American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 277: Hulk Invasion of New York

As soon as Fury was chained, Goofy's phone rang, and Goofy frowned. This afternoon was really busy.

Looking down, the caller ID is an encrypted number.

"Hello." Gao Fei was polite.

"Officer Goofy, I'm General Ross." The voice on the phone was familiar. "Bruce Banner ran away, ran to New York."

Gao Fei was immediately said to be stunned, and the old man Ross didn't even say a few words and went straight to the topic. The amount of information was too large to accept for a while!

"Cough, General Ross, hello hello." Although the old general didn't like politeness, Gao Fei had to be polite.

As a result, General Ross on the other end of the phone was about to cry, I'm such a fart! The whole base was demolished by the Hulk last night, am I getting better?

"Officer Goofy, didn't you hear what I said? Bruce Banner ran away and turned into the Hulk again!!"

When the military saw that Bruce Banner hadn't transformed for more than nine months, he thought that he had completely lost this skill, and the defense against him was relaxed, and he no longer took him seriously as before.

Unexpectedly, Banner regained his self-confidence overnight, roared and transformed again, the Hulk returned in anger, smashed through the prison and ran away...

According to his running speed, it is now estimated that he has entered the boundary of New York State.

Goofy answered Ross perfunctorily: "I heard you, can I hear you so loudly?"

At the same time he frowned, realizing that things weren't that simple.

The Hulk was beaten up by Carrie before and couldn't find the North, so he lost his confidence and didn't dare to come out. Now it's only nine months, has this guy regained his self-confidence?


On second thought, Nick Fury seemed to say that Loki was in Connecticut just now.

Turning to Fury, Goofy asked, "Fury, you said Loki ended up in Connecticut, right?"

Fury nodded: "Yes."

Goofy suddenly realized that Loki took the original mind stone to find the Hulk, and the Hulk regained his glory under the action of the original mind stone.

As for how Loki found the Hulk, 80% is the information disclosed by Hill. SHIELD began to collect the personal information of superpowers long ago in order to build the Avengers, and the Hulk must be among them.

"OK, General Ross, don't worry, the Hulk will be handled by me when he comes to New York." Goofy said with a smile.

"Do you need me to bring someone over there for support?" General Ross was quite warm-hearted.

"No, you're here to cause trouble." Gao Fei said bluntly, "You can rebuild your military base."

Ross had a headache when he mentioned this, and the Hulk's destruction was enough for him.

"Okay, then you pay attention to safety."

General Ross also reminded that he should be reminded, and hung up the phone directly.

Anyway, he wasn't worried about Goo Fei. Since Goo Fei could beat the Hulk once, he would definitely beat the Hulk a second time.

After the phone call, Goofy took Nick Fury directly to Ravencraft Prison, and the Black Widow was shocked when Fury was caught.

Is this pace too fast?

It's been less than two weeks since I was arrested, how come the director was also arrested?

Did S.H.I.E.L.D. shut down?

"Director! Director! What's going on?"

The black widow asked in surprise while lying on the glass.

Nick Fury didn't bother to explain that the twists and turns were not easy to explain in a few words.

After dealing with Nick Fury, Goofy made a special call to God.

"Reed, 'Hulk' Bruce Banner is on his way to New York, we better get ready."

Reed has actually received the news that the Hulk is running wildly along Interstate 95. Many pedestrians on the road have encountered this big man. Passers-by with strong mentality also filmed videos and uploaded them to YouTube.

Due to the bewitchment of the original mind stone, the Hulk at this time is particularly aggressive, and his combat effectiveness has also improved compared to the previous one in New York, which looks even more terrifying.

Goofy knew that most of the Hulk's power came from anger, and the more angry the Hulk was, the stronger he became. The original mind stone gave the Hulk enough anger, which made him come out of Bruce Banner's body again.

"In twenty minutes, the Hulk will enter New York." Reed concluded through a simple calculation.

"Then I have to act now." Goofy said.

"Do you need me to help?" Reid asked, Shen Gunde's body can be extended at will, and theoretically immune to all physical damage, so no matter how powerful the Hulk is, there is nothing he can do with Shen Gunde.

"I can help you tie him up." God Gunde said eagerly.

"No, you stay here to monitor the compound eyes. By the way, Loki introduced the Hulk to New York. I think Loki will definitely do something else while our attention is attracted by the Hulk." Gao flyway.

"Something else? Stealing the Cube?" Reed speculated, he knew that Loki had been coveting the Cube, "By the way, speaking of the Cube, where did you put that thing?"

"A very safe place," Goofy said with a smile. "Don't worry, Loki won't get it."


After determining the location of the Hulk, the Super Patrol immediately dispatched, and the Hulk suddenly accelerated when approaching New York, causing him to break into New York before the Super Patrol arrived.

The NYPD in the nearby jurisdiction acted immediately, but only dared to monitor him outside a certain range from the Hulk. To deal with such powerful superpowers, the superpower patrol team had to be dispatched.

At this time, the Hulk lost his mind, and smashed everywhere he went. Getting off Interstate 95 is already a prosperous part of New York, where buildings and people are very dense.

Hulk doesn't care about this, he only has destruction in his eyes.

The big man roared as he destroyed, shouting Goofy's name.

Seeing that the good city was about to be smashed into ruins by him, but the super patrol team was still on its way, at this time, thunder flashed in the sky, and a figure fell from the sky.


This guy is looking for Loki's On the way, he met the Hulk who was madly destroying. Thor felt guilty about the earth because of Loki's affairs. When he saw the monster, he wanted to take care of it.

Thor's hammer slammed the Hulk's back and smashed the Hulk out. With a loud bang, half of the apartment building collapsed.

The Hulk was furious, turned around and climbed up, his huge soles smashed the ground, and the big man counterattacked Thor.

The Hulk punched hard, but Thor ignored him.

A mere green-skinned monster, dare to compete with Thor?

However, in the next second, the dignified Thor was thrown into the air by the green fat, and even hit the road with a hammer.

Earthlings' fighting power... are they all that strong?

I might need to re-examine the world.

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