American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 163: Stubborn Banner (18/20)

Bruce Banner opened the door and greeted Goofy and Steve in plain clothes.

Elizabeth Rose was vigilant, looking at the two police officers with big eyes nervously.

Gao Fei smiled at the two of them and said straight to the point: "Dr. Banner, I don't want to arrest you this time, because I know that arresting you is very difficult, and it will involve innocent citizens..."

Bruce Banner was stunned when he heard the words, he had never encountered such a policeman before.

Elizabeth's affection for Goofy is also a little more, and it seems that he is the kind of good policeman who is considerate to the citizens.

"What's the name of the two of you?" asked Dr. Banner.

"My name is Gao Fei." Gao Fei said.

"My name is Steve Rogers." Steve said.

Banner smiled softly at Steve: "This name is good, it is the same name as the heroic team of World War II."

Steve laughed without saying a word, without explaining much.

Elizabeth asked: "Second officers, since you are not here to arrest Bruce, what are you doing here?"

Then Elizabeth guessed by asking and answering herself: "Are you dad sent me to catch me?"

As she said that, Elizabeth also made a vigilant gesture of holding her chest with both hands.

Gao Fei was speechless, Miss, you are too self-motivated, aren't you?

Besides, what are you doing with your arms on your chest? Not too big!

"Cough, Miss Rose, you misunderstood. Although your father is a famous general Thunder, we little policemen are not at his mercy. He has no right to send us to arrest you, and we do not intend to arrest you."

Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief, and put down the hands that hugged her chest.

Goofy turned to Bruce Banner: "Dr. Banner, we came here specially to invite you to leave New York."

"What?" Banner was caught off guard. "You asked me to leave New York?"

"Yes." Gao Fei said seriously, "You should be aware of your current state. Your whole being is like an unstable bomb that will explode at any time and cause indiscriminate damage. Every time you transform, it may be destroyed. Lost countless families..."

Steve agreed and said, "Dr. Banner, you don't want to see such a tragedy happen, do you?"

Before Bruce Banner could speak, Elizabeth couldn't help but stand up and defend him: "But it's not Bruce's fault, he's also a victim. When he turned into a monster, he was completely irrational!"

"It's really not Dr. Banner's fault that he became a monster. I understand that he doesn't want to become a monster himself." Gao Fei said in a deep voice, "But knowing that he would become a monster and destroy the entire city, he deliberately came to the population. Dense New York, that's Dr. Banner's fault."

Elizabeth wanted to argue, but found herself at a loss for words.

Goofy pointed out the mistakes of Bruce Banner sharply, so that she could no longer excuse Banner.

Bruce Banner took a deep breath and pleaded in a low voice, "Officer, I understand your concerns, and I know you want to protect the citizens of New York... But honestly, I found a biology expert who claimed that Being able to isolate the monster inside me, freeing me from becoming a monster...and this expert's lab is in New York, that's why I took the plunge and tried it."

Gao Fei deeply understood Banner's helplessness: "I understand your current difficulties, and I also understand that you want to get rid of the monster in your body once and for all. But have you ever thought about whether this expert's experiment can be successful? When this experiment fails, you become the Hulk in the lab, and then the entire college, the entire Brooklyn area, the entire New York City... How many people will pay for your wrong decision?"

"What's more, the military is now searching for you all over the city. General Ross has never hesitated to turn innocent citizens into cannon fodder in order to capture you. Once he finds out your whereabouts, the military will turn the entire New York into a battlefield."

Bruce Banner held his head helplessly and whispered, "But what should I do? I can't be entangled with that big green monster all my life, right?"

Goofy said: "Dr. Banner, I will help you, I will do what I say. But your plan this time is completely wrong, you should not let the innocent citizens of New York take the risk for you. Now the military has started The whole city is searching for you, under such circumstances, it is impossible for you to complete the experiment quietly, listen to my advice and leave New York immediately, as for the plan to separate the Hulk from your body, we will discuss the long-term plan later.”

"But this opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I don't want to miss it." Bruce Banner said stubbornly, "Officer Goofy, why don't you persuade the military not to interfere with me?"

"Because you are the risk in New York, not the military." Goofy said in a serious tone, "Dr. Banner, even if there is no military arrest, can you make sure that you will not transform in New York? According to my Understand that any unexpected stimulus from the outside world will awaken the Hulk inside you."

"I know you're trying your best to control your emotions and avoid letting that big guy out, but if you're accidentally hit by a car while crossing the road, you're accidentally shot on the road, or even a balloon explodes right next to your ear. ...In this case, wouldn't you transform immediately? At that time, you will destroy everywhere, kill people and smash the store, and finally use the nonsense of "I lost my mind when I transformed, and the destruction has nothing to do with me". , Dr. Banner, don't you feel guilty?"

"I..." Bruce Banner lowered his head, and Goofy really hit his vitals.

Elizabeth hurriedly defended Banner: "Because of this, we want to get rid of that big guy as soon as possible, Officer Goofy, please don't pester us, this is our business!"

After speaking, Elizabeth picked up her luggage, grabbed Banner and prepared to leave.

"Bruce, let's go."

But Goofy also grabbed Bruce Banner's arm at the same time.

"Dr. I have one last question, are you really not going to leave New York?"

Bruce Banner smiled helplessly: "I'm sorry, officer, I can't pass up this opportunity."

After hearing this, Steve glanced at Goofy, intending to ask if Bruce Banner should be arrested now.

Goofy shook his head.

If you do it now, the citizens of this street will suffer.

So Goofy let go, letting Bruce Banner and Elizabeth walk out of the hotel and flee.

"Very well, Dr. Banner, since you don't listen, we will no longer be friends from now on." Goofy warned.

Since you don't want to leave New York in peace, don't blame me for stepping on your head to upgrade.

Please remember this book's first domain name: . vertex

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