American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 442: Magneto and Quicksilver (3/8)

Although Goofy has clearly decided the next step - to deal with Baron Strucker, it is not so easy to do it.

First of all, Baron Strucker is still an appointed official of the International Security Council after all. It is not easy to move his position. Goofy and S.H.I.E.L.D. do not have conclusive evidence that he is a Hydra, even if they want to. If you want to do something with him, you have to work secretly to win the loot and get it;

Secondly, Baron Strucker has three caves with cunning rabbits. There are countless secret strongholds. If you want to find out about him and his evil mutant experiments, you must have the help of someone who knows.

Fortunately, Gao Fei happened to have people in the know, and there were two more.

One is the young Magneto Eric Lanschel who took the initiative to seek cooperation, and the other is the fast silver Pietro Maximoff who was captured tragically.

Goofy first took two friends from S.H.I.E.L.D. to meet Eric Lanschel.

After the meeting, Goofy relayed what happened to Eric to Nick Fury and Maria Hill, two veteran agents who praised Eric.

"Son, you said you lied to Baron Strucker and survived the Hydra brainwashing program, didn't you?"

Nick Fury asked in shock.

Because there is no doubt that Baron Strucker is a very cunning fellow, and it is difficult to deceive him.

And Hydra's brainwashing program is even more maddening, and many stalwarts can't escape the crushing day and night torture.

But Eric has overcome two difficulties in a row, which is nothing short of a miracle.

"Yes, I lied to Baron Strucker, maybe you overestimated his ability." Eric said calmly, "As for the brainwashing procedure of Hydra, it is indeed an unbearable torture for humans. But mutant spirits are stronger, Baron Strucker ignores that."

After all, Eric added another sentence.

"By the way, I don't like people calling me a child, I hope you can pay attention."

Nick Fury was taken aback.


But after the silence, he nodded politely.

"Okay, I'm sorry."

He admires this sharp-edged child, so he will give him corresponding respect.

Agent Hill next to him also gave Eric a green eye, his eyes full of approval.

At this point Steve brought Quicksilver, who was still fainting, into the room, and it looked like it would be a while before he woke up.

Seeing Quicksilver, Eric recognized him immediately.

"He's the older brother of the twins, and he's also my child."

"Your child?" Hill said that he couldn't understand Eric's brain circuit, "Eric, with all due respect, this twin brother looks at least twenty years old, but you are only fifteen or sixteen years old... You said he was your child?"

Goofy explained with a smile: "It's like this, Baron Strucker got the mutant gene from Eric, and then transplanted this gene to the twins... So from this perspective, Eric Gave the twins a second life."

"I see." Agent Hill said suddenly, "This is a novel explanation."

Nick Fury looked at Quicksilver and asked Goofy, "Goofy, why did you bring these twin brothers? Do you want to learn anything from him?"

Goofy nodded: "Yes, Quicksilver was just dispatched by Baron Strucker, he must know more."

"Then we have to think about how to get this kid to cooperate with us." Fury seemed to have a problem with Quicksilver. After all, this kid wanted to shoot him just now. "I think he is a tough guy."

Eric revealed a secret: "Quicksilver was brainwashed by Baron Strucker, so in fact he was not loyal to Baron Strucker."

After listening to Eric's words, Goofy recalled Quicksilver in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were originally citizens of Sokovia, an Eastern European country. Their parents died under the missiles produced by Stark Industries. For this reason, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch voluntarily became Baron Straker's experiments. , and against the Avengers.

But later in the process of fighting, the brothers and sisters finally realized that the Avengers were the one who protected the world, and the Hydra and the Ultron that appeared later were the culprits that destroyed the world.

So the prodigal son (female) of the brother and sister turned back, turned their backs on evil, abandoned darkness and turned to light, and joined the Avengers.

The current parallel universe is obviously not exactly the same as the "Avengers: Age of Ultron" movie universe, because there are no mutants in the movie universe, so Goofy dare not conclude that Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch here are also completely equivalent to Twin siblings in the movie universe.

To work with them, you have to know them first.

At this time Maria Hill asked: "So... let's persuade Quicksilver to cooperate with us and let him reveal Baron Strucker's secret?"

Nick Fury pouted: "Is this necessary? Doesn't Eric know Baron Strucker very well?"

Eric shook his head and said, "No, it's been too long since I escaped from Baron Strucker, and his secret base will be transferred at any time. If you want to kill him by surprise, turning against Quicksilver is the best way. "

"But how do we solve the problem of his brainwashing?" Nick Fury frowned. "Hydra's brainwashing is so easy to deal with."

Hill looked at Goofy: "If I remember correctly, Officer Goofy should be able to deal with this trick, right?"

Goofy shrugged, his mentor template could indeed awaken the bewitched.

But his awakening was only effective for those who were temporarily controlled by the mind. He had not tried the deep brainwashing of Hydra, and he was not sure that he could do it 100%.

In addition, he doesn't know whether the essence of Quicksilver is good or bad, and whether there is hatred between him and Goofy and S.H.I.E.L.D. People's hearts are the most unpredictable. Even if Quicksilver's brainwashing is contacted, Goofy is difficult to judge. Will QuickBank sincerely cooperate with them?

Unless Goofy can see through the exterior and see through the inner world of Quicksilver.

Thinking of this, two suitable candidates immediately appeared in his mind.

One is Carrie and the other is Professor X Charles Xavier.

Considering that Carrie was still in class and Charles was bored waiting for the Super Academy to start, Goofy immediately made a choice.

"I'll invite a helper for everyone. I think if this helper is present, it will be very helpful to our current situation." Gao Fei said with a smile.

"Oh? Who are you going to invite over?"

Although he knew that Goofy's powers were numerous, Nick Fury still wanted to ask in advance.

Gao Fei smiled: "It's one of my students."

Half an hour later, a handsome young man with flowing hair pushed the door and walked in.

"Excuse me... is Principal Gao Fei here?"

Unlike Eric, who is young, mature and sharp-edged, Charles is a little young at this time, and he is full of bookishness in his gestures.

"Charles, here."

Goofy waved to Charles and said hello with a smile.

Then he first introduced Eric: "Eric, his name is Charles, he is also a mutant, and he is your compatriot."

"I know." Eric responded lukewarmly, "I saw him on the day of the interview, and he seemed to be with a...beautiful girl."

"Oh, that's my cousin, Charles heard Gao Fei's introduction and walked over and shook hands with Eric, "Hello, my name is Charles. Charles Xavier. "

"Eric, Lanchelle." Eric nodded, "We will be classmates in the future."

"Yes, we will be classmates in the future, please take care of us." Charles said politely.

Agent Hill tilted his head to look at the two young talents, and couldn't help whispering to Nick Fury: "It seems that Gao Fei has collected another batch of talents..."

"That's it." Fury nodded. "The future of this batch of super academy freshmen is limitless."

And just as he said this, Kuaiyin suddenly took a deep breath and woke up.

Gao Fei clapped his hands and said, "Okay, guys, it's time for us to start work."


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