American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 560: spying on eagle

In the chatter of the crowd, Goofy has roughly grasped the current situation. The Guardians of the Galaxy left the earth after defeating Ronan last time, and wandered in the universe for an adventure. In the process, they met Drax the Destroyer. and invited him to join.

Later, the Guardians of the Galaxy made a deal with the Supreme Stars, but they turned against each other when the deal was about to end. While the Supreme Stars' fleet was chasing the Guardians of the Galaxy, Star-Lord's father, Egg, suddenly shot to save them.

The mantis girl with two tentacles on her head is Egg's personal maid, and she is not currently a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

After Egg and the father and son of Star-Lord reunited, the first request made by Star-Lord was that they hoped that the father and son would return to Earth together to visit the grave of his deceased mother, which was also the only condition that Star-Lord had to forgive Egg.

In order to get his son's forgiveness, Egg accepted the proposal without hesitation, so the Guardians of the Galaxy temporarily diverted and headed all the way to Earth.

After figuring out what these people thought, Gao Fei asked straight to the point: "Tell me about your next plans, so that I can arrange for you to be a tour guide on Earth."

"Guide" is just a euphemism for Gao Fei, in fact he needs to monitor these people in real time.

Gao Fei, the friends of the Guardians of the Galaxy, is reassuring enough, even if they are all unreliable teasers and crazy, but at least their nature is not bad, plus they have already accepted Raven when they came to Earth last time. Re-education at Kraft Prison, so they shouldn't wreak havoc on Earth.

Even if you accidentally get into trouble, it is enough to have Ultron to deal with it.

All Goofy is really worried about is Egg, who is as deadly to Earth as the future Dormammu and Thanos.

These heartless guys from the Guardians of the Galaxy couldn't hear Goofy's intentions, and thought that Goofy was enthusiastically doing the landlord's friendship.

Star-Lord pointed to Gamora: "She's probably going to stay at Ravencraft Prison to see her sister Blue, I really don't understand why she keeps thinking about killing her with her half-brother. My sister misses so much..."

"I and Igo went back to my hometown to visit my mother, this was our original plan... Oh, yes, Mantis sister also went with us..."

"As for Groot, Rockets and Drax..."

Star-Lord looked back at them and asked, "Where are you going?"

Obviously, these people did not negotiate their actions before arriving on Earth.

Rocket thought for a while: "We... First of all, we will definitely not go to Ravencraft Prison. I have no feelings for that ghost place."

Groot said: "I am Groot (to meet Star Lord's mother)?"

Rocket frowned and said: "Oh, Groot, you may have made a mistake, Star-Lord's mother is dead, they are not really going to see the poor lady, they are going to see a tombstone, a Little slate, understand?"

Groot spread his hands: "I'm Groot (sounds a bit boring)."

"Yes, Groot! You're right!" the raccoon nodded. "But I'd rather visit a slate in the cemetery than visit Ravencraft Prison!"

Destroyer Drax expressed his opinion at this time: "I think that since we have come to Earth, we should visit Quill's mother. This is respect for him and for the dead..."

"Like Quill, I lost my mother at a very young age, I can understand his bereavement and I miss my mother dearly."

Peter Quill was a little moved by what the big gray man said. He patted Drax on the shoulder and said, "Thank you, Drax, thank you for your thoughtfulness."

Rocket frowned dejectedly and said, "Okay, okay, since that's the case, then we'll follow you to pay homage to your mother."

After listening to the intentions of the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Goofy probably has his own plan.

The sisters Gamora and Nebula are not very destructive, and even if Gamora takes care of Nebula, it is impossible for Gamora to try to save people from prison.

The only one who really needs to take care of is Egg, and Goofy has to send someone to watch over Egg.

"Since everyone has arrived on Earth, then you are the guests. It's getting late today. I'll arrange a place for you first. Let's eat something, take a hot bath, and relax."

