American Comic World of Martial Artists

Chapter 521 The snatch is successful!

devour the world.

Cave space, inside the Star Tower.

Luo Hua, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes slowly, his pupils shone with golden light, and a mysterious air flow surrounded the light, which seemed to spread out from the pupils at any time.

"Every time the strength of the soul increases, it brings about some changes. I'm afraid that the specialness of my soul is not just as simple as luck." Muttering to himself, Luo Hua stood up, shaking his head to suppress the doubts in his heart, seeing the blue air flow It is about to disappear completely, now is not the time to trace the source of soul consciousness.


Dodged to the outside of the Star Tower.

Both Juxue and Luo Feng sat cross-legged quietly.

"The mental state is good." Sensing Luo Hua's breath, Juxue opened his eyes and grinned.

Luo Feng looked at the blue stone bead with only a trace of blue air, and couldn't help but feel worried. His brother's strength was almost at the bottom among the eight snatchers, and his chances of winning were very small, and the fight between them would be fierce during the snatching, especially In the case that everyone has Xeon Xunbao, Luo Hua is likely to be injured.

With a wave of his hand.

The Star Tower shrank rapidly and floated in the palm of the hand.

Luo Feng handed it to Luo Hua, "If you don't have a chance, try to stay in the Star Tower as much as you can, and focus on your own safety."

"Luo Hua, although the ancient inheritance is important, you are even more important." The giant ax looked serious, and at the same time handed the Xeon Xeon to Luo Hua, "There is still some time left, you hurry up and familiarize yourself with this treasure."

"Yes, the creator of the giant axe." Luo Hua nodded.

At this moment, the other seven groups including the God-eye clan and the skeletal clan also handed over all the most powerful treasures to the snatchers, and then all the strongest in the universe stared at the bluestone beads on the small island in the middle of the ice-fire lake.

They may not care about a palace-like Xeon Treasure, but a complete ancient inheritance is enough to make them desperate.


Seven hours later.

The atmosphere in the cave space became extremely tense. The eight bluestone seal recipients, including Luo Hua, all held Xeons and treasures, staring at the blue airflow on the bluestone beads.

At this time, no one rushed over first.


At the moment when the cyan air flow disappeared, powerful breaths burst out one after another.

The Lord of Bone and Fire, the Lord of Bee Stone, and the Lord of Charu all burned their divine power, controlling the most powerful palace-like treasures and rushing towards the island.

Luo Hua was no exception, wrapped in the Star Tower with divine power, he rushed over.

The distance of tens of billions of kilometers is almost in the blink of an eye.

For a while, the island was filled with various types of Xeons and treasures. This time the bluestone beads were snatched, and the God-eye tribe, the skeleton tribe and other tribes all took out the inside information.

Clang clang clang.

The size of the small island is not large, so many powerful treasures appeared at once, and they easily started to rub against each other, and bursts of crisp and booming metal collisions came out.

Just as Luo Hua's Star Tower rushed to the small island, an ancient castle surrounded by icy aura quickly hit from the side.

"Go away!" With a low shout, Luo Hua manipulated the Star Tower to hit it head-on without showing any weakness.


The Star Tower and the Ice Cliff Fort collided, producing a huge energy shock, causing the two Xeons to fly upside down.

Luo Hua's divine power gushed out crazily, quickly maintained the Star Tower, and then turned around and rushed towards the bluestone beads. At the same time, the five-color fire realm spread out, but the five-color flames had just spread to the edge of the bluestone beads, and the stars gathered in the sky like huge waves. Directly submerge the five-color flames.

"Field Xeon and Supreme Treasure?!" At this moment, the faces of several snatchers were ugly.

The Bee Stone Lord of the God-Eye Clan laughed loudly and said: "Comparing the background, who can compare with our God-Eye Clan, your efforts are destined to be wasted, the ancient inheritance belongs to my God-Eye Clan!"


As soon as the Lord of the Bee Stone finished speaking, two terrifying auras rose up, and a blue-purple light suddenly appeared on the left, directly sweeping away the stars, while the green vines on the right quickly suppressed the stars.

"Purple Moon Sacred Land, Thunder Clan, damn it!" The Bee Stone Lord roared, controlling the Ice Cliff Wind to quickly approach the bluestone bead under the impetus of the stars all over the sky.

And with the help of domain-like Xeons and Supreme Treasures, Ziyue Holy Land and Thunder Clan are also extremely fast.

The speed of Luo Hua, Xueyi clan, Jiu clan, Yanshou clan, Skeletal clan, etc. did not increase but decreased.


Around the lake of ice and fire.

The thirteen strongest men in the universe who watched this scene had different expressions.

"The Thunder Clan also possesses the most powerful and powerful domain-type treasures, which are hidden deep enough." Chijin Allah looked at Lei Zhu and said.

