Heaven, Wang Luo was able to grasp some of his true thoughts. Even if they no longer met, his explanations and exhortations seemed to ring in his ears.

"Sorry, there are some things that I cannot say even face to face, but you must understand."

Wang Luo couldn't help but laugh and nodded.

Yes, he did understand, so there was no need to elaborate.

When he was in Jingzhou, he confided many core secrets to him, such as the Taichu illusion, the true appearance of the Heavenly Lord, and the grand plan of Zhuxian in his dream... But most of these secrets only stayed at the general level and lacked practical guidance. And whenever the topic gradually went into details, he would interrupt it in various ways... The reason for this should be the same as the unopened record of ascension.

The most important secrets must be firmly sealed.

Whether it was Taichu Tianzun or an old man like Zhen Lao, they must have long been aware of the true thoughts of the Lord of Heaven and must have been prepared. It is better to say that it is wishful thinking to expect such an obvious thing to be hidden from everyone. Tianzun has been in the illusion for two thousand years. Has he really never seen that the fairyland under the Xinghai Tianyu has changed beyond recognition? Is he really unable to realize that the heaven he opened up is just a dream drawn by a group of mediocre people whose realm is far lower than his?

And the Lord of Heaven clearly has a killer move like the Blood Furnace in his hand, but he is reluctant to take action, and even personally vetoes the best plan of the Jade Book, just watching the war on the front line become more and more corrupt, so that Ming and Mo states almost fell into the hands of the Immortal Alliance in an instant... This is something that is difficult to explain with any reason.

Therefore, Tianzun in the illusion will repeatedly lose control, and repeatedly break through to the point where no one can stop him. Therefore, outside the door of the Lord of Heaven, there will be a courtesy maid every day, handing over the urgent Jade Book.

Now, the two sides are just barely maintaining a superficial peace, and have not completely exposed the contradiction. But as the Lord of Heaven takes Wang Luo back to Jingzhou, the subsequent development is obviously going to accelerate.

So, there is not much time left for me.

Wang Luo pondered for a moment under the candlelight, and then stretched out his hand to weigh the heavy Ascension Record, and decided to trust its ability to keep secrets.

He shook the bell on the table.

The next moment, the guards outside the hall screamed sharply.


Then the door of the hall was hastily pushed open, and several panicked faces came into Wang Luo's sight.

"Lord, the envoy!"

"You're back?!"

"You've been running around these days... Uh, the state teacher has something urgent to do, and he wants to see the envoy!"

While the guards were talking, there was a crisp sound of footsteps, and a young woman, wearing leather boots that didn't quite fit her feet, suddenly appeared, and then staggered away from the crowd, looking at Wang Luo with an incredible look on her face.

"You, you're really back!?"

Wang Luo smiled: "It's been a long time since we last met. Chief Shi has improved his skills and can even use the Han family's magical powers skillfully."

Shi Yue was stunned for a moment, her expression was tangled for a moment, as if she didn't know which sentence to respond, but she quickly sorted out her thoughts and said: "I'll go call Lord Lu now!"

Then there was another sound of footsteps, and she disappeared in a hurry.

After that, the palace was filled with a great deal of commotion, with people from all walks of life gathering in, including Xinheng's civil and military officials, and even the imperial teacher Zhang Jincheng who was in seclusion on the Qianxing Terrace. In the end, even the emperor Gan Fengxian himself came to pay his respects.

It was just a few days of separation, and he was just an envoy of the Immortal Alliance who had started the power transfer early, but Wang Luo's status did not decrease but increased during these few days, and he became the real supreme leader... But at this moment, Wang Luo naturally had no mood to consider how much truth and how little falsehood there was, how much fate, and he was not interested in governing Xinheng.

He dealt with all the visitors with obvious impatience, and even rejected the emperor Gan Fengxian, and then gradually dissipated the enthusiasm outside the palace.

It was not until the end of the night and the dawn that he waited for the last key person.

Da, the same crisp leather boots stepped on the ground, but the sound was completely different from Shi Yue. When landing, the fluctuation of the true essence was like a flawless circle, clean and elegant.

Even if he had seen the cultivation of the immortals in Jingzhou, the circle of true essence presented in front of him was still worthy of admiration. And those who have such attainments in immortal methods are also unique in Wang Luo's impression.

"Lord Lu..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Youyou smiled and said, "Welcome back."

Looking at the girl's perfect, clear and calm face, Wang Luo couldn't help but be curious: "Did you guess that I would come back?"

Lu Youyou hesitated, and then said, "...It's not all my guess."

Wang Luo suddenly said, "Oh, she finally woke up?"

"Well, she woke up when you went to Jingzhou, and then, she has been waiting for you."

Wang Luo's expression became more serious, and the Ascension Record in his hand became heavier at this moment.

The meaning of Lu Zhiyao's waiting is completely different from that of others. She has been under real pressure to retreat to the top of Jianmu for hundreds of years. Waking up is an extremely heavy burden for her, and even means extremely high risks. And she has been awake for several days in a row.

Obviously, Lu Zhiyao is aware of the grand plan of the Lord of Heaven and is deeply involved. The two Heavenly Lords, Taixu and Taichu, are actually of equal significance to the Left and Right of Heaven, so naturally the Lords of the two sides will have similar solutions, and they must also have tacit understanding and linkage.

Due to various restrictions, the Lord of Heaven did not tell Wang Luo the details of the plan, but only asked him to go to Lu Zhiyao with the existing framework, and this was by no means blind trust.

So now, go to Lu Zhiyao.

