Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 92 No, You Can't Keep Up

The conversation between Wang Luo and Yu Xiaobo highlighted a swift and decisive approach.

No need for small talk, both sides went straight to the point.

Wang Luo and others came to Rongcheng Academy for this suspicion. Now they happened to meet the real owner in the academy. Why should they beat around the bush? Why not get straight to the point?

And Yu Xiaobo lived up to expectations. He told his thoughts honestly without hiding anything.

However, as soon as these words came out, the atmosphere on the scene changed again. Zhao Xiuwen was shocked and angry, and even the black and white demons looked confused and could not keep up with the changes in the version.

How come in a blink of an eye, Yu Shao confessed to a girl from the south country? !

Wang Luo couldn't help laughing: "So frank? I'm a little surprised."

Yu Xiaobo said: "A gentleman loves a beautiful lady, it's fair and just, why should we hide it?"

"Even if the flower has a master?"

Yu Xiaobo smiled when he heard it: "People are not flowers, how can we talk about master and servant? What's more..." As he spoke, his face darkened, "Everyone who has successfully entered the academy or is preparing for the academy entrance examination, don't you know that the academy has a limited number of places each year, but the competitors are a hundred times more than that . The success of one person must mean the failure of another person, especially in Chengyin Hall, where the number of recommended places each year is limited to a few people who rank at the top. Would you be willing to give up the competition just because the person on the list has better past performance than you? And when you work hard and take your place, will you feel guilty towards the loser? "

This argument was so upright that Zhao Xiuwen was speechless for a while. He felt that the other party was making a specious argument, but he could not find the flaw, and he could not help but feel angry for a while.

Wang Luo naturally heard the flaw in this sophistry, but he would not waste time arguing with him.

This Yu Xiaobo Yu Shao is obviously a talkative and combative person, and his routine is also obvious: first throw out a very controversial point of view to stimulate others to argue, and then use his eloquence to confuse right and wrong, so as to show his intelligence and superiority.

Wang Luo didn't even have the interest to use logic to crush such a person, because basically every debate in public with the purpose of pure victory or defeat would eventually become a long-lasting battle like a quagmire, with both sides stealing concepts, changing topics, and occasionally making shocking remarks to attract the approval of onlookers... until one of the parties was exhausted and had to go to bed.

Considering that Zhou Lu's bronze medal was only valid for about two hours, Wang Luo did not have the conditions to have a long-lasting debate with others, not to mention that even if the bronze medal was unlimited, he didn't want to fight a maggot that was keen on swimming in the cesspool.

For such an opponent who was keen on debate, there were two most effective weapons. One was dimensionality reduction and crushing, which was the set that Song Yijing often used to suppress Lu Zhiyao in the past. No matter what you said, I only gave you a palm. As for how Lu Zhiyao was angry and dissatisfied in the small dark room later, at least Song Yijing didn't see it.

Unfortunately, it was inconvenient to perform this technique in the Rongcheng Academy, where everyone was watching, so Wang Luo had to settle for the second best and use the second weapon to deal with it: placement.

For a fighter who is ready to go, there is nothing more uncomfortable than a punch that misses. And as long as the opponent does not accept the challenge and the audience does not support it, then no matter how carefully designed the words are, it will be like a punch that misses.

So, Wang Luo, in Yu Xiaobo's excited and expectant eyes, directly cast his eyes to Xinglanju not far away.

In the lobby on the first floor, there were several dining tables deliberately placed in a conspicuous position, surrounded by layers of people, but they were not diners but spectators, who were cheering for several people in the crowd, and the momentum was boiling.

Then Wang Luo raised his eyebrows and asked sincerely and curiously: "What are you doing?"

Yu Xiaobo was stunned, and his carefully trimmed eyebrows trembled obviously, obviously because Wang Luo shook his punch and missed, which was extremely uncomfortable.

But he still maintained his elegant and refined demeanor, smiled slightly, and explained: "During the anniversary celebration of Xinglanju, we will continue to hold big eater competitions. Thanks to all the students for their support, the popularity is quite good. If you are interested in challenging yourself, I can help you sign up."

Wang Luo was really interested now: "Big eater competition? How does it work?"

Yu Xiaobo hesitated for a moment, obviously wanting to turn the topic back to "The flower has a master, can you loosen the soil?" But Wang Luo asked him so aggressively that he refused to put down his gentlemanly airs and had to follow the other party's topic.

"There are roughly two ways to compete, and the content is very simple: compete on how much you can eat. But one competition has a shorter time limit, and the other is longer."

Wang Luo understood: "One tests swallowing and chewing, and the other tests the stomach capacity at the same time."

Yu Xiaobo smiled: "That's right, your Excellency really understands it very quickly, and you are worthy of being the most popular wanderer in the south recently."

As soon as this was said, Shi Yue and others were all stunned: Yu Xiaobo recognized Wang Luo? !

But Wang Luo chose to ignore Yu Xiaobo's sudden shocking words. He bowed to Yu Xiaobo and said, "You're welcome. Then I'll have to trouble you to help us register for the competition."

Yu Xiaobo's punch missed again and he began to grit his teeth, but he finally controlled his etiquette.

"Haha, of course no problem. Junior Sister Zhou Lu is willing to come to my place to show her support. I welcome her infinitely."

While speaking, he stared at Zhou Lu with a burning gaze.

Zhou Lu hesitated and didn't want to get involved in this mess.

Wang Luo was skilled and bold, and he was not at all inferior to Yu Xiaobo, but she was not so sure!

In fact, Yu Xiaobo's love for her is not a recent thing. It's just that Zhou Lu was always able to evade it flexibly before, and Yu Xiaobo obviously didn't intend to put too much effort on her, so the two sides never had a conflict. Zhou Lu just passed it by calmly and didn't take it to heart. Although she was born in the south, she was born with a beautiful appearance, a proud figure, and a very likable personality. There was no shortage of suitors in the academy, and Yu Xiaobo was just one of them.

But recently, for some reason, Yu Xiaobo suddenly became more interested in her, as if he would not give up until he got her, so Zhou Lu's pressure doubled!

She really couldn't imagine what kind of nonsense Yu Xiaobo would say if she took Zhao Xiuwen to participate in the competition later!

But Wang Luo comforted her, "It's okay, in the competition later, you and Zhao Xiuwen will feed each other, and I guarantee that anyone who sees you will know that you are a passionate couple in love."

Yu Xiaobo, who was leading the way in front, couldn't help but slow down his pace.

"During this period, no matter what outsiders say, just feed each other. If the competition does not limit the tableware, it is recommended that you try to feed each other with your mouth... and the hands that are freed can also be used for some intimate interactions between lovers."

Yu Xiaobo stopped walking directly.

Zhou Lu also blushed when she heard it: "Shan, Shanzhu, don't talk nonsense... In broad daylight, kissing is fine. How can you, how can you use your hands, use your hands..."

Wang Luoqi said: "I said ten fingers interlocked, what did you say?"

"...I also said ten fingers interlocked."

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