American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 445: The Secret Passage of 9 Snakes (6/8)

After all, Kuaiyin is still inexperienced, and he wants to enter when he sees the door open. Gao Fei and Steve both have rich combat experience and know that this is 80% of the trap.

"Pietro, six hours have passed since Strucker's mission to assassinate Fury failed. I don't think Hydra's intelligence network will be delayed for six hours without getting any news, right?"

Goofy Road,

"They must have long known that you were caught by us. Normally, Baron Strucker would update the password, but the password for this secret passage remains the same... Don't you think it's a little strange?"

Kuaiyin scratched his forehead: "Maybe it's because... Strucker is very confident in me, he thinks I won't reveal his secret?"

Gao Fei smiled and shook his head: "Or... Baron Starlace deliberately didn't change the password, just waiting for us to throw ourselves into the net."

Kuaiyin pondered for a moment and admitted: "Well, it is indeed your statement that sounds more reliable."

Steve asked, "So what do we do now? Let's give up this secret passage?"

"Otherwise, I'll go in and have a look. Anyway, I'm fast. If there is a trap in the passage, I'll run out again." Kuaiyin suggested.

Goofy shook his head: "Pietro, don't forget that this trap was set against you. Only if you betrayed Strucker, we will have the opportunity to enter this secret passage, so when Baron Strucker designed the trap You must have taken your speed into consideration..."

Kuaiyin suddenly realized: "Yes."

Then Goofy asked, "Pietro, what's your speed limit? Did Strucker measure it before?"

"It has been determined that the current top speed should be around 730,000 kilometers per hour..." Fast Silver said.

Steve looked surprised: "So soon?"

Kuaiyin was complacent: "Of course, this is the ability I am most proud of..."

But in the middle of the sentence, Kuaiyin suddenly realized that Gao Fei was much faster than him, and when he thought of this, his mood suddenly became less beautiful.

"That... Officer Goofy, how fast is your speed limit?" Kuaiyin asked tentatively.

Gao Fei did not deliberately emphasize his speed, but said: "Faster than you."

In fact, the limit speed of Gao Fei has reached the speed of light, which is 1.08 billion kilometers per hour. If the speed unit is converted into fast silver, the limit speed of high flight is about 1542 fast silver.

When he heard the conversation between the two, Steve Rogers was stunned.

He felt that his old partner was always upgrading without him noticing, acquiring some new and very unbelievable skills.

"Goofy, when did you become so fast? Faster than Pietro?"

The last time he realized that Goofy was fighting against Ronan was when Goofy took out the entire command module of the Kree soldiers on the Dark Star at lightning speed.

But at that time he just thought that Goofy was very fast, he didn't realize how fast Goofy was.

Now Kuaiyin has stated his limit speed, which is about 700,000 kilometers per hour, which is the fastest speed Steve has ever heard of, and Gao Fei is actually faster than him!

Is this guy really not bragging?

Steve carefully observed Kuaiyin's reaction and found that Kuaiyin had no doubts about Goo Fei's words.

In this way, Goofy's "faster than Quicksilver" speed looks real!

Gao Fei patted Steve on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "I've only been improving, man, I've been improving my strength."

Steve pouted.

Nima's progress is at most by learning a set of firearms, improving fighting skills or something.

You are so good, you have a super power directly!

And it's still faster than Quicksilver, which is known for its speed superpowers!

At this time, Gao Fei patted Kuaiyin on the shoulder and said, "I'd better go to this secret passage to have a look. If it is really a trap, I can come out in time."

The implication is that even if the trap is aimed at Quicksilver, the speed of flying high is enough to deal with it.

Kuaiyin nodded: "Okay, Officer Goofy, then please pay attention to your safety."

"I will, don't worry."

Gao Fei's face was relaxed, and he walked towards the secret passage of the Hydra Fortress.


And a few minutes ago.

The moment Kuaiyin opened the secret passage.

In the Hydra Fortress of Sokovia, Baron Strucker has been prompted.

"My Scud is back, hehe." He sneered and looked at the surveillance video outside the secret passage, but out of the corner of his eye glanced at the S.H.I.E.L.D. !"

"This **** guy, I rescued him from the fire on the spot, fed him, and nurtured him..."

"I also spent a lot of money to help him transform his body, let him evolve, and gave him unparalleled superpowers..."

"But he actually betrayed me and walked with that idiot Nick Fury!"

Baron Strucker gritted his teeth and looked sullen.

At this time, a Hydra agent said: "Baron, someone has entered the secret passage!"

"That's great!" Baron Strucker showed a sinister smile on his face, "Pietro, my Scud, you've finally caught yourself... I know you're fast, but unfortunately I know you well, Once you trigger the trap, you will just be unable to escape from this death tunnel..."

"I really want to see your last desperate face right away. I'll let you know that no matter how fast you run, you can't run out of my palm!"


the other side.

Goofy has gone deep into the hinterland of the secret passage.

He found that the passage was really long, and he made more than ten turns.

"It's not like a secret passage, it's like a runway."

Gao Fei complained while observing.

He kept walking for a long time until he saw the end of the secret passage.

"Does this pass?"

"Have I arrived safely at Hydra Fortress now?"

Gao Fei thought to himself.

At this moment, he suddenly touched a sensing device as he stepped forward.

Immediately afterwards, a red signal light lit up in the entire secret passage, the emergency alarm device sounded, and at the same time, a large face of Strucker appeared on a display in front.

"Pietro, my Scud! I know you can run well..."

"But I'm sorry, I just calculated everything here. Before the secret passage is completely blocked, you just can't run out of here!"

"You are destined to die here today!"

"The biggest regret in your life is that you are not fast enough!!"

"And the other friends who came in with Pietro... not to mention you..."

"A trap that even Pietro can't escape from, do you think you can do it?"

While Strucker was talking, Gao Fei had heard the sound of the iron gate at the other end of the secret passage gradually being lowered, and at the same time, poison gas began to be released from the exhaust vent of the secret passage, in an attempt to poison all the people in the secret passage.

Gao Fei looked up at Strucker, who was talking to himself in the recorded video, and shrugged: "You idiot, you made two mistakes."

"Number one, Pietro is not the fastest man in the world today, I am."

"Second, even if I can't escape this secret tunnel, your poisonous gas can't kill me."

After all, Gao Fei immediately entered the state of the speed of light, and time was suspended.

The poisonous gas infiltrated from the exhaust vent had no time to spread, and the iron gate at the entrance of the secret passage only dropped a little.

Goofy calmly returned to the original left the Hydra trap and returned to Steve and Quicksilver.

At this time, the speed of light was further removed, and the iron gate at the entrance of the secret passage crashed down, and the poison gas inside filled the entire tunnel in an instant.

"It really is a trap."

Gao Fei clapped his hands, nodded and said,

"It's been sealed inside, and it's all poisonous now."

Steve looked at Gao Fei in shock, when did this kid appear?

Just saw the iron gate fall one second ago, and the next second Goofi drilled out?

"You..." Steve pointed to Goofy, "...really fast."

"Thank you, Steve." Gao Fei patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and then said, "Okay, we've already stunned the snake, and then prepare to confront Hydra."

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