American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 497: Siege of Super Academy (1/10)

(Chapter 10 will be released today!)

Seeing that Gao Fei raised Thor's hammer effortlessly, everyone at the scene was shocked.

Especially Thor, the **** of thunder, with a sun-drenched expression on his face.

Fly high, fly high.

You said that your daughter Carrie can lift Thor's Hammer. After all, her strength is too heaven-defying.

Your other daughter, Ultron, is a soulless robot. I don't care if she can lift Thor's hammer.

Now, you actually come to join in the fun, raising Thor's Hammer in front of everyone!

I, Thor, don't want to be ashamed?

Don't take my Thor's Hammer seriously, okay?

"Gao, Gaofei..." Thor stammered, "You can't say anything if you have something to say? Why are you taking my hammer? Put it down! Put it down, put it down..."

In fact, Gao Fei himself didn't expect that he could lift Thor's hammer so smoothly. After all, he didn't have the qualification to fight against Loki before.

It seems that the tempering in the past two years has made him stronger, perhaps his inner sense of justice has become more abundant, or perhaps he has exercised his leadership skills.

"Does this mean that I have the approval of Asgard? Or the approval of Odin, the father of the gods?"

Gao Fei said with a smile.

"No one recognized you! This is just an accident!"

Thor said sourly, he always felt a little green on his head,

"Give me back the hammer, hurry up!"

Goofy saw Thor's face turning green, smiled and threw Thor's hammer back to him, then turned to Nick Fury and said, "Fury, I don't think Asgard's hammer can deceive Everyone, if I really have selfishness in the matter of Ultron, I can't afford Thor's Hammer."

Nick Fury nodded lightly: "I think so, but about Ultron, your plans are really..."

Fury obviously wanted to persuade Goofy to change his mind, but Goofy didn't have the patience to listen to him any longer.

"Forget it, Fury, don't talk anymore." Goofy said, "I've made up my mind on this matter, and even if S.H.I.E.L.D. comes forward, it won't let me change my mind."

Tony Stark also nodded and said, "Yes, Fury, I bet you can't think of a better solution."

Nick Fury shrugged helplessly and did not interfere further.

At this time, the space in the laboratory was suddenly split again, and it was obvious that someone was using the space teleportation ability.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared out of thin air in the laboratory. It was Gordon, a new police officer in the super patrol team.

"Gordon, what are you doing here?" Goofy asked curiously, "Is something wrong?"

Ultron, who has the world's information, answered this question: "I think something happened to the Super Academy, Dad."

"Yes, Officer Goofy, it's the Super Academy..." Gordon said, "Because last time you killed Ms. Price, the senior ATCU officer, and expelled the ATCU army, the people in the military acted, They sent a special forces team to surround the Super Academy..."

"People in the military really don't want to die. Are they really going to fight Goofy?" Steve said, "What good can they do by doing this?"

"But they obviously can't bear it, otherwise the military's majesty and face will be swept away." Reid analyzed, "I think they must be planning to attack civilians and students by killing these innocent people. Goofy, go ahead..."

"Yes, they can't kill Gao Fei, but they can kill the people around Gao Fei, and then they will push these sins on Gao Fei's body, claiming that it is because of Gao Fei's betrayal. Caused the death of innocent citizens." Agent Hill said with a sneer.

Gao Fei looked back at Gordon: "How is the situation at the Super Academy?"

Gordon said: "The students are fighting to the death, and the military will not be able to take advantage of it in a short time."

Gao Fei clenched his fists and asked Ultron, "Ultron, if you do it now, how long will you be able to take over this country?"

"Before dawn tomorrow." Ultron replied confidently, "Give me one night is enough, Dad."

"Very good." Goofy nodded with satisfaction and decided, "Then let's do it now, I've had enough of these stupid guys, take their place immediately and give them the end they deserve."

"Are you sure you want to do this? Goofy."

At this moment, Steve walked up to Goofy, patted him on the shoulder and asked.

"I'm sure, Steve." Goofy said, "I have no other choice."

After all, he turned to Gordon and said, "Gordon, take me back to the Super Academy, I'm going to protect my students."

"Yes, officer." Gordon nodded, pulling Goofy's arm to perform teleportation.


at this time.

Superpower Academy on the outskirts of Queens, New York.

The initiator of ATCU, the senior veteran of Hydra, Baron Strucker's classmate at Hydra Academy, and Whitehall's beloved disciple-General Catherine Hale led a well-equipped special operations force to bring the Super Academy The group was surrounded.

She took the binoculars to observe the situation in the super academy, and at the same time was careful to guard against Goofy's sudden attack, but she was very confident in her strategic deployment, she believed that Goofy would definitely be defeated by her plan.

