American Big Landlord

Chapter 612: deal with

They caught three rabbits here, and Saiya got out after a while. There are two wild ducks in his hands, one seems to be a bit too light for it. The other one made it hold its neck, and even the cry was much hoarse, and it seemed to be suffocated to death. The two legs and the wings swayed endlessly.

Saiya compares the duck that has not moved on his left hand, and looks at the noisy stuff on his right hand. The mouth grinned and snapped. . . Grasping the neck and patting the duck to the ground, looking at it, it was still moving, and then picked it up vigorously. Until it didn't move much, he nodded in satisfaction.

Jessie Chou looked at black lines. Why is this orangutan so violent? The good does not learn from the bad. "Saya...Hurry up and take it, your sister, it will be a dead end if you shoot it again." Said heard the master's call and ran over, reaching out and handing the two ducks to him.

Jessie Chou took the duck and said with emotion: "Good guy, I don't know how you caught it. The orangutan caught the wild duck. It's a pity that this video was not filmed."

Sai Ya was still talking about things that Jessie Chou didn't understand, but he understood the gestures with his hands. It looked like he saw the duck with a telescope, then broke a section of the tree, and then fell from the sky and attacked the duck. Only this is how you can sneer when you come.

He touched his head and felt that he was right. "Well! Probably that's the way it is!" He said and looked at Saiya, "This orangutan is still useful. It's not bad. I'll go back to give you a meal in the evening."

"Wang..." The Tibetan mastiffs reminded Zhou Jesse.

"Yes, yes, and you, I haven't forgotten you. I will give you a snack when I go back tonight... Good fellow understands this."

Jessie Chou found a creek, took out the military dagger in the space, and began to deal with the prey it hit. They are all dead, so I don’t need to take them in my hands and drip blood. Rabbits are skinned and washed for internal organs, but wild ducks are more troublesome. Ask Wancai to run back and grab a wok to boil water to deal with.

He also has this in his space, but this is a bit unreasonable. Besides, if there are dogs running errands, there is no need for him to do anything, just let them exercise. Oh, that's alright. Jessie Chou also agrees with her own ideas.

And he just piled up a small stove, dug a hole underneath, and made a table with stones on the top. After Wancai brought the iron pot, Zhou Jiexi began to boil water to treat the wild ducks.

Feather animals are dealt with by bleeding first, and then putting them in hot water to bubble and shed their hair. Then he also let go of the water, and he did not plan to deal with the small intestines and duck gizzards. But he cleaned out the eggs from the mother duck, and it tasted very good.

After fiddling for a while, it was all cleaned up. Carrying a few light-haired chickens and light-haired rabbits, driving three Tibetan mastiffs, Saiyan, and two little finger monkeys, they will cook at home.

Entering the living room, I saw the little girl with a happy look, holding a limited edition Barbie bought by Nicky in her hand, combing her hair and tying her braids. "How is Niuniu talking with grandma?"

She looked back and saw Jiexi Zhou "Dad, you're back! You want grandma to go to bed quietly!" The daughter said, she fiddled with him with her mobile phone. "Listen, grandma still snors!"

Jessie Chou took it over and listened in a funny way. Really, the sound of my mother's balanced breathing was still faintly visible in the headset. It is estimated that I was lying in bed during the chat, plus it was very late over there, maybe I fell asleep while chatting! The phone also slid in front of his face, so the breathing sound was heard more clearly.

"Grandma may be tired, so she went to bed first. Why don't you hang up, Niuniu?"

The daughter is playing with Barbie in her hand. "Grandma said, she will take a nap, and she will be chatting with me later!"

"Um..." Jessie Chou wanted to tell her that the phone bill was so expensive, and you were hanging on for a few hours, and my mother didn't know how long to sleep. "Then let's hang up first! Grandma may call you when she wakes up. Let it go now, maybe Wancai will scream and wake up grandma."

As soon as Jessie Chou said, Niuniu reacted. The barking of the dogs at home was not so loud. The three of them were interested in how loud they barked. She hurriedly said: "Then let's hurry up!" As she said that, she looked at Wancai bitterly. "They shout so loudly, so I won't give them so much food in the future, let's see if they can have that much." Call out with strength."

Zhou Jiexi glanced sympathetically at the three innocent Tibetan mastiffs, "Poor baby, this is considered to be a worry. Master, I can only pray silently for you, of course, sometimes I will secretly add meals to you. "Thinking about him, he hung up the phone. Then I called my third sister and asked her to go to my mother’s house to see if she lay down, and if she had covered the quilt, all of these should be paid attention to. If one is not good enough, she will stiff her pillow. .

"I really want to see my grandma soon! She said she would cook something delicious for Niuniu, and it tastes better than Dad's." The little girl licked her tongue, expecting something delicious.

"Okay, I'll see my grandma soon. Dad will cook something delicious for you first!" He said, he walked to the kitchen. "I am making vinasse rabbit today. Do you want to eat sweeter or more mellow?"

"It's sweeter, dad put more honey on the lees, don't put sugar." The little girl shouted happily.

"Well, I see. You go to the small room and call your grandfather over, and we will have dinner together tonight." He shouted to his daughter, "I don't seem to see the old man today. I don't know what I'm doing?"

"Oh! I see, I promise to complete the task." Niuniu said, she stood up and ran towards the door, "Well fortune and longevity, let's go to Grandpa and ask him to eat."

"Wang..." The three guys stood up and ran over as soon as they heard their names.

The daughter became more and more cheerful, and he was also happy and relieved a lot. Now I’m about to start thinking about children’s schooling. Niuniu has been teaching at home for so long at home. She doesn’t worry about her grades. She eats good food every day, plus it’s all good food in the space, so her brain has become better. It's better, and the memory is also very good.

Now he can speak English and have a fluent conversation with others, and his use of some slang is much better than his dad. She can also understand the programs broadcast by English TV stations, not to mention cartoons, and now I don’t watch idiots, and follow the Disney Channel to watch their programs every day.

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