Catch the curses of the inhabitants.

Above the sky, inside an Apache helicopter gunship.

A man with gray hair and beard, a typical Angsa look, a resolute face, and the rank of general in his military uniform, looked coldly at the green giant who was surrounded by the army below.

His name was Thaddeus S. E. Ross is the current Bald Eagle Air Force General!

It's much more advanced than the previous Major General Smith!

"Hulk !!".

Looking at the Hulk Hulk in front of him, General Ross had excitement in his cold eyes.

From San Francisco to New York, he finally caught up with the Hulk!

Presumably, as long as the other party is captured, the secrets of the other party are studied, and the strength of the other party is extracted, then the entire US military will benefit immensely!

And his name will be on a par with Douglas MacArthur, Eisenhower, George Patton, etc.!


Seeing that the Hulk had been surrounded, the adjutant looked at General Ross.


General Ross gave the order mercilessly.

Although the Hulk is still alive, it is more useful, but the current situation is obviously impossible to capture alive!


The adjutant passed General Ross's orders.

At the same time, tanks, helicopter gunships, and the guns of thousands of soldiers began to gather fire against the huge green figure!

"Hulk, hate!".

Looking at the cannonballs that stained the sky red, Hulk's eyes lit up with rage.

He's already fled all the way aggrieved!

Along the way, he was bombarded with rockets, machine-gunned, and taken directly into the air by fighter jets and almost froze to death!

Then he fell from a height of tens of thousands of meters into the sea, and finally escaped to the city.

However, they are faced with eyes that are like looking at monsters and deformities!

The grievances I have suffered along the way finally can't bear it anymore at this moment, and they all broke out!

"Hulk, calm down!".

Dr. Banner in his body also tried to convince Hulk.

"Hulk !!".

But Hulk roared angrily, ignored Dr. Banner, and was completely attacked!

In the face of artillery fire, his huge body was extremely flexible, and he came to the surrounding soldiers with a jump.


With a squat, he smashed a tank, and Hulk swept the two soldiers in front of him away.

"Look at me!".

And an Apache has flown not far from the Hulk!

The driver is extremely excited, and he feels that he has become a big hero to solve the monster!

He quickly pressed the weapon launch switch in front of him.


Two famous Hellfire missiles shoot at the Hulk.

But Hulk stretched out his hand and actually grabbed the two missiles directly in the palm of his hand!

"Wardfa, he actually pinched my Hellfire!?".

The driver's eyes widened.

But before he could react, Hulk threw back two Hellfire missiles like baseballs.

The two Apache were suddenly enveloped in flames and fell weakly towards the ground.

Before you know it, the originally bustling streets have become shattered.

Smoke erupted everywhere, and people fled in panic.

The corpses of the soldiers were strewn all over the ground, and thick black smoke rose from the bones of tanks and helicopter gunships.

As the army attacked, Hulk, who felt the pain, became more and more angry, and the strength that erupted became stronger and stronger, and the whole person also lost his mind and began large-scale destruction!

Now both the army hostile to him and the ordinary people who are afraid to flee have been included in his target.


"Come here, baby, don't be afraid, Daddy will protect you!Wait, where's your mother?".

"Who's going to help me!" My daughter's wheelchair is stuck in the door frame and can't get out!".

People panicked and bewildered in the face of this sudden disaster.

"Director, a monster has been detected in the Manhattan area!".


S.H.I.E.L.D. three-curved wing headquarters building.

Nick Fury received new information.

Looking at the giant Hulk jumping up and down in the picture, Nick Fury was Fack out at that time.

"What's going on with this army!

They hadn't settled accounts with those mutants a few years ago, and now they've created this monster again!

Nick Fury gritted his teeth in anger.

S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Bald Eagle War have always been at odds with each other.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. is nominally a direct agency of the United Nations, its main scope of activities is in the Bald Eagle Country and the countries and regions that the Bald Eagle Country radiates.

And these countries and regions also have a powerful force interfering!

That's the Bald Eagle Army!

Unlike S.H.I.E.L.D., the Bald Eagle Army aims to maintain world peace.

They are just arching fires and robbing all over the world under the slogan of maintaining world peace.

This has always been a bit of a problem with S.H.I.E.L.D.!

But the point is

There are a lot of agents in S.H.I.E.L.D., who came out of the army!

This also led to the hostility and entanglement of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Bald Eagle Army, as well as collusion of interests.

After the Bald Eagle military department got into an accident, most of the time, it was S.H.I.E.L.D. to wipe the ass!

Although Nick Fury was dissatisfied, he quickly called Natasha:

"Natasha, you're coming to life!".

Seeing that the army could not control the Hulk, for the safety of Manhattan, Nick Fury had no choice but to dispatch Kamen Rider.

(Ask for flowers!Ask for comments, thank you!)).

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