Many times, the same thing, explained by different people from different angles, will give people completely different impressions.

Yu Xiaobo's romantic affair is not a secret in Rongcheng Academy. After all, in terms of birth, cultivation, appearance, elegance... he is ranked first in the entire Rongcheng Academy. It would be a strange thing for such a person not to be accompanied by a beautiful woman.

As for the beautiful woman he likes, it is not a big deal in people's eyes if a famous woman occasionally has a master. Young people's love is divided into two parts, and Yu Xiaobo didn't rob the daughter of a common man. It was something we both wanted, so what's there to complain about?

Therefore, when Yu Xiaobo teased Zhao Xiuwen earlier by saying "no less than the golden elixir", the students of Xinglan Curie looked at Zhao Xiuwen with the eyes of watching a good show, and did not feel that the elegant Mr. Yu had done anything wrong.

However, when Wang Luo said these words, the nature of the matter suddenly became very different.

A wealthy young man with no moral restraint who prefers to challenge famous beauties who have masters. Do you married women dare to come to the business he runs? Do you dare to come in front of your boyfriend? Aren't you afraid of rumors after you come here?

In one sentence, Wang Luo put an extremely subtle label on this prosperous business place that was celebrating its anniversary.

If anyone else had said such words, people would have just regarded them as nonsense, but Wang Luo had just surprised everyone with his unique skills, shocking everyone in the room. What he said had a different weight!

And Wang Luo obviously had more than one sentence to say. Labeling is not important, what matters is how to spread the label.

"Of course, if there are any men here who have similar hobbies to Young Master Yu and want to try other people's home flowers, you might as well come and see them often; or there are some men who are tired of their boyfriends and want to show them off in front of Young Master Yu. You might as well come here often as a charming lady. After all, one of Xinglanju’s signature dishes is braised beef head, a famous prairie dish from [Yueyang].”

After saying this, the uproar in the venue was mixed with a lot of laughter. The saying "Nutou's head on the grassland" was vigorously spread by the Lord a thousand years ago, and has long since become a household name in popular culture in five states and hundreds of countries.

As the crowd laughed, the smile on Yu Xiaobo's face disappeared.

The story described by Wang Luo is of course ridiculous, but precisely because it is ridiculous, it has excellent spreadability!

The students of Rongcheng Academy actually don't necessarily care who is kneading rice balls with bare hands in Xinglanju - no matter how good Wang Luo is, he can do it better than the [Wuyue Forging] made by [Youcheng Shengong] under the Jinlu Hall Engineering Department. Taiwan]? Can the pressure be greater than the [All Things Return to One Furnace] on the Guanghan Palace of the Crescent Moon?

But students will definitely be interested in the anecdote about "a large number of tauren appear in Xinglanju"!

Because today’s young people like this kind of nonsense the most!

For example, "On a night when the crescent moon disappears, if you walk around the academy three times counterclockwise and then look up, you can see the academy's [Seventh Heaven]", "Abnormal Taixu fluctuations are often heard in the Taixu Sutra Room of Lusuan Hall in the middle of the night." The boring and scary anecdotes spread rapidly in the academy.

Compared with horror anecdotes, people obviously prefer anecdotes related to emotions, such as under which tree the success rate of confession is the highest; and in which woods are the least likely to be patrolled? Caught...

If there is anything more popular than emotional anecdotes, it is negative emotional anecdotes.

For example, a famous professor practiced spiritual practice for more than a hundred years and was still a virgin.

Another example is "men and women who confess their love in front of the jade statue of the Lord will definitely end up breaking up."

Another example is, "There are a large number of tauren in Xinglanju"!

Yu Xiaobo is obviously a person who knows how to communicate well, so as soon as the laughter started, he realized the serious consequences of this matter. However, for a moment, he was helpless!

His elegance and calmness can cope with most dilemmas, but he can never cope with happy people. When Wang Luo threw out the fun, the subsequent spread was almost inevitable, and Yu Xiaobo became the biggest loser on the field!

Of course, strictly speaking, Yu Xiaobo actually didn't lose anything. People's laughter was not directed at him, and even Xinglanju's business might be better because of the anecdotes.

But he lost the situation, lost his pride in adapting to the situation, and turned his back on the guests. Xinglanju and even Rongcheng have always been regarded as his home court. Losing at home is the greatest humiliation for him!

But Wang Luo's methods are not over yet.

Before Yu Xiaobo was awakened by laughter and his face turned pale, Wang Luo turned his attention to the black and white evil spirits. His gaze was gentle, without any emotion, but it made both of them feel numb.

The two of them originally wanted to take advantage of the chaos to hide their merit and fame, but when they were dug out by Wang Luo, they felt like rice dumplings exposed to the light, feeling uncomfortable all over.

The farce started when they stopped Zhao Xiuwen in front of Xinglanju. What should have been the most ordinary drama of helping a wealthy prince to bully men and women turned into the biggest humiliation in Yu Xiaobo's life...

At this time, Wang Luo's seemingly gentle gaze seemed to be asking silently: Why are you hiding behind? Do you think Yu Xiaobo will not remember you two instigators?

What's more, if the owner is humiliated, how can the domestic dog stay out of it?

Under Wang Luo's gaze, the black and white demons finally couldn't bear the torture in their hearts and forced themselves to stand up.

The hand in black covered the sword at his waist and said sternly: "Don't talk nonsense!"

The man in white robe also frowned angrily and pointed at Wang Luo: "Shut up!"

The two men's grinning and barking posture was like throwing cold shit into a boiling pot, and the laughter of the whole audience stagnated.

The audience didn't laugh, but Wang Luo laughed.

He had long felt that the black and white evil spirits were not smart, at least not good enough to keep up with the rhythm of him and Yu Xiaobo. It turned out that he had a good eye for people. As soon as the two men opened their mouths, they destroyed Yu Xiaobo's last dignity.

The crowd did not laugh, but they laughed in their hearts. Originally, they laughed at the fun thrown by Wang Luo, and laughed at Xinglanju's decline into the sacred place of the academy, but now they have begun to laugh at Yu Shao's inability to play.

No one thinks that the black and white evil spirits are a neutral third party. They are Yu Xiaobo's lackeys. Everyone in the academy knows this, and the words and deeds of lackeys naturally reflect the will of their master.

In the cold silence of the crowd, Wang Luo turned his eyes back to Yu Xiaobo, and then urged his true energy and sent a secret message.

He only said three words.

"Are you convinced?"

The next moment, Yu Xiaobo's face turned red like fire, and the blood in all his meridians surged, as if he was about to lose control.

For Yu Xiaobo, failure is not terrible. What is terrible is to fail in the field he is proud of and in the occasion where he is determined to win! Yu Xiaobo has always been proud of his ability to control the situation. He can always use exquisite words, combined with his family background and elegance, to guide people's hearts and situations in a direction that is beneficial to him.

However, this time, Wang Luo shattered his pride in the field he is most proud of.

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