American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 450: Goofy's Choice

Goofy listened to Baron Strucker's narration quietly, and he knew that Strucker's words were not just flickering for the sake of his life.

Since the establishment of the Illuminati, Goofy's responsibilities have far exceeded that of a New York police officer, and the series of things he has done during this period will indeed arouse dissatisfaction and scruples from those in power.

To hide Terrigan, to develop space battleships, to open a training academy for superpowers...

In fact, Gao Fei has crossed the line unknowingly, and he has done a lot of things outside his responsibilities.

But these things cannot be chosen by Gao Fei at all, and he is also being pushed away in the process of history.

If he did not join Tony and Reed to transfer Terrigan in the Puerto Rico incident, then the number of aliens in the world would have tripled at least, the outbreak of aliens would become completely uncontrollable, and the civil war between humans and aliens might have erupted;

If Gao Fei does not deal with the ice giant when the celestial bodies converge, and does not unite with Thor to stop Malekith, then the Nine Realms will be reduced to darkness, and the earth will cease to exist;

If Goofy did not join Yondu and the Guardians of the Galaxy to block the invasion before the accuser Ronan invaded, then the earth would have fallen under the fire of the Kree at this time, and human civilization would be wiped out...

Every time Goofy has no choice, the current situation shows him the only way.

It's not that Goofy wants to cross the line, it's that he has no choice.

He can only go down this road, until now.

It wasn't until Baron Strucker spoke out about Goofy's situation as a bystander that he realized how delicate his position was now.

He has done a lot for humanity, and at the same time wants to do more for the world.

But those in power don't want to give him this chance, because those people think that the world is not his, and it's better not to become his.

Conflict thus arises.

Baron Strucker looked at the silent Goofy and said with a smile: "Officer Goofy, is this dilemma difficult? In fact, we Hydra have studied the same problem for centuries..."

"To say something you may not agree with, we Hydra are not an evil organization, and we have never planned to exterminate humans. The lifelong ideal of some of us is to welcome back our alien masters, such as my mentor Whitehall. Mr. Er, but there are also some people who have more lofty ideals to help human society move forward, such as our pioneer Red Skull..."

"But there will always be resistance along the way, just like where you are now..."

"So from a certain point of view, we are like people."

Before waiting for Gao Fei to respond, Steve came over and held Gao Fei's shoulder, shook his head and said, "Gao Fei, don't listen to this guy's nonsense, he's bewitching you."

Nick Fury also nodded and said: "Yes, Goofy, Hydra has always been good at telling stories, this guy is just making excuses for his own survival."

Goofy nodded: "Don't worry, you two, I can distinguish what Strucker said, and I won't be confused by him."

Baron Strucker said with a smile: "Yes, Officer Goofy, you should be able to tell if I'm confusing you, and whether the situation I'm describing is the current reality..."

"I am willing to give you all the information about Hydra, and I can even give you the most comprehensive internal list of Hydra so far. These people include politicians and business leaders from various countries. Hydra is very important to the world. The penetration has far exceeded your imagination..."

"But Officer Goofy, getting rid of Hydra can't solve your current predicament, let alone save the stale human beings. Human society needs bold innovation!"

"If you want, we can chat more, I think you will be inspired by me, will definitely..."

"Sometimes following the rules will drag human society to its demise. Only bold innovation is the way out for human civilization..."

"Officer Goofy, we..."

However, at this point, Baron Strucker's eyes suddenly straightened!

There was blood oozing from his shirt, as if he had been cut by some kind of sharp object!

Steve and Nick Fury, who were standing on both sides of Strucker, were startled, and Goofy instantly realized who did everything in front of him.


Gao Fei turned back and shouted.

It was Eric who used his power to use the coin in Baron Strucker's clothes as a hidden weapon and stabbed him in the heart.

"Headmaster Goofy, he's bewitching you! This **** Hydra villain is bewitching you!"

Eric said righteously,

"I have to stop him, I can't let him confuse you!"

Gao Fei's expression became serious, and he said solemnly: "Eric, do you think I will be bewitched by him? I'll give you another chance, don't try to fool me!"

Hearing Goofy's questioning, Eric's forehead oozes cold sweat. When he was imprisoned by Strucker, Eric never felt fear, but when Goofy questioned him seriously, Eric actually Sincerely felt the fear.

Taking a deep breath, he finally told the truth.

"Headmaster Goofy, Strucker killed my mother! He killed my mother in front of me in order to activate my powers!"

"But today he actually surrendered, and he surrendered with sincerity. If he was brought back to New York, he would definitely not die, right?"

"What's more, no one knows how many Hydras are still in the relevant departments of the United States. The judicial department may have been infiltrated by Hydras. If you hand over Baron Strucker to them, my poor deceased mother will still get what she deserves. Is it fair?"

"Sorry, Headmaster Goofy, I'm willing to take responsibility for what I've done, but I have to kill Baron Strucker and avenge my mother!"

Eric finally told the truth, and his sincere statement aroused the support of many people on the scene.

"Officer Goofy, Eric did the right thing." Fast Silver said, "Even if he doesn't do it, I won't let Strucker survive today."

"This is his due end." The Scarlet Witch also nodded.

Goofy didn't rush to comment on Eric's actions, because the Strucker in front of him was still alive.

He had lost a lot of blood, but was still struggling not to die.

"Stracker..." Gao Fei looked down at him, who was dying, and asked, "Are you satisfied with this ending?"

Asking this sentence basically means that Goofy is not going to save him, Goofy decides to respect Eric's choice and let Strucker pay for his sins.

Strucker also understood Goofy's intention, and his treachery to surrender to save his life failed.

At this moment before his death, he struggled to look up at Gao Fei, and sneered: "Gao Fei, you can never clean up the Hydra..."

"Hydra is not an organization, but a spirit..."

"One head is cut off, two heads are born..."

"We penetrate every corner of the world..."

"And you will become part of us! Goofy, one day, you will become part of Hydra!"

After saying this, Baron Strucker fell to the ground with a "pop", his body twitched twice, and there was no movement.

Goofy turned to Eric and said in a calm tone, "Okay, now you have avenged your mother's revenge."

Knowing that he made a mistake, Eric bowed his head sincerely and said, "Sorry, Principal Gao Fei, I made a mistake by making a decision arbitrarily, and I am willing to bear all the punishment!"

Goofy was silent for a moment, then shook his head.

"Forget it, Eric, I won't punish you. You killed a hydra who tried to confuse me. Your behavior can be forgiven."

"Really?" Eric was very surprised, he didn't expect Goofy to let him go.

Others also found it strange, which was inconsistent with the Goofy style of doing things with integrity before.

And Gao Fei was hesitant for a while, and then he made a decision.

He felt that he was too disciplined and tried to play the role of the NYPD, but after Baron Strucker analyzed his current situation, Goofy realized that he could no longer be ~Since you can no longer follow the rules, you might as well innovate boldly. The world needs to be changed, and Gao Fei has enough ability to change the world.

"Of course it's true." Goofy walked up to Eric and patted him on the shoulder, "If someone kills my mother, I'll kill him myself."

Hearing this sentence, Eric smiled sincerely.

This is the second time he has shown a smile in front of Gao Fei, but it is the first time he has shown a sincere smile to Gao Fei.

He originally thought that the principal was just a great moral role model, but now it seems that his definition of the principal is too superficial.

He can't wait to start his new life under the guidance of Gao Fei.


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