American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 429: He killed Ronan!

The "God Slayer" that Thanos gave to Gamora was indeed a powerful weapon, and Ronan, the accuser with powerful physique, was powerless in front of this dagger.

The interstellar commander who galloped across the universe and made great achievements for the Kerry Empire died tragically under the knife of Gaofei. The scene at the scene was once disgusting.

Star-Lord hurriedly turned his face away, his mental capacity was limited, while Skye quickly covered Carrie's eyes. Little Loli couldn't witness such a scene.

"Chaser" Klass saw with his own eyes that his commander was disemboweled, and Goofy cut open Ronan's stomach like a carp that was about to be thrown into a frying pan.


The Kree warrior who regarded Ronan as a **** roared in pain and despair, but he did not dare to attack Goofy.

Because aside from the most intuitive feelings of pain and despair, Klaas also felt a huge fear.

The earthlings in front of him easily defeated Ronan, slaughtered Ronan, and even wiped out the Kerry army on the "Dark Star".

Klass knew that even if he rushed up, it would be futile. Not only could he not avenge Ronan, but he was humiliating himself.

He has completely become a hostage at the mercy of Goofy...

At this time, Gao Fei received a reminder of the completion of the task in his mind, which meant that he could open the treasure chest again.

He took a closer look at Ronan, who had lost his anger in his hands, and threw him in front of Klass.


The former Kerry general was like a pool of rotten meat at this time, with blood and internal organs flowing all over the floor.

Claes then shivered and crawled over, gently hugging Ronan's body.

"Oh, don't act so sad, as if Ronan died so wronged." Gao Fei sneered, "You have destroyed countless races, slaughtered countless planets, and your hands are covered with blood, including the old, weak, women and children... You and I both know that Ronan is lucky to end up like this."

The pursuer Klass didn't dare to speak, he held Ronan's body with his head down and kept silent.

Satisfied with Klaas' current state, Goofy continued: "Also, I need you to remember one thing - the way we treat Ronan and the Dark Star is also the way we treat other alien invaders."

"The earth is our only home, and it is sacred and inviolable. Any aliens who attempt to invade the earth will be hit by the most ruthless, ruthless and cruel blows of our earth guards! Did you hear?"

Klaas still didn't dare to speak, but he also didn't dare to ignore Goofy's question.

He nodded shakingly, his lips moved but no sound came out.

At this time, Mr. Fantastic Reed walked behind Goofy and asked in a low voice, "Goofy, what should I do with the remaining Kree soldiers? There are probably tens of thousands of Kree soldiers on the Dark Star."

Gao Fei had already thought about their fate.

"Take off their space suits and throw them into space."

The invisible woman Susan on the side sucked in a breath: "But they will die in a vacuum environment... Goofy, you mean, you want to kill them all?"

Goofy nodded: "Yes, because I want to make the alien invaders feel fear, if I let them leave alive, where will the fear come from? I just want to wipe out Ronan's winning division, I just want to throw the most elite Cree teams into space."

At this point, Reed fully agrees with Goofy's decision.

"I support Gao Fei. The universe that eats the weak should not be merciful. If you can't kill the enemy, then you will lay the foundation for yourself." Reed said, "Just like the cheetahs on the grasslands will not sympathize with the antelopes, they are just following The laws of nature survive.”

Steve also recognized Goofy's decision: "The battlefield is the most common destination for soldiers, and they should be prepared for this when they join the army."

Goofy is grateful that everyone has his back, which makes things a lot easier.

"If that's the case, I'm going to make a big hole in the Dark Star now and throw the Kree soldiers into space."

Goofy Road,

"I will pick out a few lucky ones, and then throw them on the rescue spacecraft and send them back to the universe. Today's events need to be told to others, otherwise our efforts will be wasted."

Reed nodded. "Yes, we need narrators."

