Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 77 Fate and Destiny

When Gu Shishi woke up, she felt as if she had just experienced a nightmare. She opened her eyes in confusion and saw only a few dim and green lights blooming silently in the darkness.

In the dim light, she found that she was lying on a soft bed with lotus petals extending out. There was a brand new water glass beside the bed, and in the glass was the refreshing water she requested.

It took her a few seconds to realize that she was in the guard box at the main entrance, which frightened her. She quickly tried to struggle to get up, but the weakness that spread throughout her body prevented her from moving.

In desperation, she took a few deep breaths and tried to call out the golden elixir in her belly... But the golden elixir, which had been shrouded in curses and covered in dust, finally began to shimmer and respond to the master's will.

The true essence flowed out from the golden elixir, nourishing the body that was riddled with holes. This gave Gu Shishi finally a sense of security. Then she concentrated her mind and saw a clock in the sea of ​​consciousness, with the words clearly marked on it. time.

It was three o'clock in the morning, which was Yin time, so she was unconscious for more than an hour!

This made her a little frightened and at the same time inexplicably relieved... Although it had only been more than an hour, but since no one had come to the door at the moment, it was probably because the outcome at Bolan Village did not come to the worst, so, She was basically safe.

At this moment, the door of the sentry box opened with a creak, and a rickety figure walked in in the darkness. Gu Shishi subconsciously wanted to pick up the magic weapon at her waist, but after recognizing the other person's identity, she breathed a sigh of relief. .

"It's you...well, you brought me here? The curse on me is also..."

Qin Yu nodded, then raised his hand, placed a green bag next to the lotus bed, and said: "I saw that you were still very weak after breaking the curse, so I went to the infirmary to get a set of green bags... Don't worry, there is no Others know you are here."

Gu Shishi glanced at Qingsang, her heart couldn't help but move, and then she suppressed herself and asked, "Why do you want to save me?"

Qin Yuze asked: "Why do you want to die without saving me?"

Gu Shishi was silent for a long time and said: "...I didn't hire a murderer to kill anyone."

Qin Yu sighed: "I was at the scene at the time, and I could clearly see that the three of them were hunters from the Nanxiang wilderness, and they obviously came here to kill people."

Gu Shishi's eyes widened immediately and she raised her upper body involuntarily: "Are you... okay?"

Qin Yu was surprised by the other party's reaction. He couldn't help but take half a step back before shaking his head: "It's okay. I only suffered a little aftermath and it has been resolved now. But you, why are you also under the curse?"

Gu Shishi immediately darkened her face and gritted her teeth: "We have all been plotted. Those three people thought that I concealed key information, which led them to misjudge the opponent's strength, thus destroying the team. So at the last moment, one of them reversed course." Cast a curse on my employer as revenge... But I didn't let them kill people at all! No matter how stupid I was, I couldn't hire a murderer at this time. Now many pairs of eyes are staring at Shijie. Once a major case occurs, I, the special team leader, bear the brunt of this!”

Qin Yu couldn't help but nod after hearing this, because it all made sense. But thinking about the consistent style of the wealthy and powerful people in Shangcheng District, he felt that the other party's explanation was actually not very powerful.

How many pairs of eyes are staring at you, so what? She dared to blatantly blame Shijie for food poisoning, and of course she could blatantly hire murderers to kill people. Anyway, to those big shots, there was no difference between Shijie and ants.

Seeing that Qin Yu didn't believe it, Gu Shishi was a little angry: "The truth is so obvious before your eyes, and you still don't believe me? Then go and call the people from Qingping Division, arrest me and convict me, and then let the real murderer behind the scenes laugh. a whole night!"

Qin Yu shook his head, picked up the green bag and handed it to the other party: "Take the medicine for internal injuries as soon as possible."

Gu Shishi took the green bag and said in a low voice for a long time: "Thank you, I will definitely repay you later."

Qin Yu stopped talking and just stood aside silently, holding up the bronze mirror and looking at the situation in the factory.

Everything was still in order, and most of the workers who had been summoned urgently were busy resuming work. The people in the security team were patrolling everywhere in accordance with the rules, and they were arguing about the scheduling issue... There was no abnormality at all.

The only exception was Gu Shishi lying not far away. Qin Yu really couldn't understand why Gu Shishi didn't seek treatment from a famous doctor immediately after being cursed by the red-haired robbery girl, but instead lay alone in an abandoned cold storage waiting to die?

As if she heard the question in his mind, Gu Shishi explained: "In the evening, I was suddenly cursed by someone and was seriously injured. However, before I could start healing, the secret guards of Bolan Village came to arrest me according to the internal order. I went back and said that I openly hired murderers to cause huge trouble for the family and Bolan Village... I tried my best to lure them away, and then I met you. "

When Qin Yu heard this, he couldn't help but frowned, because all this sounded really logical.

But Wang Luo said it himself before that she hired a murderer to kill someone. The words of the Lord of Lingshan couldn't be wrong, right?

With the reversal of fate, the torture of the past ten years was eliminated. In Qin Yu's heart, Wang Luo had established an unbreakable golden body of faith.

Gu Shishi saw the other party was silent, and felt wronged and helpless. She sighed and explained: "I did hire someone, but I just wanted to find someone to find out Wang Luo's background. That person is mysterious and powerful, and he appeared in Shi Street at this critical moment to stir up the situation... and the information of Qingping Division only said something about Nanxiang Wanderer, which is ridiculous! So I asked someone to investigate. After all, my primary opponent next is none other than Wang Luo. But for some reason, the letter I sent to Taixu Dark Hall was replaced with an order to hire a killer. When the secret guards came to my door with my letter, I was more surprised than anyone else."

Hearing this, no matter how much Qin Yu leaned towards Wang Luo in his heart, he believed Gu Shishi's words for four or five points, so he raised the talisman and prepared to contact Wang Luo to let him confront him in person.

Gu Shishi sighed, knowing that no matter what she said, it would be impossible to win the other party's trust immediately. After all, not long ago, she used him as an example and humiliated him in public.

It was strange, why was she so mean to him at that time? He was obviously not a bad person.

After a while, Qin Yu shook his head helplessly and took back the talisman. The owner of Lingshan was still out of contact, so the confrontation he expected could only be postponed.

Qin Yu had nothing to say because he could not confront her to prove the truth. He saved Gu Shishi because she needed to be saved, but he did not intend to meddle in her future affairs. That was not something he, a doorman at a meat factory, could participate in.

But while Qin Yu was silent, Gu Shishi spoke.

"I read in the information that you practiced Dan Condensation in Xiaoyao Academy?"

After a pause, Gu Shishi smiled, and she did not even understand why.

"Then I should call you Senior Brother. I also cultivated this golden elixir in Xiaoyao Academy."

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