American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 574: Resource issues

Tony Stark was quick to respond and seized responsibility after Goofy came up with his plan.

He actually wanted to build a galactic fleet a long time ago, but unfortunately the situation at the time did not allow him to do so.

Not to mention the Galactic Fleet, he created an Iron Man suit and was entangled by the military and parliament. Domestic politicians forced him to release the Iron Man suit technology, while foreign organizations condemned Iron Man as right Great threat to peace...

Although the opening of the Age of Ultron has cleared domestic obstacles for Tony Stark, international problems still exist.

"We must keep this plan confidential, and we must be more cautious about the study of the Dark Star. Now people all over the world know that we have a space warship hidden in the earth's orbit, which is not a good thing." Goofy said.

"Don't worry, I understand." Tony said, "I have learned a lot from the Iron Man suit, and I won't repeat the same mistakes this time."

Reid next to him asked weakly: "Cough, Tony, are you sure you are in charge of this matter? If you feel embarrassed...that...I can take care of it for you."

Tony smiled at Reed with a victorious smile: "Sorry, Reed, I took on this task before you. I am the person in charge of building the Galactic Fleet. You'd better be my deputy!"

Reed shrugged helplessly: "Okay then..."


Tony's efficiency is very high. After three days, he has sorted out the structure diagrams of the Dark Star and the previous dark elf space battleships. Next, Tony plans to start with the power units of these battleships and fuse the two battleships into one. A new battleship.

But in the process, Tony discovered a serious problem - most of the metals on the earth currently perform slightly poorly in the experiment, and it is difficult to meet Tony's expected requirements.

Some metals cannot withstand the impact of a new system that is stronger than the existing power system. The powerful power completely disintegrates the parts of the battleship before propelling the battleship; some metals are strong enough, but not tough enough to resist the fuel of the battleship. Sustained high temperature and explosive impact, but cannot be arbitrarily shaped into different shapes...

The results of the successive experiments have disappointed Tony Stark one after another. Tony didn't have such a headache when he was looking for the palladium element to replace the metal in the Ark reactor.

However, when he thought of palladium as a substitute for metal, a very good choice flashed in Tony's mind - vibranium.

This metal is so tough and strong that it actually fuses with carbon to form the strongest alloy known on earth, Edman's alloy.

If a warship can be built with vibration gold, then the combat effectiveness of this warship will be very good.

Although at first it sounds like it is a fantasy to use vibranium to build a huge spaceship, Tony thought he was fanciful at first, but after thinking about it carefully - Ultron can use vibranium to build his own body , which shows that the vibranium resources on the earth are not so scarce.

But having said that, Tony still doesn't know where to mine vibranium for a short time, and this difficulty has become the number one problem that hinders the pace of his progress.

Tony, who was troubled by resources, made an appointment with Gao Fei that afternoon. For him, "finding Gao Fei" has become a matter of course.

at dusk.

Tony and Goofy meet at Canassy's villa.

Tony's face was sad, obviously he was made a little big by Zhenjin.

"The progress of the battleship's research and development has been hindered?"

Goofy could tell from Tony's expression that he was in trouble, his bushy eyebrows were almost frowning.

However, Tony, who is quite self-respecting, did not admit it, and said bitingly: "Blocked? Just kidding, no difficulty can stop my research and development process, I can overcome all difficulties..."

"I have thoroughly studied the Kree Dark Star battleship and the Dark Elf battleship now, and I know the operation steps of each part of these two battleships..."

"Next, I will combine these two alien technologies to create an invincible battleship that exceeds the destructive power of any of their warships. I already have the prototype of this warship in my mind, really, I don't Lie to you…"

"The only small, inconspicuous problem - the materials to build the battleship."

Although Tony had been laying the groundwork for a long time, he finally explained the problem. The material for building a battleship is a scarce item, and it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Gao Fei is not surprised by this problem. After all, there is no problem with the material materials on the earth to achieve aerospace, but it is still difficult to withstand frequent transitions like a spacecraft, or even fight directly in space.

And seeing Gao Fei's "I already knew" smile, Tony felt very uncomfortable.

"But it's not a big deal, I've found the right material..."

Tony forced himself to save face,

"That's vibranium, and I need a lot of vibranium."

"A lot of vibranium..." Gao Fei deliberately put on an embarrassed look and said, "This is not a small problem."

"Don't scare me, Goofy." Tony saw through Goofy's disguise at a glance and said, "Zhenjin is not as scarce as we think, right? Your robot girl Ultron found her body directly last time to build her body. A black businessman bought a lot of vibranium... I know that black businessman, he also took over my arms deal before, Ulysses Crow, right? It seems to be the name, I think that if you find him, you can find the vibranium …”

Tony Stark's series of reasoning can be said to be well-founded, and Goofy has to admire him.

"That's right, Tony, and your reasoning is absolutely right. Since you know Ulysses Crow is the key to finding the vibranium, why don't you just go to him? Why do you come to me instead? ?" Gao Fei asked with a smile.

Tony was not afraid of Gao Fei's rhetorical question, and replied calmly: "First of all, Ulysses Crow's channel is not a formal channel, and he is not trustworthy. Small batches can be purchased from him, but A large amount of material resources must not be traded with him..."

"Secondly, Ulysses Crow is just a smuggler (and) private (harmonious) dealer. I don't think he may be able to supply us with vibration gold in bulk..."

"Third, when Ultron bought Zhenjin from him before, I paid attention to the price. If we buy Zhenjin from him at this price, I think our treasury will be emptied when half of the battleship is built. ."

Goofy nodded lightly, Tony Stark is indeed a thoughtful person.

" came to me?" Gao Fei asked with a smile.

"Yes." Tony did not hide his intentions, "I think you must know the distribution of vibrating gold resources on the earth, and also know where we should go to mine this important resource... And Ultron, she must have long ago Having obtained this information, after all, she can easily reach anywhere in the world where there is an internet connection."

"That's it." Gao Fei nodded, "Your guess is correct."

"Vibranium is a metal from outer It hit the African continent in the form of a meteorite a long time ago, and has been buried since then..."

"Later, several African tribes discovered this meteorite by accident and discovered the metal in it. They mined and used vibranium to form an advanced country and even breed a unique civilization..."

"This mysterious country is called Wakanda."

Gao Fei said slowly.

However, Tony Stark, who heard the whole thing, expressed his disbelief.

"Wakanda? You mean... the Wakanda in Africa?"

"Impossible? It's obviously just a third world country, and it receives hundreds of millions of international aid every year... They have a lot of vibration gold?"

Gao Fei nodded and said: "Yes, some countries are good at pretending to be poor and selling out, but they do hold a lot of vibrating gold resources, and they are also the only vibrating gold resources in the world."

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