Lu Zhiyao's question made Wang Luo confused for a moment, and this moment of trance was like a flaw revealed in a duel between masters.

Lu Zhiyao naturally caught the flaw and asked with a smile.

"So, when you ask me if I want to go back, you actually want to refer to my answer to decide your own answer, right?"

Wang Luo raised his head and pondered for a while, and said calmly: "Maybe subconsciously, this is indeed the case. I have been chasing your back in the past, but now... Although I have experienced many stories, I always feel that following you in Lingshan Those ridiculous years were the most interesting parts of my life.”

Lu Zhiyao tilted her head and said, "You yourself know that those memories are just what I instilled in you, right?"

Wang Luo said: "Strictly speaking, the me now is just a memory instilled by the past me. Therefore, I have never been mysophobic in this regard. And those memories are objective and true, right? Well, at least most of them Partially true, right?”

Lu Zhiyao smiled bitterly: "Well, most of them are true. I won't lie to you with false memories... On the contrary, those vivid and true memories are my pride. You can be attracted by those memories Attracting you, you came to chase my back instead of treating me as a crazy person with a brain, which makes me quite happy. However, you should have lived in the Immortal League for a long time since you woke up. Isn’t there anything in the Immortal Alliance that makes you particularly nostalgic?”

Wang Luo said: "The same question will be asked of you. When you decide to retreat to Jianmu and gradually move away from Kyushu, will there be no people or things in Kyushu continent that are worthy of your nostalgia?"

Lu Zhiyao was silent for a moment and said: "How can I have no nostalgia? You should have seen a lot of my memories. During the more than a thousand years I have been in Jiuzhou Continent, although I have played the role of a time traveler, I have indeed used I tried my best...but sometimes, you can't do both."

Wang Luo asked: "Why not? To you, all the inabilities in the world are just excuses for incompetence. Are you a mediocrity? You said that Luoshu world needs you more. I understand this, but among them Isn't there a way to get the best of both worlds? The Genesis Project is a project that you can't complete for the rest of your life, so why would you really invest the rest of your life in it? What's more, there should be no Luoshu when you choose to retire? Base, let alone the Creation Plan, what was it that drove you away from Kyushu at that time?"

Lu Zhiyao was finally asked. After a long silence, she was suddenly disturbed by a line of notification text on her mobile phone. She couldn't help but smile bitterly: "The cafeteria master is angry. Let's go over there and have a meal first before we talk. I'm afraid this question can be answered in just a few words." It’s hard to come to a conclusion.”

Wang Luo sighed: "Okay, let's eat first."


The small stove in the base canteen is indeed worthy of its reputation, worthy of the master's temper and worthy of Lu Zhiyao's early momentum.

However, when a person is preoccupied with things, no matter how delicious the food is, it is often unpalatable. Therefore, after the storm, Wang Luo quickly returned to the topic.

"So, what is that conclusion that is difficult to draw in just a few words?"

Lu Youyou shook her head: "A rare late-night snack was wasted by eager to find a conclusion, then come with me and witness the truth of the world together."

"The truth?" Wang Luo chewed this slightly inconsistent word in a low voice. Regarding the truth of this world, was there anything unclear in the previous conversation?

No, there are indeed some. For example, Lu Zhiyao has been saying that Taichu is not a threat, Taixu is, and eradicating the threat is something that only Wang Luo can do... But in such a world structure, what else is there? Lu Zhiyao can't do it, what can only she do?

With this looming question, Wang Luo silently followed Lu Zhiyao, accompanied by several Shi Yue, from the cafeteria to the core area of ​​Luoshu base.

Even late at night, the Luoshu base is still brightly lit, and there is a steady stream of night shift workers walking in a hurry along the way. When everyone sees Lu Zhiyao, they will stop and salute and greet her seriously.

It wasn't until the group of people came to a large elevator in the center of the base that led to the depths of the underground that they encountered a slight obstacle. The person responsible for guarding the elevator was a team of heavily armed semi-mechanical biochemical bodies. Even with Lu Zhiyao's status and prestige here, it took a lot of trouble to complete all the necessary procedures and let the biochemical bodies escape. .

