Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 580: The illusion in reality

"Please wait a moment. There is a strict security inspection process here. You need to hold a valid talisman to make the two generals Heng Ha on both sides close their eyes."

In front of a corridor leading to the underground, Zhang Yu promptly stopped Wang Luo and Song Hui who were walking at the front, and then took out an exquisite copper seal.

The moment the copper seal appeared, General Hengha, who were like decorative sculptures on both sides of the corridor, suddenly came to life, turned their heads and glanced sideways, casting cold gazes at those who came, with more awe-inspiring murderous intent under their gazes... However, After confirming that the talisman was correct, General Hengha slowly closed his eyes and returned to his original motionless posture.

"After that, you can move on." Zhang Yu said, with a hint of hesitation in his voice, "The ruins of the fantasy world are ahead, but although these ruins have been put into auxiliary production in the Rongcheng workshop, they are not part of the factory itself. It belongs to the Zhuwang National Treasure, so it is not the workshop that is responsible for providing security, but the Youcheng Military Academy. The two statues are actually borrowed from the Military Academy, and their power is extraordinary..."

Song Hui asked coldly: "So what do you want to say? Please be concise and to the point."

Zhang Yu replied: "...Although I have been deeply involved in the construction of the workshop, I have personally visited most of the workshop facilities, and I am familiar with the inside of the workshop. But I have never been here before. I have never been to what the ruins look like. I’ve never seen it before, and even the talisman in my hand that opens the door is my first time to use it.”

Wang Luo suddenly realized: "No wonder you were a little nervous just now. Well, you, the actual person in charge, didn't come, is it because you want to avoid suspicion?"

Zhang Yu sighed: "Fu Hong asked me to come out as a guest. His reasons are of course high-sounding - although the Zhang family has contributed the most to the Rongcheng Workshop, it is by no means the Zhang family's words. He can The positions assigned by the top management are limited, but no matter what, since you are a guest, you must abide by your duties.”

Wang Luo nodded, and while walking into the long corridor, he asked casually: "You are such a loving father and a filial son, do you have any complaints in your heart?"

Zhang Yu paused for a moment before sighing: "How can I not complain? But rather than blaming Fu Hong, I resent myself more for being blind and never seeing the ambition in his heart."

Wang Luo smiled and made no comment, while Song Hui glanced at him with alert eyes.

Zhang Yu also knew that his words might not win people's trust, so he quickly changed the topic and continued: "Although I have never been here in person, I still remember the construction drawings of the underground part. There is a water curtain in front. After crossing the water curtain, you officially enter the core area of ​​the ruins. It is said that as long as you stand in the area, you will be affected by the ruins. "

"What kind of impact?"

Zhang Yu shook his head with some shame and said: "Although I have read the relevant reports, I really couldn't understand them, so I didn't pay attention to them seriously. However, considering the role of the delusion-breaking water curtain, it should generally cause hallucinations, right? However, no matter what the side effects are, they should not be too strong. After all, this was approved for production after a strict review by Taixu Mansion..."

Wang Luo smiled again when he heard this: "You are quite confident in this kind of bureaucracy."

Zhang Yu was startled, and just as he was about to answer, his expression suddenly changed: "Please, please wait a moment, Master Wang Shan!"

Wang Luo also noticed something strange at this time. On the left side of this winding downward corridor, in front of a half-open door, there was a string of unique bracelets. The material and craftsmanship of the bracelets were ordinary, except that A small silver medal tied to a chain contains a unique aura.

This type of bracelet is usually used to commemorate certain important events. From the aura of the silver medal, you can vaguely see a few words full of pride.

"Specially presented to Feiyuan Lu, the second place in the battle for hegemony between heaven and earth, the bloody master (Zhang Fuhong)"

The owner of the bracelet is clear at a glance, but at this time, the chain has obviously been violently fought over and has signs of damage.

So Wang Luo turned his head and looked at Song Hui, and saw that the latter had naturally raised his right hand that was lit without any instructions. Although the fire was still fierce, it was burning steadily. Obviously there was no special risk here. The nine-death escape was not yet there. here.

At this time, Zhang Yu saw that the two people around him had no words or actions, so he couldn't help but rush forward, picked up the bracelet with one hand, and pushed open the half-open door with the other.

Behind the door is a messy utility room with dozens of boxes of specially made talisman paper, cinnabar and other consumables stacked up. As well as a large number of spirit stones and leaves dedicated to the workshop, one box of spirit stones has been roughly opened, and there are still a few fragments left on the ground.

