Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 70: Dinner that was not enjoyed

Exquisite food, dining etiquette worthy of serious attention.

So Wang Luo would massage the meat before enjoying the food.

However, he swung his palm, but it fell completely into the air. The strong man in front of him seemed to be just a phantom, letting the palm pass through his body... But Brother Huo was clearly a real person!

The next moment, Wang Luo suddenly felt a little traction on the black line on his throat, as if there was some indescribable huge will coming down from somewhere.

Then, he saw a lot of memories that did not belong to him...

A pair of young hands tightly grasped a dagger, and a hoarse voice behind him urged him to stab the dagger into the heart of a middle-aged man who was begging for mercy in front of him as soon as possible.

Soon, driven by that hoarse voice, the owner of the memory killed one person after another, some deserved it, and some were innocent people, but it didn't matter.

More and more people died in his hands, and he became more and more powerful, until finally, the hoarse voice was also worn away forever by his ghost head thorn, and he finally gained freedom.

At this time, he could no longer count how many people he had killed, and finally had the idea of ​​retreating while the tide was at its peak. So he left the battlefield of blood and mud with his best friend and came to the civilized world to seek wealth and honor...

At this point, Wang Luo naturally understood that these were all Brother Huo's memories, memories of killing.

The appearance of these memories was due to the ghost head thorn, which was a very unique curse tool. When activated by a special method, it could detonate all its magic power and form an "edict" that was almost a heavenly law. When the edict took effect, it would eliminate all external interference...In short, Brother Huo started a ceremony, and during the ceremony, neither of them would be harmed outside the ceremony. So Wang Luo's palm strike would miss.

But this ceremony itself was a ceremony of life and death. The ghost head thorn put the souls of Brother Huo and Wang Luo on both ends of the scale for weighing, and the standard of weighing was killing!

The one who killed more people won, and the loser died on the spot.

It can be said that once the order of the Ghost Head Thorn is issued, one of the two parties will die. Its binding force is far beyond the Jindan level, and it is the last killing weapon that Brother Huo uses to risk his life. He has killed countless people in his life, and this killing curse has been blessed by the Guardian Girl of Du'e Valley. It is difficult for anyone in the world to defeat him in the balance of killing curses.

Theoretically, even if it is a top master who has been awarded the honor of "Returning to the Origin" by Guanghan Fairy Palace and has been able to form an infant, Brother Huo is sure to kill him with this curse!

Unless that person hides in places like Ningyuan Pavilion and Jianmu Seat, and is heavily blessed, so that the Ghost Head Thorn can't even be blown apart... Otherwise, once the Ghost Head Thorn is combined into one, that person will definitely die!


When Wang Luo was watching Brother Huo's memory, of course, part of his memory also flowed into the other party's mind.

Unlike Wang Luo who regained his rationality in an instant, Brother Huo seemed to be trapped in a long dream. His eyes were blurred, his body swayed slightly, and then sweat began to seep out from every pore of his body!

First it was sweat, then blood, and finally it was pus that merged with the bone marrow!

A burly man, right in front of Wang Luo, melted like an ice sculpture, and finally turned into a pile of pus! Until this moment, the ghost head thorn slowly made a decision, poked hard at the pus on the ground, and completely pierced a soul that had just been separated from the flesh and was about to dissipate into pieces!

"Hehe, some things can't be looked at randomly... How can people eat this."

With a hint of regret in his words, Wang Luo turned his eyes to the last person.

The remnant of Du'e Valley, the red-haired woman who guarded the robbery. In Brother Huo's memory, this person appeared very early. It can be said that Brother Huo was able to get freedom thanks to her help, and even the ghost head thorn was given by her.

But Wang Luo was not interested in digging out her secrets at this time, and he was even too lazy to pry the method of breaking the curse from her mouth.

In the life and death game, only life and death are needed, no extra greed is needed. The sigh just now, how can people eat this, was just used to hit the red-haired woman's fighting spirit and reduce some resistance for the final finishing work.

As expected, the red-haired woman was in despair at this time. She pointed her finger at Wang Luo and shouted the sacrifice of Du'e Valley, but her words were fragmented and unsystematic, so Wang Luo couldn't understand what she was shouting.

However, when Wang Luo walked in front of the woman and was ready to cut her in half, he saw the red-haired woman suddenly raised her head, and there was a starlight flashing in her mouth, and a mud-like evil curse spewed out from it.

"The dark land of evil, the soul is separated; the dark sun, the blood is devouring the flesh!"

After the evil curse, the red-haired woman's lower jaw peeled off from her cheek, and the flesh on her face kept dripping like melted wax. Countless bloodshot eyeballs suddenly appeared on her body. These eyeballs were spinning and jumping wildly, but at the same time they suddenly stopped and melted into pus along with her limbs and torso.

The woman who guarded the robbery, surprisingly, at the last moment, used her own life to launch an evil curse. The curse was like a gust of wind, and its power swept across in an instant. Wang Luo was the first to bear the brunt of it, and only felt his head buzzing, and his soul was injured again!

However, it was only an injury. The natural resistance of the Taoist body to all kinds of black magic and evil curses was almost full. Even if the woman who guarded the robbery had a higher level of cultivation and risked her life to cast a curse, it only made Wang Luo slightly dizzy, and did not cause any substantial damage. A little turmoil in the soul can be restored to its original state with simple recuperation.

At this point, the life-and-death game was declared over, and the three top hunters from the Nanxiang Great Wasteland were all turned into pus on the ground.

Looking at the remains of the woman guarding the robbery, Wang Luo couldn't help shaking his head. If this battle is reviewed in depth, the rhythm can be said to be full of twists and turns. The two sides, especially Brother Huo, have many details of the battle. And this battle with many details actually took less than twenty seconds in total.

This is the life-and-death battle between practitioners that Wang Luo is familiar with, and life and death are decided in a flash.

"The good news is that at least you won't become a joke on the road."

After saying that, Wang Luo casually summoned a water dragon, ready to melt the three pools of pus and blood on the ground and go deep into the ground, but after thinking about it, he gave up. The crime scene should be left to the late Qingping Division. He didn't need to add unnecessary details here.

At this time, with the death of the three hunters, the invisible formation called "bird cage" also began to disintegrate, and a breeze blew in the face, sweeping away the sense of isolation from the world.

Presumably, the Little White Building will be in a mess soon. Such a vicious murder case has appeared on the ground of Shi Street. I wonder...

I wonder how Gu Shishi will shirk responsibility and put the blame on the victim?

Just as he was thinking, Wang Luo suddenly heard a thud not far away.

It was Qin Yu who fell to the ground.

After witnessing the whole life-and-death battle, Qin Yu was already scared to the point of being cold all over, and his legs were weak. Seeing Wang Luo walking towards him with a smile, he subconsciously shrank back, but there was an old wall behind him, so there was no room to shrink.

"Don't be afraid, those three people are dead."

Qin Yu swallowed hard, wanting to say that he was not afraid of those three dead people... but in the end, what came out of his mouth was another sentence.

"You, don't wear clothes?"

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