American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 322: Black Bolt's Plan

After leaving New York, Medusa, Karnak, and Gorgon are all at a loss because they don't actually have a way to get back to the moon, and trying to overthrow Maximus' rule over Atlan is even more idiotic.

Only Black Bolt in the Atlan group of four looked confident, as if he had mastered the way to retake his homeland.

"My king, why don't you continue to ask Officer Goofy for help? Officer Goofy is a very nice guy and helpful, even if he won't fight Maximus for us, he can at least treat us properly. Settled down..." Medusa couldn't figure out Black Bolt's plan, and asked him puzzled.

Gorgon criticized Goofy quite a bit: "What a friendly person, I don't think the policeman is friendly!"

"That's because you destroyed people's roads, Gorgon." Medusa said helplessly, "New York is not Atlan, the laws here are different from Atlan, even if we are members of the royal family, we cannot enjoy privileges... "

In the past few days in New York, Medusa carefully understood the local system and regulations. She realized that New York advocates equality and freedom. No one can enjoy privileges before the law. Of course, there are no royal family members in New York...

Compared with Atlanta's backward feudal monarchy, New York's system is more advanced.

Gorgon snorted and stopped talking, while Karnak brought the topic back on track.

"My king, what should we do next? Not to mention that we don't have the means to return to the moon at all. Even if we return to the moon, how can we fight against Maximus?"

Atlan has followed the feudal monarchy for a long time, and the members of the royal family are above everything else. At the same time, Atlan has a strict hierarchy, and the aliens are divided into three, six, and nine levels according to the abilities they have acquired after their mutation.

The aliens with powerful abilities have a high social status, while the aliens with weaker abilities have low social status. Unfortunately, they lost their bloodline of aliens in the genetic process, and ordinary people who could not awaken their abilities could only become slaves, and they would be enslaved by aliens all their lives. bullying.

It is precisely because of this backward system that Maximus' usurpation created an opportunity. Maximus learned that he had lost his alien blood and would not be able to mutate into an alien. According to Atlan's original system, his After the identity of ordinary people is exposed, they will be expelled from the royal family and become slaves...

Desperate Maximus secretly organized a rebellion of slaves and inferior Inhumans and occupied Atlan. He united these oppressed Inhumans tightly and overthrew the rule of Black Bolt.

Under the instigation of Maximus, the aliens in Atlan finally realized the importance of freedom and equality. Now most of the aliens in Atlan have surrendered to Maximus, and the situation of Black Bolt is very unfavorable.

Therefore, even if Black Bolt returns to the moon, it will be difficult for him to regain power.

"Yes..." Medusa agreed with Karnike's concerns, "My king, now there are only four of us left, Tritan is missing, Crystal is imprisoned by Maximus, and Maximus With the support of the entire people of Atlan, how can we fight him?"

Cui Tan is also a confidant of Black Bolt and is good at fighting in the water.

Crystal is Queen Medusa's younger sister. She can control the power of elements and has extremely strong fighting power, so she was first caught and imprisoned by Maximus.

Facing Medusa and the others, Black Bolt smiled.

He signs in sign language, which means: "Don't worry, I have found more of our people on Earth, and they will all support us and help us..."

After the gesture, Black Bolt took out a mobile phone from his pocket, which was obviously a mobile phone produced on Earth, and Atlan did not have such a communication tool.

Medusa was stunned and asked in a low voice, "My king, where did this thing come from?"

Black Bolt smiled without saying a word, edited a location message and sent it out.

Half a minute later, the space not far away was suddenly torn apart, and an alien without eyes suddenly appeared in front of Atlan.

Gordon - an alien from the "other shore".

"Black Bolt, I have been waiting for your news for a long time, and all the aliens on the other side are also waiting for your arrival..."

There was also a Chinese woman who appeared with Gordon. The woman was covered with scars and looked hideous and strange.

She took a step forward and bowed to the Black Bolt King.

"The king of Atlan, the leader of all aliens, my respected Black Bolt, hello... I come from the far east, from a kingdom of aliens, my name is Jiaying, it's an honor to meet you."

Black Bolt nodded lightly, and then used sign language.

"It's also an honor to meet my compatriots, which makes me feel very warm."

Jiaying smiled lightly: "Black Bolt, I have heard about your experience, and even more about the evil deeds of your younger brother Maximus. Atlan's thousands of years of inheritance must not be cut off in his hands, I and all the aliens on earth will help you..."

"As long as we are united, it will be enough to take Atlas back from Maximus!"

Hearing this, Medusa suddenly realized.

No wonder Black Bolt is confident, it turns out that he has found the Inhuman tribe on Earth.

Although the Inhumans on the moon are all bewitched by Maximus, if Black Bolt leads the Inhumans on Earth to counterattack, there is still a chance to retake Atlan.

In addition, Maximus is not a noble revolutionary. He obtained the support of some high-level aliens by using despicable means to coerce several elders of Atlan, and Maximus' real purpose is not to liberate aliens. People, but lead the aliens to occupy the earth.

In his eyes, Inhumans are just weapons, just tools he uses.

Once the ugly face of Maximus is pierced, the aliens of Atlan may turn against him.

So as long as there is the support of the aliens on Earth, Black Bolt has the hope of regaining Atlan.

At this time, Karnike asked, "Ms. Jiaying, I'm sorry to ask you, how many aliens are there currently on Earth?"

"The aliens on earth are distributed all over the world, and the total number is around a hundred. There are sixty-three aliens living in our 'other shore'..." Jia Ying said.

"Only sixty-three people?" Karnak revealed his disappointment unabashedly, shook his head and said, "My king, sixty-three aliens are not enough for Maximus, such a strength cannot be shaken. His reign..."

Gorgon also said in a deep voice: "Sixty-three people are indeed a little less..."

But at this time Jiaying said with a smile: "My dear royal friends, don't be too anxious. There are not many aliens on Earth at the moment, but we have a lot of Terrigan crystals here... In fact, we almost succeeded before. Now, use the Terrigan crystal to awaken more of our kind, but unfortunately the Terrigan crystal was snatched away by a few people with ulterior motives, who took away our most important property..."

"What?" Gorgon Who dares to take away the property of our Inhumans? "

Jiaying did not rush to name this person, she stated her interests first.

"Respected Black Bolt, there are many people on earth who inherit our bloodline, they have the right to awaken to become Inhumans, as long as they are awakened, then you can have a powerful Inhumans army in a short period of time! "

"When the time comes, you will lead us back to Atlan and take back the throne that belongs to you from your younger brother, so that our aliens can prosper and continue..."

"Now what you have to do is very simple, that is to take back Terrigan from the greedy human beings. Terrigan was originally the property of our aliens, and humans have no right to possess it!"

"Think about it, thousands of years ago, because of the jealousy and persecution of human beings, our ancestors could only hide on the distant moon. Thousands of years later, will we still be oppressed by humans and let humans take them away? our property?"

"My king, my esteemed Black Bolt! Take back Terrigan, awaken your people, and take us back to the moon to build a more prosperous Atlan!!"

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