Zhang Yu was a little lost for a moment. He was not a professional in Qing Yi. Although he could clearly see that there was something strange in the utility room, he could not judge the details.

Wang Luo had already walked into the room at this time. With a glance, he roughly deduced what had happened here.

"A brief fight did break out here, yes, about the Golden Core level, but it was very superficial and unorganized... If nothing unexpected happened, it should have been Zhang Fuhong."

Speaking of this, Wang Luo couldn't help but frown. On the other side, Song Hui also said nothing, and the silence of these two people only made Zhang Yu feel panic brewing rapidly.

"Master Wang Shan, Fu Hong, he..."

"There is no danger. The level of fighting is very restrained even considering his cultivation level. The only problem is that there is more than one Zhang Fuhong here."

Zhang Yu was startled when he heard this, a little unbelievable: "More than one?"

"At least judging from the traces left at the scene, there should have been a brief conflict between three Zhang Fuhongs here."


"Yes, three independent individuals, clearly separated. It is definitely not one person holding three golden pills, or some kind of clone technique. Three Zhang Fuhongs fought briefly here, and one of them had his bracelet torn, but the owner was obviously absent-minded and left the precious souvenir here without paying attention... But after walking out of this utility room, their tracks were interrupted, and I couldn't see more."

Zhang Yu was stunned for a while, and suddenly replied: "This underground part has a secret array that blocks insight, and the tracking and tracing techniques usually fail."

"No wonder even the traces of fighting here are incomplete, it is indeed strictly kept secret. I can only judge that there are more than one Zhang Fuhong, but the specific fight and the exchanges outside the fight are all vague... Anyway, let's move forward."

The three walked out of the utility room and continued forward along the corridor outside the door. Although the underground part of this workshop has a huge structure, at least before reaching the Pohuan Water Curtain, the structure is quite simple, and there are no other forks.

After a while, there was a faint sound of flowing water in front of him, and it was obvious that he was not far from the water curtain, but along with the sound of water came a painful low moan.

Hearing the low moan, Zhang Yu suddenly widened his eyes and subconsciously stepped forward, but soon found that his body was fixed by the powerful true energy and could not move.

"Don't be impulsive, I'll go ahead."

Wang Luo said, passing Zhang Yu and taking the lead. Song Hui stood silently behind Zhang Yu, and waited for Wang Luo to walk a few steps before reaching out and pushing his shoulder, and immediately freed him from the fixation.

Zhang Yu nodded gratefully, and his mind was soon attracted by the groan in front of him again. As if to comfort himself, he said tremblingly.

"Zhang Fuhong, it shouldn't be a big deal. That kid never speaks when he's really in pain..."

Wang Luo nodded and said, "I can tell that he's still strong, but he's really injured... So, it proves that he's probably not an illusion created here to respond to your expectations. After all, you don't intend to see Zhang Fuhong injured, right?"

Zhang Yu then realized that he was actually in an illusion where he could see a false person at any time. He couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat, but soon he realized, "That bracelet, at least that bracelet is definitely not my imagination or expectation. Fuhong himself must have been here."

"Yes, that's why it's necessary to go and see it in person."

As they talked, the three finally arrived in front of the water curtain, and saw the corridor in front of them suddenly opened up, and then a thin waterfall flowed down, covering the scenery behind. But the distance was so close that Zhang Fuhong's voice was already like being by his ear.

Wang Luo did not pause, raised his hand, and held up an umbrella with invisible true energy, just enough to block the water, but did not touch the delusion-breaking array hidden in the water.

Then, he saw Zhang Fuhong, who was pale, behind the water curtain.

His old friend was groaning in a corner with a painful expression. His right hand was broken at the wrist. Although the wound was simply treated and no longer bleeding, the pain was still bothering him.

Of course, in Wang Luo's view, although Zhang Fuhong had never suffered any physical pain, he naturally lacked resistance to such physical injuries... But the groaning at this moment was more on the spiritual level, not from the body.


"Fuhong, are you okay?!"

Just as Wang Luo was thinking for a while, Zhang Yu behind him finally couldn't hold back and shouted out. Although he didn't cross Wang Luo, he lay on Wang Luo's shoulder and looked at Zhang Fuhong with worry and concern.