"The mutant who can control metal hasn't recovered, right? Price's rubber bullet must have caused him a lot of pain." Hale asked in a low voice.

"Yes, sir." A middle-aged officer next to him nodded. "Eric's combat effectiveness was greatly reduced after being hit by a rubber bullet. He is not our opponent."

"Then who do we need to watch out for now?" Hale asked.

"The twins, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch..." the officer replied.

"They..." Hale nodded.

She is very familiar with the twins, because the person who created them is her old classmate, Baron Strucker.

At the time, General Hale and Baron Strucker were the top freshmen in that class of Hydra Academy, and their grades were comparable.

In fact, General Hale's overall strength is even better than that of Strucker, but unfortunately, because of his gender, Strucker has an advantage in the final selection and has become the helm of a new generation of Hydra.

Now that Baron Strucker has died at the hands of Eric, General Hale has naturally become the master of Hydra.

"I know all the shortcomings of these two people, and it is not difficult to deal with them." General Hale said with a sneer, "Now rush into the school for me, and I will arrest all these disobedient little brats for experiments!"


The soldiers got the order and launched an assault on the Super Academy.

The gate of the Super Academy, which had already been smashed, was forcibly opened again, and General Hale's army marched forward mightily.

"They rushed in!"

In the Super Academy, Charles Xavier shouted nervously.

At this time, all the students of the college gathered on the roof of the teaching building, waiting to resist the invasion of the army.

"Stop them! Quick!" Harry Osborn, the little green goblin, reminded loudly, overlooking the situation in the air.

"I'm going to call Carrie, we need her support, who will notify Principal Goofy?" Peter Parker said while pulling out his cell phone.

"Gordon seems to have gone to see Principal Goofy." Inhuman Johnson replied loudly, "As soon as the military person appeared, I notified the Super Patrol."

"I'm going to give them some color to see!"

"Quicksilver" Pietro Maximov said in a deep voice, then turned into a silver lightning and charged towards the soldiers.


Quicksilver rushed out of the school gate like lightning, all the way to General Hale to attack.

The substitute teacher Raytheon once told the students in class that the thief is the first to catch the king.

Entanglement with soldiers is just a waste of time, killing the leader of the enemy army directly can end the war!

However, just when Kuaiyin's speed increased faster than the speed of sound, a sound wave suddenly hit him.


Kuaiyin's body encountered a strong resistance in an instant, as if it directly hit the wall. This huge impact directly overturned him to the ground, causing him to faint on the spot!

"Humph..." General Hale smiled disdainfully, "Is this the so-called Quicksilver?"

General Hale had already found a way to deal with Quicksilver from Baron Strucker's information, and he figured out a way to counteract him as early as when Baron Straker created Quicksilver.

When an object reaches the speed of sound, there will be a strong resistance to attenuate the speed of the object, a phenomenon known as the "sound barrier";

When the speed breaks through the sound barrier, due to the severe compression of the air by the object itself, it cannot spread rapidly, and it gradually accumulates on the windward side of the object and finally forms a shock surface. The acoustic energy is highly concentrated and an explosion occurs, which is called a "sonic boom".

General Hale's equipment successfully used Quicksilver's sonic boom to release a similar wave band of sonic oscillations to generate resonance, thus directly using the shock surface to knock down Quicksilver.

This piece of equipment can be said to be a tailor-made cage for Kuaiyin. The faster Kuaiyin runs, the more miserable it will crash.

"What's wrong with my Scud? Why didn't you run?" General Hale looked at Kuaiyin who had fainted on the ground, with a cruel smile on his The officer next to him asked: "I want to What to do with this guy, sir?"

Hale thought for a while: "Well... I originally wanted to take him back for experiments. But I thought about it again, and he doesn't seem to have much to study, so let's just kill him."

"Understood." The officer sneered and raised the rifle in his hand.

Seeing this scene in the distance, Wanda's eyes turned red.

"No! Pietro! Pietro! Wake up!"

Unfortunately, Wanda couldn't wake Pietro at all, and the officer's rifle was already firing.


The bullet was aimed at Kuaiyin's chest and shot out, and this shot was enough for Kuaiyin to take the lunch.


Wanda roared hoarsely, the power of chaos surging out of his body.

But right now.

The space in front of him was suddenly torn apart, and Gordon rushed back to New York from Chicago with Goofy teleportation.

At the same time, Gao Fei paused the time using the traveler template, and walked towards the bullets shot towards Quicksilver like a stroll.

"I won't let you take the lunch this time, kid." Gao Fei said with a smile, "Your appearance time is too short, just live a few more episodes."


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