Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 87: No need for a blessing in disguise

In Wang Luo's impression, Zhao Xiuwen is a rare "sunshine boy". This sunshine refers not only to his character, but also to his life experience.

He was born in Nanxiang, but he was recommended to come to Rongcheng by virtue of his excellent spiritual performance. During this period, he even wore red sleeves to add fragrance... Judging from his starting point, this life journey is not without sunshine.

But at this time, Zhao Xiuwen showed a hint of gloom.

He himself was unaware of this, and when he saw Wang Luo frowning, he just laughed.

"There's nothing I can do about the bruised nose and swollen face. I walked too fast on the way back and fell hard..."

As soon as these words came out, even Shi Yue couldn't help it: "Do you think we are stupid? A cultivator who has perfected the foundation will be bruised and swollen because of wrestling?"

Zhao Xiuwen sighed and explained: "Isn't this a coincidence? It happened to fall on the Chihu statue outside Academy Street. The stone statue is connected to the city law and the earth's veins. The body protection of my mere foundation building is really good." Yuan Na was broken instantly."

Shi Yue was startled: "That's it, that's really unlucky."

Wang Luo was helpless: "You think I'm as stupid as Shi Yue, and can't tell the difference between bumping your face against a stone and bumping your face into a fist? Let alone bumping into the Chihu statue, even if you bump into Lingshan and climb to the Immortal Platform, you won't be able to get those bruises on your face. Not to mention that your soul was damaged. Could it be that you used your soul to hit it? It was obvious that after a conflict with someone, you were first overtaken by the Senluo calming technique, and then weakened by the wood phase technique of cutting off the blood and cutting off the veins. Qi and blood, and finally use the simple old fist. If you hadn't already achieved some success in condensing the jade body, you would be an authentic pig head at this time."

Hearing this, Zhao Xiuwen did not dare to be stubborn anymore and said sincerely: "Did the Mountain Master just see it with his own eyes?"

"Why do you need to see it with your own eyes? Your injuries are all clues. In my time, autopsy was a compulsory course for many well-known and upright practitioners, because at least if a fellow practitioner was beaten to death, you have to know who did it in order to seek revenge... ..." After a pause, Wang Luo added, "If you were beaten to death, I should be able to identify the specific person who did it based on your body."

"Then I won't bother you, Lord Mountain Master." Zhao Xiuwen quickly thanked the other party for his kindness, and then explained the origin of his injury, "I had a quarrel with a few temporary teachers from Chengyintang, and then we started fighting. I...hey, I told the truth in front of the mountain master. I didn't take advantage at all, and I didn't even have a chance to fight back. If a brother hadn't arrived in time, I might have turned into a real pig head."

Shi Yue was confused: "You never quarrel with me, why did you offend your teacher?"

Zhao Xiuwen said: "Zhou Lu happened to come to me at that time and brought me some cheap meat from the canteen. When the instructors saw it, they started talking rudely. If it had been other things, I would have let it go, but they insulted Zhou Lu in front of me. If you can endure it, can you still be considered a man?"

Shi Yue was a little angry: "Do all the teachers in Chengyintang have this kind of quality?"

Zhao Xiuwen sighed: "It's temporary teaching. Those people are all students of Rongcheng Academy. They were temporarily invited by several professors to assist in teaching. Who would have thought that it would turn out like this..."

Shi Yue shook his head: "What a shame for Rongcheng Academy."

Zhao Xiuwen couldn't help but scream: "That's exactly what they said about Zhou Lu! Exact words!"

"Ah, I'm sorry, that's not what I meant!" Shi Yue apologized quickly, "Anyway, Xiaolu's admission to Rongcheng Academy from Nanxiang should be a very inspiring story. There is nothing to be ashamed of."

Zhao Xiuwen said helplessly: "They said that she... took the welfare of the academy to raise wild men outside. Then they said, forget it, I really can't say what happened next."

Wang Luo concluded: "In short, several academy students met you by chance in Chengyintang, then made rude remarks to their junior sisters, and even fought with your future junior brother. If a third party had not arrived in time, your The end will be even worse... Don’t you think there are a lot of violations here?”

Zhao Xiuwen scratched his head: "It's not particularly inconsistent, after all, there are low-quality scum everywhere... Damn, this is also what they said!"

Wang Luo pondered for a moment and asked, "Who is the third party who appeared in time?"

Zhao Xiuwen said: "He is a relative of Professor Meng...Professor Meng once served in Rongcheng Academy. His cultivation and reputation are extraordinary! After he left the academy, Chengyintang spent a lot of effort to invite us to teach us Lili. Cultivation. His courses are always priceless. I have only been tutored by him twice in the few months I have been in Chengyintang. Sorry, I am off topic. Professor Meng occasionally takes him with me when I come to Chengyintang. One of my nephews, he should be regarded as a high-quality representative of a scholarly family in the traditional sense. He is polite and courteous in his speech and actions. Many girls like him. However, he is in a hurry every time and I have only met him face to face. . This time too, after he stepped forward to help us out, he left in a hurry, without even having time to ask for his name..."

Shi Yue said in surprise: "Wow, doing good deeds without leaving a name sounds like a fairy tale, but will those few academy scum actually betray his reputation?"

Zhao Xiuwen said: "That's Professor Meng's relative. The professor has a deep influence in the academy. If he offends him, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to move forward in the academy in the future..."

Just as he was talking, the magic talisman around Zhao Xiuwen's waist flashed. He quickly picked it up and took a look, and couldn't help but be surprised: "I asked a senior brother to help me find out, and it turned out that his name is Yu Xiaobo."

Wang Luo sighed immediately: "'Yu' Xiaobo, now it's easy to explain."

The two people under the tree were stunned when they heard this.

Zhao Xiuwen said in disbelief: "No way, Lord Mountain Lord, your association is a bit far-fetched. Yu is a famous surname in Rongcheng, so it may not necessarily be related to the Yu family in Bolan Village."

Wang Luo asked back: "Yes, he is just an ordinary person and has nothing to do with Bolan Village. What you experienced today is just a coincidence... Do you believe it?"

Zhao Xiuwen was silent for a while. At this time, the magic talisman around his waist shone again, and his senior brother in Chengyintang sent more news.

Yu Xiaobo is not only a relative of Professor Meng, but also a student of Rongcheng Academy.

Then, he was still a student of Lushuantang, coming from the same school as Master Zhou Lu!

"It's difficult, no wonder, Zhou Lu's reaction was a little strange at that time, and then she didn't come over for dinner..."

When Shi Yue heard this, he was a little horrified: "This, this scene, seems familiar to me. Xiuwen, you, that, my condolences... No, don't think too much about it."

"Do you really want to comfort me!?"

Wang Luo said: "There is no need to get entangled here. Since you have doubts, go directly to the person involved and ask for clarification. Don't let misunderstandings grow freely in your heart."

After a pause, Wang Luo added: "Don't worry, even if something happens, I can still teach you some high-quality skills to seal your heart and love, so that you can be a blessing in disguise."

"No need."

"There is also a set of green dyeing scriptures in Lingshan Wanfa Hall, which is very effective..."

"It's really not necessary, thank you!"

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