American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 287: New templates, new skills

Compared with the chattering Peter, Harry looks much more mature. After all, he became the largest shareholder of the Osborne Group at a young age, and the pressure of life forced him to accelerate his growth.

Like Peter, Harry Osborn lost his father, but Harry's situation was worse, he experienced the tragedy of his father's murder first-hand.

The three of them sat around eating cornflakes in order: Carrie >> Peter > Harry.

Peter was mostly in charge of the chat, and he was endless babble.

"Oh, Harry, I admire the strategic transformation of your Osborne Group. Although the media did not favor your development in the military industry at first, I think you have done a great job..."

"I actually bought a ticket to visit the Osborne Fair, but unfortunately I finally heard that there was a bomb nearby. Some Russian terrorist infiltrated your group, right? Oh, what a pity, that thing was successfully blocked. Your development, otherwise the Osborne Group may have completed its revival..."

"By the way, I heard that you are developing a mechanical exoskeleton recently, can you tell me? What is the specific style? What is the improvement compared to the ExoFrame that the military has invested in research and development? What is your competitive advantage? ?"

Harry was very patient, answering Peter one by one, while Carrie was sleepy, and these topics were too boring...

In the end, the more Peter and Harry chatted, the more speculative they became, leaving Carrie to the side.

Peter pulled Harry's arm excitedly: "When am I free, can I visit the Osborne Group?"

"Of course." Harry said with a smile. "Our group's research and development department has recently focused on biotechnology, looking for inspiration from the characteristics of some animals. You can come and visit at any time."

"Animals? What kind of animals are there? Lizards similar to Professor Lizard?" Peter asked with a frown. Since he was kidnapped by Professor Lizard, now he has a headache when he hears Lizard Peter.

"No, no lizards." Harry said with a quick smile, "spiders, octopuses or something."

"Spiders and octopuses?" Peter complained with a smile, "So your Osborne group likes animals with many legs?"

Harry smiled and nodded, "You can say that."

The Wenju party ended at eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, and the friends left Gao Fei's new home together.

Goofy took Carrie out to see him off, sending him across the street before turning around and coming back.

As a result, as soon as he walked to the door, Gao Fei heard movement in the house. He thought it was some kind of wild cat, wild dog or coyote. After all, the real estate agent had reminded him that there were often small animals in this area, but he pushed it away. At the door, Goofy saw Frank standing at the dining table eating leftovers.

"Frank, Frank?"

It was only then that Gao Fei remembered that the family had moved for a week, and he forgot to notify his uncle.

Now that the party is over, Frank can only eat these leftovers, and Goofy really can't bear it.

"You're finally back?" Frank glanced at them, then lowered his head and nibbled on the pizza to himself, "Don't contact me when you move, I'll have to come to the door myself."

Having said that, the old guy pointed at his red eyes and said, "I thought you two were still living in the same apartment, but when you came home in the middle of the night, you saw a strange girl. Damn, she was sprayed with anti-wolf spray. …”

Goofy smiled awkwardly. He had already rented the original apartment to a nurse colleague of Christine.

"Sorry, Frank, I should have reminded you sooner."

Gao Fei sincerely apologized.

Frank didn't care about him either, anyway, he and Goofy had been cheating on each other for more than 20 years.

"Tell me, which room is mine? I haven't packed my luggage yet."

Frank pointed to a black satchel by the sofa in the living room, revealing the muzzles of several assault rifles.

"The smaller one on the first floor, okay? You don't often go home and live anyway." Gao Fei said, "I don't want to turn my new home into an arsenal."

"There is still a basement here?" Frank's eyes lit up, "It's interesting, give me the basement, give me another week, and I can transform it into an impregnable strategic fortress."

"Are you sick..." Gao Fei said with a black line, "This is not the war years, what's the point of building a fort?"

Frank grinned. "Personal preference."


After settling Frank, Goofy went back to his room. After the house was bigger, the family had more private space, and there was no need to do anything on tiptoe like when he lived in an apartment.

In such an environment, everyone can let go of Sahuan. For example, now, Gao Fei can hear Carrie jumping unscrupulously on the bed upstairs.

And Gao Fei chose to check his own system at this time - the new template "Terminator Template" has been opened for nearly two months, and nothing too important has happened in these two months, so the worship value is not growing fast. , It was not until this morning that Gao Fei saved his first 10,000 worship points.

Finally able to open the treasure chest, Gao Fei has been waiting for this day for a long time.

I can't wait to select the "Terminator Treasure Chest", and the background worship value is reduced by 10,000 points.

A dazzling light of fire shoots from the gaps in the treasure chest, and this template even has a cool animation effect than the guide template!

"Sure enough, this template is awesome!" Gao Fei laughed, "It's much stronger than the mentor template!"

While secretly delighted, Gao Fei looked into the treasure chest.

"Come on, let me see what good things I can drive for the first time!"

"If it is an attribute potion again, it will be boring!"

"Dog system, you are not allowed to pit me!"

Maybe it was because of the outbreak of Gao Fei's character, maybe because he washed his face before opening the treasure box. This time the treasure box was opened, but he didn't even open the potion of the dreadful attribute!

Instead, it's a line of words!

A line of golden letters!

Congratulations! The host obtains the exclusive skill of the Terminator template - "Sloppy Punch": When this skill is used in battle, the host has a 30% probability of defeating the opponent with one punch, causing the opponent to hit the street on the spot! Great, right? oh oh oh.

Gao Fei stared blankly at the Horse, so-so...a punch? "

"There is only a 30% chance of punching. Your opponent? Are you still asking me if I'm bad?"

"How dare you talk to me!"

"Nima said that there is no villain that can't be solved with one punch? What can't be solved with one punch is that there is a problem with the script?"

"Dog system! Dog system!"

But Tucao returned to Tucao, after the end of Tucao, Gao Fei suddenly had a hint of enlightenment.

This is only the first time the skill has been developed, and the "Terminator Template" has only been developed by 10%. If it reaches the fully developed state, then Goofy should be able to punch everyone.

"That is to say, in the final state, I should be able to achieve 100% instant kill? Hmm... It looks like this template is quite awesome... hum."

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