American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 401: Interrogation of the raccoon

Goofy and Spider-Man's exploration of the spaceship soon ends, and they seem to have discovered why the cosmic bounty hunters came to Earth.

Infinity Stones - No doubt these treasures will attract cosmic bounty hunters.

Cosmic Cube (Space Gem), Mind Scepter (Mind Gem), Aether Particle (Reality Gem), Eye of Agamotto (Time Gem)…

Four of the six Infinity Stones are currently on Earth, how could cosmic bounty hunters not patronize them?

But even so, someone must have deliberately spread the news to inform the bounty hunters who wandered the universe like carrion-seeking vultures.

Otherwise those bounties wouldn't appear on Rocket and Groot's spaceship.

And this person who spread the news obviously has other intentions for the earth.

Who the **** is this guy - Goofy needs to know.

He called Johnny and Skye to come over to deal with the spaceship, and he escorted Groot and Rocket back to Ravencraft Prison first.


an hour later.

Groot and Rocket wake up in their cells.

The two lived next door, which made it more convenient for Gao Fei to interrogate him.

"I'm... Groot..." Groot stared blankly at the surrounding walls with a very depressed expression.

A notorious bounty hunter in space, he has been arrested no less than twenty times.

Rocket's physique is far less powerful than Groot's, so he was knocked unconscious by Gao Fei for nearly two hours before he woke up for the first time. After waking up, this guy didn't forget to swear, pointing at Gao Fei through the window and scolding: " You **** bastard, you really dare to arrest me?!"

Goofy shrugged: "Of course, otherwise why would you be in prison?"

"Oh... you arrogant earthling. By the way, so you are really earthling? Not a cosmic bounty hunter pretending to be?" Rocket finally realized this fact.

"I'm really an Earthman, a policeman from Earth New York." Goofy nodded.

"But when did the earthlings become so powerful? Or is it only you that are so powerful? Wait... What about that kid just now? That kid who can spin silk, fly around, and talk a lot?" Rocket asked with a frown.

"You mean Little Spider? I told him to go home, he can't go home too late, his parents are still waiting for him. Besides, he has to do his homework." Gao Fei said.

"What? Parents? Homework?" Rocket felt insulted. He was actually subdued by a student who had not yet graduated.

"Oh! What a shame! This is the most shameful day of my Rocket's life!" Rocket said angrily, "But Earthlings, don't be too complacent! I will escape sooner or later! I promise you!!"

Goofy smiled and didn't speak. He knew that Rocket was a master of prison escape. According to this guy's own description in "Guardians of the Galaxy", he had escaped from 22 top prisons in the universe.

As for whether this prison built by Mr. Fantastic Reed himself can hold a rocket, it depends on which of the two has the better technology.

But at least for now, Rocket and Groot are still high-flying prisoners.

Gao Fei looked at the two people in the prison, took a sip of coffee and said slowly: "Although the two of you are uninvited guests on the earth, in fact, you haven't committed any big mistakes. The charge is only illegal trespassing, I can arrest you for a few days or let you go immediately."

As soon as Rocket heard it, he knew that Goofy had plans for them, and squinted his eyes and asked, "What do you want from us? The cunning Earth police?"

"It's very simple. I just want to ask you a few questions. If you give me satisfactory answers, then I can let you go immediately." Gao Fei said with a smile.

"What's the problem?" Rocket asked tentatively.

"Why did you come to Earth? Who asked you to come? What do you want from Earth?" Gao Fei threw a series of three questions, some of which he already knew the answer to, while others he didn't know. Don't know, ask questions that you know the answer and don't know the answer to, and you can judge whether the Rockets are telling the truth.

"Emmm... If I answer these three questions, you can let us go now?" Rocket asked, squinting.

"Of course," Goofy said, "but only if you leave Earth immediately, or make a friendly visit to Earth under my watch."

