American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 461: Fist is the last word

Just when Peter Parker decided to stand up for Harry, a figure smaller than him had already grabbed his head and floated onto the baseball field.

"Eric, since you can challenge Harry, why can't someone challenge you?"

The voice of a childish girl was speaking, which surprised the students present. Looking at the sound, they saw a delicate and lovely little girl.

The little girl looks like she has just entered middle school, with a little baby fat on her delicate face, but she has already faintly revealed a girlish feeling, and her good facial features indicate that this girl must be a stand-out beauty when she grows up .

The freshmen didn't recognize the little girl at first, after all, she didn't give a speech as a freshman representative like Peter Parker, but someone quickly pointed out her identity, and then her identity was like a stone falling into a pool. Ripples arose.

"She is the daughter of Principal Gao Fei!"

"She's Carrie, the daughter of Principal Goofy!"

"She is the jewel of Principal Gao Fei..."

"Her father is Principal Gao Fei!!"

With Gao Fei's blessing, Carrie immediately attracted the attention of the freshmen. After all, Gao Fei's name is too loud, and he is a god-like figure in this super academy.

Hearing Carrie's questioning, Eric turned around silently, he looked at the little girl who was two heads shorter than him, tilted his head and asked, "What do you mean, do you want Challenge me? You want to challenge me?"

Because Carrie had been keeping a low profile before, and everyone kindly helped Gao Fei to hide his daughter's information, not many people knew about Carrie's true strength except those around Gao Fei.

They thought that it was Gao Fei who penetrated the dark elf battleship, and that it was also Gao Fei who killed the cursed warrior. They never thought that behind the God of War, Gao Fei actually had an invincible little girl as his imperial power trainer.

Of course, Eric had no chance to know this. He and Goofy were not familiar enough, so in his opinion, Carrie was just an ordinary superpower.

Or, maybe she is not even an ordinary superhuman, and only entered the super academy by relying on Gao Fei's relationship.

And Eric's idea is also the idea of ​​most freshmen.

"Are you really going to challenge me? Are you kidding?" Eric confirmed to Carrie again.

Carrie smiled softly, and the little girl's smile made many boys feel their hearts tremble.

"Of course, I also want to compete for the position of student council president."

"Carrie, are you really going to do this? You're not afraid of Principal Goofy being angry?" Peter walked over and said, "He probably doesn't want you to bully other students..."

Peter knew that once Carrie made a move, Eric would definitely suffer.

But Eric misunderstood what Peter meant. He thought that Peter meant that because Carrie was Goofy's daughter, Eric did not dare to attack her and could only let her bully her.

"Oh, don't worry, Peter, even if Carrie is Principal Goofy's daughter, I'll play fair with her." Eric said with a smile.

"You'd better be like this." Carrie smiled, "No, you'd better show 120% of your strength, otherwise you will lose very badly."

"Haha." Eric couldn't help laughing, "Little girl, you are really interesting."

Having said that, Eric has decided to discuss with Carrie, he turned around and said aloud to the freshmen: "Everyone has seen that the daughter of Principal Gao Fei took the initiative to challenge me, and I also have to do it. already."

No one among the freshmen thought that Carrie could beat Eric. After all, Carrie suffered too much at her age.

But everyone thought that Eric would not be too **** Carrie because of Principal Goofy's face.

"Eric is crazy? Dare to compete with Principal Goofy's daughter?"

"In my opinion, Eric will definitely lose to Carrie on purpose, and a cunning person like him will definitely take the opportunity to please Principal Goofy..."

"If you are serious about learning from each other, I think this little girl will be defeated within two minutes..."

"I think Principal Gao Fei's daughter will definitely have two strokes."

"No matter how powerful she is, she is just a little girl, she still needs to grow up!"

Eric bowed his head to Carrie before the fight and said, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Carrie sneered: "Oh? Then I'm going to hurt you!"

Saying that, the little girl raised her hand and stretched out her left hand to Harry, who was still on the ground by Eric, and snapped his fingers lightly.


In an instant, Eric felt that his powers seemed to be cut off, and suddenly lost control over Harry.

And Harry, who had been lying down for a long time, was finally able to jump up and get up from the ground. He shook the dust off his body and nodded to Carrie, "Thanks, Carrie."

After that, he looked at Eric again, shook his head sympathetically and said, "You will be miserable, Eric."


Eric has not yet realized how his magnetic force failed, as if an invisible black hole had swallowed his magnetic field just now.

He looked at Carrie blankly, frowned and asked, "You stopped my ability?"

"Of course it's me." Carrie smiled and opened her arms abruptly. The double star form instantly opened, and infinite brilliance emerged from Carrie's big eyes!

"This is... Principal Gao Fei's double star form?!"

Eric sucked in a breath of cold air, and the students onlookers were also shocked.

Everyone has seen Gao Fei in this state. This is the energy emission form he showed when he defeated the dark elves.

But what the freshmen don't know is that Goofy has never opened the double star form. The one who can really open the double star form is Carrie, who has swallowed two Infinity Stones and fused with the third Infinity Stone.

Carrie waved her flaming fists and said to Eric aloud, "You're wrong, it's not Principal Goofy's double star form, it's Carrie's double star form!"

"Since you like challenges, I will challenge you!"

"I don't care if you are very good at planning, but I think I am better than fists!"

Having said that, Carrie slammed her fist towards Eric, and the dazzling energy from the fist penetrated directly through Eric's chest.


Eric only felt that his body was pierced by energy, he quickly lowered his head to look at his chest, and the situation in front of him shocked him - because his chest was really pierced!

At the same time, the energy beam did not stop after it penetrated Eric, and continued to charge forward until it hit the teaching building in the distance. Then the teaching building began to shatter into small squares like Tetris after customs clearance. , collapsed in all directions.

The freshmen in the audience were stunned, because the scene in front of them had surpassed their understanding. Carrie killed Eric as soon as she shot? And also collapsed the teaching building of the Super Energy Academy?

Eric was even more shocked. He looked down at his pierced chest.

But he was surprised...

There is a bowl-sized wound on his chest, but why can't he feel pain?

"What exactly is going on?"

Carrie smiled softly. "It's just an appetizer."

She retracted her fist, and the teaching buildings in the distance returned from small squares to their original shape like stacked blocks. After the energy beam disappeared, Eric's chest also returned to normal.

No one was hurt and no buildings were damaged.

Just now, it was just that Carrie used the reality gem-ether particle to modify reality and distort the world in the eyes of everyone.

This is a new skill she has developed in recent days.

"I just want to remind you that I can easily cause the level of damage just now, but I won't do it, because we are just learning from each other." Carrie said lightly with her fists closed.

Having said that, she raised her hand and pushed Eric gently in the air.


A powerful shock wave burst directly bombarded Eric's chest, poor Magneto had no power to fight back, was pushed out by this shock wave a full seven or eight meters, and then fell heavily fall to the ground.

"The game is over, Carrie wins!"

The little girl proudly put away the double star form, and said with a smile,

"Happy, I will be the student council president in the future!"

At this moment...

The freshmen in the audience are already stupid.

Release Eric's control of Harry with a snap of your fingers, easily unlock the destructive double star form, smash a school building with a single punch, modify reality at will, and raise your hand to blast Eric away …

Too strong, she is too strong!

As expected of the daughter of Principal Gao Fei, her strength is simply terrifying!

The freshmen looked at each other in dismay, and in the end they were all tacit.

For such a classmate, it's over!

"Carrie Cow!"

"Carrie is invincible!"

"Carrie mighty!"




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