American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 190: Enhanced Human Troops (1/8)

"It's a fortified man!" Superintendent Schneider immediately identified their identities, "This is a fortified man force!"

Goofy had already reminded Superintendent Schneider of the dangers of this mission, and Superintendent Schneider was well aware of it.

But since he is a policeman, Schneider can't escape from the battle. He can't really leave all the work to Gao Fei, and hide behind the scenes and enjoy the success, right?

Therefore, even if he knew that the other party was a reinforcement person, Superintendent Schneider rushed to the scene as soon as possible. As a police officer, this was his duty.

"Don't be afraid, guys, ESU support is coming soon!" Superintendent Schneider held a pistol to boost his morale, but just after saying a word, a policeman in front of him was thrown out by the reinforcement man.


The screams gradually faded away, and the policeman was thrown nearly ten meters away.

Superintendent Schneider's face turned pale, and Nima and these enhanced people were too terrifying.

"Goofy, Goofy, where are you now?"

In the current situation, even if ESU arrives in time, it may be helpless, and it still has to rely on Gao Fei's combat power!

At this moment, a fortified person rushed directly towards Superintendent Schneider.

"For New York City!!"

At a critical juncture, Superintendent Schneider did not embarrass the NYPD. He roared loudly, and the Glock in his hand opened fire frantically.

Bang bang bang!


The bullets were shot out, but they were all bounced off by the skin of the fortified man. In a blink of an eye, the fortified man had come to Superintendent Schneider and stretched out his big hand to grab Schneider.

At the critical moment, the sound of breaking the air sounded.

A shield shone with metallic luster flew in the air, directly smashing the enhanced person out.

"Constable Steve!"

Superintendent Schneider was overjoyed and shouted excitedly.

Steve Rogers stepped on the police car and jumped high, kicking the other two reinforcements directly with a kick.

"How long until the support arrives?" Steve asked while fighting the group of reinforcements.

"Twenty-five minutes..." Schneider looked at his watch and speculated.

"For so long?" Steve was shocked. "Please, can you be a little more efficient?"

"Sorry... NYPD's efficiency has never been high." Superintendent Schneider smiled, "Besides, can't you spend a day with them!"

Steve has a black line on his face, you are actually complaining about me at the moment of life and death like Nima! Schneider, I remember you!

There are more and more strengthened people around, and Steve's condition is getting worse and worse.

In this dangerous situation, a group of onlookers gathered on the side of the road.

"Look! Enhanced people fight NYPD!"

"Where did they run out of? Is it the private club of Soul Fire?"

"Wait...I know the guy with the shield, he's...that's..."

"I know! I know! He's a hero! Seems like... Steve Jobs!"

Steve, who was desperately fighting with the strengthener, turned black, turned his face with his shield and shouted at passers-by: "It's Rogers!!"

And as Steve's roar sounded, a loud heavy metal rock music suddenly came from the distant sky, Steve was stunned on the spot, why did he shout out the BGM?

Superintendent Schneider looked up, and a surprised smile appeared on his face immediately.

"Iron Man is here! Iron Man is here!"

Then I didn't forget to show off to passers-by: "I know Iron Man, I have been in charge of his case, and I have been to his home. Do you know about the Obadiah case? I was in charge of that case. !"

However, passersby were busy taking out their mobile phones to take pictures of Iron Man. No one was bothering him at all. Iron Man in the air saw that there were still many fans at the scene, so Lingkong made a few twists to show off the superior performance of the new suit.

Steve, who was fighting alone with the enhanced man, was so depressed, he raised his head and glanced at Iron Man, who had his own BGM and was addicted to turning in the air.

"This flamboyant guy deserves to be called a superhero?"

"Hey! Trapeze! Are you here to help? Can you do something serious first?!"

Steve yelled at Iron Man, and the old popsicle couldn't help but want to reprimand this young boy.

Tony Stark swooped down and ridiculed Steve: "The body is very tough! Old man!"

At the same time, the mini-turret was raised on the shoulders and bombarded indiscriminately at the Enhanced Man. Although the Enhanced Man's body could block Glock's bullets, it couldn't withstand the miniature missiles on Iron Man's body.

So in the blink of an eye, the strengthening people rushed to the streets.

Iron Man landed neatly in Hell's Kitchen, spreading his hands in a gesture of reigning the world.

How Steve sees him is not pleasing to the eye, he is like a clown jumping beams, especially the appearance now, makes Steve recall the shameful experience of performing on stage when he was selling bonds everywhere...

"You're welcome, everyone." Iron Man's mask was lifted, and Tony Stark's face was revealed.

Steve had a dark face and silently put his shield on his back.

Superintendent Schneider was courteous to Stark.

"Thank you Mr. Stark for your help, how do you have time to come to Hell's Kitchen?"

"My assistant was borrowed by that kid Gao Fei, and I haven't paid it back yet. Of course I have to come and see it..." Stark said with a hand spread.

It just so happened that Goofy had already walked out with Pepper and Carrie at this time, and Goofy was carrying the unconscious club owner Wesley on his shoulders.

Goofy was surprised to see that Steve and Stark were both there.

"Yo? You're all here? It's so lively."

"How is the evidence collection?" Stark asked with concern.

"Don't worry, the evidence is overwhelming, this club is guilty of selling Green Goblin reagents." Gao Fei nodded, then turned to Pepper, applauding, "Thanks to Pepper's great help."

Superintendent Schneider quickly thanked: "Thank you Miss Potts."

Pepper smiled modestly: "You're welcome."

Just as he was talking, a fortified person on the ground suddenly stood up and ran away.

Steve swiftly swung out the The shield hit the back of the fortified man's head and brought it down, and then bounced back to Steve's hand successfully.

Stark looked curious: "This shield is very interesting."

Goofy smiled and said, "Its material is more interesting. By the way, Stark, this shield was made by your dad for Steve. It uses a new metal element, I think You might try it as a replacement for palladium in the Ark reactor."

Stark's eyes suddenly lit up.

This is a great idea!

He has tried all the elements on the earth before, but none of them can perfectly replace the palladium element in the Ark reactor, and the palladium element is the main culprit of his heavy metal poisoning, so he will not be able to use it for a long time... The new metal element in front of him is a hope , maybe it can really replace the palladium element in the Ark reactor.

"Cough, old man, borrow my shield..." Stark is not very good at talking to men, and said to Steve a little embarrassed.

Steve hesitated for a moment, and finally handed the shield over with a proud face: "Be careful, don't break it."

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