When the elevator descended slowly amidst the rumble, Lu Zhiyao said with great interest: "How do you feel about those biochemical bodies just now? They are elite individual combat units that I personally designed and supervised. Their combat power is comparable to yours." The little Shi Yue next to me is more than three times stronger, but the cost is 20% lower. "

Wang Luo was a little impatient and helpless: "Is this the Tiger Master armor you copied?"

Lu Zhiyao laughed and said: "Moving the design essence of Jiuzhou Continent to the Luoshu world where the laws of heaven and earth are completely different, this kind of plagiarism is the most meaningful innovation. What's more, the designer of the Tiger Master Armor will not go to Luoshu World asked me for copyright fees, and even if they came, they would never be able to reproduce their designs here... After all, can't you just praise the senior sister for being awesome and that's it? Really, the little guy has grown up? It’s not as cute as before.”

Wang Luo shook his head: "Senior sister, are you nervous? That's why you use these jokes to relieve the atmosphere?"

Lu Zhiyao's laughter gradually subsided: "Xiao Wang Luo, you are indeed becoming less and less cute. Yes, I am a little nervous, because there are some things that even I really don't want to see more of..."

While he was talking, the elevator finally stopped with a muffled sound, and the heavy gate in front of him slowly opened, revealing a metal corridor that was shimmering with ghostly light.

Walking in this long corridor, the footsteps of everyone, coupled with the echoes that gradually became distant, made the atmosphere even colder. The accompanying Shi Yue clone also said nothing, as if his mind had been taken away.

"From this level on, only a handful of people have the power to preserve the memory of what they have seen and heard. Little Shi Yue's cognition has been locked. Once they get up there, they will automatically forget everything here."

Wang Luo asked: "What about me?"

Lu Zhiyao smiled as she walked: "The new clone Wang Luo No. 1 will naturally forget everything, at least that's what I convinced those imitation Tiger Master armors. But after all, the procedure was a bit rushed, and the old men will inevitably be confused afterwards. Take advantage of their flaws and cause trouble for me... It just so happens that I am too lazy to fight with them in the parliament. If I find an opportunity to lure them out and catch them all, it will make me relaxed for at least two years. "

The relaxed jokes became increasingly difficult to conceal Lu Zhiyao's inner turmoil, and just when her heartbeat became clearer, the long corridor finally came to an end.

There is another heavy gate ahead. The gate opens very slowly, as if it is leaving the last time for the visitor to regret.

But Lu Zhiyao finally took a breath, calmed down her mood, and stepped sideways into the gate before it was fully opened.

Wang Luo frowned and stepped to follow.

But behind the door was a grassy hill with pleasant scenery and warm sunshine. A large tree with lush branches and leaves stood in the middle of the grassy hill, blocking the sunlight coming from nowhere above the head. As the tree cover swayed, a stone monument under the tree had mottled shadows, as if thousands of mysterious words were floating.

However, if you look carefully, you will see that there are never any words on the stone tablet. It is white and bright, not stained by any dust. However, the moment he saw it, Wang Luo felt as if he was struck by lightning, and countless indescribable emotions emerged in his mind, like turbulent waves.

Lu Zhiyao walked forward slowly with a soft smile, stretched out her hand and gently touched the stone tablet.

"The first truth you want is right in front of you. This is the final destination of a traveler who has been away from home for thousands of years."

Wang Luo opened his mouth, but found that he couldn't say a word.

"Don't be so nervous. I'm still alive, and I can probably still be active for another two hundred years... But even so, I still feel very uncomfortable every time I see my burial place."

Wang Luo walked slowly to the stone monument, looked at the tree shadows on the monument, and found that even the voice in his heart had been extinguished.

Just listen to Lu Zhiyao say: "I have no regrets in this life. Even if I experience painful setbacks and failures, I can always move forward with my head held high, telling myself that if I win in the end, I will have the last laugh... However, in such a life, I answer There is only one question: What should I do after the end? The journey of a thousand years is really too long for me.”

