American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 398: Rocket and Groot

Rocket Raccoon and Groot stared at Goofy in stunned eyes. This earthling, who seemed inconspicuous to them, actually grabbed a large-caliber bullet with Kerry's ace weapon - gx3500 with his bare hands. Incredible!

In fact, not only Rocket and Groot were shocked, but Goofy himself was also shocked.

"My movements are so fast? It even had the effect of time standing still just now..."

Gao Fei was thinking about it while calling up his system background to check his current agility value.

With such a terrifying reaction ability, his agility effect must be far beyond ordinary people.

But when he saw his data, Gao Fei was shocked again.


Constitution: 0

Strength: 0

Spirit: 0


These three items are the same as before, nothing has changed.

But behind the agile item, the original data disappeared!

Goofy couldn't see the agility number, instead it was a milky lightning symbol, and Goofy's agility became lightning! instead of numbers!

"So amazing?!" Gao Fei was surprised and delighted, it seemed that he had broken through the limits of human beings and entered the next level.

After that, he turned off the background of the system, played with the large-caliber Kree bullets in his hand, looked down at Rocket Raccoon and Groot, and said with a smile: "Ha, the strongest bounty hunter in the universe? Is this your ability?"

"Damn..." Rocket has a hot temper. After being provoked by Gao Fei, his fangs were grinning out of anger. "You arrogant earthling, how dare you underestimate us?"

"I didn't underestimate you." Gao Fei spread his hands, "It's just that your ability is really a little bit..."

"Don't be ashamed! Try this trick from Laozi!"

The rocket roared and pressed the switch in his hand, and the Kree's firearm immediately transformed - from firing large-caliber bullets to firing a row of lasers.

This weapon switching state is almost instantaneous, and the speed of the laser is much faster than the bullet. As long as the reaction speed of Goofy does not reach the speed of light, then he cannot escape this attack.

"I see how arrogant you can be! Stupid Earthlings!" Rocket Raccoon shouted with a sneer.

The Kree's laser guns are fast, unimaginably fast.

This time Gao Fei had no way to escape.

After all, the traveler template has not yet been completed, and the speed of high flying is far from reaching the limit. In addition, the speed of light is the speed limit in the current universe. It is not an easy thing to surpass the speed of light.

Therefore, under the rocket's attack, Gao Fei was injured.

The laser swept across Gao Fei's chest and cut a long, tragic wound on his body.

"Hmph, don't blame me for being ruthless, you can only blame you for provoking me!!" Rocket said with a sneer.

Groot next to him couldn't bear it, he covered his eyes and whispered, "I'm Groot..."

"Oh! Groot, don't be so mad! We are bounty hunters! We are the most feared mercenaries in the universe! It's not just killing an earthling, don't be so sentimental!!" Rocket said irritably.

Before the rocket could finish speaking, Gao Fei's voice suddenly came.

"Haha, Groot, don't worry, this little raccoon can't kill me."

"What?!" Rocket Raccoon was stunned when he heard the words, and hurriedly looked towards Gao Fei.

And Groot was also taken aback, looked at Gao Fei blankly and said, "I'm... Groot?"

I saw that although Goofy's body was cut open, his wounds healed quickly. The fatal wounds shot by the Kree lasers did not seem to threaten Goofy at all, and even no scars were left.

"Damn it!!" Rocket stared at Gao Fei in astonishment, "Isn't it? Are you immortal? How could someone as awesome as you exist in such a mere earth? It's impossible! I must be dreaming!"

Groot also whispered next to him: "I...I'm...Groot..."

The Rockets understood what he was saying: "He, like me, has immortality and self-healing abilities."

But the Rocket didn't agree with Groot's statement, and shook his head: "Come on, Groot, this earthling is much better than you, your self-healing ability is too slow, if you cut off one of your arms, you will have to grow several more. It takes hours to grow back... but this guy is different, he can recover in an instant!"

Gao Fei smiled lightly: "This scare you? My alien friend? The show has just begun..."

After all, Goofy activated the blood-side suit in his body - Tony Stark's black technology permeated from Goofy's skin and assembled into a cool coat.

Groot has no interest in this cutting-edge technology, but Rocket is stunned. His favorite is this kind of black technology, and Stark's blood-side battle suit obviously excites him.

"Oh my god! What's this good stuff? Oh, I see, it's a combination of biotechnology and nanotechnology, right? This suit is stored in your body with liquid nanotechnology, and then expelled when needed. It is excreted like sweat and combined!"

Rocket shouted excitedly,

"I didn't expect such advanced technology on Earth! Oh, it seems I underestimated this place."

Gao Fei looked at the shouting rocket, shrugged and said, "I didn't expect the strongest bounty hunter in the universe to be so ignorant."

"Humph! What do you know? I'm just giving you Earth a face!" Rocket said stubbornly, while pointing to the blood-side battle suit on Gao Fei's body, "Hey, how much is this suit? You sell it at a price. Give it to me, how's it going?"

Gao Fei shook his head and said, "Sorry, this suit is not for sale."

"Oh, then... forget it." Rocket said, rolling his big eyes, this guy was obviously not at ease, and Goofy could clearly see through his intentions.

Sure enough, after a brief silence, Rocket slapped Groot on the thigh.

"Go, Groot, take off this guy's suit!"

If you can't buy it, then grab it!

This is the way of life of the rocket!


Groot nodded quickly, then ran towards Gao Fei, he stretched out his hands to grab Gao Fei, and his arms quickly began to spread.

Goofy knows Groot's power. This tree man from Planet X has super strength comparable to that of the Hulk. The adult Groot's power is almost infinite, and he can resist most of the damage at the same time.

Of course Gao Fei would not choose to entangle with Groot. Being entangled by the vines on his body was almost a dead end. He flew and kicked Groot away, and then gave an ultimatum to Rocket and Groot.

"If you continue to resist, then I will forcibly arrest you. I don't care if you are the strongest bounty hunters in the universe. If you break the law on my territory, there is only one outcome - jail!"

Rocket sneered: "Earth people, we are never afraid of going to jail, what's more, I don't think you have the ability to catch us."

Saying he raised his gun towards Gao Fei, and he planned to join forces with Groot to deal with this difficult earthling.

Gao Fei smiled lightly: "Poor alien friends, you shouldn't mess with me."

Before he finished speaking, Gao Fei turned around and punched Groot's head.


Sawdust flying.

Groot roared: "I'm... Groot!!"

Rocket sneered: "Give it up, Earthlings, you can't defeat Groot, even Nova Corps' cannons can't hurt him..."

However, before the Rockets finished speaking, Goofy punched again.


Groot's eyes were always on, and he fainted crookedly...

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