American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 352: sense of achievement

Gao Fei smashed the ice giant to the ground with a punch, but the monster did not faint because of it. Gao Fei's attack awakened the fierceness of the giant beast. Staring at Goofy with a pair of ice blue eyes, while roaring at Goofy.


Bone-piercing cold wind spewed out from the mouth of the ice behemoth, mixed with pieces of frost, it strode towards Gao Fei, and Gao Fei quickly turned sideways to avoid the direct collision of the behemoth.


The poor Ford Taurus was overturned by the ice giant on the spot. Fortunately, Steve took out the special rope from the trunk one second ago. Seeing that the giant beast gradually broke free from control, Steve quickly waved the vibrating gold shield towards its head. Smash it up.


The Zhenjin Shield made a sound of breaking through the air and hit the giant beast on its head to stop it, but instead of hurting the ice giant beast, Steve's shield made it even more irritable.

"Ah oh..." The little spider who was supposed to be watching from a distance couldn't help but complain, "The big dog is crazy now, the big dog is completely crazy now..."

Originally, the ice behemoth was completely attracted to Goofy and Steve and became angry. Now, when he heard Little Spider speak, he simply turned to Little Spider and charged towards Little Spider with a roar.

Peter Parker got into trouble and got cold sweat on his back!

"Oops!" Steve was startled, and hurriedly threw the rope to the ice behemoth.

But the ice giant moves too fast, and Steve can't catch it at all.

"Boy, run!" Steve yelled.

Of course the little spider knew and ran quickly, turning around and running away.

Fortunately, the mutated Peter was far more agile than ordinary people, and he was extremely fast across the street, but the ice behemoth was not slow, and was chasing him closely behind him.

The little spider couldn't get rid of the monster, so he simply used his ability to climb up the building. There was a church at the end of the road. At the critical moment, Peter Parker sprayed spider silk to stick to the spire of the church and leaped upwards.


Spider-Man has learned a new skill!


This is the first time that the little spider has taken off with the spider silk, and the feeling of flying makes his adrenaline soar.

"Yo hoo!"


Peter Parker soaring into the sky was so excited that he sang loudly, letting me roam in the vast world.

The ice giant had no ability to fly, and was completely thrown off by the little spider.

It moved its huge claws, and its eyes flashed with cold light. Since it can't catch the little spider, it's better to let ordinary people breathe.

Steve saw through the monster's intentions at a glance, and shouted nervously: "Goofy, bad, this beast is breaking into the house! We have to stop it quickly!"

The house targeted by the ice monster was a bloated two-story building. At this time, there were two overwhelmed children in the bedroom on the second floor.

"Help! Help!"

"The big monster is coming!"

At the critical moment, Steve rolled forward and blocked in front of the monster. He raised his shield and slammed the monster's forehead, but was bitten and overturned by the monster with a big mouth.

In the face of absolute power, Steve's 55-50 can't stop it.

Seeing that the ice giant was only a few steps away from the house, Steve, who fell to the ground, shouted desperately, "Goofy!!"

"I am coming!"

Gao Fei kept chasing behind, and finally came to the scene before the ice giant collided with the house. He soared into the air and pounced on the ice giant, and then rushed towards the roaring **** mouth of the ice giant.

"Since I can't stop it, I'll just blow it up!"

After that, Gao Fei got into the mouth of the ice giant like a loach, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The citizens were dumbfounded, and Peter didn't understand Goofy's operation.

What kind of trick is this?

Flash to send a head?

After feeding the ice giants, the ice giants will no longer harm the citizens?

When the two children on the second floor of the house in front of the ice giant saw this scene, they cried on the spot.

"Wow wow... Officer Goofy was eaten!"

"The big monster is coming!"

"Who will stop it!"

However, before the screams fell, the body of the ice behemoth suddenly swelled up.

The big monster's eyeballs popped out of its sockets, its mouth opened wide, its back bulged, and a ball of fire protruded from the depths of its throat.

followed by a loud bang...

booooo! !

The giant ice beast exploded from the inside out, and the flesh, scales, bones and bones splattered in all directions, and the entire block was in shambles!

In the thick smoke, Gao Fei was reborn from ashes, and appeared on the street wearing the remains of an ice giant beast after the explosion.

The ice giant devoured Goofy, the stomach acid activated the desperate virus, and an explosion tore the ice giant from its internal organs, but Goofy was resurrected after the explosion.

Citizens don't know the mechanism of Goofy's new skills, and they thought that Goofy got into the monster's stomach and punched it.

"Officer Gao Fei is great!"

"Nice job!"



But Gao Fei's expression was not easy, because the explosion just now shook the support of the house in front of him.

The distance between the ice giant and the house is too close, so close to detonating the desperate virus, although the ice giant is stopped, it still destroys the house.

The building itself has a history of nearly a hundred years, and it was shaky after the face-to-face explosion. The two children on the second floor only cared about calling Gao Feihuan, but ignored their own dangers.

Seeing that a load-bearing column was broken, the side of the second floor collapsed suddenly, and the two children lying by the window screamed at the same time, smashed the window and fell down.

The citizens took a deep breath, but Gao Fei shouted loudly, "Little Spider!"

Peter Parker had long noticed that the two children were going to have an accident. Since he mutated, he has developed a wonderful sense. Before danger comes, he can always smell the clues keenly.

When Gao Fei said "Little Spider", he knew that Gao Fei was calling him.

"I am coming!"

Peter Parker swooped down from the top of the church, dangling silk in one hand and holding the two children in the air with the other.

After the mutation, he has extremely strong arms and can carry a maximum load of 20 tons. He hugged the two children in the air without breaking a sweat, and saved them before they landed.

The onlookers have long been accustomed to the superpowers of Goofy and Steve, but they have never seen a new superman like Little Spider with extraordinary power and power, and Peter Parker is only a 1-year-old middle school student. Coming out to see the righteousness is even more appreciated by the public.

When Peter put the two children safely on the ground, the citizens gave warm applause in unison.

Everyone followed Gao Fei's name and shouted loudly:

"Little spider!"

"Little spider!"

"Little spider!"

"Little spider!"

Peter Parker in mask is so happy!

It turns out that the taste of righteousness is so wonderful!

It's no wonder that Officer Goofy has to do justice even if he wants to die!

I finally understand him!

At this moment, Peter Parker made up his For the trust and encouragement of the citizens, and for the lasting applause and shouts of everyone, he must continue to stand up for justice!

As for the code name of Xingxia and righteousness in the future - just call it "Little Spider"! Or "Spider-Man" as well!

At the same time, Gao Fei's background also showed a prompt.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task: help Peter Parker become a superhero, and issue a task reward - 5000 worship points!"

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