"Wang Luo, I am dead. The simplest cause of death is the end of my lifespan. Although I was lucky enough to ascend in the old immortal calendar era and wash my marrow with immortal spirits, my time was too short after all. After the Battle of Dinghuang, my cultivation level dropped. The mortal realm has destroyed my immortal foundation and greatly reduced my longevity. Therefore, persisting until Xiaoluer takes over is my limit. Oh, actually, you should know that although I have done many earth-shattering things, But in fact, I have never been good at cultivation. When Master picked me up from the gap, some of my uncles were still disgusted with me. Later, I tried my best and took all the shortcuts, and finally found a worthy person. The cultivation of the title of chief, but in the long history of Lingshan, it is not that extraordinary... Innate shortcomings, this is a flaw that I have spent my whole life to overcome, but the flaw that has been overcome does not mean that it does not exist. When Lao Song handed you over to me, he actually hoped that I could use your innate Taoism to realize my dream of cultivation. "

Wang Luo's voice was solemn as he responded: "Unfortunately, this dream is destined to never come true. There is no such thing as a fairyland now."

Lu Zhiyao said: "What does it matter? At least before the heavenly tribulation comes, the process of cultivating the natural Taoist body is still very happy, that's enough. As for after the heavenly tribulation, the heavenly way will be transformed into an immortal alliance by my hands When it comes to establishing the law, Immortal Ancestor Chicheng is not as good as me, so there is no need to feel sorry for me, it’s just that no matter how wonderful the journey is, it will come to an end.”

Wang Luo nodded silently.

"So, in response to your original question, I will not go back, because that is no longer my home. Today, I am just a legend existing in an illusion, a shadow like a mirror, a flower in the water, and a moon in the water. Of course, even so, If I really want to exert influence through Luo Shu, there is always a way. For example, after I go into seclusion, I can still talk to Xiaolu'er, and I can even appear in front of people for a short time at a certain cost. But, then. It's not what I should do. People who die should die seriously, and the legends in the fantasy world should be limited to legends. The gap opened up and allowed me to live for thousands of years in the Kyushu continent. , it’s time for me to live my own life seriously.”

Wang Luo rarely heard Lu Zhiyao speak in such a serious tone, so he could only respond with doubly seriousness after adjusting his mood.

"I see."

"Well, it's good to know. So, don't think about chasing my back, because your life is still very long... In other words, if you really want to chase my back, just learn from me to the end, and spend this long life of yours to the fullest Come to me again at the last moment. In terms of the relationship between the virtual and the real world, the timeline never strictly corresponds, so maybe when you finally return to the Luoshu world after a thousand or ten thousand years of journey, I will just be there. I came home from the base with dirty clothes to spend the weekend, and then I was scolded by my biological mother and urged to get married by my biological father. "

Wang Luo couldn't help laughing when he heard this. After laughing, he asked again: "By the way, does this tree have any special imagery?"

Lu Zhiyao looked up at the swaying tree crown and asked, "What do you think?"

After Wang Luo thought about it seriously, he frowned and whispered: "Tianzun?"

"Haha, as expected of you, I guessed right. Yes, this tree is Taixu Tianzun's true form in the main world No. 18, and it is also the core of the Luoshu world. The entire Luoshu base is centered around the Taixu tree. It is also through the branches and leaves of this tree that we can easily and quickly influence other worlds..."

"This tree stands next to your stone monument, which means..."

Lu Zhiyao said: "Well, as you thought, after I buried myself, branches naturally sprouted next to the stone monument. Then I suddenly locked onto the Heavenly Lord in this world... However, I don't want to put myself Overly bound to the concept of Tianzun, after all, I am me, and the tree is a tree, so you just know this and don’t need to go into it.”

Wang Luo nodded again: "Then the troublesome thing that Senior Sister wants me to deal with, what is the so-called Taixu and restlessness?"

