American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 612: Robot Appears

Seeing Goofy twisting Fury's neck with a thunderous momentum, everyone on the scene was shocked.

Even Natasha didn't think that Gao Fei said he would do it, and directly killed the fake S.H.I.E.L.D. director.

Because even if this "Nick Fury" is fake, he at least has a certain role. As long as he is alive, everyone can find out useful information from his mouth and find out where the real Nick Fury is now.

But Goofy directly sentenced the fake Nick Fury to death.

"Goofy!" Agent Hill shouted nervously, "you should have left him alive, he knows..."

However, before Agent Hill finished speaking, the head of Fury, who fell to the ground, suddenly made a heavy sound.


This dull sound is not the same as the sound of a human head landing. Obviously, this "Nick Fury" has a heavier head, and as his neck breaks, some metal parts bounce out of his body.


These metal parts run around like naughty children, and at the same time once again shocked everyone on the scene.

"This is..." Natasha looked up at the broken mark on Fury's neck in surprise, and saw that his broken neck was full of circuits, screws, chips and bearings...

At the same time, the head of "Nick Fury" who rolled to the ground was still talking, but the content of what he said became simple and repeated.

"You don't have the...right to lynch me..."

"You don't have the...right to lynch me..."

"You didn't treat me..."

"He's a robot?!" Hawkeye was horrified. "But he's too realistic! How long have we been together? I can't tell he's a robot at all!"

Natasha trusted Hawkeye's eyesight very much and nodded, "If even Clint can't recognize that he is a robot, then this robot is really a fake."

Steve put on a look of sudden realization: "No wonder everyone said that Fury's behavior during this period was too abnormal. It turns out that this guy is not Fury at all, but an artificial intelligence robot..."

Speaking of this, Agent Hill suddenly shuddered, looked up at Gao Fei and said, "Evil Knight! What the Ghost Rider heard, those words from other dimensions!"

"What? Ghost Rider?" Natasha looked at Agent Hill with a bewildered expression, "Isn't he a character from supernatural stories more than ten years ago? Riding a motorcycle, it is said that he betrayed his own Soul, can burn a city with hellfire or something..."

"No, in fact, the Ghost Rider really exists, and our S.H.I.E.L.D. once rescued a Ghost Rider." Agent Hill said, "But he is different from the one you described, you describe Johnny Blazer, the guy we have contact with S.H.I.E.L.D. is Robbie Reyes."

Then she turned to Gao Fei and said again: "Goofy, Robbie didn't say that he heard voices from other dimensions telling him that someone stole the "Dark God Book" and used the Dark God Book to create an artificial intelligence robot, This AI robot will destroy the world..."

"He always thought that this world-destroying artificial intelligence robot was Ultron, but he was wrong. This robot is not Ultron, but Nick Fury in front of us!"

Goofy picked up Nick Fury's mechanical head from the ground, nodded and said, "That's right, that's why I screwed his head off, Robbie has always been wrong, Ultron was not created with "Dark God Book" The robot, Nick Fury."

"You've already seen this?" Natasha asked, raising her eyebrows at Goofy, "so you decided to screw his head off in the first place?"

"Yes." Gao Fei laughed, "No one can maintain the same frequency of breathing when I am near, especially when I am hostile to this person..."

"Natasha, after I got close to you, your breathing rate tripled."

"Hawkeye was a little calmer, but his breathing rate also nearly tripled."

"But Fury, the offender I'm here to arrest this time, Fury, after being approached by me, is still breathing at a constant rate... This is weird, unless he's an emotionless robot, and his breathing is just to imitate a human being. look."

Gao Fei slowly revealed the truth, and the others suddenly realized.

"Where is the real Fury?" Natasha boldly leaned over and glanced at Fury's head in Goofy's hand, and asked in a low voice.

"You have to ask it." Goofy shook the head in his hand, "He must have locked up Fury, or simply killed the real Fury, in short, if we extract its memory chip, we will You will get a lot of useful information.”

Hearing this, Agent Hill silently made a prayer action.

"Please, Fury, you must not die."


Four hours later.

Inside a secret S.H.I.E.L.D. base in North America.

A disgraced Nick Fury is rescued from a closed arsenal.

Due to the lack of sufficient nutritional intake for a long time, Nick Fury was already thin and skinny at this time. After being taken out of the arsenal by Goofy, Fury could hardly even stand.

"Fury!" Agent Hill gently supported and handed over a bottle of light salt water, "Come on, add some water first."

"Mum Zefak..." Fury took a few sips of water frantically and turned back to Hill, "Thank goodness, you finally found me, what's up with that **** impostor now? What is the origin of that guy? He looks like Just like me, damn, what the **** is going on?"

"That's an artificial intelligence robot, Fury." Agent Hill whispered, "He controlled S.H.I.E.L.D. and instigated a war between Wakanda and Ultron."

"What?" Fury's eyes widened, "Such a realistic artificial intelligence robot?!"

Then he asked, "What happened next?"

"Later I felt something was wrong, so I went to Goofy for help," Hill said, "After it was confirmed that he instigated the war between Wakanda and Ultron, Goofy went directly to S.H.I.E.L.D. Arrested him and screwed his head on the spot..."

"What?!" Fury felt a cold sweat on his back.

Why did Goofy get a chill in his own neck, even though it was the head of an artificially intelligent robot that impersonated him?

"You screwed off stand-in robot's head?" Fury looked back at Goofy timidly and asked in a low voice.

"That's it." Gao Fei nodded with a smile, "But don't worry, I knew he was a fake before I screwed his head off."


Hearing this, Fury couldn't help swallowing a large saliva.

Not only did he not feel comforted, but he was even more frightened...

It seems that it is better not to provoke Gao Fei in the future...


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