American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 432: Threat from ATCU

Goofy is upset right now, and it's not just because Advanced Threat Control is a villain in the American TV series "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."

The reason why Gao Fei was upset was that after he had been awake at night and tried his best to protect New York and the whole world, the government department not only did not send people to support his work, but instead sent a group of new departments who didn't understand anything to investigate. His connection to Terrigan.

As if in the eyes of the relevant departments, it was Gao Fei and Hydra that joined forces to cause the current Terrigan outbreak, and he must be responsible for the current disaster.

Thinking of this, Gao Fei couldn't restrain his thunderous anger, and he unabashedly vented his anger on the senior threat control department and on Ms. Price who was sitting in front of him.

He had to make the authorities aware of his anger and dissatisfaction.

And just after Goofy finished saying those words, Ms. Price's lips turned white in fright.

Although she doesn't understand Terrigan's relationship with Goofy, she is very aware of Goofy's strength.

One person pierced through an alien warship and smashed the dark elf cursed warrior with one punch...

If this kind of combat power is released on the body of ordinary humans, then any poor guy who is attacked will be dead in an instant!

So Ms. Price was as frightened as a frightened deer, her voice trembling.

"Gao Gao Gao... Officer Gao Fei, you must be sure... It's a misunderstanding! How could I, me, we be investigating you?"

"You are the hero of New York...and you saved the world, we thank you for coming too late..."

Although Ms. Price came to Gao Fei to investigate his relationship with Terrigan, under Gao Fei's strong deterrence, she did not dare to explain her intentions. She was afraid that the people's hero in front of her would suddenly turn his face and The protector transforms into the **** of death.

As for the task given to her above...

Only left to fate.

Goofy glanced at Ms. Price, who was almost urinating, and smiled softly.

"Since you're not here to investigate me, then you shouldn't be so nervous. Don't be afraid, I won't eat you."

Ms. Price patted her still trembling chest, took a deep breath, and said, "Okay, okay, I...I'm not nervous..."

Goofy glanced at Ms. Price and continued to ask, "Since you didn't come to me to investigate me, what's your purpose?"

As soon as the question came out, Ms. Price was stunned again.

Because they came to Gao Fei, the purpose is to investigate him, but they dare not admit it, how can they lie?

Not to investigate him... what was that for?

"Is this question difficult to answer?" Goofy couldn't help asking when Ms. Price didn't speak for a long time.

"Ah! It's not difficult to answer! It's not difficult to answer!" Ms. Price hurriedly sat up straight, and said anxiously, "Officer Goofy, I'm here to discuss with you how to deal with the current situation of the inhuman race..."

Goofy nodded: "Very well, then tell me, I'm also curious about how the Advanced Threat Control Department will treat the Inhumans."

Ms. Price said: "The government has noticed that the proliferation of Inhumans has caused great disasters in society. We characterize Inhumans as a social instability factor. Once they are allowed to continue to proliferate, it will inevitably cause more damage to our society. big damage..."

"In today's world where there are more and more Inhumans, the supervision system has failed, and even New York, which was the most tolerant of superhumans before, has begun to lose control. This is a very bad sign..."

"So we believe that in the case of the proliferation of Inhumans, our most effective means at present is to arrest them, control them, imprison them, and minimize their harm, so that our society can stabilize and prevent A bigger catastrophe happened..."

After Ms. Price said this, she looked up at Goofy.

But at this moment, she suddenly realized that Goofy's face was terrifyingly black.

"Oops! I said the wrong thing!" - The astute Ms. Price realized immediately that she had made a mistake, and the solution she proposed, or the one negotiated by the Advanced Threat Control Department, was likely to make high Fei is very dissatisfied.

So Price hurriedly changed his mouth and coughed: "Of course! This is just a preliminary idea we put forward. This idea is very immature, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. We came to visit Officer Gao Fei this time, and also wanted to hear it. your opinion…"

After saying this, Price looked up at Gao Fei again, and found that Gao Fei's expression had indeed softened a bit - although he still had a dark face, it was much stronger than the dark cloudy look before.

Price breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't let go.

Goofy spoke at this point, and he certainly did not agree with the first proposal from the Advanced Threat Control Department.

"Inhumans, like superhumans, are citizens who suddenly mutate. If we treat them as aliens, disasters, or even criminals, is it unfair to them?"

"Let's not say anything else, I'm a superhuman, and there are many aliens in my super patrol team. May I ask you, Ms. Price, are you going to arrest us first?"

Ms. Price hurriedly shook her head: "Of course not, how dare I..."

In fact, Ms. Price has no such ability. If she has the ability to catch Goofy, she will definitely put him in jail as soon as possible.

Goofy nodded and continued: "The proliferation of aliens will indeed cause social unrest, and disasters will occur frequently, but we catch aliens, arrest and imprison them all, and even more exaggerated... execute them, then Will our society return to normal?"

"Ms. Price, you are fighting against the Inhumans, you are fighting against the entire superpowers, once this decision is made, then humans will be completely opposed to superpowers..."

"Have you thought about this?"

Ms. Price was taken aback—she was indeed unaware of the problem.

And considering the ability and number of superpowers on a global scale, once the two sides go to war, the earth will be plunged into an unprecedented total war.

Not to mention the increasing number of Inhumans, let’s just say that the superhuman in front of him is flying high. He is a monster who can penetrate a space battleship with one person’s power. When the time comes, humans and superhumans will fight head-on, and human beings will win. geometry?

Ms. Price didn't even think about it.

"We were negligent..." Ms. Price said sincerely, "It's not a good idea to be the enemy of the Inhumans."

"That's right." Gao Fei nodded and said, "There is a very old story in the East, called Dayu controlling the flood, have you heard of it?"

"Da Yu controls the flood?" Ms. Price shook her head and said, "I've never heard of it."

Gao Fei said: "There were floods in ancient times, and human beings were deeply immersed in floods. The people who first managed the floods used the method of siege, chase and interception in an attempt to block these floods, but the result was ineffective and even counterproductive..."

"Later, Yu started to control the flood, and abandoned the idea of ​​​​his predecessors to block the changed to dredging the river channel, guiding the flood into the sea, and finally clarified the flood on the mainland..."

"Now the Inhumans are flooding like a flood, and your advanced threat control department's approach is no different from blocking the flood, but the power of the flood is huge, how could you block it?"

"Instead of blocking and restricting the Inhumans, it is better to guide them, guide them, let them go on the right path, and let them integrate into human society..."

Price nodded earnestly, and then asked, "So Officer Goofy, how do you want to guide these Inhumans?"

Goofy had thought about this question before, but the incident of alien bounty hunters invading Earth interrupted his thoughts, but now after discussing with Ms. Price, he has a new idea.

"We have to pay more attention to these aliens and educate them in time... We have to develop their abilities and let them use their abilities to contribute to the society."

"I want to set up a school specifically to guide Inhumans and get them on the right track, that's what I think."

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