American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 253: The Secret of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Black Widow and Hawkeye stared at Gao Fei with dignified expressions, but neither dared to act rashly. The difference in strength between the two sides was simply too great.

Obviously, New York has already undergone earth-shaking changes. The functions and strength of the NYPD have been greatly improved. S.H.I.E.L.D. can no longer perform classified tasks lurking under the eyes of relevant departments as before, and their every move will be affected. monitored by law enforcement.

During the confrontation between the two sides, Steve Rogers and FBI agents climbed down from the entrance of the base.

"How's it going, Goofy?"

Steve asked with concern, and before he finished speaking, he saw Johnny lying on the ground.

"Oh, Johnny, are you hurt? Are you okay?"

Johnny didn't answer, but raised his head and glanced at Goofy, this kid is very clever, waiting for Goofy's instructions.

"Am I… hurt? Am I okay or something?"

Since he didn't know whether Goofy was going to continue to touch the porcelain S.H.I.E.L.D., Johnny asked cautiously in a low voice.

Goofy smiled and grabbed Johnny.

"You almost got blown up just now, but you're fine now."

Johnny breathed a sigh of relief, and then said calmly: "Please, as the strength of the super patrol team, how can I be in trouble? A few inconspicuous agents are just, they can't hurt me at all."

The Black Widow and Hawkeye on the opposite side were about to vomit blood. Who the **** was lying on the ground just now and shouting that he was going to be blown up?

Although Johnny was fine, Steve expressed his indignation at S.H.I.E.L.D.

"You dare to openly attack the police?" Steve scolded sternly, "If you don't hold back, you will be captured!"

Hawkeye and Black Widow looked at each other, and both senior agents expressed great headaches.

Previously, a Human Torch and a Goofy had already messed up the place, but now the five or five is coming, and the opponent is completely crushed, and SHIELD has no room to resist.

Gao Fei saw that the momentum of the two had weakened, and pointed towards the S.H.I.E.L.D. base.

"Please lead the way, take us to see that extremely unstable energy source."

Natasha was the first to compromise, turned around and walked towards the depths of the base.

Hawkeye quickly grabbed her and whispered, "Natasha, are you really going to take them to see that thing?"

Natasha shrugged: "Do you have a better way? If I don't lead them, then they will break in by themselves. I think our loss will be even greater in the second case..."

Hawkeye pondered for a while, Natasha's words made sense.

So he had to obediently follow behind Natasha with the super patrol and FBI agents into the hinterland of the SHIELD base.

Natasha was very cooperative along the way, neither deliberately delaying time nor making any small moves, but despite this, Gao Fei still did not trust this experienced agent. In his opinion, the word "agent" means conspiracy. and calculations.

Gao Fei did not cut off the connection with Shengunde, who prompted the location of the energy source on the phone.

"You are indeed walking towards the energy source now...about 50 meters away from the target."

"There are still 30 meters, get ready, fly high, this energy source is extremely unstable, I doubt whether SHIELD agents will use it to attack you."

"The last 10 meters, the energy source is right in front of you..."

Gao Fei looked forward, and in front of it was a closed room with high security. Natasha scanned the pupils at the door of the closed room, and then the door of the closed room opened slowly.

"This is it, officers, this is the source of energy you want to investigate."

Natasha stepped aside while introducing, but she never meant to take the opportunity to resist.

Hawkeye beside her is also very honest, it seems that these two agents really showed 100% sincerity.

At this time, the door of the closed room slowly opened, revealing a shining cube inside—the cube was housed in a box made of a special material, and continuously emitted blue light.

The moment he saw the cube, Steve Rogers recognized it immediately.

"Cosmic Rubik's Cube?!"

"Yes, they...that's what they call this thing." Natasha nodded. "Looks like you and it are old friends, Captain."

Johnny didn't know anything about the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. He had never heard of this thing. When he saw Steve, he called out its name. Johnny asked curiously, "What is this? Steve?"

"Very bad things, the source of wars and disasters." Steve said solemnly, "I thought it fell into the sea long ago, but I didn't expect it to appear in this world again... Back when the Red Skull used it A multitude of terrifying weapons have been made, and countless warriors have died under its light..."

Speaking of which, Steve looked up at Natasha and Hawkeye, and asked, "Where did you get this thing, and what do you want to use it for?"

"Only the director knows about this..." Natasha spread her hands, "I don't know, neither does Hawkeye."

Hawkeye nodded quickly: "Yes, I don't know."

Steve seemed emotional: "SHIELD... I thought you were a righteous organization, but if you develop a cosmic Rubik's Cube, then your actions are no different from the original Hydra!"

However, before Steve finished speaking, a cold voice sounded from another corridor.

"Hydra wants to use the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to rule the world, but we want to use the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to save the world. Our intentions are completely different. How can they be confused?"

Looking at the prestige, I saw a bald black man wearing a wide trench coat slowly walking out of the corridor. He was the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., a tenth-level agent Nick Fury.

Gao Fei smiled lightly: "The person in charge is finally here."

Steve also considered some friendship with Nick, and said solemnly: "Is it you?"

"It's me." Nick Fury was expressionless, "Friends of the Super Patrol and the FBI, it's an honor to meet you."

Instead of chatting with Nick, Steve brought the topic back to the Cosmic Cube.

"If my guess is correct, you and Hydra should have the same idea, and you also want to use the universe cube to develop weapons, right?"

"It's like this." Fury nodded and said The energy contained in the universe cube is unmatched by any kind of energy on earth, and we can use it to create more powerful weapons. "

Steve pouted: "In this case, you are no different from Hydra."

Goofy agrees with Steve on this point, and he also nodded: "Yes, it is also the manufacture of weapons, and the result is often more important than the motive. Maybe Hydra is for world domination, maybe SHIELD is for protection the world, but once a weapon is made, no one cares why it was made..."

"When the Manhattan Project was launched, everyone said it was the hope of peace, but once nuclear weapons come out, it will not be so easy to wipe them out..."

"Maybe nuclear weapons were born with good intentions, but don't forget, not all those who use nuclear weapons are good people..."

"The same is true for the cube of the universe, Director Fury, although you keep saying that you are making weapons to protect the earth, after the weapons are made, who can guarantee that no one will use them to rule the earth? I think on this issue, you consider Maybe not enough?"

. vertex

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