At this time, Zhang Fuhong heard the shouting, and raised his pale face in disbelief. Seeing the three people outside the water curtain, his pupils shrank sharply: "You, don't come over!"

"!?" Zhang Yu was surprised, "Why?"

Wang Luo had planned to step over the water curtain, but he stopped when he heard it: "What do you mean?"

Zhang Fuhong said: "Touching the water curtain may make you disappear... You may not be real people."

Hearing this, Wang Luo carefully observed his old friend again: "But you crossed the water curtain, so you are real?"

Zhang Fuhong nodded, and then looked at the broken part of his right hand, self-deprecatingly said: "At least most of them are."

Wang Luo suddenly had an idea at this time, and said: "Boss Zhang Yu, give me the bracelet."

Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, and handed the commemorative bracelet he picked up earlier to Wang Luo, and Zhang Fuhong, who was not far away, saw the bracelet and immediately showed an incredible look.

"You, where did you pick up the bracelet? Wait, are you... real people?"

"I'll know soon."

Wang Luo said, and took a step forward without hesitation, officially crossing the water curtain. At the same time, Zhang Fuhong's eyes were almost shining.

"Wang, Master Wang Shan, is it really you?! Is it the real you!?"

Then he looked impatiently at Zhang Yu who was trembling and crossing the water curtain, and his eyes were full of mixed feelings for a while.

"Dad, why are you here? It's very dangerous here..."

Zhang Yu sighed and said, "If I didn't come, the whole Zhang family would be in danger. Since you are the head of the family now, can't you think of the consequences of this change?"

Zhang Fuhong's face gradually returned to pale: "I... I still don't understand what happened. The whole world has become inexplicable in the blink of an eye."

At this time, Wang Luo had already come to him, leaned over and handed him a bottle of healing medicine, and then carefully observed every detail on his body, and at the same time asked: "It doesn't matter, tell me everything you saw with your own eyes."

After Zhang Fuhong took the medicine, the broken part of his right hand regenerated at an alarming speed, which was accompanied by great pain. However, he only had cold sweat on his forehead, but his face remained calm, as if he could not feel the pain... This But it made his moan just now seem quite weird.

" the beginning, I brought the core team of the workshop, along with Governor Han, to welcome several state leaders for inspection. At the beginning, everything went smoothly, and the production status of the workshop was better than expected. The deer country The Lord also seriously commended my merits... the change. To be honest, I still can’t say exactly when the change occurred, but it should have been... less than an hour ago?”

Hearing this, Wang Luo couldn't help but nod, the time was indeed right.

"At that time, the team came to the roof of the West Building to inspect the application of the new dyeing pool. As the workshop operator, I personally sank into the pool to demonstrate to the kings how to quickly dye a 'white scroll' into a usable 'Painting scrolls'. That's actually a bit of a show, mainly to show that even a completely unprofessional layman like me can produce scrolls in a new dyeing pool, and the efficiency of a professional expert is more than ten times that of mine. , the dip-dyed scroll also has a home advantage, so I didn’t really need to dip-dye it in the pool to create a beautiful scroll, I just followed the design in the rehearsal and spent about thirty minutes to dye it from scratch. But when I woke up from the pool, there was almost no one around me.”

Wang Luo couldn't help but sigh after hearing this.

"It turns out you were in the Ranhuan Pond at that time, no wonder."

Zhang Fuhong tilted his head in confusion, but did not ask more questions and continued his story.

"Of course I immediately realized that something was wrong, so I contacted the security personnel of the workshop as soon as possible... To be honest, the security work of the workshop at that time was actually the overall responsibility of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the guards and experts hired by Rongcheng Workshop , but they were placed on the periphery, but they were the only ones I could contact immediately, and then they appeared in front of me immediately..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Fuhong shook his head with some pain: "Now that I think about it, it was very unnatural. They came a little too fast. It was as if I just thought about asking them to come, and they appeared immediately. In front of me. But for people in an empty place, any familiar face is trustworthy, so I really didn’t think much about it. I just asked them if they noticed anything unusual, but they all shook their heads and said nothing. Know."

Wang Luo nodded and encouraged him to continue.

Zhang Fuhong added: "Although everyone was confused about the surrounding situation at the time, when there are more people, they will always feel at ease, and after they feel at ease, they will always have random thoughts. I was surrounded by a group of guards at the time, and I couldn't help but think , It would be great if we could find Xuewei as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Wang Luo sighed in his heart.

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