American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 475: Ultron is coming soon

Back at home, Gao Fei couldn't wait to hide in his room, and opened three treasure chests in a row with the 30,000 worship points obtained in Muspelheim. Since the rewards of the traveler's treasure chest are fixed, so when opening this treasure chest During the process, Gao Fei's mood was very calm.

After opening the three treasure chests, the small lightning pattern displayed behind Goofy's agility attribute has turned into a dazzling orange-red color, and with the last treasure chest, Goofy can completely complete the traveler template.

The completion of the traveler template is of great significance to Gao Fei, not only because he can choose more templates after completing the traveler template.

More importantly, the traveler template and other templates can stack with each other and trigger hidden skills.

The traveler template superimposes the guide template, which will trigger the hidden skill - Whisper of the Ancient God.

The traverser template superimposes the Terminator template, which will trigger another hidden skill-Ultimate Obliteration.

Of course, these two hidden skills can only be triggered after Gao Fei has completely completed the traveler template. He can't wait to see the power of these two new skills.

I checked the background data, the worship value at this time is 2836, and there are still 7164 worship points before opening the last treasure box. The worship value of more than 7,000 points is not too much. Seven seven eight eight.

But he has just defeated Surtur with Thor, and once again completed the pioneering work of saving the world. If this matter is spread, then the worship value of more than 7,000 points may be collected in one morning.

Just as Goofy was sitting at home thinking about how to get these worship values ​​together faster, Tony Stark's phone called.

"Hello, Goofy, I heard you and Thor teamed up to save the universe again? Nice job, my buddy..."

Gao Fei smiled: "Your news is very well-informed, did Thor tell you?"

"Oh no, Harry told me, your students seem to be excited, they can't wait to share it with the people around them...these kids are enjoying being superheroes, they're all excited. ' said Tony Stark.

Gao Fei suddenly realized that it was these children who spread the news.

But this is actually good, because after the news spreads, Gao Fei can also benefit and gain some worship points.

"By the way, how about the Ultron developed by you and Dr. Banner? Did Reid give you any help?" Goofy asked.

"Uh... There has been a breakthrough in progress. The supreme wisdom of the Kree Empire has indeed given us a very important inspiration, but the Kree people's way of programming artificial intelligence is completely different from the technology of the earth. I am afraid that they want to combine these two technologies. It's not that easy..."

Tony Stark said with a headache, then immediately changed the subject and said,

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, let's talk about other things. It's been a while since I've been back to New York, and you haven't had time to throw a party for me."

"What?" Goofy was taken aback, "Is this worth having a party? Tony, I think you're just making an excuse to throw a party!"

"Cough, you found out... Anyway, I've been too bored to study artificial intelligence during this time. I want to have a party to relax."

Tony didn't deny it either, he said with a smile,

"Call your super patrol team over, come to my house tomorrow evening... By the way, have those SHIELD agents finished the last insight plan? If they are free, call them too. , I mainly refer to Hill and Natasha, after all, beauty is an indispensable and important element in a party, as for Fury, Hawkeye and those rough guys, love will not come."

Gao Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Tony, your wishful thinking is really loud, obviously you want to have a party, but let me save it for you?"

Tony laughed: "Gao Fei, this is just a little effort, you can help me, after all, I am planning for the future security of the earth, and the development of Ultron is more important than everything else."

Goofy didn't want to agree, but thinking about throwing a party would help him too.

If you take the opportunity to say something about him and Thor saving the world, then it will be a lot of worship value income, and if all goes well, he may be able to complete the traveler template on the day of the party.

"All right."

For the sake of the traveler template, Goofy reluctantly agreed to Tony Stark's request.

"Great, Goofy, I knew you were a reliable friend!"

Tony Stark was overjoyed,

"Remember, tomorrow night, the party will be at my house, we'll see you soon!"

"Got it." Gao Fei responded perfunctorily, then hung up the phone.


the following afternoon.

Three hours before the party starts.

Tony Stark and Bruce Banner are still debugging Ultron's background programs in the laboratory. Although the supreme wisdom of the Kerry Empire has given them a lot of inspiration, these inspirations are only general directions and some technical ones. The details still need to be overcome by themselves.

"Mr. Stark, do we want to set Ultron's ultimate order to maintain peace on Earth?" Bruce Banner found that Stark marked this order, and it seems that he still has doubts about this ultimate order.

Tony Stark shook his head and said, "Don't give the ultimate order yet. Goofy once advised me not to set such an ultimate order."

"Officer Goofy?" Bruce Banner looked a little surprised. "He knows programming too?"

"He may not understand, but I think his advice is spot on."

Tony Stark said,

"He said that if this ultimate order is issued, it may cause Ultron's misunderstanding...because the only way to ensure permanent peace on the earth is to exterminate all living things on the earth. Because as long as there are living things, as long as there is a food chain, then the earth will be forever There will be no peace."

"Okay, I see." Dr. Banner nodded, then thought about Goofy's words carefully.

"Officer Gao Fei's reminder is indeed very reasonable. The law of nature is the law of the weak, and eternal peace is indeed impossible. We almost injected this instruction into Ultron's mind."

Having said that, he turned around and looked at the complicated and meticulous programs on the monitor, frowned and said: "But we are still short of the last 10% of the programs that have not been written, and these 10% programs will be the key to Ultron. Anything wrong, maybe Ultron will never come out, we have to…”

Before Dr. Banner could finish speaking, Tony Stark, who was beside the experimental table, suddenly shuddered.

Looking at his appearance, it seemed as if he was suddenly electrocuted, very abnormal.

"Mr. Stark, what's the matter with you?" Bruce Banner hurried over and asked, "Are you all right?"

However, Tony Stark did not respond to him at this time, and he looks very strange now.

Tony, who was shaking a little, had his eyes straight and his whole body stiff. He didn't say a but walked straight towards Ultron's program.

"Mr. Stark, Mr. Stark!"

Bruce Banner walked over in horror, but didn't know if he should stop Tony Stark.

At this time, Tony looked like a ghost, staring at the monitor, stretched out his hands and tapped wildly on the keyboard.

"Mr. Stark, what's the matter with you?"

Dr. Banner asked in a panic, while hurriedly looking at the monitor.

At a glance, Dr. Banner took a deep breath!

I saw Tony Stark flying with his fingers and writing the remaining 10% of Ultron's programs. What is even more shocking is that the programs written by Stark are smooth, clear, and logically rigorous, and there is no problem at all!

"This... what the **** is going on here?"

Bruce Banner was completely shocked. Before he and Stark racked their brains, they couldn't think of the last 10% of the program, but now Stark seems to be possessed by someone, and he has completed the attack on Ultron. of writing.

10 lines, 20 lines, 100 lines...

In just over an hour, Tony Stark actually wrote all the remaining programs, and after running it once, there was no bug at all!

Looking at the perfectly completed Ultron artificial intelligence program on the display, Tony Stark's face showed a gratifying smile, but Dr. Banner next to him looked horrified, because the smile on his face was definitely not Tony's smile. .

He has been with Tony for so long, he knows every expression of Tony, Tony does laugh a lot, but his smile is never like this.

Although Dr. Banner doesn't know what happened to Tony, he can be sure of one thing - Tony at this time is definitely not Tony!

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