"Humph! Why are you spying on us?" Rocket was not convinced, and his temper came up again.

"Just because I'm a policeman, I'm in charge of the security in this area." Gao Fei said, "Because my fists are harder than yours, I can easily beat you."

"What are you..." Rocket was stunned and speechless, so angry that his veins burst out through his hair, "You are so deceiving! Damn Earth police!"

Gao Fei smiled and took a sip of coffee: "Oh, don't be so cranky, little raccoon, cranky people... No, cranky bears are short-lived, and now I'll give you time to think about whether you want to answer my question."

"No!!" Rocket shouted angrily. "I'd rather die than give in! If you have the ability, you can put me in this prison. I'll see how long you can hold me! But you can't get rid of me. Got a little bit of news! Don't even think about it!!"

Gao Fei looked at the rocket playfully, shook his head and said, "You are too naive, little raccoon, do you think I can't get information from you if you don't answer my question?"

"Huh?!" Rocket looked vigilant, "What do you mean?"

He knew before that some planets in the universe possess advanced information extraction technology. They can directly extract memories from the brains of other creatures. The most famous of them are the Skrulls. Their memory extraction technology can be said to be the pinnacle.

Looking back at Gao Fei, the rocket couldn't help but feel a drum in his heart - has the earth's technology developed to such a cutting-edge point? Being able to directly retrieve other people's memories like the Skrulls?

He couldn't believe it at first, but when he thought of the blood-side battle suit on Goofy's body - liquid nanotechnology that could penetrate directly from the bones.

Since people on earth have even made this technology, it shouldn't be difficult to extract memory...

"You... what do you want to do to me?!" Thinking of this, Rocket asked Gao Fei vigilantly.

Gao Fei smiled: "My cute little raccoon friend, I have given you a choice. If you can answer my question cooperatively, then I can let you go. But if you insist on going against me...then Sorry, I can only use extreme means."

Goofy's extraordinary method actually refers to Carrie's mind-reading technique, which is more convenient than the Skrull's memory extraction technology.

Rocket looked at Gao Fei timidly, and at the same time was thinking constantly in his heart - should he compromise with this cunning and powerful earth policeman, or continue to be tough?

Before Rocket made a decision, Gao Fei's cell phone suddenly rang.

Looking down, it was Reed's phone again.

"Hello, Reed?" Goofy quickly answered Reed's call, he speculated that it was the compound eyes that had located the appearance of a new superhuman.

But Reed gave another piece of news that was more nerve-racking than the arrival of an alien spaceship in New York.

"Goofy, something is bad, the Baxter Building has been invaded!" Mr. Fantastic's calm tone suddenly became flustered this time.

"What?!" Gao Fei was also taken aback.

The Baxter Building is the headquarters of the Fantastic Four. Even if Johnny "The Human Torch" is seconded, there are still three superheroes, Mr. Fantastic, the Invisible Woman and the Thing, in the building. It can be said that the entire New York City is in addition to Manhattan's super patrol. Outside of the team office, the Baxter Building is the building with the most superheroes and the strongest combat power.

Who on earth was so daring to rush to the Baxter Building to make trouble?

"Has the intruder been caught?" Goofy asked If someone rushes to the Baxter Building to provoke him, then his end will be miserable.

However, Reed's answer surprised Goofy.

"No, not only did the intruder get away with it, but he also stole... and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube..."

The three giants of the Illuminati keep the current Infinity Stones respectively, Tony Stark is currently keeping the Mind Stone, and the Cosmic Cube is kept by Mr. Fantastic Reed.

That is to say, the Cosmic Cube is now in the Baxter Building, but it is obvious that the guy who invaded the Baxter Building stole the Cosmic Cube.

"What?" Gao Fei couldn't sit still anymore. "This guy not only invaded the Baxter Building, but also stole the Cosmic Rubik's Cube? Is he too arrogant?"

Goofy stood up, he felt it was time for him to shoot.

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