American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 152: The best actor is online (7/20)

The gun-wielding criminal was a simple criminal whose purpose was simple and straightforward—I just wanted to kill!

Especially after seeing Gao Fei, his idea of ​​killing people is even stronger.

Don't you fly high? Not a people's hero in Brooklyn?

Although I can't beat you, I can't lose face as a criminal. I kill a few citizens in front of you to see, which is a remarkable achievement.

So the criminals picked up the assault rifles in their hands and shot at the clerks and customers in the clothing store.

"Suffer to death! Hahaha!"

Seeing this scene, Gao Fei immediately rushed out of the police car.

At the same time, he said to Steve: "Steve, let's act separately."

Steve didn't move slowly, he had already pushed the door and rushed out.

Steve, who was born in the army, has richer actual combat experience than Gao Fei. He came up with a proper solution in a short time and said to Gao Fei: "Officer Gao Fei, I will protect the hostages, you are responsible..."

However, before he finished speaking, Gao Fei had already rushed towards the muzzle.

Steve was dumbfounded on the spot.

This cop is a fool!

After thinking about it again, he seemed to have indeed described himself in this way when we were chatting just now-"I don't want to die".

Steve was taken aback on the spot.

Originally thought this was an exaggerated rhetorical device, Nima, who would have thought that your kid would really die!

"Officer Goofy!"

Steve shouted nervously, while rushing towards the criminals.

Gao Fei is righteous.

"I must never let him hurt any citizen!"

Before he finished speaking, Gao Fei blocked all the bullets fired by the gangster with his chest.

Puff puff!

The three bullets hit Gao Fei's chest firmly, causing a rain of blood!

Steve looks stupid!

This police officer is so brave!

And sacrificing yourself to protect the citizens, this kind of spirit suits my taste!


Goofy background system pops up data.

[Admiration from Steve Rogers +5]

A smile appeared on Gao Fei's mouth.


Goofy blocked the gangster's bullet here, and Steve pounced on the gangster there.


A savage punch hit the gangster's head, and the gunman threw himself into the street on the spot.

The assault rifle in his hand fell to the ground.

Steve Rogers kicked the rifle away and rushed towards Goofy.

"Officer Goofy! Officer Goofy!"

Goofy fell in a pool of blood, weakly reaching out to Steve.

"Steve... see? Brooklyn is not very peaceful now, the citizens need someone to protect them..."

"Hold on, I'll take you to the hospital!" Steve hugged Goofy and tried to pick him up.

However, he hugged Gao Fei but didn't move, this guy didn't seem to remember much.

"Officer Goofy, cooperate, I'll take you to the hospital!" Steve said anxiously.

But Gao Fei shook his head: "It's too late... Let me finish first."

Steve's eyes were red: "You say, I listen."

"I alone can't protect the citizens of Brooklyn, so Steve, don't let everyone down, okay? Stay and protect them and your neighborhood."

"I will, Officer Goofy, I will." Steve nodded and said, "You must hold on, I will take you to the hospital immediately!"

But Gao Fei shook his head stubbornly again: "It's not necessary anymore, it's too late."

"It won't be too late!" Steve said in a deep voice, "Your body has been strengthened, you should be able to hold on for a while, it will be too late! I'll call an ambulance now!"

After speaking, Steve raised his head and shouted, "Call an ambulance! Call an ambulance!"

But no matter how he shouted, the surrounding citizens were unmoved. Everyone seemed to be indifferent to Gao Fei's injury, and watched the fun with a smile.

Steve is so mad, are people so cold-blooded now?

"Officer Gao Fei lost his life because of you, don't you even want to call an ambulance for him?!"

However, before he finished speaking, Gao Fei in his arms sat up by himself.

"Steve, you misunderstood me, it's really too late to call an ambulance because my wound has healed."

After saying that, Gao Fei tore off his clothes, revealing the part where he was shot just now, only to see that the bullet had been expelled by Gao Fei, and the skin on his chest was smooth and delicate, not even a single scar was left.

Steve urinated on the spot.

In public, why are you showing me your breasts?


Get the point wrong.

Didn't you get shot just now? Why don't you have any traces on your body?

Isn't this a riot?

"What the hell?! What type of body modification did you accept? How can you heal such a fatal wound without leaving a scar? How long have I slept? This technology has advanced too much. almost?"

Steve was about to collapse, looking at Gao Fei with despair.

Goofy laughed, stood up from the ground and patted Steve on the shoulder.

"I have time to tell you slowly in the future, but don't forget what you promised me just now."

Steve's face darkened.

"What I promised you? Wait... You just deceived my feelings, didn't you?"

"How can you deceive your feelings?" Gao Fei said plausibly, "I didn't deceive you, how could I deceive you?"

"You made me mistakenly think that you were about to sacrifice, and my tears almost lied to me!" Steve said angrily, "Thanks I moved the truth for you, thinking that you were about to sacrifice heroically, who would have thought of you? There's nothing wrong with it!"

"Who said I'm fine? It hurts when a bullet hits me! Although I won't die, the pain is real. Do you think it's easy to protect the citizens from that kind of pain? ?" Gao Fei retorted seriously.

"This..." Steve was speechless for a while.

He found that he couldn't say enough about Goofy.

Gao Fei smiled lightly: "So Steve, I'll be waiting for you to report to the 109th bureau tomorrow. Captain America can't break his promise, you know?"

"I..." Steve looked confused, how could he be kidnapped by this shameless policeman?

But looking at the way he flew to save the citizens just now did not look like a performance, and the citizens' admiration for him definitely didn't come out of thin air. Since that was the case, he didn't care any more.

"Okay." Steve nodded, "but you have to help me restore my file and identity first."

"Someone else will handle this kind of thing." Gao Fei pointed at the two black off-road vehicles that were driving not far away. "The public welfare organization that rescued you from the ice cave is here. Go and meet them."

"Really?" Steve followed Goofy's guidance, then nodded, "Okay, then I'll go and thank them first."

So Steve turned to leave the clothing store and greeted the SHIELD vehicle.

Nick Fury also got out of the car and walked towards Steve.

"Captain." Nick whispered, "Allow me to introduce myself first. I'm Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the one who rescued you from the North Pole."

"Thank you, Director Fury." Steve nodded, "Thank you for helping me."

"I think you already know what era it is now? You must be very uncomfortable living in this era, right? Come with us, I will take care of the next things for you." Nick Fury said strongly.

"No, Chief Fury, I'm actually getting used to the times. Brooklyn has become completely unrecognizable to me, but I've figured out what to do next."

"What?" Nick Fury was caught off guard.

He originally thought that Steve, who had been sleeping for 70 years, would become his most powerful weapon when he woke It was right to obey him.

But who would have thought that Steve would actually have his own ideas.

"What do you want to do next?" Nick Fury asked, frowning.

"It's very simple, this era is also full of crises, people need protection, and I will continue to protect them." Steve said seriously.

Nick Fury frowned even tighter.

"Captain, you have been out of touch with the times for too long, are you sure your decision is correct?"

"I'm sure." Steve smiled softly, "because I just met a trusted comrade in arms."

Nick Fury's eyes turned cold, and his eyes fell on Gao Fei who was evacuating the scene not far away.

And Steve stretched out his hand to Nick Fury: "Okay, Chief Fury, please give me back my shield, I've been away from my hometown for too long, the Brooklyn boy should go home."

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