Then he said: "But Gao Fei, what should we do with the Dark Star? This warship has high research value. We must know that there are currently no cosmic-level warships on the earth. If the Dark Star can be dismantled, then we will Maybe we can make a breakthrough in this area..."

"In addition, the dark asterisk also records many technologies of the Kree civilization. These technologies are far ahead of the earth. I think these materials are very useful."

Hearing that, Gao Fei nodded and said, "Yes, the Dark Star is a treasure, and of course it cannot be easily destroyed."

Then Rocket Raccoon suggested, "Hey, Officer Goofy, I have an idea..."

Before the rocket could finish speaking, Star-Lord said first: "I have an idea too! Officer Goofy, I can help you drive the Dark Star to the gravitational orbit near the earth, and let this behemoth run on the orbit. It will not delay you throwing Kerry soldiers into space, but also facilitate your research on the Dark Star..."

Reed's eyes lit up.

"This is indeed a good idea, which not only avoids the official attention of the Dark Star landing on Earth, but also makes it easier for us to study it..."

Gao Fei nodded and said, "Very good, then do it."

But the Rocket quit, and said solemnly: "Hey, Quill! What the **** is going on with you? This is obviously the idea I came up with first, you are shameless plagiarism!"

"You came up with it first? Who can prove that you came up with it first?" Star-Lord sneered, "I thought it out first! And I said it first!"

"Fuck! You **** rubbish!" Rocket snapped the bolt angrily, "Don't force me to blast you into space!"

Star-Lord also pulled out the gun on his waist: "Hey, do you really want to make trouble like this? You funny little animal, do you really want to force me to do it with you?"

Gao Fei was helpless to these two teasers, and coughed: "Cough, who is responsible for driving the Dark Star into orbit?"

Hearing Gao Fei's call, the two quickly began to fight.

"Me, me! I'm an expert in mechanical dynamics! And I'm the best spaceship pilot in the universe!" Rocket exclaimed, "No one can beat me at this!"

"Hahaha... I'm really laughing, the best spaceship pilot in the universe is obviously me!" Star-Lord said, "I have been driving various types of spaceships through the universe since I was ten years old. very!"

"In addition, I don't think you are really a mechanical dynamics expert. You are obviously just a small animal!"

Gao Fei shrugged helplessly and said to Reed: "Reed, I think you are responsible for this matter. A behemoth like the Dark Star may need more than one driver. You take Star-Lord and Rocket with you. ."

"Don't worry, wrap it on me." Reed nodded, then stretched his arms and grabbed the ears of Rocket and Star-Lord respectively.

"Okay, you two naives, it's time to get to work."

And Goofy turned around and walked into the depths of the battleship. He needed to destroy all the remaining Kree soldiers on the battleship.

"Dad, I'll accompany you!"

Carrie followed quickly, knowing that this was not an easy task.

"And us."

Steve nodded, followed by Johnny the Human Torch.

"And I."

"And I."

"Everyone, keep up, all the Earth Guards are dispatched!"

"Let those alien invaders taste our power!"

"We must deter them!"

"I'm Groot!"

Absorber Karl, Stone Manben, Invisible Woman Susan, Gamora, Groot...

The Earth Guard went to the depths of the Dark Then the heart-piercing screams of Kerry soldiers sounded from the depths of the battleship.

As the Dark Star entered Earth's orbit, Carrie punched a huge gap on its side.

Countless Kree soldiers screamed and flew out of the cabin from the gap and into the endless galaxy. Their bodies withered, froze, and died in the vacuum environment...

A few hours later, the outer space has been filled with these eerie blue corpses, and from a distance, it looks like a new, blue, sparkling stream.

And only one spacecraft carrying several Kree survivors left the "Dark Star", among them "The Pursuit" Claes.

He will retell the most humiliating battle in the history of the Kree civilization, and remind other alien friends of a terrible thing.

Earth is dangerous.

This planet has never been a lowly place to be slaughtered.

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