Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 82 The road to peace suddenly appeared before our eyes

The Eight-Directions Settlement of the Wasteland is undoubtedly the most magnificent engineering wonder of human civilization in the new era.

Moving an entire city outward as a chess piece on a chessboard is a romantic setting even in fantasy novels. Even worse is probably the top fantasy story of the Immortal Alliance, Wandering in Nine Provinces...

However, Wandering in Nine Provinces is destined to be only a story, while the Eight-Directions Settlement of the Wasteland is a reality that human civilization has repeatedly practiced for thousands of years.

Two hundred and fifty years ago, the comprehensive strength of the Immortal Alliance was less than one-tenth of what it is now, but people at that time were able to mobilize tens of millions of manpower to move Fuzhou City and four million people to the outer sea to win a vast sea area for mankind. So today, as the origin of the Dinghuang, what reason can't Rongcheng be moved?

If it is said that when Rongcheng was first established, it was difficult to move because it assumed the function of the capital of Zhuwang, then the relocation of the capital to Youcheng by Lord Zhiyao five hundred years ago seemed to be a brilliant chess move that had been calculated for five hundred years.

With Zhuwang's national strength and reputation, when the human journey to the west stagnated for a hundred years and the Xianmeng thought gradually indulged in comfort and did not think about making progress, Rongcheng, the oldest and most powerful fortress of human beings, had the responsibility to stand up.

But the relocation of Rongcheng is not a simple project. Even if it no longer assumes the function of the capital, it is still a super metropolis that ranks among the top three in Zhuwang, with a permanent population of 20 million and countless tangible and intangible resources like rivers and seas. Relocating Rongcheng is like removing the beating heart in the human body and moving it to another chest cavity.

This process is bound to be accompanied by great pain, but it also means huge benefits.

Needless to say, the benefits after the successful settlement of the wasteland - brand new land, the legacy of the immortal way of the old era, the people's support brought by the success of the settlement of the wasteland...

The preparations before the settlement of the wasteland alone are an unimaginable process of wealth gathering.

To ensure the stable migration of a city, the first thing is "reinforcement". Because the pioneering requires the overall migration of the city, which symbolizes civilization, a city not only needs to migrate its population, but also millions of buildings need to act in unison. Naturally, there must be no collapse or disintegration due to the bumpy road during the process... That requires a city-wide transformation at the engineering level. Including the spiritual energy, logistics, water use, etc. within the city, it can be said that the difficulty is much higher than building a new city with a population of tens of millions.

In addition, there is the reinforcement at the level of the Great Law. A city with a thousand years of history is going to advance into the wilderness. The various accidents and disasters that may occur can be described as "innumerable". Without the blessing of heaven, an earthquake, a flood, or a volcanic eruption may turn the great pioneering into a massacre of tens of millions of victims.

Finally, it is the reinforcement of people's hearts. The migration of the city is undoubtedly a shocking and even painful event for many indigenous people. The whole city is moving towards the unknown wilderness. Even with more preparations, it may still face huge risks... Without enough benefits, who would be willing to accompany? But the most important thing in the process of pioneering is people. Therefore, before each land reclamation, the Immortal Alliance must make unified plans and give sufficient compensation to the indigenous people in exchange for their peace of mind to stay in the original site, and then accompany the city on the road.

From the perspective of Wang Luo, an ancient man who has traveled through thousands of years, the Eight Directions Dinghuang is a clear proof that the new era is better than the old era, because even in the era before the heavenly catastrophe when there were often land immortals who could move mountains and fill the sea with their own strength, it was nothing short of a fantasy to want to move tens of millions of people and their homes intact to hundreds of miles away. Especially in the process of land reclamation, the Dinghuang Fortress must move forward with an extremely majestic and domineering momentum, open up mountains when encountering them, and directly crush all obstacles along the way, and grind out a fertile soil for human cultivation and civilization...

This is a magnificent epic that is difficult to fully express no matter how much ink is used to render it.

But for the magnificent epic of human civilization, it is just an opportunity for businessmen to make a fortune from heaven.

Rongcheng needs to be reinforced, so now Shijie, as the poorest and weakest link in Rongcheng, will undoubtedly get the most resource support. Moreover, because Shijie is essentially the starting point of Rongcheng's history and the foundation of urban civilization, there is no possibility of cutting Shijie. Once the development is started, a huge amount of resources must be used to smash Shijie above the average line, which means that the dilapidated houses in this lower city will be replaced by mountains of gold and silver.

It should be said that Wang Luo's story at the Jade Lord's gathering is indeed to the point. Shijie will indeed usher in a great wealth soon, but unlike his subjective conjecture, the wealth in reality is much more outrageous...

So it is no wonder that the dignified Bolan Manor is so greedy and eager. This Shijie is just like the ancient treasures that suddenly appeared in the old times. Even the immortals in the upper world want to poke through the floor and come to the lower world to fight for it. What's more, Bolan Manor is a business group born to make money? According to the usual nature of businessmen, it is already quite mild and tactful to only lobby the Governor's Office to set up a special group and then collude with Zhang Yu to grab the Shijie Autonomous Seal by trickery.

"So, this means that once the current phase of Bolan Manor's operations fails, the next step will be to escalate the stakes?"

Finally, Wang Luo ended his original story with this question.

In this regard, Gu Shishi could only shake her head: "I have given you enough hints. You need to think about the rest of the story yourself. I can only say that if I were you, it would be best to lower your profile now. Strive for peace talks...Businessmen will not die on the same road, let alone engage in disputes of will. As long as their own interests can be protected, compromise is commonplace, even if they make some concessions to Shijie. "

Wang Luo thought for a while: "It's indeed good to lower your profile and strive for peace talks, but what are the conditions for the peace talks? Let the top figures of Bolan Village come forward and sincerely apologize for everything that happened before, in exchange for my respect for you. Do you understand?"

Gu Shishi was speechless: "Are you crazy?"

Wang Luo said: "I am serious. I personally agree with the path of peace talks, because in the final analysis, the new era no longer advocates everyone fighting to the death. We are all people of hope, and there is no reason to insist on such an important issue in pioneering. In fact, Shijie and Bolanzhuang should have a win-win relationship before the strategic plan. If Rongcheng needs to undergo an overall renovation, the amount of renovation projects that Shijie needs to undertake should be second to none in the city. Bolanzhuang's development and construction capabilities are well-known in the five states and hundreds of countries. Rather than leaving this important project to others, it is better to leave it to you, Bolanzhuang. Therefore, although we have had frictions and conflicts before, for the sake of a better future together. , it’s better to reconcile as soon as possible. As long as you apologize seriously, I can definitely let things go.”

After speaking, Wang Luo took the initiative to reach out to Gu Shishi to show his sincerity in reconciliation.

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