This farce on Shi Street appeared in every corner of Zhuwang almost at the same time. The names on the list, whether familiar or unfamiliar, instantly touched the hearts of hundreds of millions of people, and then triggered a heated discussion across the country.

Why is it him/her? Why is it not him/her? What makes you say he/she? Do you understand Taixu Painting Scroll? ?

And the Taixu National Team was officially established in this chaos.

The concept of the so-called Taixu National Team comes from the "Nine Immortal Alliance Painting Scroll Competition" announced by the Taixu Mansion of the Immortal Alliance a few months ago. The hundreds of countries in the Immortal Alliance will each select a team to represent their country to participate in a grand event with the theme of Taixu Painting Scroll.

Since the birth of the Taixu Painting Scroll, it has played an indispensable role in the Taixu Painting Scroll. However, this is the first time that the Taixu Painting Scroll has been given such a high-standard treatment by the Taixu Mansion, the most authoritative official institution of the Immortal Alliance.

The Nine Venerable Competition, just from the name, is unprecedented. Since the catastrophe, Kyushu was divided into two, and the concept of "nine" has become quite politically sensitive. The people may not care about the taboo and continue to respect nine. However, the official activities and names of the Immortal Alliance rarely use the word "nine", with very few exceptions.

Of course, since the success of this round of land reclamation, Rongcheng is located on the east bank of Crazy Lake and has annexed half of Mozhou in one fell swoop, the taboo of "nine" has loosened, as if the unification of Kyushu is no longer out of reach. But the title of "Nine Honors" still has a very different meaning, and such an extraordinary title, being given to a competition of Taixu Painting Scroll, is beyond the expectations of too many people.

Or the official hosting of the Taixu Painting Scroll by the Immortal Alliance has exceeded the imagination of many people. Once upon a time, it was just a nipple music for the lower class, but now it has entered the hall and has the appearance of high-brow spring and white snow!

There are many explanations for this, both private and official, and conspiracy theories are rampant. There are also many celebrities in Taixu Qinglu who give advice on the world and international affairs... But for those who actually deal with related affairs, the disturbances in the outside world are like a rainy day on vacation, watching the endless stream of social animals on the way to work outside the window, which gives a unique sense of superiority.

In the Jinlu Hall, a duplex building that was temporarily cleared out in Youcheng Jianmu, a kind-looking middle-aged man came in with the newly arrived Jinlu Hall Daily in his hand, and he kept clicking his tongue while reading. When a thin man wearing glasses in the building saw him, he couldn't help but show a little uneasiness and asked.

"Well, Lao Zhang, are there any problems after the list is announced?"

The kind-looking Lao Zhang, Zhang Xiuyi, put down the daily newspaper and asked in a strange tone: "Why, Lao Liu, did you encounter a problem? Didn't the above say that any controversy about the selection of the national team will be ignored?"

Lao Liu sighed and said: "That's what I said... But if the door is blocked by the brokers of the famous society every day, it's another matter."

Zhang Xiuyi was even more surprised: "Someone dares to block your door? In broad daylight, are you dissatisfied with the insufficient workload of Qingping Division?"

Lao Liu sighed again: "Lao Zhang, you should have heard of 'Xianyue Society', right?"

Zhang Xiuyi's face suddenly became solemn, and he nodded: "It turned out to be them, no wonder..."

The so-called Xianyue Society is a large-scale society founded by the famous wealthy family owner of Youcheng, mainly engaged in the operation and participation of Taixu Painting Scroll Competition. It has collected a large number of painting scroll practitioners with top-notch competitive ability and actively participated in major competitions. At the same time, they will also host related programs and sell peripheral products in Taixu Qinglu.

Initially, the establishment of Xianyue Society and the collection of popular practitioners were just the personal interests of the wealthy family owner, but as time went on, the operation of the society gradually got on the right track and the scale continued to expand. Today, two hundred years later, Xianyue Society has become a top society with a good reputation in Zhuwang and even in the Immortal Alliance. There are countless champions and Hall of Fame-level scroll practitioners in the society, and their status in the industry can be said to be very important. In many cases, they can even directly participate in the business work of the scroll workshop.

At this time, when Lao Liu mentioned Xianyue Society, it was obviously not just referring to the influence of the society among the people.

In the final analysis, even after two hundred years, Xianyue Society is still a signboard in the hands of the wealthy family. It not only represents the society itself, but also represents the face of the wealthy family.

