American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 674: Odin VS Carrie!

Seeing that Odin drew his gun as soon as he saw Carrie, and the Gungnir in his hand had condensed an energy beam, Goofy was anxious on the spot.

This is not because Dad is worried about his daughter. After all, Goofy still has confidence in Carrie. Even Odin in his heyday may not be able to make Carrie suffer, not to mention that Odin is already old.

What Gao Fei is worried about is his house. The villa in Canassi cost Gao Fei a lot of hard work. If Odin, the father of the gods, really gets the shot, the Gao Fei family will have to go tonight. Sleeping on the street is not allowed.

So before Odin started, Goofy drew a circle of light under Odin's feet with a dangling ring at the speed of light.

"Send you a tour first!"

The suspension ring opened instantly, and the world on the other side was the Sahara Desert.

No matter how temperamental Odin is or how perverted the destructive power of Eternal Gun Gungnir is, as long as you have not released enough energy to destroy the earth, the Sahara Desert is the best choice for you to vent your emotions and show your strength. .


Odin, who was not very clear, suddenly felt the weightlessness of the earth. He was banished to the Sahara Desert by Gao Fei, and the energy ray released by Gungnir in his hand directly blew up the opposite dune. .

After releasing the ultimate move, Odin looked at the environment in front of him with a dazed expression.

"Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?"

The aperture above his head slowly closed, and Odin began to look at the vast desert and doubt life.

at the same time.

Goofy's home in Carnasse, Brooklyn.

Carrie stared blankly at the place where Odin had disappeared, and asked with a frown, "Dad, does Grandpa Odin often get windy like this?"

"Yes." Gao Fei nodded. "After he came to New York, he had a fight with me outside the nursing home in Manhattan, and almost destroyed an office building... I didn't expect him to fall ill so soon, and almost killed us. The house was smashed."

Carrie looked relaxed: "It doesn't matter, Dad, if Grandpa Odin's energy is released, I will swallow it all for him!"

"That's right," Goofy said with a smile. "You can just limit his destructive power."

Having said that, Gao Fei suddenly realized that Carrie hadn't found a sparring partner of the same level for a long time.

Those aliens and mutants in the Super Academy are too weak for Carrie, and the current hardware facilities do not allow Carrie to fight with her hands and feet. Speaking of which, the last one can make Carrie feel oppressive. The guy is still Star-Lord's father, Egg, but Carrie happens to be Egg's natural enemy because of the racial rivalry, so this battle is actually a one-sided crush.

The current Odin is just right to be Carrie's sparring partner. The father of the gods is proficient in fighting, magic, energy emission and other combat skills, and has millions of years of combat experience. Presumably if you fight Odin, Carrie will Li can benefit a lot.

"By the way, Carrie, do you want to learn from Grandpa Odin?" Goofy asked with a smile.

"Discussion?" Carrie looked vigilant. "Dad, are you sure it's just competition? After all, Grandpa Odin looked at me with hatred in his eyes, as if he wanted to kill me on the spot."

"That's because he's so confused and thinks you're a bad planet-devourer who wants to devour the Nine Realms." Goofy said, "But you're a good person, aren't you?"

Carrie still wasn't fooled: "But Grandpa Odin is so confused, he can't tell if I'm a good man, can't he?"


Gao Fei was speechless, he found that his little girl was more and more difficult to fool,

"Carrie, you have to have confidence in yourself. Although Odin is very powerful, he may not be able to defeat you. Besides, he can better hone your combat effectiveness by going all out to make a move..."

"As a human being, you must have some self-motivation, you know?"

Under Gao Fei's persuasion (hu) to say (you), Carrie finally obeyed Gao Fei's advice.

"Well, then I'll go and learn from Grandpa Odin." Carrie shook her fist and said, "But let me explain first, I can't guarantee that I won't hurt him."

"Don't worry." Gao Fei said with a smile, "Odin is also the guardian of the Nine Realms, and it's not that easy to hurt him."

After finishing speaking, Goofy opened the suspension ring again and teleported Carrie to the Sahara Desert where Odin was located. After that, he instructed Skye: "Skye, I'll follow along and have a look. You can eat dinner yourself."

"Okay, pay attention to safety." Skye said goodbye with a smile, watching Goofy and Carrie get into the halo of space magic.

The Sahara Desert stretches as far as the eye can see, with only yellow sand grains everywhere.

Odin has been here for more than five minutes, and he still hasn't figured out why he's here.

Suddenly the aperture above her head opened, and a graceful young girl jumped down from the aperture.

"There are enemies!!"

Odin raised the spear of eternity vigilantly and slid to avoid the dangerous area.

At this time, Carrie and Goofy appeared in front of Odin one after another, father and daughter standing side by side.

"Hey Odin, do you remember what just happened?" Goofy asked, squinting.

Odin frowned and thought carefully, but it seemed that the memory loading failed, but this did not affect the continued development of the plot. He looked up to see Carrie, and said the same lines again.

"Huh?! Planet Devourer?! Why are you here? Could it be that you want to devour the Nine Realms?"

"My guardian of the nine realms, the father of the gods, and the king of Asgard, Odin, swear to defend the peace of the nine realms to the death!!"

"I will never allow you to devour the Nine Realms!"

Carrie had a black line on her face: "If I want to devour the Nine Realms, why don't I just devour it in space? Why go to the Sahara Desert to devour it? What? Do you want to chew it slowly?"

It's a pity that Odin was not listening to Carrie's explanation at all, and Gungnir in his hand began to release energy towards Carrie.


Carrie wasn't afraid at all, she opened her mouth to devour.

The rainbow-like energy beam released by Gungnir was directly swallowed by Carrie, without leaking at all.

"Damn, this ancient race, this powerful invader! Her devouring ability is so powerful that she can even directly swallow the energy I release!"

Odin was able to explain while fighting, but he seemed quite calm.

The two were deadlocked for almost a few minutes, and Odin finally realized that releasing energy through Gungnir was almost equivalent to charging Carrie. He quickly put away his spear and turned to use combat tactics to pounce on Carrie.

"Alien, let's be slaughtered!"

Carrie just had a full The crimson face is full of girly feeling.

"I won't!!"

The white pink fist smashed towards Odin with rainbow light, almost hitting Odin's thick chest. Thanks to Odin's quick response, he could barely escape.

However, Odin's fighting skills are quite powerful, and even Thor can only be considered to have obtained 70% of Odin's true biography. He cleverly got close to Carrie, and then used the spear to sweep and hit Carrie's back.

"Hmm! Smelly old man!" Carrie fumed with anger, turned around and released her energy at Odin.

"Oh!" Odin's protective shield automatically awakened to resist Carrie's impact, but the effect was not so good.

Carrie's punches fused her own energy with the energy Odin had just released, and the two energies combined actually shattered the protective cover.

The old man was directly knocked down by Carrie, and his body flew upside down like a kite with a broken string...

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