"It's just a fluke to get one, it's not as good as your God-eye family background." Lord Lei said modestly.

Except for the two true gods of the Purple Moon Holy Land, the other strongest in the universe, including the giant axe, couldn't help but frown, but there was nothing worried on their faces. Occupying a slight advantage is not enough to control the situation of the battle.


big big big.

A few seconds after the three domain-type Xeons appeared, the snatcher of the Jiu Clan frantically urged the Xeons on his body, and saw the icy wings spread and swell rapidly, covering the entire island in just a few seconds.

bang bang bang.

Countless metal feathers are like arrows, bombarding every snatcher on the island indiscriminately.

Ding ding ding.

Luo Hua stayed inside the Star Tower, when there was a metal impact outside, he didn't pay attention, but let Luo Feng's avatar of divine power control the Star Tower to grow rapidly, and then the tip of the tower slammed into the Ice Cliff Fort.

"Humans, court death!" The Lord of Bee Stone was furious, and controlled the stars in the sky to smash into the Star Tower one by one. The powerful impact made the Star Tower, which is millions of kilometers tall, fly upside down, but because the Star Tower is too big , flying backwards, it crashed into the bone throne of the Mu family and the statue of the ancient beast of the descendant lineage.

The Bone Throne and the Ancient Beast Statue also swelled wildly in the first place, and the impact of the Star Tower only caused the two Xeons to shake.

However, the Lord of Bone and Fire who manipulated the Throne of Bones and the statue of the ancient beast consumed their divine power rapidly. It was obvious that maintaining the most powerful treasures to withstand the impact had greatly consumed their divine power.

At this time, the scene was very chaotic.

The three domain-type Xeons and Supreme Treasures suppress each other, and the intersection and collision are where the bluestone beads are located. Other snatchers, such as the Dove Clan and the Snow Wing Clan, frantically use the Xeons and Supreme Treasures to stop the Ziyue Holy Land, the Thunder Clan, and the God-Eye Clan. Snatchers close to the junction.

In this case, the strength of the individual cannot be brought into play at all.

Luo Hua, who was staying in the Star Tower, looked calm. After his soul strength increased, his mysterious airflow could not only cover the divine body, but also cover the treasure in his hand, but covering the treasure consumes a lot of mysterious airflow.

Basically only use it once or twice.

So he is waiting.

Wait for the most critical moment before making a move to snatch it!


Boom boom boom.

The metal feathers were still bombarding non-stop, but the main target was the Purple Moon Holy Land.

The Snow Wing Clan and the Yan Beast clan joined forces to stop the Lei Clan.

The remaining Bone Throne of the Skeletal Clan and the Star Tower controlled by Luo Hua blocked the Ice Cliff Castle of the God-Eye Clan, making it impossible for them to get close to the bluestone beads.

For a while, the island fell into a stalemate.

However, in the past tens of seconds, the three snatchers of the Purple Moon Sacred Land, the Thunder Clan, and the God-Eye Clan have teamed up. They control the powerful and powerful domain-type treasures to continuously bombard the Throne of Bones, Star Tower, Metal Wings, Ancient Beast Statues, etc. Xeon Xeon.

Facing the siege of the three powerful and powerful treasures in the field, Luo Hua couldn't maintain the Star Tower at all, so he could only allow the Star Tower to be bombarded to the edge of the island.

The same is true for the throne of bones, metal wings, statues of ancient beasts, etc. They were bombarded out in just two or three seconds.

The remaining three snatchers from the God Eye Clan, the Purple Moon Holy Land, and the Thunder Clan took the opportunity to quickly approach the location of the bluestone bead.



"Chop Suey!"

The Lord of Bone and Fire and other snatchers roared and cursed one after another, and at the same time manipulated the Xeon to attack, but they knew that this kind of attack could only interfere, after all, they could not exert too much power of the Xeon to Xeno.

The same goes for Luo Hua, let Luo Feng control the Xeon Xeon to expand, and the spire almost instantly extends to the junction of the three domain-type Xeon Xeon.

At this moment, the three snatchers from the God Eye Clan, the Thunder Clan, and the Purple Moon Holy Land all took out the most powerful and precious weapons one after another, and their divine power also frantically covered the bluestone beads, and they fought together to fight for the slightest opportunity.

"Whether you can succeed or not depends on the mysterious airflow!" Luo Hua's eyes burst into light, and with a thought, the mysterious airflow surged out, quickly flew to the top of the tower, and then extended into a silk thread, passing through the barriers of three kinds of divine power, and quickly wrapped Live bluestone beads.

At the moment of wrapping.

Luo Hua's consciousness directly chose to shuttle.


The mysterious airflow condensed into a vortex, and the soul of consciousness entered the vortex together with the bluestone beads.

"Haha, success!!" Gary looked at the bluestone beads floating in front of his eyes, and smiled on his face.

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