Working in the Taixu Division of Jinlu Hall, you can certainly treat the disturbances and discussions of the people as a joke and ignore all disputes. But if he was facing a top-tier wealthy family that had been famous in Zhuwang for a long time, and still had no sensitivity, that would be a way to his death. For a moment, even though Lao Zhang was already a senior middle-level manager in Taixu Division and had long been free and easy, he was also a little worried.

"I remember that there are quite a few people from Xianyue Society on the national team's list."

Liu Fei sighed for the third time: "There are quite a few people, but the selection is a bit tricky... The 'genius boy' they have been promoting recently was not selected, but the former runner-up of the competition who is on the verge of retiring from the same team was included in the list. This is indeed somewhat, easy to cause controversy."

Zhang Xiuyi snorted coldly when he heard this: "Cause controversy? I'm afraid Xianyue Society thinks that this list affects the business of genius boys!? What a shit genius boy, from age to performance, everything is inflated, it's nothing more than a more handsome face, more eloquent, and more fans..."

Liu Fei interrupted: "Okay, Lao Zhang, I know you always look down on Xianyue Society's business philosophy, but the problem now is that the president of the club plays the role of a broker every day and comes to my door, performing a humble and submissive performance. I am under a lot of pressure... After all, behind the broker is the Yuan family."

When mentioning the Yuan family, Zhang Xiuyi was speechless for a moment. It was a famous family inherited from the old Immortal Calendar era. During the Dinghuang War, they actively followed the Lord in the south and north. By the end of the war, the Yuan family was already a top nobleman below the Dinghuang founder, and the family history was even greater than that of Zhu Wang. For a long time, and the successive family heads have also been well versed in the way of government, and have survived thousands of years of ups and downs. Nowadays, the clan members are spread all over the officialdom, and the backbone member Yuan Ye is even appointed as the governor of Qingping Division, with astonishing power. Such a wealthy family sent people to block the door, which was really difficult for the middle-level officials of the Taixu Department of Jinlu Hall to resist.

"First of all, the list must not be moved. This is the red line repeatedly emphasized above..."

Liu Fei interrupted: "Well, I know this too, and don't say it was emphasized above. Even if it wasn't emphasized, it would be a fool's errand to ask me, an ordinary examiner, to change the list. This time the assessment rules for the entire national team are It was printed and distributed directly, and all of us just took the medicine according to the prescription, and we had no autonomy at all. But now, except the king himself, who else can change this list at will? Oh, maybe Wang Shanzhu can... But now. The question is, how can I explain this truth to the Yuan family? The Yuan family has not been very fond of reasoning in recent years. "

Zhang Xiuyi couldn't help but fell into silence, then simply shook his head, and walked towards his desk with a long sigh, ignoring the problem because it was really an unsolvable problem... But just when he sighed, The Jinlu Hall Daily in his hand suddenly flashed with a red light, but a news item was urgently inserted in the bottom column. Zhang Xiuyi only glanced at it and couldn't help but change his expression in shock.

At the same time, other people in the duplex building also saw the temporary notice, and they were all surprised.

The governor of Qingpingsi Town and Wanghaihou Yuanye submitted their resignations this morning...and the leader of the country, Lu Youyou, approved it on the spot!

Generally speaking, the work of Taixu Division and Qingping Division seldom overlaps, and the relationship between the two parties can be said to be one of "lowering and never looking up". Therefore, the appointment and dismissal of their respective personnel are at most a casual conversation after dinner. But when it comes to what Liu Fei just said, people can't help but make associations.

Wanghaihou Yuanye is a loyal minister who has won the trust of the king. The governor of Qingpingsi Town is not a high-ranking official in the government affairs hierarchy, but he has great power and can report directly to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and even the king himself. He has always been regarded as People regard it as a shortcut to heaven. After that, whether he went a step further in the Qingping Division and became the first of tens of millions of Qingyi in the country, or he was transferred to serve in the other ten ministries and three divisions, he would always be one point higher and more powerful than officials at the same level.

However, such a prestigious backbone of a wealthy family suddenly applied for resignation, and the king actually agreed! The meaning is really intriguing.

Of course, for Taixu Division, who never looked up or lowered his head, the personnel appointments and dismissals of Qingping Division were always far away, and any conjectures could only remain conjectures... But the Taixu Division held an impromptu meeting the next day. The plenary meeting of the company made many conjectures become concrete.

