Goofy put down the engine oil and looked at Carrie nervously.

"Carrie, do you feel any discomfort in your stomach? Do you have any stomach ache or feeling of bloating?"

"It's not swollen, but a little shriveled..." Carrie said while looking at the pizza on the coffee table, and reached out her hand to grab a piece to eat.

Gao Fei saw that this little girl didn't seem to have any problems at all. It stands to reason that she drank engine oil at noon. If there is any adverse reaction, it is time to show it. In addition, the most direct reaction of normal people after drinking motor oil should be indigestion, nausea, bloating, and loss of appetite. Carrie not only did not have any adverse symptoms, but her appetite was still strong-obviously, this little girl really had nothing to do.

So, Carrie's digestive system can completely break down oil?

Then the digestive system is too powerful!

Seeing Gao Fei's shocked expression, Carrie nibbled on the pizza and asked, "Boss Goofy, what's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Gao Fei Xin said: This problem is too big.

After taking the barrel of oil that Carrie drank as a drink, Gao Fei said solemnly, "Come on, Carrie, let me introduce to you, the name of this barrel of liquid is oil, it is specially used for cars, normal people. It must not be drunk. If you drink a little of this thing, you have to go to the hospital for gastric lavage. If you drink too much, you will die immediately, understand?"

"Clam?" Carrie looked surprised. "But it's obviously delicious..."

"..." Goofy didn't know what to say, "Carrie, you have to keep one thing in mind - you are not an ordinary person, you can do a lot of things that ordinary people can't do, such as...drinking oil. ."

Carrie finally nodded seriously: "Okay, I will always remember it."

Gao Fei said earnestly: "In order to live peacefully in this world, you have to pretend to be like normal people, so you can't drink what normal people can't drink, understand?"

Carrie understood after hearing this, and then stared at the barrel of motor oil with a sad expression: "So, I can't drink this nutty drink in the future, right?"

Seeing Carrie's life-and-death appearance, Gao Fei really couldn't bear it.

"Of course not. You can drink it when no one else is present, such as now you can drink it." Goofy handed Carrie a quarter of the oil left.

Carrie was immediately happy, and her whole body brightened.

Take a bite of pizza, drink a mouthful of motor oil, relax!

"Wow, this match is really good!" The little girl squinted and smiled.

Gao Fei has a black line on his face. This is just the beginning. God knows what weird things this little loli can eat when she grows older...

Goofy and Carrie ate pizza while watching TV, and they destroyed ten pizzas in a blink of an eye.

After eating the pizza, Carrie glanced at another bucket of Mobil in the glass cabinet in the living room, and after hesitating, she finally did not act.

The two sat on the sofa and watched the TV series for a while, and Gao Fei explained to Carrie how a normal child lives by taking the help of the little loli in the TV series.

"Look, Carrie, you can't use all your strength when you're fighting with others. It's impossible for a child to knock an adult into the air... You have to take it easy, understand?"

"When eating, try to slow down as much as possible, keep the eating speed of a normal person, and if you eat in public, you can't eat too much in one go..."

Carrie earnestly learned how to be an "ordinary" child. Every time Gao Fei mentioned a point of knowledge, she nodded earnestly. Halfway through the two of them watching the TV series, Frank suddenly opened the door and walked in.

The old guy held a stack of documents in his hand, with a smug look on his face. It was obvious that he had done Carrie's business.

"The omnipotent Uncle Frank is back!" Frank announced very loudly, "Carrie, from now on, we are a family!"

Carrie has heard about this from Goofy. This is also a decision that Goofy and Ole made together after negotiating. Little Loli likes her Goofy boss very much, so she is not interested in joining Goofy's family. resist.

Gao Fei didn't expect Frank's work efficiency to be so high, and he could get this done so quickly. He got up and took the materials from Frank's hand, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Nice job, Frank."

"Boss Goofy, so I'll be your cousin from now on, right?" Carrie said happily, "I've never been a cousin!"

Gao Fei was also very happy, rubbing Carrie's little head: "In the future, you should call me Brother Goofy, not Boss Goofy."

"Then... Mr. Goofy..." Carrie changed her tune, and the word "brother" hadn't been uttered.

At this moment, Frank suddenly coughed: "Cough, it should be Goofy's father..."


Goofy and Carrie were startled at the same time, and looked back at Frank in amazement.

Frank quickly took a step back timidly and said in a low voice, "Carrie, Goofy... Goofy will be your father."

"What?" Carrie didn't expect the whole villain was in a bad mood, "Why? Why did Boss Goofy become Dad Goofy?!"

Gao Fei was also dizzy, what the **** is going on?

"Frank, didn't you promise to make Carrie your illegitimate daughter? Why is she my daughter again?"

Frank spread his hands and said: "Don't worry, listen to me slowly, my friends in the community told me that people like me who have no job, have a lot of criminal records, and have a history of alcoholism, even if they suddenly have an illegitimate life Females do not have custody of illegitimate daughters. On the contrary, if you are a bachelor with a fixed job, if you accidentally have an illegitimate daughter, you can apply to raise your daughter as a single parent. "

Gao Fei almost collapsed: "So Carrie became my illegitimate daughter, right? But I don't even have a girlfriend now, and suddenly an illegitimate daughter appeared. Who would believe it!"

Frank smiled wickedly: "Aren't you and Cheng Jieqian on good terms? It can be said that the child belongs to her."

Gao Fei almost flipped the table: "Nima, do you think two Chinese people can give birth to a blond little loli, don't you? Even genetic mutations don't dare to be so scary, and besides, Carrie is seven or eight years old, seven or eight years ago. I'm still in high school, okay?"

"What happened to middle school? You were already fertile by then, and I remember you had a few blond girlfriends in middle school, and one of them was named Mary who seemed pretty..." Frank pondered, "The one at the prom. Didn't you bring her back to the apartment?"

"You still remember this kind of thing about Chen sesame and rotten millet..." Gao Fei collapsed.

"Of course, you are my only nephew, of course I have to care about you." Frank said with a smile, then patted Goofy on the shoulder, "Congratulations, now you are a father."

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