"It's very simple. The plan for Taixu and Taichu to die together was not a random design, and the principle is not to lie. In the past, most of Taixu Tianzun's consciousness was contained in Luo Shu and circulated in Ninety-nine In the page world, only a small part is left for people to control, which is essentially like a sleepwalking state. Therefore, Tianzun's unintentional and ruthless state is only due to his sleep, not his incompleteness after death. Taixu's counterattack instinct... then the real Taixu Tianzun will be completely awakened, and what you have to do is to send the awakened Tianzun to sleep and prevent it from causing trouble again. "

Wang Luo frowned when he heard this: "Would that be possible..."

"It won't affect anything. Rather, the consciousness of Tianzun wandering outside Luoshu was originally a helpless move when I established the Immortal Alliance to fight against the desolation. It is a difficult and complicated disease left by history. Now, it is time to clear up the disease. Speaking of which, looking back now, the root cause of the heavenly calamity lies in Chicheng's failure to strictly abide by the division between the immortal and immortal realms that he had set. Not only did the mortals repeatedly ascend in the air, but the immortal realm also had no influence on the mortal world. There are only a few, and Lingshan is the most typical case. Therefore, I really don’t want to make the same mistake, and let the world of Luoshu stay on the fictional side, at least until the creation plan opens. "

Wang Luo asked again: "But with the current power of the Immortal Alliance, I may not be needed to suppress the restless Taixu."

Lu Zhiyao smiled: "How could it be unnecessary? You are the top illusion warfare expert in the Immortal League in the past few years. You have single-handedly killed countless clones of Taichu. Although the Taixu you face now only has residual health, you are still alive without you. , the situation of the Immortal Alliance must be different."

"That's not necessarily true. In fact, besides me, other masters also..."

"Okay, I'll give you a step and just go down obediently. Do you have to force me to tell you that you're not welcome here before you leave?"

Wang Luo suddenly burst into laughter: "Indeed, I was a little confused just now."

Lu Zhiyao took a step forward and reached out to hold Wang Luo's cheek.

"Don't speak so sadly... If you really want to stay, then stay. Of course I welcome you to stay. But let's go back to the previous question. Do you really want to stay here? "

Wang Luo couldn't help but fell silent, and silence was the best answer.

"Then, just say goodbye for a moment. When you have traveled around the world for long enough, come back to me. Oh, I can't complete the creation plan in my lifetime. With your help, the situation may be very different. . But, you are not the one you are now... Go and continue to travel around Kyushu, collect all the wonderful ideas of the geniuses in the world, and then bring them back to Luoshu and start great innovations with me..."

While he was talking, Wang Luo suddenly felt a breeze blowing by his side, making the big branches and leaves rustle, covering up Lu Zhiyao's gentle words. The scene around him gradually blurred in the sound of wind.

This is the core of the Luoshu world. Along the branches and leaves of the trees, you can go to various places in the Luoshu... naturally, including outside the Luoshu.

Different from the strong feeling of falling when he came to all realms before, at this time, Wang Luo seemed to be in a gust of air, constantly accelerating upward, and accelerating again... Gravity continued to pile up on him, until he seemed to feel something above his head. A cold and hard wall.


After a silent loud noise, the wall fell apart under the impact. Wang Luo felt as if he had experienced a complete ascension through the air. However, the scenery after ascension is not the Huanghuang Fairyland, but the all-too-familiar Stone Street of Rongcheng... and the familiar faces full of concern.

"Wang Luo, are you okay?"

The closest person is Lu Youyou. Beside her are Mo Yu, Han Ying, Shi Yue, Yulong Jun, Qingyuan Jun... and even Song Hui, who thought he was going to die but somehow survived... and many people who are trying to wake up from the illusion of the ruins.

Taichu's ability to turn the virtual into the real has obviously been broken, and the chaos in the Rongcheng workshop has come to an end. The conversation with Senior Sister Lu Zhiyao a moment ago seemed like a lifetime ago.

But Wang Luo knew that everything in the fiction had really happened, and his own journey had just begun.

So he turned his head and gave a sincere smile to all his old friends in Jiuzhou.

"Of course it's okay."

After a pause, he said again.

"It's just that I ascended once."

(The whole book is over)

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