"...To sum up, the selection of personnel for the national team this time is based on a high degree of professionalism and fairness. And this selection is not only related to the face of the country, but also affects the entire Jiuzun Competition. Results... Therefore, no individual or organization is allowed to interfere arbitrarily! If anyone is confused on this issue, they will be severely punished!"

At the meeting, the head of Taixu Division, Taixu Envoy Ge Libang, recited the speech in his hand in a particularly majestic tone... However, compared to the solemn posture of the head of the division, all Taixu Division officials in the venue , but subconsciously focused on another person.

A woman in purple was sitting next to the Taixu envoy, never saying a word, but her presence and oppression felt even more impressive.

Anyone who works in the Golden Deer Hall will not fail to recognize her... The chief manager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the most convinced subordinate of the country's leader Lu Youyou, Mo Yu.

Generally speaking, the responsibilities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are limited to serving the king himself and will not interfere with the government affairs of the ten ministries and four departments. But on the other hand, when Mo Yu personally interfered in the government affairs of the Ten Ministries and Four Divisions, she no longer represented the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but the king himself.

A plenary meeting of the Taixu Division attracted Mo Yu's guidance. The meaning of this is self-evident. Even people with the dullest sense of politics can certainly realize that the root of Wang Haihou's resignation lies in this. It just lies in the personnel selection of the Taixu national team!

At this point, no one dares to ignore this Nine-Signs Competition in the slightest.

Although people still have many doubts about the specific preparations for the competition, no matter whether they understand it or not, they can only carry it out resolutely.


For veterans who have been immersed in officialdom for many years, "resolutely implement it regardless of whether you understand it or not" has long been a commonplace. Among them, those who are proficient in this method can better understand that "as long as you resolutely implement it, you will naturally understand it." The profound meaning of it is the principle of officialdom.

But for some people outside the officialdom, things are reversed. That is to say: regardless of whether it is executed or not, it always means that one does not understand it.

"...There is no way for me to team up with that kind of person! I joined the national team to win the championship, not to light fireworks behind my back as a foil for the championship! No matter who decides the list, I only have one Rating: Nima’s dream!”

In the courtyard of a spacious manor on the outskirts of Youcheng, a young scroll walker indignantly pointed at an unshaven middle-aged man in the corner.

The middle-aged man was filled with righteous indignation and completely ignored it. He just slowly packed and maintained the few Lishen magic weapons on hand. One of the jade pendants that can help with concentration was polished until it shined... That was a scene in the past. The runner-up prizes in the international competition were awarded to five people on the same team. Four of them were destroyed by angry teammates. Only the one in his hand was cherished by him even more.

Seeing that the other party was completely ignoring him, the young and energetic traveler became even more angry. He strode forward and reached out to grab the almost shameful jade pendant. However, just when her fingertips were about to touch the jade pendant, a strong pressure suddenly came from above her head, like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!

The invisible sense of oppression, like the weight of a real mountain, immediately silenced the national team players gathered in the courtyard and made it difficult for them to make a sound.

Everyone could clearly smell the smell of rust, gunpowder smoke and corpse stink. Although it was only for a short moment, the remnants of the taste lingered in their noses for a long time.

Only a few people, under heavy pressure, could barely raise their eyes and look at the person above them.

He was a middle-aged man wearing the Taixu officer uniform. He was short in stature and unattractive in appearance, but the terrifying sense of oppression made every detail of his eyebrows reveal a ferocious meaning. Several young people with sensitive minds and less courage The man's legs almost became weak on the spot. And some people who were well-informed and recognized the identity of the middle-aged man even had the urge to incontinence!

The governor of Qingpingsi, who personally won the hearts and minds of countless dignitaries, Wanghaihou Yuanye... why did he appear here? !

Fortunately, as soon as Yuanye appeared, two other officials from Taixu Division flew towards him and said respectfully: "Master Yuan..."

Yuan Ye shook his head and waved his hands: "Now that we have the same official rank, just call me by name. There is no need to call me sir."

"...Yes, then, Mr. Yuanye, according to the above plan, the first phase of the national team members are now gathered in this manor. Afterwards, we will conduct a preliminary test for them before the training, please..."

Yuanye shook his head again: "No problem, just follow the plan. I'm not familiar with the matters related to the Taixu picture scroll, so I'll just ask the two of you to make the decision."

Having said that, Yuan Ye's gaze suddenly turned and was firmly fixed on an inconspicuous corner of the courtyard.

There, a middle-aged man with a shiny head was lonely and shivering.

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