"Well, you may feel a little uncomfortable next, pay attention to concentrating your mind and returning to the origin, and you will be fine soon." Lu Youyou said, pacing forward, as if stepping on an invisible ladder, to the same height as Wang Luo, and then stretched out his hand on his shoulder... An unprecedented fairy art was brewing at a very fast speed.

At the end, she turned her head and looked outside the hall: "Master Zhang, I'll take my leave here. Thank you for your hospitality these days. We will meet again if we are destined."

As the voice fell, Lu Youyou took Wang Luo forward, and a crisp sound came into his ears, and it was rapidly stretched at the same time as it came into his ears, becoming a harsh melody. Wang Luo felt that the scenery in front of him began to be strongly distorted. He seemed to be twisted like a towel by irresistible brute force. All the moisture in his body was squeezed out in an instant. His Qi, blood, true essence and even consciousness showed signs of losing control in this short moment... Fortunately, this strong discomfort only lasted for a short time, and everything around him returned to normal.

Da Da Da.

As the scenery stretched, Wang Luo clearly heard a series of crisp staggering footsteps coming from his side, but saw Lu Youyou with a pale face and unstable footsteps. He almost fell down in a few steps. Fortunately, a purple-shirted woman supported him in time, and then half-held him in her arms and gently stroked his back.

Wang Luo was also somewhat uncomfortable with the sudden change of space. The violent squeeze and stretch just now almost made his Qi and blood in his body flow backwards... But perhaps it was because his natural Taoist body had better adaptability, or perhaps it was because of the several days of practice in Jingzhou that he got unexpected benefits... For a while, although Wang Luo was uncomfortable, he stood firmly and had more energy to look around.

The scene he saw surprised him.

"Why is it..."

Why is it Shi Yue's ancestral home in Rongcheng Shijie?

In surprise, he saw a woman in a plain dress under the housekeeper tree in the middle of the courtyard, gracefully put down the teacup in her hand, pursed her lips and smiled softly: "Didn't you expect it? Then your reasoning ability needs to be strengthened."

The voice that was so familiar that it was almost engraved in the bone marrow made Wang Luo dazed.

Even though he knew that his memory was only infused by others, at this moment, not only the memory, but also the blood, bones, flesh, and true essence, everything was trembling and resonating for this familiar voice.

That was Lu Zhiyao's voice, without any external retelling, without any distortion, original, belonging to her voice.

The woman who had retired to the top of Jianmu for five hundred years and had long since disappeared was now sitting under the housekeeper tree. Her clothes, posture, facial features and expressions were exactly the same as the one in my memory. She was the only one that could not be copied by any creature in the world, even hundreds of billions or trillions.

Lu Zhiyao, the one and only Lu Zhiyao.

"Senior sister, you..."

"Well, this matter is very important, so I came here in person."

Lu Zhiyao was still the same as always, making light of the big things.

But Wang Luo certainly knew that this was not the time to make light of it. Every word he was going to say next might affect the life and death of hundreds of billions of people.

While Wang Luo was pondering, Lu Zhiyao calmly revealed the answer to the previous puzzle.

"Stone Street is a secret place that I have arranged for 1,200 years. Shi Qingping, the ancestor of the Shi family, left the magical power of Splendid Duckweed here. The more the Shi family falls because of Shi Suying, the more this place will become a blind spot for the people in heaven. Although it has been surrounded by gossip, fortunately, it has only been prosperous for a few years, and the heritage of the past thousand years is still there, so you can say anything you want here without being heard. "

Wang Luo couldn't help but sigh.

Is it a mistake to co-author and help the Shi family? But it is not appropriate to worry about these minutiae at this time.

After a brief deliberation, he recounted his trip to Jingzhou, especially what he saw and heard in Taichu's illusion, as well as the Lord of Heaven's instructions, almost verbatim.

Lu Zhiyao listened very carefully, her fingers kept tapping, and her rhythm was steady, not wavering due to any ups and downs of the story. It wasn't until Wang Luo finished speaking and said that he had officially inherited the Ascension Record that Lu Zhiyao smiled slightly.

"Congratulations, from now on you are the authentic master of Lingshan Mountain... As for the problem left by that boy, I probably have some ideas, but they are just ideas. Therefore, anyone who has any good ideas during this period can feel free to speak out and make suggestions. . Sometimes some mediocre opinions can inspire me more, so don't be polite, just say it."

Although Lu Zhiyao said this, most of the other people in the small courtyard were stunned and their minds were blank... Even Lu Youyou was obviously at a loss. He hesitated several times and couldn't throw out half a brick.

And Lu Zhiyao didn't seem to expect that the honest little deer would be useful at all. Her eyes were locked on Wang Luo from beginning to end, as if she was expecting his answer.

Wang Luo does have his own answer. This answer has been brewing since he was in Jingzhou, and now it's time to verify it.

First, he asked: "How is the situation of Taixu Tianzun compared to Taichu Tianzun?"

Lu Zhiyao said: "It is very different from that boy's expectation. In terms of realm and quantity, it is even better than Taichu. But my ability to manage and control Tianzun is also stronger, and the actual handling is actually simpler. . The method of killing in dreams that he thought of, I have already made corresponding arrangements here, but the problem now is that it is meaningless to kill alone. Although the two Tianzun did not realize the replacement, that is because there are people behind them. Pulling hard. Once either party is killed, it may turn into nourishment for the other party in an instant. By then, the Tianzun will become one, and the mushroom cloud will probably burn to the Star Sea. Therefore, we must solve it first. The question is how to achieve a double kill.”

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