American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 317: New treasure chest, new trouble

Reed and Tony work together to seal the remaining Terrigans, and Skye, under Goofy's guidance, is on track to become a member of the New York Super Patrol.

Goofy completed the two tasks assigned by the system in a row—the mentor template to help Skye control the ability and the Terminator template to defeat Mr. Hyde. The worship value of the two tasks added up just enough to open the treasure chest again.

This is the second time that Goofy has opened the Terminator treasure chest, and it is also the twelfth time he has opened the system treasure chest.

He hid in the toilet cubicle and opened the treasure chest, and this time he opened a bottle of red potion of strength.

Swallow the potion of strength.

Background data update:


Constitution: 8.0—8.0

Strength: 11.0—14.0

Agility: 10.0—10.0

Spirit: 27.0—27.0


The strength is directly increased by 3 points, which is quite satisfactory.

"So the previous mentor template mainly increased the spirit, so the Terminator template mainly increased the strength?"

Goofy pondered in his heart that this was in tune with the style of the Terminator.

Gao Fei, who had just finished adding points, was in a good mood, got up and left the bathroom.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the whole building suddenly trembled strangely, the frequency was very high, but the duration was very short.

It was as if an earthquake had occurred.

"what's the situation?"

Goofy frowned, suddenly remembering what Susan Storm said to him a few days ago.

She said that Skye's powers, if unleashed, would be enough to create an earthquake that would destroy New York.

"Is it Skye? Skye used her Shockwave?"

Today is the second day that Skye partnered with Johnny to patrol the streets. Skye is indeed still a novice, but after previous training, Skye should be able to properly control his abilities.

Goofy didn't think Skye would simply lose control of her powers unless something unexpected happened to her.

"Could it be... Mr. Hyde and those aliens from 'the other shore' came to her again?"

Goofy pondered and called Johnny.

Soon the call came through, and the signal on Johnny's side was a little noisy.

"Boss..." Johnny said breathlessly.

As soon as Gao Fei heard it, he knew that something was wrong, and asked in a deep voice, "Johnny, what happened?"

"Something happened, Boss, Skye and I suddenly encountered three Inhumans when we were halfway through our patrol. These three Inhumans were full of aggression... Skye said they belonged to an Inhuman organization called 'The Other Side', It was to kidnap her, so we fought..." Johnny said stutteringly.

"It really is them..." Gao Fei said solemnly, "Where are you now? Give me a place, and Steve and I will go to support immediately."

"Come here, boss, these two guys are not easy to deal with. One of them has two donkey hooves, and he can create earthquakes! There is also a woman with snake-like hair, which is so scary..." Johnny said nervously.

"What?" Gao Fei was startled when he heard the words.

I thought that the earthquake just now was caused by Skye, but now it seems that it should be another Inhuman.

"Give me the address, I'll be there right away."

Ten minutes later, Goofy and Steve drove to the place where Skye and the Inhumans met. The situation at the scene was already very chaotic, and the nearby police officers temporarily blocked the scene.

Seeing Gao Fei and Steve coming, the police officers in the jurisdiction were relieved.

"Officer Goofy, Officer Steve, you are finally here. The situation at the scene is very bad. Officer Johnny and the others may be in danger. Come and see."

Goofy strode forward with Steve and crossed the blockade to the scene - I saw Johnny and Skye standing side by side, looking at the three aliens on the opposite side.

The road in front of the crowd had been shattered, and it was obvious that someone had created an earthquake. According to Johnny's description, it should have been one of the three aliens on the opposite side.

Gao Fei looked at the three aliens and suddenly felt that they were familiar.

The Inhuman standing in the middle is a **** and beautiful red-haired woman with excessively long hair.

The Inhumans on the left side of the two sides are an unusually burly black man. His feet have mutated, and they are indeed a bit like donkey hooves. According to Johnny, the earthquake and the broken ground just now should be his masterpiece.

The Inhuman on the right is a slightly thin Asian man, but his eyes are very bright, he always stares at Johnny and Skye, and reports something to his accomplices in a low voice.

At this time, Steve said curiously: "Although Skye has poor actual combat experience, Johnny is an old bird after all. Is the enemy so powerful this time? Make Johnny helpless?"

Gao Fei nodded with a wry smile, and said in a low voice, "Johnny might not really be their opponent..."

Because he has recognized these three people, these three people are not aliens from "the other side".

Although they are also Inhumans, they are from the moon.

Atlan () - that is their hometown.

After the Cree created the Inhumans thousands of years ago, the earliest Inhumans not only united, but also defeated the Crees who tried to enslave them, but these Inhumans, stronger than the Crees, were affected by ordinary humans. exclusion, forced to leave the earth.

They used their own abilities and advanced technology to immigrate to the moon and migrated to the blue zone on the moon. They established their own country and their name was Atlan.

The three people opposite Johnny are Atlan's Queen Medusa (a red-haired beauty), Atlan's royal family Gorgon (donkey hoof) and Karnak (Asian).

Although Goofy didn't know why they came to Earth and why there was a conflict with Skye, he knew that the combat effectiveness of these three people was very strong, and the current Johnny and Skye were not opponents at all.

"This should be a misunderstanding, I have to stop them..." Gao Fei frowned.

It's a pity that at this moment, Skye has already started. He raised his hand and released a shock wave towards the three aliens on the opposite side, and the air shook with a low roar.

Karnak in the Atlan trio calmly commanded: "This girl has just mutated for a few days, and she still can't control her powers proficiently. Her shock waves are extremely unstable and have poor precision. Everyone can bend over to hide. After her shock wave attack..."

Karnak's mutated special skill is a powerful deduction ability - he can see through the shortcomings of any enemy, and he can also deduce the enemy's actions in the next few seconds.

This powerful ability made him a well-deserved commander of Atlan, and even Queen Medusa had to follow his instructions.

The three of them lowered their bodies in unison, and as expected they avoided Skye's shock wave.

Skye did not dare to use all his strength, and only dared to use 30% of his strength when releasing his abilities.

And when Skye's shock wave passed, Karnak immediately issued an attack order.

"That humanoid matchstick is more powerful, deal with him first!"

Gorgon nodded and shouted, "No problem!"

The powerful donkey's hoof stepped on the ground, and a shock wave was immediately set off.

Compared to Skye's less accurate shockwave, Gorgon's shockwave was astonishingly accurate. The shockwave spread directly to Johnny's feet and overturned him.

And Medusa's hair immediately arrived - the long-haired beauty's hair stretched instantly, and tied Johnny like a rope.

Johnny was tied tightly, but he didn't panic.

"Want to tie me up with your hair? You guys are too naive..."

He suddenly exerted and his body suddenly burned.

"Ma'am, although you are beautiful, I still want to burn you into a bald scoop!!"

However, although Johnny's flames were intense, they failed to ignite Medusa's hair. Her hair was made of stone, and she was not afraid of the flames at all!

"How is this possible?" Johnny was taken aback and hurried to work harder.

He can keep raising the temperature of the flame until it reaches the ignition point of Medusa's hair.

There is no substance that cannot be burned, only a burning point that cannot be reached.

Johnny has been with Reed all the year round, and there is still some scientific common sense.

Seeing that the temperature of the flame on Johnny's body continued to rise, Karnike quickly reminded Medusa.

"Queen, be careful, in another seventeen seconds, the flame of this human-shaped match will heat up enough to ignite your hair, you should think about countermeasures..."

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