American Big Landlord

Chapter 545: be surprised

Update time: 2014-05-11

The girl was still looking at him, "Why don't you say a few more words? Why don't you want a phone number? Does this man look down on my number?" Thinking to her, she looked at Miko who was not far away from Jessie Chou. , I compared my own, not much worse! My old sister also said that ours are flexible and won't sag without a cover.

Jessie Chou's slightly embarrassing voice sounded in her ear: "Well, can you give me coffee?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Zhou, I'm really sorry for being distracted!" The beauty receptionist panicked and almost spilled coffee on Zhou Jessie's body. Fortunately, he moved his body forward quickly, holding the child's trembling hand on the right side of the girl, and stabilizing the liquid in the coffee cup.

The bodyguards were also very envious of this action. Their boss's skill and reflexes are really great. With his higher strength than ordinary people, if they fight empty-handed, it is estimated that several of them will not be able to do the boss.

Jessie Chou wrapped one hand around the girl's waist and held the other on the girl's hand. The girl's face was reddish, but she looked at him boldly. He whispered, "I'm so sorry..."

"It's okay, I don't think Mr. Zhou would mind." A female voice rang behind the two of them, and then Jessie Zhou turned around and saw Jade Sister: "Am I right? Mr. Zhou?"

"Of course, of course!" Zhou Jiexi replied subconsciously.

Sister Yu glanced at their posture, "Then you still don't let go? Is it fun to hold?"

"Oh!" Jessie Chou reacted, and immediately took her hand back from the girl, but the girl was nervous and spilled a little more coffee on her hand. "Um, the accident is really an accident. You have to listen to me. I didn't mean to ask for it... That way!" He also gestured.

Sister Yu looked at Jiexi Zhou's explanation funny: "Stop, no need to explain! I forgive you!"

Now it’s Jessie’s turn to have an accident. Isn’t Sister Yu most fond of role playing? Have fun today in these two moments? "Ah, this is over?"

"Do you still want me to scold you more? Can't you see that you still have a tendency to be abused?" Looking up and down to see his brother, Zhou Jiexi not only noticed the look in her eyes, but also the eyes of the people around him. Got him here.

"This one really doesn't!"

"Puff..." Sister Yu smiled, and suddenly Jessie Chou had a charming feeling. Then Sister Yu looked straight at Jessie Zhou and opened her hands: "Do you miss me?"

Without paying attention to the surprised eyes of the people around him, Zhou Jiexi walked over two steps forward, and opened her arms to her. The two of them hugged at this door without anyone else, but this scene was as beautiful as a fairy tale, and people who watched this scene did not dare to disturb the beauty of the two.

"Are you still so beautiful?" Jessie Chou gently praised Jiexi in Yu Jie's ear.

"Smelly boy!" Sister Yu also said softly.

After all, the two of them couldn't do it as if there were no others. Sister Yu brought Jessie Chou into the company first. Several people rushed into her office together, leaving the surprised employees looking at each other, and they all saw the incredible in each other's eyes.

The small front desks outside are even more shocked to death, and they still feel a little hesitant in their hearts, robbing their boyfriend from the boss? They also blatantly did this in front of the boss, and they did it so conspicuously.

The little girl talked with her colleagues with a guilty conscience, "Do you think the boss will fire me? Will I receive the dismissal message later? The content must be that you dare to follow along during work. Guests communicate for private purposes."

"The actual content is that you openly molested the boss's boyfriend on the boss's premises during your work. You also want to stage a mistress counterattack for the boss and win the love with the sword! You said our personnel department should Shouldn't you fire you? Tell me yourself?"

"Xiao Ai, I mourn for you spiritually. At night, when I go back, I will lower my white lace **** to half-mast, so that I will die as I wish!" The colleague patted her on the shoulder, pretending to be deep.

"Yes, I will go back to get it at night, although I am black lace, but it happens to be a thong, which can be used as a pennant when opened. I also lower the flag..."

"You, you guys...whoop...why did I make your two friends! You should just lower the trousers under your trousers to half mast now." The coffee girl Xiao Ai just said with a ridiculous expression on her face. .

"This can be considered! Do you want to see it?" The beauty with a mean look looks very attractive, especially the lusty eyes and wretched smile, I almost told you that my aunt let you eat Big white rabbit! What if the auntie asked you to eat abalone?

"What about you slut!" Xiao Ai said with a shot of his colleague.

When they arrived in the office area of ​​the company, the employees seemed to be busy, but their eyes turned to the boss's office unconsciously. There were two **** and white giants standing over there, their big eyes swept over them vigilantly, and they were suddenly excited.

The atmosphere in the office was a bit strange. The two did not speak when they were together. Jessie Chou wanted to say something, but when he looked at the cold-faced sister Yu, he suddenly became speechless.

He was silent for a while before speaking, his mouth and throat were a little dry. His voice was a little hoarse: "You all know, right?"

Sister Yu glanced at Jiexi Zhou unexpectedly, "Did you plan to say it yourself?"

"It seems that you guessed it!" Jessie Chou nodded instead: "Since you know it too, then I'll talk about it!" At this moment, he became calm: "This matter has to be from that day, you and you The ex-husband talked about it when he was eating in the restaurant, but Huang Ge happened to be there, and then he called me..." He talked about some things one after another.

Sister Yu and the others in the room also heard strange expressions: "So, you can't come back because of something, so you got the two of them in first and waited for you?"

Jiexi Chou nodded.

Sister Yu stood up awkwardly, looked at Jiexi Zhou and said, "Then what happened to them inside, do you know?"

On the contrary, Jessie Chou looked at her a little innocently. "Know a little bit, but this is not what I asked someone to do. It may be something that offends others. You know, their profession is a bit of a professional risk. People treat them It's normal to bring a bit of professional discrimination."

"Heh!" Sister Yu faced Zhou Jiexi angrily. "This is your attitude? It doesn't matter?"

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