American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 242: ebony throat

Ebony Mow beckoned gently, and several stone pillars in the far side of the park suddenly rose from the ground. Under his mind, the stone pillars shot towards Steve like arrows, and Steve quickly rolled back to avoid the attack. .

But Steve's movements were fast, and the stone pillar with the ebony throat was even faster. After he landed, the stone pillar in the air followed Steve's pace like a shadow, and slammed into the ground around him.

Smoke is everywhere.

Steve Rogers was firmly sealed with a stone pillar by an ebony throat.

Ebony-throated expression is indifferent: "Want to run? It's not that easy."

Then he turned to Goofy: "Now it's your turn, kid."

Gao Fei's face was calm: "Cough, you speak English well, did you learn it by yourself before you came to Earth?"


Ebony throat was speechless for a while.

Then his eyes picked up, and he vaguely noticed that Gao Fei seemed to be different from ordinary people on earth. In addition, listening to his implication, this kid seemed to know that he was from an alien.

Gao Fei's words made Ebony Mow have a strong interest in him, and then squinted his eyes and looked at it. This kid seems to have been cursed by a certain power, and there is a mysterious spell that even Ebony Mow can't see through.

"You are not simple..." Ebony throat nodded in approval.

Gao Fei smiled modestly: "Thanks for the compliment."

After being humble, he suddenly had a bold idea.

Since Ebony Maw is the top mage in the Marvel Universe, even Doctor Strange has suffered losses in his hands... So is it possible that Ebony Maw can break the curse of death?

Although there is a big difference between Ebony Maw and Death's strength, the abilities of mages often rely on more powerful gods - for example, Doctor Strange relies on the power of Weishandi, and Storm relies on the power of Oshit, the mother of white magic. …

Ebony Mow's own mana must also rely on a **** stronger than him. The ability of this **** must be higher than that of Ebony Mow. He may be at the level of a single universe, or it may reach the level of a multiverse.

Whether it is a single universe or a multiverse, if Ebony Maw can properly transfer the energy of this great god, then he has the hope of breaking the curse of death.

The more Gao Fei thought about it, the more excited he became, and the whole person was overjoyed.

Anyway, now that the "Superpower Registration Act" has been passed, and the Super Patrol has been established, the Fantastic Four cooperated with the Super Patrol, plus the help of superheroes such as Iron Man and Little Green Goblin, New York dare not say Always maintain peace, and the ability to resist disasters is still strong enough.

It's time for Gao Fei to retire.

In this case, let's try the ability of ebony throat.

So Gao Fei looked up at Ebony Maw and asked tentatively, "My friend, your spells are very strong, right? Take the liberty to ask, which almighty do you rely on for your abilities?"

Ebony Maw was taken aback by Gao Fei's question, and tilted his head to look at him.

"What do you mean?"

"It doesn't make any sense... I just wanted to ask how strong the ability you are using. Is it at the multiverse level? It can also be at the single universe level... I'm all OK." Gao Fei asked with a smile.

Ebony throat was fascinated on the spot, what happened to you earthlings?

Haven't started fighting yet, why do you first ask about other people's abilities when you come up?

If I reveal my hole cards to you as soon as I come up, I'll be playing a fart!

You are too playful! Simply cheating!

Ebony throat thief is thief, he is not fooled.

"Don't worry about how strong I am, it's more than enough to kill you anyway!" Ebony-throated grinned.

Gao Fei heard it, oh, my brother is very confident!

In this case, he is no longer polite.

"You're serious? You can really kill me? That's great, I hope you're not bragging..."

The tone of Gao Fei's speech was very excited, and the whole person was looking forward to it, but for some reason, this sentence sounded like a provocation to Ebony...

And it's a very awkward provocation...

"You think I can't kill you?" Ebony-throated narrowed his eyes.

"You think you can kill me?" Goofy looked at him expectantly.

Ebony Throat was furious.

"It's arrogant!"

After he said that, he raised his hand, and the waves of the lake in the distance of the park rolled, followed by a water column that rose into the sky, and then condensed into ice ridges and stabbed towards Gao Fei's back!

The ebony throat moves so fast that it is hard for Gao Fei to resist!


An unsightly voice came, and Gao Fei was immediately pierced by an icicle!

Ebony throat smiled disdainfully: "It seems that I overestimated you, you are not qualified to be arrogant..."

After that, he turned to Steve who was trapped by the stone pillar: "It's up to you, kid."

Steve tilted his head: "What about me? It's not over on your side... The guy without the nose."

Ebony throat was startled, then turned to look at Gao Fei.

I saw that the icicle just now had been broken, and Goofy stood unharmed holding the icicle.

"It's not good, alien friend!" Gao Fei looked contemptuous, "You're all that capable?"

It's strange to say that Gao Fei is only stating an objective fact, but Ebony Mouth thinks he is provocative.

But the wily Ebony Maw was not in a hurry to attack again, but carefully observed the mystery of Gao Fei. This time, the resurrection made Ebony Mausoleum see the clue - Gao Fei did indeed have some kind of magical curse on his body.

It's just that this curse is different from other curses. This curse has a protective effect on Gao Fei.

Curse him to live forever!

After any fatal injury occurs, it will be instantly eliminated!

"So it is! I didn't expect such a powerful curse to exist in such a small earth! This curse distorts the influence of time on things, and the person who gave this curse has at least reached the single-universe level!" Ebony Throat murmured.

Hearing what he said, Gao Fei probably realized that Ebony Maw had no hope of killing himself, and the lost Gao Fei sighed: "You useless thing..."

The ebony throat became more and more angry, this earth boy has been provoking himself endlessly since the meeting, what if he can't die? My dignified ebony throat has 10,000 ways to make his life worse than death.

"Boy, do you really think I can't do anything about you?"

Ebony throat's complexion raised his right hand, the water on the lake in the distance swayed, and icicles shot towards Gaofei like a rain of arrows.

"Since you can't die, then I will make you suffer thousands of times of being killed, and I will destroy your spirit and make you a walking dead!"

Seeing that hundreds of icicles on the lake were shooting towards him, Gao Fei hurriedly tried to block it, but at this moment, he suddenly saw a huge circular aperture light up in front of him.

A dazzling fire burst out around the aperture, and at the same time, the range of the aperture continued to expand.

Then, an elegant woman wearing a monk's robe with a thin bald head stepped out from within the circle of light. She waved a folding fan on the lake, and thousands of icicles instantly shattered into **** and fell to the ground.

At the same time, Goofy's phone suddenly resumed communication, and Reed's voice appeared again.

"Goofy! Goofy! Another extraordinarily powerful psychic has arrived at the park, repeat, another extraordinarily powerful psychic has arrived in the park..."

. vertex

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