Goofy Road,

"I'll start arranging your trips tomorrow morning - make an appointment for Gamora to visit Nebula and send a transfer to take the others to Quill's hometown, how about that?"

Goofy's ideas can deceive Star-Lord and Rocket, but they can't deceive the wily Egg. He has seen from the beginning that Goofy has doubts about him, and now Goofy's behavior makes him even more sure of his own. judged.

But Goofy's doubts are indeed correct. Egg came to Earth with bad intentions. Because of this, he can't let Goofy monitor himself.

"Oh, Goofy, thanks for your enthusiasm, but I don't want to cause you any more trouble."

Egg put on a kind smile and said,

"Although I haven't been to Earth for a long time, I think I still remember the road here. The journey to visit my deceased wife is long and boring. I don't think I will bother you, we can go by ourselves."

When Egg said so, Star-Lord also became polite.

"Yes, Gao Fei, you can do your own thing, we can go by ourselves."

But Gao Fei insisted on accompanying him.

"This is not just a polite gesture, in fact the earth has changed a lot during this time, neither New York nor your hometown is what it was a few months ago, so please allow me to accompany you Go, otherwise inconvenient things may happen."

Since it is said that for this sake, Egg and Star-Lord naturally have no choice but to refuse.

Although Egg was helpless in his heart, there was a grateful smile on his face.

"If that's the case, then I'll trouble you."

Gao Fei smiled lightly: "Oh, it's not troublesome."


That night, Goofy found a decent home for the Guardians of the Galaxy and Egg, which of course Tony Stark helped provide.

Tony invited them to live in New York's most prosperous Uptown, where you can see half of New York City at night from the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

Star Lord and the others are of course satisfied with such a luxurious residence, but Egg's mind is not on this. He has a grander plan, which is related to the entire earth.

Goofy is the same as Egg, and he has a lot of thoughts that night, but Egg is planning how to get benefits from the earth, while Goofy is planning how to stop Egg.

After settling these alien guests, Goofy held an emergency meeting. In addition to Tony, Ultron and the Super Patrol on the scene, Goofy also invited Reed over.

In the office on the top floor of the Stark Building, Reed asked worriedly: "Goofy, what happened? Is this related to that powerful alien? I haven't seen you so nervous for a long time..."

Tony also nodded and said: "Yes, since you didn't let me go home to sleep, I realized that things were serious, and you called so many people to the scene... God, is that alien old man Egg planning to destroy the earth? "

"I think about the same." Goofy nodded. "That guy made me shudder."

"It's not that exaggerated." Johnny was in a good mood, and said with a smile, "I think the white-bearded old man is very kind."

"We've seen a lot of nice people, Johnny," Steve said seriously, "but these nice people can stab you hard in the backhand."

"Yes." Reed also agreed, "Ego's visit is already a great threat to the earth. After all, he is too powerful. Even if he is still friendly to us, we cannot Not getting ready in advance…”

"But how do we prepare?" said Dr. Banner worriedly. "Do we need to gather the most powerful superheroes on earth first, just like we did against the dark elves and the Kree last time? Isn't that the case? Will it arouse Egg's suspicion, or even cause unnecessary conflict?"

"I think Dr. Banner is right." Skye agreed. "Igo is not showing hostility at present. If we act too aggressively, it will cause unnecessary contradictions..."

Gao Fei shook his head and said, "But If we wait until Egg shows hostility and then take temporary measures, we won't have a chance to stop him, right?"

Goofy is different from others, because of the traveler, Goofy knows Eggo's true face.

Therefore, Gao Fei knew that he was a great hidden danger to the earth, and he had to guard against it in advance.

But the others don't know this, and Goofy has to figure out a way to convince them.

Fortunately, Goofy also has the ability to travel freely between the past, present and future.

"Remember my abilities? I can freely roam the timeline..."

"The reason why I told everyone to guard against Egg is because I saw him in the future..."

"I saw the devastation he caused to the Earth, and what he really was..."

"Believe me, we must stop him now, or the earth will face a catastrophe."

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